Fictional slavery stories

@ Amsterdamsky


If that’s what you want then all you need is to rally a couple hundred goons with ax handles, the model works for them.


Excerpted from an article by Richard Littlejohn:


"The BBC likes to boast about the gritty reality of its dramas.But if that were the case,they'd have stuck with the original script...The simple fact is that the BBC,like the police,like the CPS and so many other of our public institutions,is scared to death of upsetting Muslims"


Title: Truth is the first casualty at the BBC


NB If the link doesn't work,please take the trouble to google it.


Google: "Truth first casualty BBC Littlejohn". 

The Great BBC Scam

from umlat:"

*around 200 Euro/year, so 150 Euro for PC TV from every set owner, not bad at all"


That still just boggles my mind.  BBC news is something like 10 times the size of CNN.  Still I prefer my for-profit Discovery network to just about anything on BBC.

Puts that...

...mandatory TV licence which accounts for 75% of BBC income in perspective* 
On the positive side, maybe Animal Rights Activists will slaughter quite some dogs during fictional attack.
This could go a long way towards making it up with carbon-based life forms of unkown faith (a nod to Mr. Brown here).

*around 200 Euro/year, so 150 Euro for PC TV from every set owner, not bad at all

Re: Slavery

"Maybe they should stop doing fictional slavery stories to not offend whites".


If they ever had the balls to produce a non-fictional programme about the slave trade,that would offend Muslims,too!


Animal rights activist stigmatisation just suits me fine. Antiglobalists, good idea too, for the next bomb. Or a cuckooing Greanpeecer, fine. A global warming activist, or a gang composed of all the above, waw!

If they then let the victims all be muslims, then the skins have something to laugh about too, all this having the advantage of being quite politically correct.