Norman Barry
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- Bio
Norman Barry is a professor of Social and Political Theory at the University of Buckingham, UK.
Professor Dr. Barry is a political theorist with an interest in political economy and in the connections between politics, ethics and economics. A graduate of the University of Exeter, he lectured in Politics at Queen’s University of Belfast and at Birmingham Polytechnic (now the University of Central England) before being appointed as a Reader in Politics at the University of Buckingham in 1982.
His books include Hayek’s Social and Economic Philosophy (1979), An Introduction to Modern Political Theory (1981), The Morality of Business Enterprise (1991), Classical Liberalism in an Age of Post-Communism (1996) and Business Ethics (1998).
Norman Barry was awarded a Chair in Social and Political Theory at Buckingham in 1984. He has been a visiting scholar at the Centre for Social Philosophy and Policy, Bowling Green State University, Ohio, and at at the Liberty Fund, Indianapolis. He is a member of the Advisory Councils of the Institute of Economic Affairs, London; the Institute for the Study of Civil Society, London; and the David Hume Institute, Edinburgh.
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- 19 years 27 weeks