European Leaders Agree to Create Eurabia
From the desk of Fjordman on Wed, 2008-03-05 10:26
Bat Ye’or in her book about Eurabia documented how European leaders have for years been quietly planning to merge Europe with the Islamic world. This has been denounced as a “conspiracy theory.” Only a few months ago the British Foreign Minister David Miliband said openly that the European Union should expand to include the Muslim Middle East and North Africa. Now French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are saying virtually the same thing. The greatest betrayal in European history is fact, not fiction. And to think that many people supported Sarkozy because he should “halt” Islamization. Now he is speeding it up:
Merkel and Sarkozy Find ‘Club Med’ Compromise (Der Spiegel, 4 March 2008)
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced jointly that they had reached a compromise regarding Sarkozy’s proposed Mediterranean Union. At a press conference held jointly with Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel added that the ensuing outcome should be called the “Mediterranean Union” and that it “should be a project of all 27 (European Union) member countries.” Merkel was referring to her position that any deal to create a union with the Mediterranean states that border the European Union should be negotiated and drafted in conjunction with all EU member states – not just those that border the sea, as Sarkozy had initially proposed.
How was a project as big as the creation of Eurabia pulled off? I have thought a lot about this question, and come to the conclusion that it succeeded precisely because of its size. St. Augustine tells the story of a pirate captured by Alexander the Great. “How dare you molest the sea?” asked Alexander. “How dare you molest the whole world?” the pirate replied. “Because I do it with a little ship only, I am called a thief; you, doing it with a great navy, are called an emperor.” It’s a matter of scale. If a small group of people sideline the democratic process in one country and start imposing their own laws on the public, it’s called a coup d’état. If they do so on an entire continent, it’s called the European Union.
The European Union and the Islamization of Europe
The British Foreign Minister David Miliband in November 2007 stated that the European Union should work towards including Middle Eastern and North African countries. The EU involves the free movement of people across borders. If it expands to the Middle East, hundreds of millions of Muslims will have free access to Germany, Italy, France, Britain, Sweden and the Czech Republic. If Turkey becomes a member, it means that Greeks, Bulgarians and others who have fought against oppression by Ottoman Turks for centuries will now be flooded with Muslims from a rapidly re-Islamizing Turkey. The same goes for Poles, Hungarians, Romanians and others who fought against Muslims for centuries. Appeasement of Islam is so deeply immersed in the structural DNA of the EU that the only way to stop the Islamization of Europe is to dismantle the European Union. All of it.
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Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis Author: Bat Ye'Or,Bat Yeor ASIN: 083864077X |
Almulla Hospitality:Cliftonwood and Wings
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Sat, 2008-03-15 13:33.
More good news for the Eurabians:
Re: Eurabia
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Tue, 2008-03-11 23:11.
Europe,wake up and smell the coffee...
Wake up, before it is too late to prevent the creation of what will likely become Europe's Fat(w)a Morgana.
Black Rednecks
Submitted by drphilosopher on Fri, 2008-03-07 04:11.
I would recommend reading, "Black Rednecks and White Liberals," by Thomas Sowell. Basically, the problem with black culture in modern America has more to do with their exposure to white rednecks living in the southern United States and with Liberal identity politics than anything about black people per se. Redneck culture, btw, originated in the British Isles, though it has since died out there.
Submitted by ovalteen on Fri, 2008-03-07 15:04.
Basically, the problem with black culture in modern America has more to do with their exposure to white rednecks living in the southern United States and with Liberal identity politics than anything about black people per se.
Basically, that's a ludicrous variant on the liberal "Whitey's to blame for all black failings" line. What explains the problem with "black culture" in Zimbabwe? In South Africa? In Rwanda? Everywhere else blacks exist in large numbers? Black problems are largely to do with their lower average IQ and higher average psychopathy.
Redneck culture, btw, originated in the British Isles, though it has since died out there.
"Redneck" is a sneering term of abuse that would be called racist if it were directed at a non-white group. What's not died out in the British Isles is gangsta culture: the cretinous celebration of violence, misogyny and material possessions whose leading proponents are black. Here are some of them putting their skills to work:
Mary-Ann killers jailed for life
Six men* have been jailed for life for the kidnap, torture and murder of schoolgirl Mary-Ann Leneghan. The 16-year-old was raped and beaten before being stabbed to death in Reading, Berkshire, in May last year.
(*Five were black, one an Albanian Muslim illegal immigrant.)
Historically the United States has done an excellent job of assimilating its immigrants.
Historically its immigrants have been white and overwhelmingly Christian. As you'd expect, they were able to assimilate into a white Christian nation.
re: Assimilation
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Thu, 2008-03-06 23:40.
@ Armor
I'd be interested to read your views about the possible origins of the Melungeons.
@ ovalteen
Submitted by BollekeBoy on Thu, 2008-03-06 20:36.
There are cetainly differences between the immigration problems facing Europe and the US. The American immigration problem is two-fold. First there is the massive number of recent immigrants. Nobody knows for sure the exact number, but it is probably at least equal to the entire population of the Netherlands. Secondly there is the rather unforunate fact that almost all of them are illegal. However, there is reason for hope. Historically the United States has done an excellent job of assimilating its immigrants. In the past it usually took a generation or two, but it did work.
In Europe the so called 'youths' who burn the French suburbs and so forth are not really immigrants at all. They are French or Dutch or British citizens by birth and they are more radically Islamic than their parents or grandparents who first immigrated to Europe ever were. So it remains to be seen if America's current immigrants will assimilate, while Europe is experiencing a sort of reverse assimilation with its immigrant communities.
Submitted by Armor on Thu, 2008-03-06 22:40.
" In the past it usually took a generation or two, but it did work. "
No it did not work. Only Europeans have assimilated. That is because they were the same people. Deep down, a white American is much closer to an Englishman living in England than to an assimilated African American. In fact, the 40 million African Americans have not become assimilated. Their arrival in the hearts of American cities during the 20th century has led to massive white flight for security reasons. Even though they have been in America for centuries. It does not work better today: the sons of Mexican immigrants cause more violence than their parents. Anyway, European immigrants never caused the damage that third-world immigrants cause today. So, it didn't matter if they didn't assimilate. And even if first-generation European immigrants had been violent, it didn't matter much, as they came only in small numbers. The American population grew thanks to the American birth rate.
What you are defending is the theory that the main difference between people from different parts of the world is in their culture. In fact, it is in the genes. Besides, most people in the USA and in Europe are opposed to immigration. I think Europeans have a preference for the European physical type. It is absurd to say that looks count for nothing. I'd rather immigrants from the third-word did not marry Europeans.
Even if one believes in your theory of assimilation, it is hard to ignore that large parts of the western world have already been terribly damaged by immigration, and it is bound to get worse in the future, as immigration from Mexico, Africa, and other non-European places is now at a record level. According to your theory, if immigration is brought to a stop today, things will start getting back to normal in about 50 years (due to assimilation), when most commentators on this thread are dead. You are only offering (very misguided) hope for after our death.
Apart from that, from what I've read, immigrants to the USA seem to find it easier to get a job and to integrate economically.
Huh ? # 2
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Thu, 2008-03-06 11:43.
@ Armor
"Americans like to say they have Indian blood,but for some reason,it doesn't show in their looks".
Do you think that's why they called it a "melting pot"?
@ Stuart
"My wife is Asian,I am Scottish/Irish/Cherokee".
Assuming you and your wife are blessed with children,perhaps Armor pictures them in his minds eye with almond shaped eyes,red hair (sporting a 'Mohican' haircut?),with a penchant for porridge breakfasts and buffalo steaks and sticky rice for evening meal.
If Europe goes, we're done for
Submitted by Natalie on Thu, 2008-03-06 04:44.
Seriously... Europe doesn't seem to be putting up much of a fight. I really hope they get their act together. If Europe goes Islamic, the whole world will follow - that's my dire prediction. And I for one do not want to live in an Islamic world. Great essay as usual, Fjordman.
"European leaders have for
Submitted by Arty on Thu, 2008-03-06 03:33.
"European leaders have for years been quietly planning to merge Europe with the Islamic world."
The 3 stages of the acceptance of an idea are: first is to brand it as being ludicrous, the second is to admit it has some merit and the third is to claim it as your own.
Don't give European leaders too much credit. What's really happened is that Islamic leaders have for years been quietly planning to merge Europe with the Islamic world, and Europe's stupid leaders realize there isn't a fucking thing they can do about it except claim it as their own.
Armor: "Maybe Mexicans value
Submitted by Stuart on Thu, 2008-03-06 01:33.
Armor: "Maybe Mexicans value the arts more than Arabs do?"
Well, yes actually, they do. They value most other Western things too -- probably more than most Europeans do. Comparing Mexican migration to the US with Islamic migration to Europe is silly. Despite a few Reconquista nuts sequestered in the college campuses, Mexicans come here for the same reasons my ancestors came here -- more freedom and more opportunity. The comments to my post seem to view America as "white" and Mexicans as some non-white interlopers. My wife is Asian, I am Scottish/Irish/Cherokee and our ancestors became Americans quite easily because they wanted to, just as most all Mexicans who come here want to. On other posts at this site I see comments saying in effect that "the American birthrate is really almost as low as Europe's if you don't count people of Mexican ancestry". That's not really true to begin with, but why on Earth would we not count them? They are here and are American or becoming so. Sure there are bumps in the road to becoming American, but it was just as much of a problem with Germans, Irish, Italians, etc when they came here. Europe has a very different situation with Muslims in Europe though, and I suggest it open itself up to immigration from Latin America and the Far East. Then at least Paris could finally have a decent Mexican restaurant.
Paganini: "So stuart what do you suggest us to do?"
Here are two options on what to do:
Option 1: Get some guns. Your elites will be less brazen in pushing you around. Where else does power come from?
Option 2: Just keep saying "America is in the same boat", and have your Muslim nurse turn up the morphine drip.
Ovalteen: "I wouldn't gloat too much over Europe's demise"
I'm not gloating over the situation in Europe, I'm weeping. You can't compare an agreement to lessen tariffs (NAFTA) with one that destroys national identity (the EU).
Reply to Stuart
Submitted by ovalteen on Thu, 2008-03-06 16:56.
**Ovalteen: "I wouldn't gloat too much over Europe's demise"
I'm not gloating over the situation in Europe, I'm weeping. You can't compare an agreement to lessen tariffs (NAFTA) with one that destroys national identity (the EU).**
You sounded as tho' you were gloating. NAFTA is a stage in a process: the destruction of national identity doesn't take place overnight.
**Well, yes actually, they do. They value most other Western things too -- probably more than most Europeans do. Comparing Mexican migration to the US with Islamic migration to Europe is silly.**
You sound like a neo-con. If you want to know what Mexicans will create in the US, look at Mexico. Only it will be worse, because it's not the best Mexicans who are emigrating. Nor are Mexicans the only immigrants into the US.
**Despite a few Reconquista nuts sequestered in the college campuses, Mexicans come here for the same reasons my ancestors came here -- more freedom and more opportunity.**
Standard neo-con/liberal pro-immigration line. You ought to look at what's actually going on rather than repeating the media's propaganda. Muslims entered Europe for "more freedom and more opportunity", i.e. they didn't come to benefit us but to benefit themselves. The more of them there are here, the more they re-create the conditions they left at home. The same applies to Mexicans. There's also the question of whether immigration should be decided entirely by what immigrants want. Some old-fashioned believers in democracy think natives should have a say too.
**The comments to my post seem to view America as "white"...**
But that's racist! How can one say America is "white" just because it is? The fact that you put "white" into quotes reveals how brainwashed you are.
**and Mexicans as some non-white interlopers.**
They are partly non-white and they're certainly not northern European white.
**My wife is Asian, I am Scottish/Irish/Cherokee**
It's not surprising that many white Americans claim to have Indian ancestry. It would be surprising if all of them were correct. Correct or not, they're able to absolve themselves of horrid, hateful things like racism, xenophobia and common sense.
**and our ancestors became Americans quite easily because they wanted to, just as most all Mexicans who come here want to.**
Again, standard neo-con/liberal pro-immigration line. Even if one grants that Mexicans want to become American -- which isn't true -- it takes more than will to succeed. I recommend
The SPLC recommend it too: it's been labelled a "hate site" by them, i.e. it's more interested in reality than in politically correct fantasy.
He is quite right when he
Submitted by elephanthead on Thu, 2008-03-06 05:05.
He is quite right when he mentions that we Americans are not gloating. The culture I grew up in was derived from western European civilization and to see it circling the drain is depressing, especially since trends seem to come here from Europe. It's sad because I see a continent being sold down the river by a small circle of bureaucrat/oligarchs who answer to no one, really.
When Stuart mentioned getting some guns, I know many of you roll your eyes and mutter how crazy we are. Stuart is absolutely correct in that. An armed (and angry) populace is not to be taken lightly. We have maintained what liberty we have by reminding our elected officials that we have the means to fight back. Deep down in your hearts you remember how to do it - ancestral memory -
Tours, Agincourt, Waterloo, Verdun, the Somme, Algeria. Ring a bell, guys?
Submitted by Armor on Thu, 2008-03-06 14:55.
elephanthead: "Tours, Agincourt, Waterloo, Verdun, the Somme"
And what about the Alamo? You should remember the Alamo, which is a symbol of American resistance, rather than the Cinco de Mayo, which celebrates a Mexican victory over the French.
Verdun and the Somme are nothing to be proud of, it was a suicidal war.
" especially since trends seem to come here from Europe "
Each side of the Atlantic thinks the problem comes from the other side.
The theme "we are a nation of immigrants" is mainly American and has been hijacked by people who support mass immigration from other places than Europe. As a result, human society is being replaced by a big global supermarket. And I think the ideology of free trade, of which the US is a champion, goes well with that of mass immigration. No barriers for goods or people !
The US government no longer protects local differences and the idea that small is beautiful. Instead, the idea is that bigger is better. For example, 1 billion people of mixed origins is better than just having 100 million mostly European Americans. The mayor of my town has the same philosophy. I'm not sure where the virus comes from.
people replacement
Submitted by Armor on Thu, 2008-03-06 03:47.
Stuart: " Mexicans come here for the same reasons my ancestors came here -- more freedom and more opportunity."
Unlike your ancestors, many Mexicans simply come for the welfare money! What made America a success was European people. What made Mexico a lesser success was Mexicans. The important thing is the people, not the land, not even the American constitution. If every Mexican moved to the United States and every American moved to Mexico, the new successful country would be Mexico.
" but why on Earth would we not count them? They are here and are American or becoming so."
If you send them back, they won't be around any longer. Mexican immigrants are not becoming American. Rather, Americans and Mexicans (and other people) are joining together to create something else that will have little to do with yesterday's America. Since white people are going to be only a small part of the new mix, your country will no longer be American. The average IQ is now going down. It will have consequences on the economy, cultural life, politeness, and the crime rate. In spite of intermarriage, racial groups won't disappear overnight. White Americans will still be around for some time, but the country will no longer belong to them. They will feel less and less at home in the dominant culture. They will no longer have a future as a group, they probably won't be allowed to show any racial solidarity with the white lower classes, and there will be a lot of racial friction. Life will be tough!
It is natural for white people to want to be succeeded in their own countries by their own children, and there is no reason Americans should feel any interest for the non-whites who will be living in North-America in 200 years if immigrants are not expelled now.
" I am Scottish/Irish/Cherokee"
Americans like to say they have Indian blood, but for some reason, it doesn't show in their looks.
" and our ancestors became Americans"
Your European ancestors became European Americans. It is no big feat. But you may have noticed that African Americans have not become like you, and you have not become like them.
@ Schaveiger
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Wed, 2008-03-05 23:39.
"Christianity has much more assets for the western world than the primitive Islam".
Bat Ye'Or would agree with you.
Submitted by Paganini on Wed, 2008-03-05 19:07.
"You Europeans are like terminal patients who have given up hope. You have no children anymore to live for, and no God to answer to."
So stuart what do you suggest us to do ? Forget god and children: the real reason why all this is happening is that we have a perfide elite in politics (and colloborating media) that has slowly given away our freedoms and souverenity to the EU. We can vote what we want: it does not help because they don't need our approval anymore, they just do what they want & don't care anyway. No politician can be trusted, even Sarko Bimbo the dwarf turned out to be a treacherous piece of shit. Political murder seems the only thing left but would you do that ?
Pim Fortuyn was the last one to be trusted and he is killed.
Submitted by achille on Fri, 2008-03-07 23:17.
"Forget God and children"....No way!
In other words one could say that WESTERN Europe gave up CULTURE,FAITH, HOPE and WISDOM those reallities walking together which made its strength and civilization.
There are no other "real reason" which precisely explain that we have a perfide political elite...
The problem is larger and don't concern only our political elites but also our new so-called "cultural elites" marked by relativism and nihilism after the failure of the "great" secular ideology of the last centuries
same boat
Submitted by Armor on Wed, 2008-03-05 19:20.
Stuart: " The collapse of Europe "
Europe and North America are in similar boats. The Whites will become a minority in America before they become a minority in Europe. Maybe Mexicans value the arts more than Arabs do? I don't think it really matters.
Paganini: "has slowly given away our freedoms and souverenity to the EU "
I think the immigration policy has been carried out by our European governments independantly from the EU.
Europeans: "Just let us die in peace"
Submitted by Stuart on Wed, 2008-03-05 18:42.
You Europeans are like terminal patients who have given up hope. You have no children anymore to live for, and no God to answer to. Thus, you are a dying culture and your future is gone.
The one emotion a hopeless terminal patient can summon is the anger and resentment at the young enthusiastic doctor who comes and tells him to try and get better, live a life and be thankful for it, have kids and be well. He'd rather let the primitive thieves who have always been at his door come in and pick through his belongings.
The collapse of Europe is the most cataclysmic event in world history. The tipping point was reached years ago and your culture must now be referred to in the past tense.
Before you die, and those thieves take and destroy all your treasures, can we Americans purchase the contents of your Louvre, Prado, Hermitage and Vatican museums? I suppose that’s a crass American request, but it will buy you a few more drips off the morphine bag, and for our future we need to remember how great you once were.
Re: Europeans: "Just let us die in peace"
Submitted by ovalteen on Wed, 2008-03-05 19:07.
Stuart -- I wouldn't gloat too much over Europe's demise, à la the neo-con Mark Steyn. The same kind of people are in charge of the US and your future isn't looking any rosier than ours. Your "God" is a cross between Mammon and YHWH, neither of whom has any interest in preserving Christianity or the European majority in the US. And you just have to look at NAFTA to see that traitors like Bush have an American version of Eurabia lined up and ready to go.
Submitted by Armor on Wed, 2008-03-05 14:06.
Der Spiegel, 4 March 2008 - another excerpt from the same article:
"Merkel added that the ensuing outcome should be called the "Mediterranean Union" and that it "should be a project of all 27 (European Union) member countries." (...) The leaders did not, however, outline any specific details. Sarkozy said they didn't want to take the EU spotlight away from Slovenia"
They are planning a Mediterranean Union, but they want to keep it a surprise?
It sounds like a joke !
Fjordman: "David Miliband said openly that the European Union should expand to include the Muslim Middle East and North Africa."
In France, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (now head of the IMF) says the same thing. I suppose this is because part of his family comes from Northern-Africa, which is also true of Sarkozy.
I wish we had a list of all the politicians who support the idea of accepting Northern Africa and the Middle East into the EU.
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Wed, 2008-03-05 13:59.
I believe Bat Ye'Or lives in Switzerland so her neighbours are Europeans.
@ Atlanticist911
Submitted by Schaveiger on Wed, 2008-03-05 17:12.
I didn't check her living place but you'll understand which neighbours I've in mind.
No fear for Islamization !
Submitted by Schaveiger on Wed, 2008-03-05 13:36.
I don't think that the Christian's will surrender that easily to the Islam. Both their beliefs (if one could name it like this) are their commercial basics and Christianity has much more assets for the western world than the primitive Islam.
Bat Ye'Or should better have a closer look to the relations with his neighbours rather than criticize the EU's policy.
People's Socialist Republic of Eurabia
Submitted by ovalteen on Wed, 2008-03-05 13:02.
"Divide and conquer" is the policy at work. They're trying to create an empire like the old Soviet Union, which was divided by race and religion but held together by authoritarian Marxism. Look at the background of some of the leading figures. Miliband is the son of a Marxist "philosopher" called Ralph Miliband. His colleague Peter Mandelson, one of the UK's Euro-Commissioners, was a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain:
Interviewed by writer and broadcaster David Aaronovitch, the former Northern Ireland Secretary even felt free to joke about his relationship with Tony Blair. Mandelson's one-time, if brief membership of the Young Communists is well-known but only now has he publicly revealed his motives for joining.
Aaronovitch is also an "ex-communist" and is one of New Labour's leading propagandists. These people have no loyalty to Christian Europe and its peoples and no respect for democracy. Islam is the battering ram they're using to smash down the old order.