Cartoon Rage: Vikings Warned to Leave Palestine
From the desk of Hjörtur J. Guðmundsson on Mon, 2006-01-30 15:08
This morning armed Palestinians stormed the European Union office in Gaza City, threatening Danes and Norwegians and demanding that they leave. Two Norwegian aid workers are on their way out of the region. The Norwegian Foreign Ministry has warned Norwegian citizens against travelling to Gaza. The Danish Foreign Ministry warned Danes to be extremely cautious while travelling in the Middle East and North Africa. Yesterday the Danish national flag was burned in the West Bank in protest against the publication of 12 cartoons of Muhammad (see them all here, halfway the article) in the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten last September. Depicting the prophet is blasphemy according to Islam.
The Palestinian terrorist organization Islamic Jihad announced yesterday that all Nordic people had 48 hours to leave Gaza. The al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades distributed leaflets saying that Danes and Swedes had three days to get out of the region. Sweden, however, unlike Denmark and Norway, has nothing to do with the cartoon affair. Perhaps the Norwegians have been omitted by the al-Aqsa Brigades because its leftist government parties have called for a boycott of Israel.
There are also reports that a terrorist group called the Glory Brigades of Northern Europe is threatening suicide attacks in Denmark. Meanwhile the internet edition of Jyllands-Posten was offline for several hours today, and also yesterday and on Friday, due to attacks by computer hackers.
Governments of a number of Muslim countries in the Middle East, such as Jordan
and Syria, have contacted Danish ambassadors and condemned the cartoons. Last week the Jordanian parliament called for the punishment of the Danish cartoonists. On Saturday the Foreign Minister of Iran, Manouchehr Mottaki, wrote to his colleagues in Denmark and Norway protesting the „ridiculous and repulsive insult“ which he says the cartoons embody. Last week Saudi Arabia called back its ambassador to Denmark for consultation. Yesterday Libya decided to close its embassy in Copenhagen in protest against the cartoons and the lack of „responsible actions“ by the Danish government. Libya also said it would be taking “economic measures” against Denmark, but did not say what they would be.
Yesterday the editor of Jyllands-Posten wrote an open letter to the people of Saudi Arabia to justify the publishing of the Muhammad cartoons after a number of Danish export companies with interests in the Middle East had urged him to do so. Several Muslim governments have encouraged their people to boycott Danish products in protest against the cartoons. Disinformation about the affair and about Denmark’s role is being distributed in many Muslim countries, for example through e-mails and sms messages which claim that Jyllands-Posten is a government owned newspaper and that the Danish government was behind the publication of the cartoons. Danish embassies in Arab countries have felt compelled to correct these lies. [There is also disinformation in the Western mainstream media who have finally picked up the story.]
At a press conference in Jeddah on Saturday the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) lambasted the Danish government „over its lack of action or apology“ for the Muhammad cartoons. “The Danish authorities have, by providing protection to the newspaper and failure to censor it in unequivocal terms, served neither the cause of freedom of expression nor advanced the goals of multiculturalism, domestically or internationally. The Danish authorities should have categorically condemned the cartoons,” said Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary-general of the OIC.
Ihsanoglu added that the “failure” of the Danish authorities to condemn the cartoons sets a dangerous precedent. He welcomed diplomatic actions from Muslim countries against Denmark and said that the anger against the country is reflected in the boycott of Danish goods. “If they have the freedom of expression, then individual Muslims have the freedom of choice,” he said. Ihsanoglu nevertheless acknowledged the conflicting issues of press freedom and respect for other religions, but said Danish authorities “had a responsibility to control such material which incited hatred and religious intolerance.” Previously the OIC urged Muslims to protest in a peaceful manner.
In addition the OIC and the Arab League have announced their intention to appeal to the United Nations’ General Assembly to issue a resolution “prohibiting attacks on religion.” Such a resolution would among other things make it possible to resort to economic sanctions against countries that contravene it.
Both José Manuel Barroso, the president of the EU Commission, and the Austrian chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel, who currently holds the EU precidency, appear to be avoiding discussions on the cartoon affair. At a press conference in Salzburg on Friday Barroso claimed he did not really know in detail what the issue is about and was obviously not too pleased at being asked to comment on the it. Barroso said furthermore that the EU supported freedom of expression but not necessarily everything which is expressed. The Danish Foreign Minister, Per Stig Møller, has said he intends to bring the issue up for discussion at today’s meeting of EU Foreign Ministers, mainly to inform his colleagues about the situation and the postion of the Danish government.
Though under huge pressure to intervene, the Danish government still stands firmly by its previous statements that it cannot and will not interfere in what the Danish press decides to publish. At his weekly press meeting last Tuesday Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Denmark need not be ashamed of its handling of human rights in the cartoon affair and referred to a reply from his government to an enquiry from the UN about the issue two months ago.
In a new poll published in Denmark last week 79% of Danes say the Danish government should not apologize for the cartoons while 18% say it should. 62% say Jyllands-Posten should not apologize, but 31% say it should. 58% say the newspaper had every right to publish the cartoons, but also said they understood Muslims were angry. 579 people were polled.
Good Post
Submitted by Lode Runner on Thu, 2006-02-09 02:36.
Insightful comments- but the U.S. and China are united- economically- we're smart enough to do that- but neither the U.S. or China has religious groups willing to destroy the world with suicide weapons. Show Me a suicide Hindu, Christian, Taoist, Buddhist, and I'd say "Wow- he's a freak with a mental case!" Show me a suicide Muslim and I think, "Hmmm- that's normal for them". But it's supposedly a great religion. Oh Yeah- Where are the moderate Muslims who supposedly represent their religion protesting against these guys!? I never see them? Do you? The proof is in the pudding. These guys are dangerous.
muslims lie and lie and lie
Submitted by halleluya on Wed, 2006-02-08 21:55.
muslims are allowed to lie to an infidel
please guys dont believe them ,they lie and lie and lie..... never do authocritic,they are perfect
dont they realize they are the scum of earth?
the worse countries are the muslims.
islam is we realize how they are
whatelse we need to ban that religion and expulse them all?
only ugly fascist racist words
Submitted by nermin on Wed, 2006-02-08 22:25.
and you are coward, coward and coward who doesnot find any logic words to say.
only ugly fascist racist words which indicate weakness .
Victim Status
Submitted by LoPull on Thu, 2006-02-02 20:51.
Islamic fundamentalist somehow forget that they DO offend, they DO provoke, and they DO encourage violence and death.
By doing that the Arab and Islamic countries will always be "victims". By claiming this victim status they attempt to explain away why the things THEY say, and THEY do are alright unless those very same things are directed at them. This pitiful double standard is typical of a child not adults.
I grow weary of Islamic extremist (yes extreme even to those in their own religion) that say that the West is on a New Crusade. Can you imagine that? Imagine ALL of the non Islamic countries deciding to use all of their nation's might in a New Crusade. That would be the shortest war fought in history. The death toll would be in the hundreds of millions. There would be no Medina, no Mecca, no holy sites to visit because they would not only be gone from the face of the earth, they would be so poisoned that no one could venture near them for generations without dying a slow and painful death. Does Islam really think the west wants a New Crusade? Does Islam really want to provoke a New Crusade? They should be careful or they may get what they ask for.
Islamist should be far more concerned with their NEW trading partners and friends in the EAST. The Chinese won't have any qualms about invading the middle east and using far more force and brutality than the west ever has in subduing a culture and religion that they could care less about.
i would be just as upset if
Submitted by ali (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 15:19.
i would be just as upset if it were pictures of Jesus or any other prophet from any other religion. these days their arent many practising religionists. thats why people arent bothered much if you hav drawings of a prophet of some other religion. but a lot of muslims have stayed steadfast through the years and thats why the muslims are affected by these drawings. Because we talk about the prophet every day and we try and live are lives the way he did. we go to the mosque five times a day etc. so our life is built around our religion. i mean how many times do christians jews go to their place of worship a WEEk let alone in a day. i know becus a lot of my friends are from different religious backgrounds. many cant make it 4 sunday jus the one day of the week. so most of the people who have been writing these comments on this site know nothing what religions means to others. they dont even know what it means to them if not nothing. the grand satan guy woman homo or wateva u r. ur blatantly writing religious hate related material n i dunno how evry1 else isnt seeing this.
what for they want 77 virgins if they dont have body
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 15:31.
why do they want 77 virgins in heaven if they dont have body to have sex with them?
do they play chess with them to kill the time?
we fuck your mama
Submitted by jesus christ (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 06:23.
while wiating for the 77 virgin
Submitted by Suhail (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 23:31.
I'm sorry to say that is probably not you brain that they want over there, Nermin. If you consider yourself as a moderate voice of opinion then there must surly be a lot of fanatics
Nermin,I truly feel sorry
Submitted by Molly (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 19:18.
I truly feel sorry for you. Forbidden freedom??? You say it all and really should try freedom sometime. I especially feel sorry for you if the only part of yourself you are ‘allowed’ to show are your eyes. And lastly, I really, really feel sorry for you if you believe all that shit about virgins waiting for those muslim men who earn that right by sawing off people’s heads.
sorry for you molly from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Tue, 2006-01-31 19:48.
who told you taht only my eyes appear ...i ama doctor Mrs molly and although iwear conservative cloths but dress very well and clothing is my favorite. alll my boby i scovered except hand an dface only..those women you see covering their face are doing extra thing aiming to have more rewards from god..but at least muslims women can work, marry ,hav ekids but not being isnothing you cannot undeerstna d..islam is an intermediate live noraml life ,enjoy your life but inthesame time obeying god orders which are known inall i meant by forbidden freedom togethe rwithout mariage..note taht i always keen to use decent polit ewords because i am a muslim.
so donot be sorry forme molly , iam having a very goodlife given tome by islamnot by th ewest or bythe youknowt hat islam allow women to divorce themselves....divorce inislam is subjest to admire while women and men struggled for centureies to have even this humanity solution given to muslim 1427 years ago