On the Fall of the Wall, US Elections and Guatemalan Birth Rates


I have not been posting much this week since I was attending the general meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society in Guatemala City. Today (it is still 9 November here) is the 17th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. We just heard a speech by former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, who brought homage to Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Pope John Paul the Great, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and others and asked us never to forget the millions of victims of communism. Aznar also said that “today’s threat is no longer Soviet missiles. The threat is terrorism.” He added that “Islamic terrorists consider our democracy and freedom to be unbearable” and that policies of appeasement do not work: “Appeasement will not work against Islamic terrorism. We must not forget this lesson,” he said.

I wonder what the position of the Spanish government would be today if Aznar were still Prime Minister of Spain. He did not refer to last Tuesday’s American elections in his speech, but would he be worried? I have expressed concern that a victory of the Democrats in the U.S. might have very serious consequences, especially in Europe, if this leads to a withdrawal of the US Army from Iraq. Most Europeans are satisfied that the Pelosi band won, but if Iraq ends in a debacle for the U.S. this will seal the fate of Europe.

The reason why so many Europeans are pleased with the Democratic victory is because they see it as a vindication of their own anti-Americanism. Some Europeans will deny this, and say that they are not at all anti-American – just anti-Bush or anti-neocon. It this were true one might just as well argue that the reason why the regimes in Iran and Syria are pleased with the outcome of the American elections has nothing to do with anti-Americanism but only with feelings of antipathy towards the Bush administration. I do not buy that argument. Anti-American feelings are growing in Europe. I think these feelings will exacerbate in the coming years for three reasons, all of which have to do with the current crisis in Europe:
(1) Its welfare states are on the brink of implosion;
(2) Its moral and legal order is collapsing, while the influence of radical Islam is growing;
(3) Its nation-states are falling apart.

Before coming to Guatemala I spent over two weeks in the U.S., where I could feel the exasperation with Europe – and the growing anti-Europeanism. One university professor told me that the Americans made a mistake when they dropped two atomic bombs on Japan during WWII, because they should have dropped them on Europe. He was only half joking and made it quite clear that America would never again come to the rescue of Europe. He is closely involved with one of the think tanks related to the White House. He told me (and I believe him because I heard a similar observation from someone working for the administration) that America’s leading politicians, despite words to the opposite, have also given up on Europe. To be honest, I find this quite understandable. It would, however, help if they were to concede this publicly, because only the shock of realizing that they are on their own and will have to rely on themselves instead of on America will persuade the Europeans to pull their act together.

Meanwhile the thing that strikes me most in Guatemala is the abundance of children. The average fertility rate is 4.4 births per woman, compared to 1.1 among non-immigrant Europeans in Europe. Some Guatemalans complain that the birth rate in their country is a problem, but I do not think so. On this issue I agree with the late Julian Simon who argued that people are “the ultimate resource,” they are a country’s greatest wealth. Europe’s birth dearth is the root cause of its problems.

Appeasement #3




The war in Afghanistan, and more generally the 'long war' with radical islam, is still in its early days. And, if history is any guide, the 'new Taliban' will be back in power in Kabul before too long.  That is, assuming that the Pakistanis and the Indians do not 'nuke' each other before then.


 But, you have a point that a serious debate is needed about tactics and strategy, in Irak and elsewhere in the ongoing 'long war' with radical islam.  Such a debate is ongoing among serious grownups.  For most, however, it seems that infantile Bush-bashing urges and fairytales stand in the way.

Appeasement #2

@ Doney


You start off with the grandiose title of "appeasement", but you turn out to have absolutely nothing to say on the subject.  Instead, you jump on the facile bandwagon of Bush-bashing.  Blimey(!!), what is it with 'conservative' Brits these days!  You sound as confused as your compatriot 'Voyager'.

So, you buy into this fantasy of "mainstream muslims" who are supposed to be separated from their "maniacs".  That's exactly what Bush did, since he too frequently opined about a religion that had supposedly been hijacked by "maniacs".  I wonder if either Bush or you has ever watched Al-Jazeera, or read about what one can find daily in "mainstream" Arab newspapers and 'schools'.  But, I grant you, the government of Iran is definitely "mainstream" in the muslim world, at least the shiite one (which, some claim, is more "moderate" than the sunni one).

And, you buy this nonsense of "mainstream" muslims being "pleased" with the overthrow of the Taliban.  That shows how little you know about the muslim world.  But, again, I grant you that some muslims in the 'west' could be ashamed about the Taliban.  That doesn't mean that they are genuinely "pleased" by westerners fighting back.  After all, if they were happy about the overthrow of Mullah Omar, why should the suicidal behavior of 'Irakis' make them feel less "sympathy" for the overthrow of the Taliban?  What kind of "mainstream" is this that you believe in!   


Nice try...

.....but no go.

@ CatherineNY

The subject (between us) was 'why Aznar is out of power', not that 'war is hell'.   You mistakenly claimed that Aznar was out of power because he supposedly "lied".  Then, you shifted to a new rationale and claimed that he is out of power because the war was "unpopular".  The opinion polls 3 or 4 days before the Madrid bombings contradicted that assertion of yours.  Since you cannot get around that 'fact', you now shift the subject to the 'general undesirability of war'.  Who is going to disagree with that?  Certainly not me.  

Is it really so difficult to revise wrong-headed opinions that you have to resort constantly to shifting the goal-posts?  An honest debate is something very different.

On the general undesirability of war we can all agree.  That is a gratuitous comment or sentiment.  Democracies certainly (historically) never go to war against other democracies.  That should tell you that war - while in general undesirable - is sometimes unavoidable or less bad than the unpleasant alternative.  The reason why you could visit the museum at the Hotel des Invalides is because Americans fought a very bloody war to free Europe.  And that war had become inevitable, and was infinitely more bloody, precisely because it had been preceeded by a decade of appeasement (the manifest character fault in the contemporary west-European character that you deny, against clear historical evidence).  

My conclusion is that museums can become useless, even negative, if people forget their history - or worse, if they consciously distort it. I doubt your claim that the New York Times is not your newspaper, since you sound very much like its editorial board.


@ CatherineNY

Thank you for thoughtful comments. Nevertheless, they do not make sense to me.

1) Earlier you said that Aznar is out of power because he "lied".  I disputed that.  There is no way you can know that he knew "immediately" who was responsible for the bombings.  You have to put things in the Spanish context. Basque bombings have a very long tradition in Spain, jihadist bombings did not.  I repeat that I believe that Aznar's speculation was politically-motivated, and sure the war was unpopular (how could it be otherwise?), but this does not equate to a "lie". 

2) The previous point has become moot, since you now claim that he is out of power because the war was unpopular.  I dispute that too. The opinion polls showed clearly that Aznar was substantially ahead until.....the jihadi bombings!   Al Qaeda & Co had very clearly announced their intention to punish those European allies that had joined the coalition to free Iraq from the Baathist (Arab nazism) tyranny.  And they cleverly timed their deeds in function of the Spanish election schedule.    My conclusion: Al Qaeda is right in its estimation that the Spanish voters could be intimitated.  Because they were.   Thus, Aznar is out of power, not because he "lied ", but because appeasement is a deep character flaw in the current European character.  And it will ultimately bear the same fruit as in the past.

3) Contrary to what you think, people generally can "see" very well why "we wanted a change in foreign policy".  However, the word "change" can mean anything.  Unless it gets more clearly defined and specified, it becomes pretty meaningless.  Clamoring simply for "change" alone is the hallmark of facile minds.   

Dear marcfrans...

Again, thanks for taking the time to reply to my remarks. I don't agree that "appeasement is a deep character flaw in the current European character". I think that an effort to find peaceful solutions, and to avoid a rush to war, is far from a character flaw. Last week, I toured the war museum in the Hotel des Invalides, and was struck anew by the terrible suffering that war has inflicted on Europe. Blessed be the peacemakers, indeed. We Americans used to be very hesitant to engage in war. I hope that that "flaw" in our national character will once again come to the fore.

Sitting back as enemy strengthens and murders is no virtue

Dear CatherineNY:

You stated, "I think that an effort to find peaceful solutions, and to avoid a rush to war, is far from a character flaw"

You operate under a falsehood that we have a choice whether or not to go to war. We are in a war already. A war we did not ask for, but a war none the less. You don't have a choice in this war other than fight or submit. War has already been declared against you and the U.S. Peace is not an option; peace is just an excuse by those like you to avoid facing the reality in this world that Islam, a tyrannical religious and political ideology, is hell bent on domination.

In WWII our "virtue" of hesitancy to engage in war and appeasing Hitler, allowed many more millions to die. In the meantime, Hitler was able to consolidate power and establish his defenses.

You want to make peace with the devil, but the devil does not want to make peace with you.


Of course you have a choice about whether to fight a war. To say you have to fight the evil that is Islam is ridiculously simplistic. You (we) have to fight some of the maniacs who profess Islam, and it will be a lot easier if those maniacs are separated off from the mainstream of Muslims who don't want war, but who are not going to roll over if they are threatened.

Blimey, even Bush himself now admits he's been an idiot. He sacrificed any goodwill for the overthrow of the Taliban (yes, a lot of Muslims were very pleased they were overthrown) with his half-arsed invasion of Iraq.

If you're going to invade someone's country, at least do it properly. You need a million men and a civilian population that understands that tens of thousands of them are coming home in the black bags. Otherwise you end up with the cockamamie situation we're in now in Iraq.

Bob Doney

Hatred of America by much of the E.U.

Many Americans are disgusted with the anti- American attitude coming from Europe. To get a current view of the European thinking, just read the official E. U. blog, Euobserver. It is full of anti- American views. They ignore the many problems facing all E. U. member countries and they focus their anger at the US. They have endless articles about; the claimed CIA prisons and claimed CIA rendition flights that might have refueled in Europe.

Just imagine the ‘terror’ of having a CIA plane land on a European airport to take on a few tons of jet fuel and fly on with a terrorist on board.

They think that putting ‘panties’ over the head of a prisoner is worse than hacking off the head of a live Infidel in Iraq. The one fact that is easy to see is, they hate America and our attempt to fight terrorism offends them.

The French are the leaders of the anti- American attacks. I am one of the millions of Americans who will not support the loss of one American service member to save the French from any ‘civil war’ they might have. It is time the Europeans learned that ‘what goes around comes around.’  I remember the French telling the Turks that if they allowed the American military to have access to the Turkish- Iraq border, they would block Turkish membership in the E. U..

These are American allies or American enemies?  It’s time we more carefully defined who are our allies.

It is past time for Europe to notice what is happening around them. 


So all this facts about the overpopulation of the world, making it running out of natural recourses and warming up of the earth because of the massive energy needs; all those are just nonsense for you guys. Because in some ancient book there was mentioned “Go and multiply” We should stop al thinking, deny the obvious, and continue our self-destructive multiplication in blind faith and adoration of God Almighty. Let’s sponsor NASA. We’re in a bad need of an other planet.

Overpopulation - peter vanderheyden

Dear peter vanderheyden:

I'm reading a good book, which I have yet to finish, which touches on the subject of population, "overpopulation", and/or demograhics.

I think you might find the book very interesting. It is by Mark Steyn entitled, "America Alone".

He reports statistics that Europe's popluation is in such decline that it will not be able to sustain itself and its statist policies. He also discusses the impact of the Islamic invasion on said demographics.

Interesting read.


"He also discusses the impact of the Islamic invasion on said demographics."

Does he also mention the Christian invasion, the Hindu invasion, the Buddhist invasion, the animist invasion, the pagan invasion, the Sikh invasion, the agnostic invasion, the atheist invasion, the Tao invasion and the Confucian invasion?

And does he break down the Muslim invasion into invading doctors, invading teachers, invading computer programmers, invading lawyers, invading housewives, invading grannies, invading scientists, invading authors, invading pharmacists, invading packers, invading bus drivers, invading porters, invading cleaners, invading television presenters, invading students, invading shopkeepers, invading postmasters and postmistresses, invading nurses, invading members of Her Majesty's forces, invading policemen and women, invading politicians and invading children? Or does he sort of lump them all together demographically speaking?

Bob Doney


Dear Bob:

You stated, "Does he also mention the Christian invasion, the Hindu invasion, the Buddhist invasion, the animist invasion, the pagan invasion, the Sikh invasion, the agnostic invasion, the atheist invasion, the Tao invasion and the Confucian invasion?"

No he did not for they are a figment of your imagination and is not the peril facing Europe at this time. Also Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, animists, pagans, Sikhs, agnostics, athesits, Taoists, and Confucists are not declaring JIHAD and Domination. Nor are they beheading people. Nor are they blowing up buildings, planes, and flying planes into skyscrapers.

Your comparison is just a ludicrous red herring.

Islamic Jihadists have killed more people in the name of their false God in the last 6 months, then so-called "Christians" did in a whole CENTURY of the Inquisition. See http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/

And there is no need to break them down into various occupations for they all worship from the SAME BOOK, i.e. the Quran, which advocates death, destruction, imposition of an Islamic totalitarian government and Sharia law along with killing infidels, Jews, and Christians. Of course, if you are a good dhimmi Bob and you may be since you wish to be their apologist, then you just pay a burdonsome tax as a second class dog.

Bob, unless you are a Muslim, I will never understand then why a man like you would defend a totalitarian religious and political ideology like Islam. It is fascism.

Perhaps you just wish to appease them like those before you did Hitler. Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy when you do? If you loved Mein Kampf, then you must really love the Quran or did you even bother to read it?

I bet not...which explains alot. Otherwise, you have no excuse for being an apologist for evil.

See also "Islamic Threat" to Europe at http://www.homelandsecurityus.com/site/modules/news/article.php?storyid=719

Maybe you ought to ask your self why



Maybe you ought to ask your self why


France is ready to attack Israeli planes when they fly over Lebanon...while they sit and watch Hizbollah dig more trenches and drive by in trucks loaded down with weapons.


Maybe you ought to ask your self why


Hamas is allowed to shoot rockets everyday into Israel and NEVER challenged to stop by Europe or the UN? 


Maybe you ought to ask your self why


Hamas is dressing up their 2 year olds with suicide bomb belts?

Maybe you ought to ask your self why


You don't notice the double standards?


Perhaps it is because you are too busy fitting out a suicide belt of your own.



Robin Williams



Someone sent it to me in an email, who sent it to him in an email, etc.


I didn't include the subtext after the Title.....


(Robin Williams, wearing a shirt that says "I love New York" in Arabic.)

Kosovo was a civil war

People posting on this site repeatedly insist that America will not be dragged into any civil wars in Europe, to which I must keep responding:  what was the campaign in Kosovo if not an example of America being dragged into a European civil war?

@Frank Lee

Kosovo? Give me a break. We dropped a few bombs and let the UN peacekeepers handle the ground. That's Bill Clinton's way of waging war.

Try again.

Two things 2

@ CatherineNY

 1) What makes you so sure that Aznar "lied"?  How could he have known in 1 or 2 days who was responsible for the train bombings?  His initial 'speculation' might have been politically motivated - which politician doesn't do that? - but how could he know at that point with certainty that he was "lying"?  It is not because the naive-left media keeps repeating the same mantras ("Bush lied", "Aznar lied"....) that you should be parroting them.    If Aznar is no longer prime minister it is NOT because he "lied", but it is because the radical islamists said (in so many words) to the Spanish people "jump, or else", and...they jumped!   

2)  People respond differently to "jokes". That's OK.  But the joke of 1 'unusual' professor ( let's admit that he/she must be out of the ordinary) CANNOT be the reason why "people wonder why Americans voted the way they did".   In any case, why do you care about "people" wondering?  Do you think the Spanish care about Americans "wondering" about why the Spanish vote the way they do?   You may claim to be "conservative", but (as a New Yorker?) you seem clearly afflicted by a heavy dose of naive-lefty perverse selfhatred.  

Radical professors, both on the left and the right, and both in Europe and the USA, say nutty things all the time. Take Ward Churchill from Colorado calling the victims in the twin towers "little Eichmans, or nazis, or whatever", or French professors spouting conspiracy theories about the US government being 'behind 9/11'. Should any of these "jokes" make people wonder why people vote elsewhere in the world the way they do?

Perhaps you are a "conservative" faithful reader of the New York Times?

Dear marcfrans...

Thanks for your comments. Here is my response:
1) I think that Mr. Aznar is no longer in power because he took his country into a war its citizens overwhelmingly opposed, and I also think he knew immediately who had caused the terrorist attack (most people figured it out pretty quickly, without the advantage of the information he would have had). The entire episode is terribly sad, because Mr. Aznar was a gifted conservative leader who threw away all the good he could have done in Spain for another country's pointless war in Iraq.
2) It does not bother me at all if people in other countries wonder why Americans voted the Democrats into power. I'm just sort of amazed that people can't see why we wanted a change on foreign policy. As it happens, I did not vote for a single Democrat myself -- I voted the Libertarian and Conservative party lines in the election, depending on the candidate.
3) My daily newspaper is the New York Post, of course.

Two things. First, if Mr.

Two things. First, if Mr. Aznar had not decided to lie to the Spanish people about the dreadful terrorist attacks in Madrid, perhaps he would still be in power. Second, as an American (and a very conservative one), I am appalled by the "joke" that the university professor made about dropping the atom bombs on Europe, but I am not at all surprised that he is associated with one of the neocon think tanks that influence Bush. And people wonder why we Americans voted the way we did!

Greatest wealth

"Some Guatemalans complain that the birth rate in their country is a problem, but I do not think so. On this issue I agree with the late Julian Simon who argued that people are “the ultimate resource,” they are a country’s greatest wealth."

Yes, I see. So the fact that 41% of the country's population is aged 14 or under, the median age is 18.9 years, 75% of its people are classified as living below the poverty line, and there is vigorous emigration (much of it illegal) to the USA is nothing to worry about?

Bob Doney

Netanyahu and Robin Williams

I never thought I would see anything said by Robin Williams that I would agree with. Are you sure that is the same one, as I have always associated him with one of the many traitors in Hollywood. I certainly welcome the change, if it is indeed him. Can you provide the source?

Bibi Netanyahu will I think be the leader of the final Israeli battles to defeat those who won't let little Israel live in peace. A site that explains some of the history of that region in a realistic way is: www.conceptwizard.com/conen/conflict_2.html This is a flash site and has a very good presentation.

America will grudgingly stand by Europe

Why?  It is a western society still based on Judeo/Christian values; is democratic; and is a buffer zone between the US and the east (former Communist Russia and now terrorists from the middle east).  Just makes it harder to get over here through Europe if they're also looking out for suspected terrorists.  European countries also cooperate with the US in terror investigations.  Regardless of anti-American/anti-European feelings, they need each other.

Beauty is Only Skin Deep - Part I

Dear Paul:

You quoted a university professor who said, "...that America would never again come to the rescue of Europe".

I think we should announce that public...


Secretly not mean it.

Announce it so that perhaps the shock would stir the European governments to action.

However, the world would be a much worse place if indeed America, Israel, and perhaps Costa Rica stood alone.

Furthermore, I can't believe Americans could sit idly by and see Europe go through a genocide of its non-Islamic citizens. I think deep down it is the nature of Americans too help and give. Christians here (not liberal leftist pseudo "christians", but true Christians, unless we're eliminated, would be the first to call for action to rescue Europe from tyranny.

Perhaps the people in the governments ought to be "drawn and quartered", which the Muslim will probably do anyway, the poor people of Europe don't deserve the tyranny of Islam. No one deserves such evil thrusted upon them.

I do think we Americans are more apt to come to the aid of Europe, than Europe is to our aid. But Christianity is different than secularism. With Christianity, we would be spiritually compelled to help. There is this sense of moral duty or obligation to rescue the man from the ditch. Not just pass by.

However, America is NOT a Christian nation, just a nation with some Christians. For the foundations of the United States were built on the foundation of Christianity & Judism, yet they are eroding. Absent a spiritual revival, we are on the road as well to being "post-Christian".

Beauty is Only Skin Deep - Part II

Beauty is Only Skin Deep - Part II (con't)

Perhaps I'm just fooling myself that we would help Europe for look at the Sudan and Dafur. People and Christians are being murdered, raped, and enslaved by Islamic adherants. Millions are dying and what are we doing? Nothing. Nothing.

Jihad has been declared on Ethiopia. What are we doing? Nothing that I am aware of. I hope secretly we are arming the Ethiopians. They need our help and I pray they are getting it. Isalm is destroying Africa too, but our eyes are upon Europe and the Middle East.

Speaking of the Middle East...let me just say "GOD BLESS ISRAEL". War again is coming there again. Actually the war is continuing and hasn't stopped with all the terrorism. But both Syria and IDF (Israel Defense Forces) have stated that they both expect war within 2-10 months. Israel is having some civil unrest, besides having to deal with the EuroIdiots who head the various governments in Europe threatening sanctions, condemnation, and other vocal attacks by Europe's leader and the U.N.

Little Israel has the whole Middle East bent on her destruction and Europeans giving her nothing but more grief by piling on.

As of right now, Israel really has only one friend (as far as nations go) and that is the United States. America takes a lot of grief for that, it takes abuse, it takes attacks, and it is the focus of terrorist attacks which in not in so small part due to our alliance with Israel. But thank God we're standing by her; except when the Arabist and leftist in the U.S. State Department get involved. I hope and pray we will never again use our influence against Israel to limit her right to defend herself. She too has the right to use all resources available to fight the evils of Islamic terrorism, i.e. Islamic fascism.

We may be ugly Americans, but remember beauty is only skin deep.

For FLLaw33870

Maybe you ought to ask your self why the poor state Israel you cry for have so many enemies in and out of the Middle East. Israel has practiced the worst type of genocide and it ranks number one on the list of state sponsoring terrorism. Nothing like the collective punishment they are bringing onto the civilian Palestinian population ever been recorded in history. You know more than anyone needs to educate you about the crimes Israel has been carrying out since its inception. Unfortunately they can only fight civilians but cowardly run when they face soldiers like their recent misery in Lebanon.

I will assure you that Israel is on the brinks of collapse, Americans just like their Europeans counterparts do not really support Israel. Israel supporters are in denial overt this because America is Israel only and last hope. America is already in trouble in so many spots and America will not be the worlds only super power for ever. The real solution to Israel’s problem is to offer genuine peace to the Palestinians before and maybe it is already too late.


I am sorry, I feel I must respond to your anti-Israel diatribe....The reason Israel has so many enemies is because if you take a look at history, you will see that from the time before Christ walked this earth, the Jews were the most oppressed religion, racial, or ethnic group on the planet.....Be it either from the middle east, or Europe...Europe didn't want them, and the Middle East doesn't want them....But then came 1948, when things enhanced emensely with the creation of the jewish state by the United Nations with the help of Great Britain in 1948, thus throwing gas on the fire that has burned for centuries.....There are what?..14 million Jews on the planted, as opposed to 1.5 billion Muslims???....Sorry, Paly, you are not going to convince me otherwise that the crimes of Israel out rank those of other oppressors......especially the those that fall under the crescent, which I might add, continue to this day as opposed to 60 years ago with the Jews, and over 1000 years ago with the Christians.....Oh, and another thing... I am not nor will I ever be Jewish.....Just want to make that clear.....and as for this: "The real solution to Israel’s problem is to offer genuine peace to the Palestinians before and maybe it is already too late."....that's been attempted....and your boy Arafat the terroist spit in their faces!.....Sorry!....

For FLLaw33870

Maybe you ought to ask your self why the poor state Israel you cry for have so many enemies in and out of the Middle East. Israel has practiced the worst type of genocide and it ranks number one on the list of state sponsoring terrorism. Nothing like the collective punishment they are bringing onto the civilian Palestinian population ever been recorded in history. You know more than anyone needs to educate you about the crimes Israel has been carrying out since its inception. Unfortunately they can only fight civilians but cowardly run when they face soldiers like their recent misery in Lebanon.

I will assure you that Israel is on the brinks of collapse, Americans just like their Europeans counterparts do not really support Israel. Israel supporters are in denial overt this because America is Israel only and last hope. America is already in trouble in so many spots and America will not be the worlds only super power for ever. The real solution to Israel’s problem is to offer genuine peace to the Palestinians before and maybe it is already too late.

Birth Dearth not a Problem if Muslims Leave

The late Julian Simon has been derided as one of the "Cornucopia Economists." He belonged to the "more the merrier" school of population control, a view I do not share. Europe already has plenty of people, and a demographic warfare to see who can produce the most children is not needed. What is needed is a stop to Muslim immigration and mandatory deportation for Muslim troublemakers, even if born in Europe.

Peace from Robin Williams III

The Plan (continued)


9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. W e don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.

10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way , no one can call us "Ugly Americans" any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH...learn it...or LEAVE...Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?


"The Statue of Liberty is no longer
saying "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses." She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'you want a piece of me?' "


@ Truth Serum....

Where did you find those Robin Williams quotes....They are tremendous....Those are the last words I thought I would ever here from a Hollywood actor!....

Peace from Robin Williams II

The Plan (continued)


4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't hide here. Asylum would never be available to anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers
or 7-11 cashiers.

5) No foreign "students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don't attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home baby.

6) The US will make a strong effort
to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while.

7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else(like Canada ! or Oklahoma !). They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)

8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not "interfere." They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given
to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.


Peace from Robin Williams

From a very popular American comedian, Robin Williams to the rest of the world...a message for you.  (Europe, pay attention as his sentiments are a growing one in America)


The Plan


1) "The US will apologize to the world for our "interference" in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those "good ole boys", we will never "interfere" again.

2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany, South Korea, the Middle East , and the Philippines . They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.
3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave.We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are. They're illegal!!! France will welcome them.



Europe has been anti-American with France leading the pack since the end of WWII.

I believe what Mr. Belien is saying, that there is a growing anti-European sentiment among Americans. One commenter correctly noted that it's rare for university professors to be Europhobic, but it is possible. I can name one or two well known academics who openly believe so, though they are certainly outnumbered. There is no way that America will ever step in to save Europe again. The Left who "idolize" Europe will not support a war to save them because they support no war whatsoever. The Right who are angry at Europe will not for obvious reasons.

That does leave Europe on its own. No blood for cowards.

I disagree atheling

I seriously doubt that America would not defend Europe if she were invaded. The NATO thing comes to mind. Moreover, despite the efforts of France, Germany and a few other "idealists", America is still an ally of Europe. Great Britain, Poland and Italy were extremely helpful in Iraq and Afghanistan. America owes them for this service and would defend them and others for the sheer fact that we do have a heritage and a western culture to defend. Even if Americans right now have a slight anti-European feeling, we have a more anti-Islamic facist feeling. Besides we would not want to see France, GB's or any other nation's nukes in the hands of these Islamic facists.

@Mr. Eric Barnes

Europe is already invaded. She will be overtaken within 50 years. If there is any kind of war, it will be civil, and America will NOT get involved in a civil war.

We've already a bad taste in our mouths with the Iraq War, which is now a CIVIL war.

Our option is that we can bow out of our NATO obligations via a technicality.

Anti-Americanism will prevail ?

""Anti-American feelings are growing in Europe. I think these feelings will exacerbate in the coming years for three reasons, all of which have to do with the current crisis in Europe:""

I tend to disagree with that statement though.From who will this bitternes grow ? I don't believe the MSM or the politicians will blame the US for their own inflicted troubles,although certainly some will try.
The general populae (the aboriginals) will have more than enough on their hands to shake off their bi-cultural 'friends'.
When their asses are on the line eventually all groups in Europe will turn to America to save them once again.
An isolationist America is not so bad after all according to the Europeans of today, not for America anyway.In that regard they are correct.

But i see the future brightly for Europe: I suspect genocide on only a few dozen million people in Western Europe, less than 1 billion deaths on a worldscale (My first estimates were between 2 or 3 billion deaths) and some nuclear warfare.
But definately no World War this time.
P.S. I just hope Europe stops critisizing Israel then..THAT is so...it's just..well..hypocritical.
Well ,that's just my opinion.:)

@ Katana - right you are

And bloody right. Wait until the generation born 1950 leaves power! I, born twelve years later, have been influenced more by Reagan and Thatcher than by the green "revolution" and the "Peace Moevement", both of which are now as stale as day-old lager.

Europe is just at the brink of change, with the British dreadnought and the Danish battle cruiser simply ahead of the squadron. Yes, there will be war, and yes, there will most certainly be civil war, but we will win. There's nothing as invigorating as fighting for our girls, wives, kids, and we shall see European men rise in arms faster than most will think possible.

Concerning the number argument, I find it tedious, ludicrous and stupid. Tiny Greek armies fought down giant Persian forces; 60.000 Roman soldiers ran all over millions of Gauls; we Spaniards have reconquered our land with armies so tiny it makes you laugh. Plus, look at Israel, which indeed our bunch of treachorous hypocrites should stop criticising immediately.

If numbers counted 1:1, the proverbial "1.2 billion believers" would have had us wrestled to the ground long ago.
Will it happpen?
I don't think so!

To Vicenc

"There's nothing as invigorating as fighting for our girls, wives, kids, and we shall see European men rise in arms faster than most will think possible. "

I wish that I could share your optimism about European and, I fear soon, American men.

I remember a scene from a old movie called The Pride and the Passion which was set during Napoleon's occupation of Spain. At the end of the movie there was this spectacular scene part of which featured Sophia Loren's magnificent cleavage, but I digress. In this scene the Spanish guerrilleros were charging the walls of Avila while French cannon were cutting them to pieces. At one point during the assault, the French general was standing atop the wall observing the charge. He turned to his Aide de camp and said, " Why are these Spaniards so anxious to drench the ground with their blood"? The adjutant replied, "Mon General, perhaps because it is their ground."

If one were to compile a book that listed all man's accomplishments in every field possible and, allowing for the misdeeds on the part of some, there would be no doubt that Europeans and their descendents would have the lion's share of the book.

I fear that the Europeans have lost their will to fight at the very least to preserve themselves and, at the very most, to preserve the greatest culture in history. Perhaps because they do not value " their ground" anymore due to years of psycho-conditioning, historical guilt and Causcasian self hatred imprinted on them by the globalists.

I pray that you are right.

I pee'd my pants! :)

Dear Truth Serum:

I pee'd my pants and got a hernia laughing when I read the line "The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses." She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'you want a piece of me?"

That was funny and I wish it did say that. If Robin Willism REALLY believed that plan he'd have my vote for President. Sounds like a great plan.

Now commenting on some other posts.

Dear Taurus689:

Great post and story about the movie with "...it's my ground" observation and comments. It rings a bell.

Yes and I too am surprised to hear that a profesor from any college is not a stinking leftist, liberal, pinko, socialist, and "tree hugger". But I guess they do exist and are the ones NOW in the closet.

Re. Statue of Liberty

I heard another great one from Jim Bohannan where he referred to the insrcription reading " We're up to our asses in huddled masses".

Kidding aside, I really don't think that enough people understand the degree to which we are in grave danger.
Ben Netanyahu once said something to the effect that when someone constantly tells you that he is going to kill you, it makes sense to believe him.

Good Inscription Taurus689

Dear Taurus689:

That is a good inscription. I hope one day I don't see her wearing a burka, but being sensitive to Muslim sensibilities perhaps she should. I heard she is already carrying the Quran. That is the Quran right?

You mentioned Ben Netanyahu. I really like that man from what I know of him living in the States. He, or someone like him, needs to be leader of Israel. But no more concessions like Hebron Mr. Netanyahu!!! But your forgiven!

Too bad he wasn't born in the U.S. for America could use a man like him. I'm voting for the conservative that thinks a wall with razor wire and planting land mines along the Rio Grande is a good idea!!!! We got to keep Americans from trying to escape to Mexico to get freedom!!! :)

American Universities are Anti-Europe?

The joke made to you at an American university (about the atomic bomb) is certainly odd. American universities are filled with elitist leftists that idolize Europe and her culture and think Americans are nothing but stupid hicks, trust me, I attended one.

However, your article was great dealing with your conference in Guatamala and the state of European opinion about the democratic victory in America. People, whether in Europe, America, or anywhere else make a nation great, not a government. We all need to remember this and stop considering children a burden that cramp a certain lifestyle. We need to appreciate life and honor it.

Thus, it would seem Christian values are needed to restore the world. These values should dictate to the government and not vice versa.