Cherchez la Femme: Ségolène Royal vs Bernadette Chirac

On Thursday night the French Socialists appointed Ségolène Royal, the 53-year old wife (or rather the “civil partner”) of party chairman François Hollande, as their candidate for the presidential elections next March. Royal, a mother of four, received the support of 60.62% of the party members who participated in the vote (82% of the total membership), despite the opposition of the misogynous party apparatus.

Royal unexpectedly quickly became a star in the party of her husband (or rather her “civil partner”), who until early last year was considered to be a potential candidate for the French presidency. While Hollande is a stiff and uncharismatic orthodox Socialist, Royal is glamorous and offers a mix of left and right populism. She is from a right-wing family of army officers (one brother worked for the French military intelligence and bombed the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior in 1985, killing one of its passengers; some of her cousins are active in the Front National party). She is taking a tough position on crime, but at the same time has announced leftist economic policies which will “frighten the capitalists” and necessitate an increase in government spending of 32%. She also calls for European opposition to “the American hyperpower.”

Meanwhile the current center-right French President, Jack Chirac, feels vindicated by the American mid-term elections in his opposition to George Bush’s Iraq policies. Chirac supports a proposal from the Socialist governments in Spain and Italy for a peace plan for the Middle-East, arguing that the European Union should assume the role of the key actor in brokering peace in the region, given President Bush’s weakened domestic situation and the situation in Iraq.

Chirac seems so invigorated by current international and domestic events that he may even be contemplating running for a third term. His wife, First Lady Bernadette Chirac, told the French press that a five-year term is “very short.” When asked whether her husband would take up his seat at the Constitutional Council, as all ex-Presidents are entitled to do, she said “In five years! Do you hear me? In five years’ time.”

I hope Sarko runs and wins

Sarko seems like a good candidate, who will try to bring France into the 20th Century. Chirac hates him for running against his Daphne and surrogate son, de Villepin. Chirac will begin to stab Sarko in the back soon. If Chirac stays in office, he can’t face the legal problems he has following him.

What Century Zen?

Zen Master said: "Sarko seems like a good candidate, who will try to bring France into the 20th Century."

Well since we are already in the 21st Century, I guess that is not much of an endorsement for Sarko!!! ;) Or France has a lot of catching up to do!!!!

Well that at least beats what the Muslims want to do and that is put us back in the 7th Century.

Talk is cheap

I love this trash talk from the french about the U.S.. Being envyous of the Americans is all that a second world country like france can do. Do they really think that france can be a balence to the U.S.. france is nothing on the world power scene and is loosing ground every day. Countrys like china and japan are much more important and then the whole E U next. A military looser like france cant even take on Zambia and win. OOOH but they are real tuff at the U.N. arent they, they can block everything the U.S. proposes. They are real bad asses when paperwork is involved. Is that new communist royal president chick going to wear a BERKA when the muslims take over in france? Those muslims are going to do a number on france arent they. you think burning a hundred cars a nite is bad , you aint seen nothing yet. When they out populate the white french in 25 years they will install Islamic shirea law. No more wine ,women or song for those poor frogs. Oh ya have you seen the trouble french airbus is having with that white elephant the A380. About 8 billion euros loss and counting.Many orders are being canceld because of delays due to bad design and production problems. Boeing (American) is kicking air buses butt.Tiwan just canceld an order of 5 A380s and purchaced 12 boeing 777s. That new 787 dream liner will make all A320 series obsolete. Air bus is going down hard WAA hA HA HA ! (Air Bust) Silly french you should learn to stay in the little country play box. Your a second rate has been of a country. America did better when dealing with the french royals louis the 16th before you messed that up to. We need to revoke your permanant seat at the U.N. and give it to a relivent country.

A military looser like

A military looser like france cant even take on Zambia

Why is France attacking a British Commonwealth state ?


Hi Paul,

just the other day I had the same idea. If Chirac will be candidate again for being president, he will be third runner. And the choice will be Le Pen or Royal. But this time not 7x against 2x like it was the last time. But rather something like 5x against 4x.

And if the socialists as expected are not able to solve the french problems, in 2012 it will be who ever follows Le Pen.

Royal: France's next president

A prediction: If Chirac, who is a political serial killer, succeeds in destroying Sarkozy's bid for the presidency (as Chirac seems intend on doing) the second round of the elections will be fought between Royal and Le Pen, and Royal will become France's next president.