Danish Imams Propose to End Cartoon Dispute

Update (7 February 2006): The Cartoon Hoax 


The Danish imams, who protested the publication of 12 Muhammad cartoons [see them all below] in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten last September, have announced that they want to end the dispute. For four months the imams and their radical Muslim organizations have unsuccesfully demanded government censorship. However, despite immense pressure (also from international organizations such as the UN and the EU) the Danish government refused to call the newspaper to account.

Last week a couple of Norwegian papers decided to publish the cartoons in support of the Danish paper while in Denmark moderate Muslims, encouraged by the government’s refusal to be intimidated by the radicals, have distanced themselves from the imams. The latter announced on Friday that they no longer demand apologies from Jyllands-Posten for the publication. Instead they said they just want two things: a guarantee from the Danish authorities that Muslims can freely practice their religion without being “provoked and discriminated.” And a declaration from Jyllands-Posten that the cartoons were not published with the intention of mocking the Muslim faith. “We want Jyllands-Posten to show respect for the Muslims. This can happen with an apology, but it can also happen in some other way. We will leave it to Jyllands-Posten to come up with some ideas,” said Ahmed Akkari, spokesman of the Muslim organizations. “We want respect for Muhammad restored and we want him to be described as the man he really was in history, and that he gets the respect he deserves,” Akkari stressed that Muslim organizations are still deeply opposed to the publication of the cartoons.

The Muslim organizations and Jyllands-Posten met last week to discuss the matter. “It was a good and constructive meeting. We agreed that we need to find a solution,” said Carsten Juste, editor of Jyllands-Posten. Juste stressed that the meeting was one step in a reconciliation process which the Muslim organizations and the newspaper began in December.

Some sceptics wonder whether the demands of the imams have changed fundamentally. They still insist that Jyllands-Posten admit that publishing the cartoons was wrong and make amends for it. The sceptics argue that the paper should not settle for a compromise on freedom of expression by justifying itself. Others wonder why the radical Muslims appear to be softening their demand and seem so eager to make a deal. Perhaps the decision of Norwegian papers such as Magazinet to support Jyllands-Posten by publishing the cartoons has made the radicals reconsider. Perhaps they fear a domino effect. Some Swedish papers are considering publishing the cartoons as well. If the Swedish government subsequently follows the position of the Danish and Norwegian governments, refusing to interfere and limit freedom of expression, the position of the radical Danish Muslims, who are looking for international support, will only weaken.

According to a poll taken this week among 1,047 people in Denmark 57% of the Danes support Jyllands-Posten’s decision to publish the cartoons, while 31% disagrees. Young people and men are more likely to support the decision. Almost two out of every three males and 61% of people aged between 18 and 25 years of age did so.

Meanwhile an international organization of Muslim intellectuals has threatened to mobilize “millions of Muslims all over the World” to boycott Danish and Norwegian products unless the Danish and Norwegian government condemn the publication of the cartoons, which is called an “attack on the Muslims of the World and on the Prophet.” In Saudi Arabia people are receiving e-mails and sms messages urging them to boycott Danish products “until Denmark offers an official apology.” The Organization of the Islamic Conference protested last week’s publication of the cartoons in the Norwegian paper Magazinet. The Iranian embassy in Oslo said that freedom of expression cannot justify publishing the cartoons. However, Finn Jarle Sæle, the editor of the Norwegian Christian newspaper Norge I DAG, announced that his paper is also considering publishing the cartoons. He called upon other Norwegian editors to do the same. Sæle says that so far many of them have only written editorials supporting freedom of expression but have not dared to publish the cartoons themselves.

Asked if wider publication will not lead to unnecessary confrontations between Christians and Muslims Sæle said the intention was not to provoke just for the sake of provoking, but rather to confront radical Islam in Norway. Perhaps it is necessary to provoke in order to do that, he said. Sæle wants the Norwegian imams to publicly oppose the death threats that have been sent to Magazinet’s editor Vebjørn Selbekk. According to Sæle these threats are not just directed against Magazinet. They affect the entire Norwegian media, not just one editor who dared to stand up for freedom of expression.


More on the Danish cartoon case which The Brussels Journal has been covering from the beginning: Click here (see links at end of article)

is islam growing?

Islam appears to be growing because Indonesians are having more children than other Muslims. However, subtract the Arab suicide bombers, etc., and you'll see that Muslims can't count, they just inflate. As for Christians, Christ set us free, we don't have to pray 5 times a day in gibberish. We pray in our hearts anywhere.

Islam is spreading because

Islam is spreading because muslims breed like rabbits! Our western ideals do not apply to these people. Countries world wide are pandering to their ideals in an attempt to be tolerant.
We are instead losing our own cultures because of their slow but spreading ways!

to Anonymous from nermin

you are dripping hate ....
when we say islam is fast growing religion .this doesnot mean in islamic countries Mr ignorant....islamis the fast growing in USA an d france ....go and search...it attracts intellectuals and university stuffs there ..not by breeding like rabbits mr fool.....go an dsearch for
1-professor jeffery lang professor of mathematics , university of kansas.uSA
2- dr murad hoffman ,ex german embassador and harvard -gradute.
3- italian embassador to saudi arabia..Mr torqani..
4- go and search for islam attracts ellite in britain..
these are few examples
then come and face me

to all against amyscout43 da bastard

Amyscout is a prime example of a Zionist Jew the DEVIL in disguise, he claims that Muslims are racist n yet looking in to his responses u see him being a filthy pure racist jewish DEVIL. This is what he says
IMPARTED TO THEM BY BLOODpoor thing haha that’s what u think u lil pig  u racist bastard anyways to all muslims n decent none muslims plsssssssssssssssss iqnore this psychotic mental twisted minded idiotic person by the nick of amyscout43 in this website n pls put him on iqnore as I have.
may Allaah guide us all ameen

Don't tread on me

so be it
threaten no more
to secure peace is to prepare for war
so be it
settle the score
touch me again for the words you'll hear evermore
don't tread on me-James Hetfield

keep burning our flag you fucking morons
payback's a bitch

To Nermin

how intelligent are moslims when a gullible imam can just tell you that virgin awaits you in heaven if you kill urself....hahahaha...you need to get a life b4 life gets you Nermin. One more question how many virgin men awaits ur women you all perverts.

and i believe that the intellect it has attract are only studying it not believing it

to tosin

there will be 72 virgin waiting for us and river under our feet and for you the hell is waiting for your stupid studying ass

to tosin

Here mr jew if you are lazy to search about dr.jeffery lang from amzaon books , as the man not only convert but wrote 3 books till now about his convert.


regarding beautiful women awaiting for good men and martyers in heaven.i see it as the least minimum reward for those men ..the palestinian young men who scarify their souls to defend their land are always at their twentieth ,never married and never has any relationship with women without marriage as islam says.why you deny on those men the pleasures you enjoy…also god an d islam speaks to people as humans not as angles and you cannot deny that this pleasures is the most important to men.. did u understand or not.

To Nermin

Perhaps not...How can I understand you? Cos all u say about one stupid men that converted to muslim is that what freedom of religion and speech entails....While you keep talking about been blessed with oil you 4gotten that america has oil...but it contains concentration of sulphur that makes it longer in process....or you think there is no iol in africa...thats why I said you all dome ass M...Fuckers....without the west buying ur oil you all gonna be be drinking your oil.Nothing of Islam interest me ..coz i saw ur prophet Mohammed masturbating....Palestinians are destined to be slave to the jews forever...that I read in the bible ...it also says about that seven day war where god said that they will run to egypt for help instead of them to turnm to me but will be defeated coz the jews are his people. To be a muslim is to have aids or Hiv you are all dieing slowly..Nermin

When armageddon does come

When armageddon does come the jews will be the victor not the crazy muslims. How mislead you are by your brainwashing cult(Islam). No matter how many million camel fuckers there are, GOD not that pedophile allah will step in to save his children the JEWS.

To Nermin

You cant just help to know that you are a jew ...you are from a jew blood ..if not for abraham that slept with that egyptian slave the arab race would have not been created. You are from the Jews if you dont know and God cursed you all by saying to ismail that his hand will be on people and that peoples hand will inturn be on him and his generation.Thats the reason why you muslim world can and will never win over isreal cos they are ur boss. Today what hitler did is a sorry action cried out by Germans if not for America I am sure you all gonna be dead by now coz Hitler believes in only blonds with blue or green eyes... so nermin or whatever ur name is Go eat a fat Pig and get a life

to nermin

1. yes muslims get more children, and for peopel working and living in muslims states like saudi its imposibel to bee no muslims unleas they are high qualified.
2. yes we do not need the to contact good and we do not need to lay down on our knee 5 times pr. day.
just as a exampel i have not visited my mothers grav in 2,5 year. i do miss hear a lot and i can find the places without looking. Good is insided me not in a plase. Muslims can not understand that. They think that they need some rooles to live buy.
The muslim religion is week that is way the reaktion to a small provocation is that hard


I have a little comment about ur words " we do not need to lay down on our knee 5 times pr. day "
praying is not just to lay on my knees.. it is like a christian prayers but in islam .. prayers are in written times ..
Even if u don't understand what i mean ( Ithink u don't and u will never do ) .. this does not mean that it is acceptable to make fun of Muslims prophet !!
that is the point.

Re: Mohammed Drawings; Danish Leopard Tanks Defending "Muslims"

Sometimes I ramble on but many times I have a persistent thought, I also wanted to take exception to the boycotting of Danish goods. The threatening of Scandinavians. The Danish people have been very good to Muslims, they as well as the Norweigans, and the Swedish people have time and time again put their lives on the line to save "Muslim lives" in the Bosnian-Herzegovian War.

You see in a democracy where not all agree, the people will rise to a higher occassion and come forward to to do the right things. You believe they are denigrating Muslims and the religion..well the next times you think such things remember the soldiers that were not "Muslim" but of Nordern blood that went to keep the peace, and save "Muslim lives!"

This is about a Jydske Dragonregiment from Holstebro in Jutland.

I had an argument recently with an acquaintaince we were discussing the Bosian Serbian war in what was Yugoslavia. In particular we were discussing the UN troops. My acquaintance believes the UND troops were ineffectual and did nothing extraordinary! BAH! I say they did quite well but I used in particular an incident with the NORDBAT 2 units ( compiled Swedish, Norweigan, Danish forces). I am looking for confirmation that I am right. You are Danish ..so surely you must know this and can confirm for me what I say is true then.

I said that the Danish soldiers of an armored Leopard Tank division under command of a Lt. Colonel Moller and a second platoon leader named Kirk, with their men kicked the bums of the Serbs in an area near the Bosnian Muslim town of Tuzla. This is in April 29th of 1994 mind you. They were fired upon with antitank weapons having come to the aid of a Swedish observation post as well as the Bosnian Muslim civilians in and around Tuzla that had been shelled for the 28th time that day! They won the day and smashed the Serb attack, saving themselves and the Swedish observation team, and the Muslims citizens. Both Lt. Col Moller and Tank Commander Kirk received the "Ebbe Muncks prize of Honor"

Perhaps, next time when UNPROFOR troops are needed..maybe the Scandinavians should not lend troops to save people who obviously think so little of them, that they expect their governments to be responsible for every thought, cartoons, magazine and newspaper article that does not sing the praises of the Muslims and their religion. That they attack random Scandinavians who did not draw the cartoons, because they are handy and nearby.

Perhaps the next time an "aggressive Muslim" country attacks another "Muslim country", the Scandinavian people should just sit back and have some kaffee, read a newspaper, some cartoons, watch some television, play chess, go skiing etc. After all, holding "all Scandinavians responsible" for juvenile cartoons is that not equal to holding "all Saudi's responsible for Osama bin Laden; for beheading foreign journalists, workers, for everytime a MUSLIM terrorist detonates a device! Of course MUSLIMS never do things that are wrong. But even if they do, it is alright .. as long as they do it in the name of their religion and jihad.

Hmmmm! Perhaps some people should not get"too mouthy",Viking bloodlines never really died out...did they! Just because the Danes, Norweigans, Swedes and Finns grew peaceful and quiet..liking things cozy at home..does not mean the Nordern giants cannot be awakened. Once awakened the sons of Hengist, Eosa and Haakon, Haarold, Karl
may remind some, that they have not forgotten they are Viking and what a "beserker" can do.

" Just because the Danes,

" Just because the Danes, Norweigans, Swedes and Finns grew peaceful and quiet.."

The Finns were not Vikings; the Vikings were Scandinavian Indo-European language speakers with a specific Viking culture. Finns, on the other hand, speak a non-Indo-European Finno-Ugric language, and has history of its own; in addition, Finland is NOT technically Scandinavian (not on the Scandinavian penninsula, and not largely settled from that penninsula). In speaking of the Finns along with the Scandinavians, the proper term would be Fenno-Scandinavia or Norden.

They did, however, do some trade with the Vikings, and a few Finns were perhaps Vikings, but the Vikings attacked and plundered the Finnic tribes like they did to others.

The Vikings left an imprint on Finnish culture, for sure, with its trade and settlements, but imperial Sweden politically took over what is now Finland for many hundreds of years -- during which time they (unfortunately!) considered the Finns as inferior forest people, with a strange language, as I've heard said. While Finnish mythology bears some imprints of Viking mythology, it has a common bond with many of the other Finno-Ugric peoples, and is rooted in that shamanism.

Sorry, I don't mean to be too didactic, but I feel it is an important distinction to be made.

To Nermin - Part I

I'll answer your questions, but since I apparently can't post in "Danish paper apologizes, Dutch..." I'll address your points from there first.

I'm not sure I follow - perhaps because your English is less than excellent (no offense, my Arabic is no doubt worse), but am I reading you correctly when I interpret what you're saying to mean that only Muslims are required to follow the "orders of God" while everyone has to observe the prohibition against depicting Muahmmed even though it, too, is derived from Muslim dogma?
Maybe I'm missing something, but I fail to see why there's a distinction between the different prohibitions, i.e. the "infidels" can eat pork, but we can't draw a stick figure of Mohammed. You yourself said that it was not the WAY Mohammed was portrayed that irks you, but the fact that he was depicted at all.

"now I want to ask you quietly what did anyone gain from those photos…is this wisdom….is this logic instead of trying to build bridges between nation..we go on to cut relations and put hate and psychological bloack between nation.."

Hell, I'd love amiable relations with the Middle East, something we've always had by the way.
You're asking if it served any purpose and I'm going to have to say yes: I don't like the fallout, but the drawings exposed certain anti-democratic elements and the willingness of some people to give into the lure of self-censorship, the lure of subverting one's own ideals and values (such as the freedom of press) to placate others. Under no circumstances can a democratic nation accept that.
That said, I'm not thrilled with the way Jylland Posten went about it, but that is beside the point. Their democratic RIGHT to do so is what matters. I hope you can see that...

"i have never hated Denmark or have any thing with Danish people ..but now even if there was no boycotting, I would have psychological block…
So now you hate all of Denmark on the basis of a few silly drawings?
Man, that's cold...

But it raises a good question. A bunch of misinformation and flatout lies in the Middle East have been spread in the Middle east about this case such as the claim that Jyllandsposten published a lot more drawings, which were A LOT more hurtful. Other misunderstandings and pieces of mininformation include:
- The claim that the Danish queen has said that all Danes must fight Islam. WRONG!
- The claim that the Danish media are filled with anti-Muslim slogans and pictures of Muhammed.
- That derogative posters of Muhammed are plastered all over the place! WRONG!
- That the Danish government owns and controls Jyllandsposten. WRONG!
- That the Danish government was planning on publishing a severely censored version of the Qu'uran. WRONG!

So my question is this: Are you, personally, and people in your circle of friends and family aware that these things are not true?
I really hope so...

(to be continued...)

just a Dane

There are some think that I do not understand. I do hope that I could get some answerers hear.

The newspaper JP in DK made an article last year on the self sensor ship that we do see in Europe media towards Islam. E.G. remember the killing buy extreme Muslim for artist in Europe.

If you would have been reading the newspapers in Europe for the last 25 years like me you would know that there have been many case with Christians insulted buy the newspaper and also many articles moving and changing the rolls for blasphemy. Also last cases against Denmark from Russia over the Tjetenian conferees in CPH (do remember this as I lost a contract in Russia because of it – at as the latest development they also what to kill us), with turkey regarding the Kurdish news channel in Denmark and the disagreements with USA during the cold war are just examples of a small countries with its own opinion.

I do hope that all on this forum are aware that the media in Denmark are not controlled buy the government. Problems with the media can only be solved with the cords and our queen is not allowed buy constitution to interfere in any political case. Actually see is only for decoration.

The drawing and the article as I did read it and still reads it can hardly without the pictures been seen as an insult to Islam.

Then the pictures lets just a second assume that the title did not say “drawings of the prophet”.

Some are jokes on the newspaper actually insulting it. Some a plays on the fear of Muslims and regional deferens in Denmark like – as the grads run to attack the artist – Easy guys After all it’s just a drawing made buy an infidel Southern Jutlander. Actually this like a lot of the pictures can not be called a picture of Mohamed as Mohamed would not bee seeing his own picture and sending cards with guns after the artist. The two pictures seems to be the most defending are one with the bomb – a play on Muslim terrorism that I do presume Is undoable as the fact that Buss is creasy like all he other fanatics. So is that insulting? The maker of the drawing did not make the terrorism happen hi just gave it a face. The on with the man holding a sword and have to covered lady’s (you can only see the eye) standing behind him. Well it’s a typical Muslim warier. I do presume that that is also a part of history. As a Dane I a proved of been the descendant of Vikings and would not feel it as in insult to be pictured as a warier. Then there humble man working in the dessert and some insult to the news paper not showing any resembles to a drawing of any Muslim.

So to my questions:
1: if the drawings were not of the prophet. Would they then be an insult?

2: is it not only for Muslims not allows making pictures of Mohamed?

3: if it’s only that fact that the pictures are showing the face of Mohamed that is an insult then please let me know what gives the Muslims in the world the right making demands to Denmark regarding what we do in our own country?

4: if you will say that it’s your right base on religions believes the please let me have a full list of what other things we have to change to submit to Muslim believes.

5. As this rights as I assume Muslims will demanded them, can not only be a right for Muslims I a free society like the Danish we also need a full list of what other religions demands we have to implement. It will give a lot holiday will I not?

Basically I believe that the Muslim world should stop it’s attach on Denmark and get on with there lives with or without Danish products. If you continue it will defiantly not be a more peace full world. May bee some argumentation that it would have been better not to make the drawing is understandable but really they can not be unmade.

So kill us all or get on with your life’s if you attack us I think we would have a good chance of wining. I mean 1, 5 billion against 4, 5 we would not miss with on single bullet and just for the recorded it was a joke. 

Sword of Alla

You need to change your name as the Sword is ancient and no more effective. Try my Moslem brother, Belt of Bombs of Alla, as this will get you further and faster with more deadly features, so that you will end up having sex to as many virgins as innocents you take with you!!

Arabic numerals

Hey all you arabs claiming credit for "Arabic Numerals" show how ignorant you are. They were not invented by an Arab but by an Indian. They have been popularly called Arabic Numerals because that is who the Europeans learned about them from. I am not saying that there are no Muslim contributions to the world of science and math. Under the abissids there were many mathematical and architectual advancements, but the number system, that is not yours.

"The term "Arabic numerals" is actually a misnomer, since what are known in English as "Arabic numerals" were neither invented nor widely used by the Arabs. Instead, they were developed in India by the Hindus around 400 BC. However, because it was the Arabs who brought this system to the West after the Hindu numerical system found its way to Persia, the numeral system became known as "Arabic". Arabs themselves call the numerals they use "Indian numerals", أرقام هندية, arqam hindiyyah)." http://www.answers.com/topic/arabic-numerals

Sword of Alla

Look at your name, I guess you need to change it as the sword is no more iffective. Try the belt bomb of Alla, as it will get you furthur into the lap of 72 vergins!!!

Re: prophet Muhammed - Cartoon

"What people need to understand is that there is a difference between "freedom of speech" and preaching hatred and offending over 1.6 Billion people."
Who's preching hatred? Frankly, I think those cartoons are extremely benign, though I'm not denying that Muslims were, in fact, offended. But ALL religions are subject to satire and, yes, in some cases ridicule, but why should yours be exempt?

As for your distinction between freedom of speech and giving offense, you're partly wrong.
Freedom of speech ENSURES that you can voice your criticism of others, even your state, your religion or the religion of others. It is an integral privilege that, sadly, is rarely seen in the Middle East.

But since you're partly wrong you're also partly right:
Freedom of expression is rarely absolute, in that most states have minor restrictions in place - usually to prevent defamation. You can't walk into a crowded theater and yell "Fire! either for that matter.

In Denmark, for example, racist statements and blasphemy are outlawed, but the Danish DA - for lack of a better word - did not find that any laws had been broken. So what's the problem?

"and it is now the largest religion in the world."
Actually, Christianity remains the largest religion even though Islam IS growing.

And no, to the best of my knowledge we in the West are not plotting against Islam though it saddens me greatly to hear that Allah is plotting against us.

Could you tell me what that last exclamation means by the way? (I know what "Allah'uakbar" means...)

Opiate for the Masses

What people need to understand is that there is a difference between "freedom of speech" and preaching hatred and offending over 1.6 Billion people.

No hatred in those cartoons, only amazingly accurate irony. A religion that preaches peace also being used for suicide bombings of innocent civilians.

You speak of offending 1.6 Billion people? Well there are more Christians in the world than Muslims, and being Christian and reading the bible is specifically denied in some Muslim states. Now that is a tiny weenie bit more offensive than some cartoons.

Try comparing apples to apples.

But regardless, I'll offend countless more billions. Religion is the opiate for the masses, where weak minded people try to explain away their ignorance in all things, and blame it on an invisible man in the sky. Ruling your lives based on mythology is sad yet funny to me. In your tolerant Muslim societies, I would be put to death for my powerful, and correct opinion on your (and others) religion. Tolerant my ass.

What people need to

What people need to understand is that there is a difference between "freedom of speech" and preaching hatred and offending over 1.6 Billion people.

How do these cartoon preach hatred? They are just cartoon, nothing more, nothing less.
There are no hidden messages saying we should go kill all muslims, no boycots, no insults, nothing. They are drawing, get over it. No big deal...

cartoon hetze

Sense of humour has to do with a notion of selfrelativity: seeing things in proportion and taking youself not too serious. That sense is lacking in the islam world today.
They go a great length in telling you that Mohammed is no God, but a human being (the christians claim their Jezus to be: God and Human at the same time). And per definition that means Mohammed can make mistakes like all of us: he is certainly not infaillable. He spoke Arabic, what is just another language - like Greek or Latin (or any other language for that matter). It is no holy language - language is a human invention and is never a perfect vehicle for thoughts. So the Coran cannot be holy: there are no holy books.
Via the Arabs lots of knowledge came to the West. True......,but they did not invent those knowledge themselves. They brought ideas from the Chinese and the Indians, which the West developed further.
Why could the West do what the Chinese, Indians and the Arabs couldn't: develop an true scientific and rational attitude? The Chinese emperor kept the inventions mainly for himself (afraid of democratizing!) and the Arabs stifled all individualistic thinking around 900 after christ. The Roman Catholic Church has tried to do that too, from 350 A.C., but around 1450 it lost its monopoly on scientific thinking thanks to The Renaissance.
From that time on the R-C.vision on the Bible,the World and man/woman was under attack. Knowledge has since been democratized.
Feeling of proportion, relativity of the truth (there is not ONE TRUTH!)and sense of humour stem from that period.
Moslims in western countries better get to grips with that phenomenon. Their thinking about men and world is outdated. When they attack their host countries, they show no respect to a great tradition of freedom of speech and thinking. Why should we respect people with no sense of humor?

My advice to Dutch

1) The queen of Denmark has given a speech about the European cultures and said bad things against Islam and prophet Mohammed (Muslims ignored her)
2) The prime minister of Denmark has pointed three times since the 9-11 against Muslims people (Muslims ignored him)
3) Some of the news papers have published articles against Islam and prophet Mohammed (Muslims ignored them)
4) The last topic is the caricatures of Prophet Mohammed.

People were not ignoring those because they are scared or afraid , but they said it may be a re-action of the 9-11 .. however, now they are not using the Danish products which may leads to economical problem in the Denmark.
On Other Hand, if Dutch have Humanity ,Values ,and respect the others religions they wont accept such thing on themselves or the others.

My Advice, Dutch need a guidance to show them how to understand and respect the others. However, if they do , they wouldn’t reach to this case.

"My advice to Dutch" Dutch

"My advice to Dutch"

Dutch are actually folks from Netherlands, these are Danes

Freedom of speech - unknown?

Freedom of speech is something not known in those countries. If Denmark is going to make an apologize it will be a catastrophe for western civilizations and it is absolutely unacceptable to start limiting the freedom of speech. Danish economy can handle the loss coming from the boicots, and in fact, every EU country should stop selling goods to the countries as a protest. And the most important thing to do is to stop the HUGE MONETARY AIDS to the countries. We are talking about a heck lot of money here and what do we get in contrast... threatenings for some stupid pictures.

To author of Western Hypocrisy

Billions of upset Muslims, I can understand that some Muslims are upset about the cartoons, but billions of upset Muslims!!!!!

to lars

hi lars
to us Muslim who happen to be 1 billion or more we love prophet Muhammad more than ourselves our mothers, fathers children n partners, another words every single Muslim in the world dat hears abt this cartoon story will be furious. so yes the whole Muslim world is angry not just some

This is true!Fact #1If it

This is true!
Fact #1
If it wouldn't be for the US, Europe, Japan, China and even Russia there would be nothing in the Muslim world, Muslims can't even build their own drilling equipment. Or ever built or design anything that requires oil. The weapons they use are mostly Russian made. Drilling equipment is Russian, European or US made.
Fact #2
The Small numbers of successful Muslims grew up in the west and were educated in the west but still talk against the western countries that gave them the opportunities, educated and fed them. They love sales jobs where you sit on your ass and can lie and cheat to make a quick buck.

This is completly surreal

As a Dane I must say that I’m watching how this case is developing with absolutely disbelief as it now has reached a completely surreal level.

How can some stupid caricatures cause such an outcry? They aren’t even particularly well made.

Born and bred and living in a modern well-functioning prosperous democracy with a free and open press, it is really hard to understand the hysteria these twelve ludicrous caricatures have caused.

I can assure any Muslims out there, that none of these caricatures were meant as an insult to Islam or Mohammed.
I read the newspaper the day they were published and didn’t even really notice them and neither did most Danes.
In the public debate in this country satire, irony, sarcasm and humour are all legal means and widely used and accepted to get the message across. In the past I’ve seen many way harsher caricatures of e.g. authorities, politician and the Queen.
In 1984 an artist even did a huge mural of Jesus with an erect penis. This caused a bit of a stir and some heated debate about the artistic right to freedom of expression for some time. As the mural was done in a train station it was eventually painted over, but the artist wasn’t fined or jailed or anything – the public simply found it to be a bit too much.

In this light the caricatures should be seen and were they meant – as a mean to facilitate debate and NOT to insult Muslims and their faith.

I think this ongoing free and open debate has helped strengthening both our society, democracy and Christian faith immensely.


I'm usually quite tolerant

I'm usually quite tolerant of different cultures and religious stances, but this is ridiculous. I am sick of Muslims whine and whine about how they are unfairly treated and that everybody is out to get them. You don't hear about massive boycotts and riots because somebody made fun of Christ or burned bibles. People accept that because it's called "freedom of speech." If Muslims are not willing to accept that there are people who makes fun of EVERYTHING including their prophet, they should just go back to the middle of the desert where they came from instead of invading European nations. What about radical Muslims that behead civilians? They do not want tolerance, but total acceptance. What is so special about Islam that they need to take priority over other relgions? Can somebody give me an explanation to this?
For the Muslims in Western Europe: You are there because you chose to leave your native countries. That means that you have agreed to be a part of the country of your choosing. If you want to keep up your cultural practices to the nth degree, then you should have just stayed in the middle east. Assimilate -- and realize that you guys are your own worst enemy. Now what? are you guys going come after me too and blow me up?

Mohammad really was a terrorist

Moslems are actually following Mohammad's lead, because he was also intollerant of anyone who opposed him and he used terrorism. It is a flawed religion with a flawed leader. Mohammad had a woman poet, Asma bint Marwan, murdered becasue she wrote poetry that scolded residents of Mecca for not standing up to him. He also had an old man killed for questioning his links to any god. When Mohammad was forced to leave Mecca the first time, he supported himself by robbing caravans. He was no prophet, he was just a clever man who used people's superstition to gain control of them. Then he used persuasion, superstition and when those didn't work, terror, to maintain control. (See "Muhammad" by Professor Maxime Rodinson). I recommend reading the Koran to see what a joke this religion is. Mohammad is so transparently trying to control people by claiming to get messages from his god it is laughable. For example he tells them that god says when people visit "the prophet" they should go home at a reasonable hour, and not peek at his wives on the way out.

The Moslem reaction to the cartoons is an indication of the primative superstitious nature of Islam. Arabs and other Moslem countries should have education in civil rights tied to any aid. They still live in the dark ages with respect to religion.

Thank goodness the Danish, Germans and French have the courage to publish their ideas no matter who objects. We should not let Moslems blackmail the civilized world through threats or murder of anyone who expresses opposing views. If they persist, Islam must be eradicated for the good of civilization and mankind. I am sorry that United States publishers have lost their nerve. We should publish these and any other cartoons of Mohammad and Islam in solidarity with those who stand for freedom of thought and speech. We should also withdraw our embassies from Saudi Arabia and any other country that defends that type of religious tyranny. In fact any time religion and governments are mixed it leads to enslavement of the people and wars, and the UN should move to separate church and state around the world. The world will be a much better place when religion is purely a private matter.

to jen

ok jen i can probably write all day about this..i'll try to be specific as possible ...first of all i would like to tell u some facts about islam..
1)part of the islamic belief clearly states that a muslim MUST believe in god,the day of judgement and respect ALL prophets ,holy books and angels...it's a must ..i can never make fun of prohet muhamed, jesus or moses (peace be upon them all)..on the contrary i truly believe that they were magnificent human beings.. u didn't hear of boycotts coz someone burned the bible coz simply u have to have a muslim lunatic (i mean it he has to be literally crazy) with international media all around him ...this kinda acts are not acceptable to muslims..

2)u can not say by any means that arabs live in the desert..i'm not blaming you coz i know it's the media responsibility which related everything got to do with arabs with camels and deserts!!!i consider this a demonstration of how ignorant the human mind can be..
3)prophet muhammad(pbuh) said that "taking the life of one innocent human being is equal to killng all humanity"..it's the ultimate and extreme sin in islam...whoever does that must have some serious troubles in understanding what islam is all about..u just can't imagine how forbidden that is...
the only thing i approve in ur message is that a great deal of muslims is actually the worst enemy of islam..people forgot how great our religion is..and the west forgot to read about it..and the gap is getting bigger everyday..i just wanna say to the ignorant,stupid, airhead who drew these drawings " u made millions of muslims sleep uncomfortable knowing that there can actually be someone that ignorant like yourself..may god forgive u and guide u.."

Where is the tolerance

Christians are not allowed bibles or churches in Saudi. The muslims and their clerics in Iran and elswhere scream death to Israel. On Aljazeera. com web spite and hatred gets sung. Tolerant people in the West are starting to become more intolerent of muslims living among us but adamant that we have to change. No you change this is my culture.

To I'm usually quite tolerant

The freedom of speech that you call it as Democracy however in reality it is just a different aspect of your religious belief in practice. Muslims have respect and originality to their own core belief. People must respect this other than mocking them. Some people make fun of Jesus Peace be upon him, that we can never do, however this does not give right to make fun of other religious objects and you can not call this as the Democracy. Nobody has to explain you about priority of Islam that is complete religion. I advise you to go to bookstore and order one of those Idiot books about Islam and learn about its wisdom. Being ignorant is not the way you like!
Muslim did not want to come but the west stole its base nourishment and still stealing from it currently in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Iran next... You can drive Volvo because you have money that came from Muslims and other people you imperialized (stealing, murdering then liberating)
Back to the history, you learned everything from Muslim Civilizations buttoning shirts, functions of restrooms to healing sick, usage of numbers (math) and physics but now you are acting, as you are the smart one... Sad, how can such ignorance be exist…

Euler - not muslim, Newton -

Euler - not muslim, Newton - not muslim, Einstein - not muslim, Gauss - not muslim (and I am only talking about maths and physics here). really, Islam was the birth of many great ideas about 600 years ago. The rest of the world has caught up though, whereas most Islamic states are just living off the oil you have (which by the way won't last forever...)

In democratic secular societies, we allow for multiple religions to co-exist. No religion is above criticism nor should prevent people from expressing their opinions. If you don't like that, you should go and live in a country that forbids it. I am sure there will be a happy existence for you in Saudi Arabia or Iran. Don't impose your values on others.

Need to know...

The freedom of speech that you call it as Democracy however in reality it is just a different aspect of your religious belief in practice. Muslims have respect and originality to their own core belief. People must respect this other than mocking them. Some people make fun of Jesus Peace be upon him, that we can never do, however this does not give right to make fun of other religious objects and you can not call this as the Democracy. Nobody has to explain you about priority of Islam that is complete religion. I advise you to go to bookstore and order one of those Idiot books about Islam and learn about its wisdom. Being ignorant is not the way you like!
Muslim did not want to come but the west stole its base nourishment and still stealing from it currently in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Iran next... You can drive Volvo because you have money that came from Muslims and other people you imperialized (stealing, murdering then liberating)
Back to the history, you learned everything from Muslim Civilizations buttoning shirts, functions of restrooms to healing sick, usage of numbers (math) and physics but now you are acting, as you are the smart one... Sad, how can such ignorance be exist…


you learned everything from Muslim Civilizations buttoning shirts, functions of restrooms to healing sick, usage of numbers (math) and physics but now you are acting, as you are the smart one

A little bit of an overstatement here, methinks. Everything? I know for a fact that Muslims didn't invent zip fasteners. Or non-stick frying pans. You should give us dumb Westerners some small credit.

Thank you very much.

Bob Doney

saudi business women from nermin

The Saudi women you claim to have no right have the equal right to divorce herself as any man and this right is given to her by islam more than 1400 years ago .not by the west or the east ..while even any European princess cannot have this right till now. not only this but every western country and every state in USA is making their own laws concerning divorce, an issue which is settled 1427 years ago… for your knowledge, saudi business women were the one to launch this boycotting to Danish products .

huh,, well,,, you are asking

well,,, you are asking us to give you some credits,,
ok then we admit that you have done alot for chefs and helped them cook better,,
if anyone is looking for a better life,,
our Holy Qur`aan has left nothing,(when i say nothing i mean it) in life that didn`t talk about.
you can just learn how to read arabic,,and studying qu`raan would be an enogh degree to continue your life with.

You asking?

our Holy Qur`aan has left nothing,(when i say nothing i mean it) in life that didn`t talk about.

How do you know this if you haven't read every book ever written?

Bob Doney

Sorry !

This Pictures has no result for denmark & this web page unless that muslims be offended & thay will be against denmark & this publisher of this pictures . in my idea this works hadnot result unless angry of muslims , are you agree with my idea ?

Behavioral Boundaries

Islam is encroaching the Western world, legally through immigration, socially through da'wa (or preaching,) demographically, and also by classical jihad (armed conquest.) But the greatest advantage the Muslim movement has over Europe seems to be the unwillingness of Europeans themselves to draw and define boundaries of acceptable behavior within the West if not throughout the greater world.

Tolerance is a great thing, one man allowing the other to pursue his private interest as he will in turn to be left alone by others. Tolerance, though, is not apathy, not moral and emotional nihilsm. That would be apathy, moral and emotional nihilism. To disregard the rights of others to know the boundaries of the acceptable before they cross them into the fatal zone is a failure of social responsibility on the part of all tolerant people. To continue to move the boundaries of the acceptable, to continue to abjure ones social responsibilities to keep the irrational within the bounds of sanity for their own protection, to appease for the sake of ones moral vanity is to invite resistence in kind. To set firm and non-negociable limits to behaviour and thereby protect infractors from our reaction is morally imperative. "I will go this far, and I will go no further."

Islam broached the bounds of reason and behaviorable acceptablity long ago, long before 9-11. Islam, far from being a 'religion of peace,' is a 7th century warrior code practiced by those who can get away with it. Islam is a poligion, a political religion, and it is not rational, not open to reason. Islam is extreme in its canonical core; and Muslims, being raised into orthodox Irrationality, are dutiful irrationalists. They need known boundaries. They have none of their own in terms of acceptable behaviour in the modern world of Europe. We must provide those boundaries for them.

The highly unfortunate reaction to the cartoons published at Hjlands Posten recently-- but it was in October!-- shows that Muslims do not have a sense of rational proportion in regard to their feelings of exceptionalist Muslim privlege. We, then, as humanitarians, produce and post graphics that are deliberately provocative of Muslims. Our graphics are sometimes outrageously insulting not only to Muslims but to the average sensitive person. Rightly so, in our opinions. We, having seen the extremes of Islam and the extremes of Muslim behaviour, have drawn boundaries, too close for some, that we call the line we defend.

Our attempts at provocation are not gratuitous but reactive and corrective. Muslims have gone too far, thanks to our frivolous tolerance of ill behavior and sentimental posturings of senstitivies to others. Now the boundaries must be restricted to tight cirles to clarify what is and what is not acceptable to us in the Western world.

Pushed too far, we push back too hard. Our hope is for a settlement of boundaries. It is to everyone's advantage that we define the boundaries at last. Reasonable people will likely concur. Others might not.

I as a prophet loving muslim

I as a prophet loving muslim think that these are good in the long run. It increases out tolerance and it will help us blend in with the society better. But the process should be gradual. Ahmad