Fiscal Nazism

A quote from Dan Mitchell at the Market Center Blog, 21 February 2008

In a remarkable display of fiscal imperialism, the German government sent spies into Liechtenstein and bribed a bank employee to provide confidential records about German account holders. […] This story is troubling on many levels, particularly given Germany's ugly history of oppression. In the 1930s, Germany had draconian laws to deter citizens from having money outside the country and - like today - it trampled on the sovereignty of its neighbors to get information (see
for more information). Indeed, snooping by the Nazis was the main reason that Switzerland substantially strengthened its privacy laws in the 1930s.

"We've heard that one before."

"We've heard that one before." 

Who, out of a folk consisting of whiners and pacifists, should attack anyone today? A country which isn't even able to fight in Afghanistan's south because it's frightend of dead soldiers? Doesn't look to me like Germany will attack anybody in the next decades.

Ho ho!

And surely there won't be any German tanks attacking another country, in order to get money back or for any other reason.

We've heard that one before. 


Germans will be Germans

 "Germans will be Germans"

If you look at the facts, this isn't true when it comes to National-Socialism.

But it is true, that in Germany you have different minority-groups which are seen as "evil" by the mainstream public. In the years before and during the National-Socialistic Regime it were the Jews (which were often rich).
Today the new "evil" group in Germany are just the rich, no matter of what religion.

So if it goes against "the rich" or the "managers", in Germany you have not only the mainstream public behind you, but also the Media, which are mainly controlled by socialistic journalists.

So it's right to say Germans will be Germans when it comes to envying other people's wealth.

But at least it's not as bad, as it was 70 years ago. Yet. This time even the average German started to think about the Government paying criminal people to get information. And some even understand "the rich", who put their money to a foreign country, because the last Socialistic/Green Government cancelled the "Bankgeheimnis" (Bank Privacy Law) in Germany, so that Tax-People know everything about your financial situation. This part is even not liked by the average German.

However there is still an accountable number of Germans, who don't think that  breaking another country's law is the right way to go. And surely there won't be any German tanks attacking another country, in order to get money back or for any other reason.