Cartoon Rage: Vikings Warned to Leave Palestine

This morning armed Palestinians stormed the European Union office in Gaza City, threatening Danes and Norwegians and demanding that they leave. Two Norwegian aid workers are on their way out of the region. The Norwegian Foreign Ministry has warned Norwegian citizens against travelling to Gaza. The Danish Foreign Ministry warned Danes to be extremely cautious while travelling in the Middle East and North Africa. Yesterday the Danish national flag was burned in the West Bank in protest against the publication of 12 cartoons of Muhammad (see them all here, halfway the article) in the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten last September. Depicting the prophet is blasphemy according to Islam.

The Palestinian terrorist organization Islamic Jihad announced yesterday that all Nordic people had 48 hours to leave Gaza. The al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades distributed leaflets saying that Danes and Swedes had three days to get out of the region. Sweden, however, unlike Denmark and Norway, has nothing to do with the cartoon affair. Perhaps the Norwegians have been omitted by the al-Aqsa Brigades because its leftist government parties have called for a boycott of Israel.

There are also reports that a terrorist group called the Glory Brigades of Northern Europe is threatening suicide attacks in Denmark. Meanwhile the internet edition of Jyllands-Posten was offline for several hours today, and also yesterday and on Friday, due to attacks by computer hackers.

Governments of a number of Muslim countries in the Middle East, such as Jordan
and Syria, have contacted Danish ambassadors and condemned the cartoons. Last week the Jordanian parliament called for the punishment of the Danish cartoonists. On Saturday the Foreign Minister of Iran, Manouchehr Mottaki, wrote to his colleagues in Denmark and Norway protesting the „ridiculous and repulsive insult“ which he says the cartoons embody. Last week Saudi Arabia called back its ambassador to Denmark for consultation. Yesterday Libya decided to close its embassy in Copenhagen in protest against the cartoons and the lack of „responsible actions“ by the Danish government. Libya also said it would be taking “economic measures” against Denmark, but did not say what they would be.

Yesterday the editor of Jyllands-Posten wrote an open letter to the people of Saudi Arabia to justify the publishing of the Muhammad cartoons after a number of Danish export companies with interests in the Middle East had urged him to do so. Several Muslim governments have encouraged their people to boycott Danish products in protest against the cartoons. Disinformation about the affair and about Denmark’s role is being distributed in many Muslim countries, for example through e-mails and sms messages which claim that Jyllands-Posten is a government owned newspaper and that the Danish government was behind the publication of the cartoons. Danish embassies in Arab countries have felt compelled to correct these lies. [There is also disinformation in the Western mainstream media who have finally picked up the story.]

At a press conference in Jeddah on Saturday the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) lambasted the Danish government „over its lack of action or apology“ for the Muhammad cartoons. “The Danish authorities have, by providing protection to the newspaper and failure to censor it in unequivocal terms, served neither the cause of freedom of expression nor advanced the goals of multiculturalism, domestically or internationally. The Danish authorities should have categorically condemned the cartoons,” said Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary-general of the OIC.

Ihsanoglu added that the “failure” of the Danish authorities to condemn the cartoons sets a dangerous precedent. He welcomed diplomatic actions from Muslim countries against Denmark and said that the anger against the country is reflected in the boycott of Danish goods. “If they have the freedom of expression, then individual Muslims have the freedom of choice,” he said. Ihsanoglu nevertheless acknowledged the conflicting issues of press freedom and respect for other religions, but said Danish authorities “had a responsibility to control such material which incited hatred and religious intolerance.” Previously the OIC urged Muslims to protest in a peaceful manner.

In addition the OIC and the Arab League have announced their intention to appeal to the United Nations’ General Assembly to issue a resolution “prohibiting attacks on religion.” Such a resolution would among other things make it possible to resort to economic sanctions against countries that contravene it.

Both José Manuel Barroso, the president of the EU Commission, and the Austrian chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel, who currently holds the EU precidency, appear to be avoiding discussions on the cartoon affair. At a press conference in Salzburg on Friday Barroso claimed he did not really know in detail what the issue is about and was obviously not too pleased at being asked to comment on the it. Barroso said furthermore that the EU supported freedom of expression but not necessarily everything which is expressed. The Danish Foreign Minister, Per Stig Møller, has said he intends to bring the issue up for discussion at today’s meeting of EU Foreign Ministers, mainly to inform his colleagues about the situation and the postion of the Danish government.

Though under huge pressure to intervene, the Danish government still stands firmly by its previous statements that it cannot and will not interfere in what the Danish press decides to publish. At his weekly press meeting last Tuesday Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Denmark need not be ashamed of its handling of human rights in the cartoon affair and referred to a reply from his government to an enquiry from the UN about the issue two months ago.

In a new poll published in Denmark last week 79% of Danes say the Danish government should not apologize for the cartoons while 18% say it should. 62% say Jyllands-Posten should not apologize, but 31% say it should. 58% say the newspaper had every right to publish the cartoons, but also said they understood Muslims were angry. 579 people were polled.

More on the Cartoon Case (see links at end of article)

what does not.......

What does not offend the followers of the Islam sect?
Has for boycotting Arab products, do those imbeciles produce anything ?
Difficult to be productive when you spend your time being brain washed in a mosque 5 times a day.
Mohamed was a paedophile, there i said it...sue me.

At the beginning let me

At the beginning let me assure you that Muslims will never make fun about the pictures you draw for Jesus " Peace be Upon him" although we don't believe that this is the way he looks but as he is one of the Prophets " Peace Be Upon Them " we do respect the symbol itself as we do believe he is a messenger of God as well as prophet Mohammed whom you are making fun off. Please Go and ask one of the Priests in a Church and ask him by the name of God If making fun and insulting any Prophet is allowed in your religion ! ....(2)We all believe that the bible is a holy Book of God in it's original form and we believe in all the prophets and the Holy books , if you don't believe in Islam and in his Prophet, I’m sorry to tell you: it's your own problem (3)I can't judge on all Christians and all Jews or any others by SOME Christians and some Jews behavior ,, if you want to judge a whole religion please read about it from it's sources and the proper people not from anyone or from extremist , simply look at the rates of murders,rape,women and child abuse in the states only ...does it resemble Christianity ! Or is this much of crimes allowed by their religion?...Never. It’s not more than people’s behavior so PLEASE do not judge ISLAM before knowing it properly…(4) (The 5Prayers ) wash everything that hurt the heart and mind, How do you feel after coming from The church every sunday?I'es how we feel 5 times aday ...Got it ?5)Among Prophet Mohammed “ Peace Be Upon Him “sayings is “ The most sinful of you are those who neglect those whom he is responsible to take care of.”,& pls check this out,

LAST to say ..If you really think that have the freedom to insult our religion and our Prophet, please remember that We also have the freedom to choose our cheese and butter ….Very simple isn’t it


Why all the cursing and insulting? Please discuss like a civilized person. Your uncivilized behavior only mirrors Islamo-fascist behavior that you're criticizing so much. Thanks.

to kristian from nermin

YOU AGAIN INSIST ON MOCKING MUSLIMS .IT SEEMS That HATING ISLAM AND MUSLIMS IS IN YOUR call praying in mosque five times a day is a brain wash .as if you are talking about spending the time in a bar...i feel pity for you sick way of thinking. i wonder how do you reach that stage?. of course your corrupted churchs and priests and responsible for that.

reponse to nermin.

Not hard to mock muslims....look at them all,going on a rampage over a cartoon.... PATHETIC...that was Islam is all about.... go frantic about trivialities.
Mohamed was a paedophile. why should I respect him....paedophiles are not to be worshiped, at least not by me.
I love the cartoons, i have made some Stickers that I am handing out.
My favorite is the one of the Paedophile wearing a turban with a bomb in it...A CLASSIC.

to kristian from nermin

it is funny taht you are not embarrassed to show your ignorance again. muslims donot worship the prophet mohmad mr ignorant kristian as yur name implies you worship the christ and trinity and holy ghost.. i ask you again if islam is bad why it attracts all those intellectuals and high ranked people world wide.muslims are sincere peopel and that is why they love their prophet as he is theone who make them worshp tehone god the creator of the universe and that is a thing you cannot understand.

nermin says "muslims are

nermin says "muslims are sincere peopel"

I'm sure they are. And some of them have quite sincerely announced their intentions to kill anyone who doesn't submit.

Their sincerity is in no doubt.

Take OIC at its word !

I think we should all take OIC and Nermin at their word. The danish government, the EU, the US, and the UN should ban all documents and other media which incite at violence and murder. Therefor the quran should be banned since it contains many verses which comand violence and murder, especially against non-muslims.
But then they will claim freedom of expression !
Goes to show that you can never please some people.

Islam IS NOT a religion

How is it that this "religion" of islam becomes morally outraged at cartoons, yet video beheadings of reporters, unarmed civillians slaughtered by cowards called "suicide bombers","honor" killings, female subjugation and genital mutilation, etc., is passed off as "culture" and never spoken of?

I agree with one idea of the Islamofacists: there are truely only two religions in the world: Islam and non-Islam. So if we apply the term "religion" to Islam, the fastest growing "religion" in the world is non-Islam.

But Islam is not a religion. It is a cheap, laughable melodramatic death cult for the most ignorant people on earth, a way for self-styled "leaders" to exploit their culture of shame and jealousy of the west into doing the only thing they know how to do: engage in an eternal bloody struggle to vainly acquire the fruits of western civilization and establish the next caliphate. But they are doomed by their ignorance, intolerance and self-denial of global reality (let them eat and drink their oil)... exactly like their role models the Nazis and the Stalinists. Let Iran build their pathetic "bomb." Dare them to use it. Let them experience the historical price of the blind fanatic death cult.

reponse to nermim

Mocking Muslims is becoming a national passtime here in Scandinavia.
How pathetic can Muslims get when a cartoon send them in a frenzy.