Danish Imams Propose to End Cartoon Dispute
From the desk of Hjörtur J. Guðmundsson on Sun, 2006-01-22 21:31
Update (7 February 2006): The Cartoon Hoax
The Danish imams, who protested the publication of 12 Muhammad cartoons [see them all below] in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten last September, have announced that they want to end the dispute. For four months the imams and their radical Muslim organizations have unsuccesfully demanded government censorship. However, despite immense pressure (also from international organizations such as the UN and the EU) the Danish government refused to call the newspaper to account.
Last week a couple of Norwegian papers decided to publish the cartoons in support of the Danish paper while in Denmark moderate Muslims, encouraged by the government’s refusal to be intimidated by the radicals, have distanced themselves from the imams. The latter announced on Friday that they no longer demand apologies from Jyllands-Posten for the publication. Instead they said they just want two things: a guarantee from the Danish authorities that Muslims can freely practice their religion without being “provoked and discriminated.” And a declaration from Jyllands-Posten that the cartoons were not published with the intention of mocking the Muslim faith. “We want Jyllands-Posten to show respect for the Muslims. This can happen with an apology, but it can also happen in some other way. We will leave it to Jyllands-Posten to come up with some ideas,” said Ahmed Akkari, spokesman of the Muslim organizations. “We want respect for Muhammad restored and we want him to be described as the man he really was in history, and that he gets the respect he deserves,” Akkari stressed that Muslim organizations are still deeply opposed to the publication of the cartoons.
The Muslim organizations and Jyllands-Posten met last week to discuss the matter. “It was a good and constructive meeting. We agreed that we need to find a solution,” said Carsten Juste, editor of Jyllands-Posten. Juste stressed that the meeting was one step in a reconciliation process which the Muslim organizations and the newspaper began in December.
Some sceptics wonder whether the demands of the imams have changed fundamentally. They still insist that Jyllands-Posten admit that publishing the cartoons was wrong and make amends for it. The sceptics argue that the paper should not settle for a compromise on freedom of expression by justifying itself. Others wonder why the radical Muslims appear to be softening their demand and seem so eager to make a deal. Perhaps the decision of Norwegian papers such as Magazinet to support Jyllands-Posten by publishing the cartoons has made the radicals reconsider. Perhaps they fear a domino effect. Some Swedish papers are considering publishing the cartoons as well. If the Swedish government subsequently follows the position of the Danish and Norwegian governments, refusing to interfere and limit freedom of expression, the position of the radical Danish Muslims, who are looking for international support, will only weaken.
According to a poll taken this week among 1,047 people in Denmark 57% of the Danes support Jyllands-Posten’s decision to publish the cartoons, while 31% disagrees. Young people and men are more likely to support the decision. Almost two out of every three males and 61% of people aged between 18 and 25 years of age did so.
Meanwhile an international organization of Muslim intellectuals has threatened to mobilize “millions of Muslims all over the World” to boycott Danish and Norwegian products unless the Danish and Norwegian government condemn the publication of the cartoons, which is called an “attack on the Muslims of the World and on the Prophet.” In Saudi Arabia people are receiving e-mails and sms messages urging them to boycott Danish products “until Denmark offers an official apology.” The Organization of the Islamic Conference protested last week’s publication of the cartoons in the Norwegian paper Magazinet. The Iranian embassy in Oslo said that freedom of expression cannot justify publishing the cartoons. However, Finn Jarle Sæle, the editor of the Norwegian Christian newspaper Norge I DAG, announced that his paper is also considering publishing the cartoons. He called upon other Norwegian editors to do the same. Sæle says that so far many of them have only written editorials supporting freedom of expression but have not dared to publish the cartoons themselves.
Asked if wider publication will not lead to unnecessary confrontations between Christians and Muslims Sæle said the intention was not to provoke just for the sake of provoking, but rather to confront radical Islam in Norway. Perhaps it is necessary to provoke in order to do that, he said. Sæle wants the Norwegian imams to publicly oppose the death threats that have been sent to Magazinet’s editor Vebjørn Selbekk. According to Sæle these threats are not just directed against Magazinet. They affect the entire Norwegian media, not just one editor who dared to stand up for freedom of expression.
More on the Danish cartoon case which The Brussels Journal has been covering from the beginning: Click here (see links at end of article)
My two cents - for the few
Submitted by eyeresist (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 07:54.
My two cents - for the few people who've read this far.
Gee, there sure is a lot of venom being spewed here. That's what happens when reasonable discussion goes out the door. Surely we can come to some peaceful agreement?...
I've no doubt that a number of Muslims were hurt and offended by the Danish cartoons. However, they shouldn't feel singled out. Beliefs of all kinds are ridiculed in the West, and most of us have grown a thicker skin in consequence. A few haven't - usually people who feel they are an oppressed minority (fundamentalist Christians, women, etc.). Certainly they (and Muslims) are entitled to protest IF they feel they are observing a social trend that might lead to oppression. However, claiming the right to special exemption from criticism will usually just result in further mockery, and rightly so. 'As you judge, so will you be judged' (if an infidel may quote from the Bible).
In reply to the complaint many people in Muslim countries have, of being treated unfairly by the prosperous, (relatively) heavily-armed West, I give you the example of Ireland. The Irish were starved, murdered and mocked for hundreds of years (and produced their own terrorists as a consequence), but they have discovered that success is the best revenge. Secularisation and market reform have produced "the miracle of Europe". Of course, some still get touchy if you bad-mouth the Pope, but it's generally understood that the free expression of ideas - even horrible ideas - ultimately benefits society.
People of faith in the West have had to ask themselves why outside criticism can sometimes be hurtful. Surely a strong religious belief doesn't need to be defended against any earthly attack? Surely God, if he IS God, doesn't need to be defended?. By facing these questions, faith becomes more secure.
It might sound strange, but the events of recent years may be benefiting the West, by reminding us of the virtues of our (relatively) tolerant, (relatively) secular society (although I'll disagree with anyone who tries to argue that bombing the hell out of a weaker nation, destroying its infrastructure and killing many thousands of its citizens, is a virtuous act). Hopefully we can build on our good qualities, perhaps by emphasising moderation, kindness and respect for the past. Reasonable people of all beliefs would, I think, support this.
Why only 12 cartoons. We
Submitted by Dagmar (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 04:00.
Why only 12 cartoons. We should have created at least 1000....
Do not appologize, support Denmark!!!!!!!!!!
What about all of the Bush cartoons, the Blair cartoons, etc !!!
Submitted by El Kabong (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 03:50.
As we all know, everything and everybody is fair game in this world of communication, commentary, and satire. Bush, Blair, Saddam, the list goes on and on. There have been a great many cartoons depicting Jesus, Buddha, and other holy "icons" in a great many ways that some enjoy/agree with and some not. I cannot understand how it is that this causes such an excessive "uproar". The world has to be getting very very tired and irritated with the vocal desire to have a double standard held up about their "icon" when it happens to be one of so many subjects of commentary. Especially when it comes from a community that will burn flags of other countries and images of their beloved icons.
Cartoons and Islam
Submitted by Tom Hitchins (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 00:27.
It is very important that the news media and governments of Denmark and the rest of Europe stand firm on the issue of the right to criticize, even ridicule, Islam or any other religion. Religions around the globe do all they can to influence almost every aspect of public and private secular life. Therefore it is vital that individuals and societies retain the right to comment on religions and what they do. History has shown us that given the oportunity almost any religion will use prohibitions against "blasphamy" to stifle any and all criticism directed at them.
Submitted by B (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 19:36.
DEATH TO THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to mr b fuk noooo its fuck how to write
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 15:43.
that is how to write fuck jesus fuck the cross fuck the europpean fuck you what else fusk the jew fuck the dan fuck the pop ...
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck
Submitted by Osmagic on Sun, 2006-02-05 05:16.
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah Fuck Allah
and his fucking brainless followers
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 19:33.
Long live Western Democracy!
Submitted by Freedom Freak (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 16:44.
I defend the Western values of Freedom of Speech and public opinion. After all, we fought for centuries to have church and state and society separated. We should not let countries with medieval mentality and thinking tell us how to think! In our society, women are equal; they are not stoned if they are raped; in our society, we don't detonate ourselves along with other innocents because of belief, and call it martirdom; in our society, we don't restrict women from working and receiving higher education; we don't kill and threat people with different ideas; in our society, we don't beat and burn our wives and call it "domestic issues"; in our society, we don't forbid people what to drink and eat, how to dress and appear; we don't blackmail other countries by lowering oil production; we don't kill journalists and writers for their words; our people don't hijack airplanes and bash them into buildings with thousands of innocent people!!!
If the Islam is not happy with us, Islam should get it's smelly and inferior feet out of Europe and the rest of the civilized world! We had enough with these small-headed beasts!!!!
Alija Izetbegovic, Bosnians
Submitted by Serb from Bosnia (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 11:51.
Alija Izetbegovic, Bosnians muslim leader
Alija Izetbegovic, Bosnians muslim leader
Submitted by Turk (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 10:09.
Let's get this straight. I'm
Submitted by Willis (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 11:12.
Let's get this straight. I'm sure Arabs are fine people. The few Arabs I have known have all been secular and supremely civilized with a touch of the poetic. They have been held down by their dirty pig religion: Mohammedanism. In the same way Europeans were held down by another dirty pig religion, Christianity, until Galileo came along. And later, as Saint Voltaire remarked, "Fut alors Descartes." Can't the Arabs connect the dots? No Galileo, no Newton, no Spinoza, no Voltaire: That, lads, is the reason the West is superior. Get rid of Mohammedanism or continue to serve tea to the British memsahibs.
Submitted by lilly on Fri, 2006-02-17 23:36.
to willis from nermin(islam is written on cuba hall of congress
Submitted by nermin on Thu, 2006-02-02 11:43.
mohamdian ..there is nothing called that .but youlik eto make like this tobe like christianty whcih isnamed after name of an individual thechrsit or budda and budhsism ...there isnothing called mohamdian ,there is only islam which is a religion of god not a person ..and it is really awful your bad word about religion calling it pig while you eat pork and thank god muslims donoteat it....you have every right to runaway from christianity due to all what yousaid but islam was never against science .muslims scientist had great contribution to all branches of sicnece and taht is why islam is written on cuba hall of tehcongress libray between nations and countries that contributed and had influential effects on humanity an d civilization.
Tea and Memsahibs
Submitted by Distant (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 11:18.
Speaking as an Indian, from a very - overly, perhaps- religious country that nevertheless got rid of the British relatively effectively, Islam or Hinduism is no bar to ending the serving of tea to British memsahibs.
Unless they're back, and paying in euros, of course.
May Peace Be With All
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 11:01.
There is not a true East or West; it is a social construction. All people are humans.
May peace be with all people.
May all people lay down the swords, literal and metaphorical, and embrace in compassion and forgiveness. Peace be with you.
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
doesn't make any sense." -Jelaluddin Rumi
the thougts are free
Submitted by Sabina (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 09:32.
An good old saying is "the thougts are free". And everybodys opinion is it too, everywhere on the world. Even muslims are demanding for themselve religious freedom in a christian europe when they are living there . In contrast Christians have a verry hard life when they are living in a muslim country. The daily news are full of such cases. Freedom and religious freedom are good things. But they should be true and working for everybody and in all directions. Demanding form themselve and not giving to the opposite part is not a good idea and will not be working.
For me the discussion about these drawings is such a case. Why to the hell the muslims want to forbid the danish and european people an own opinion about how they are seeing Mohamed and the Islam ?
By the way some of them are verry good and are just fitting in the picture the muslims are themselve presenting to the world of themself .
to sabina (why therer are still jews living in islamic countries
Submitted by nermin on Thu, 2006-02-02 10:11.
you speak aboutthings you donot know what you are talking about.islamic countries have always been the place where muslims , jews and christians live togther in peace without problemand that is because muslims respect and belive in their faiths and their prophets ...the jews fled from thehell of europe to islamic countries especially north africa after spain has fallen in hand of isabella and fernadeno ..you can ask any jew if they were suffering in our countries and why tehy still live till now in our arabic and islamic countries while thehave teh option of their dream land israel to livein luxury there...can you reply to me why there are still jews live in our countries if they ever complained...wait fro reply
To all Muslims - why do Muslims persecute Christians and Jews??
Submitted by follower of The way (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 13:23.
You say that Islam is a peaceful religion then tell me why do Muslims carry out such wicked crimes against Christians and Jews, both are people of the book so it is written in the Koran and yet you kill and rape them in places like Egypt, Algeria, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Nigeria, Indonesia (and these are only a few of many countries this happens). Even in Bethlehem where Jesus Christ was born, Muslims have made Christians second class citizens, raped their women, taken their business and property through force and now they are being forced to leave the very place their lord and saviour was born. I see no peace just wickedness, Christ taught about loving the enemy and loving your neighbour as yourself, this is the love of the real God and not a religion that believes in world domination through terrorism . You do not know the true God of this world if you did his love would be in you, instead you show the fruit of the devil and not of the compassion that Christ taught. May the God of Israel have mercy on you and your people.
to liar follower of The way
Submitted by nermin on Thu, 2006-02-09 18:25.
you talk about how muslims treating jews an d christians...go liar and ask those jews who are still living in all islamic countries why they still live there while they have their dream land israel?????.
tell me why all historical and ancient churches and temples are present as it is in our islamic countries Mr liar?????.
and how u lie that daringly saying now palastinains who are prosecuted an d under occupation are forcing u to leave...
are they in a position to make u leave or stay..u are the one who have chosen toleave yourself as you are not able to defend the land where the christ was born .
you only capable of one thing ..which is making an army with the jew as ur people did in lebanon to fight against your own country.
Jews made lfe easier for arabs
Submitted by Tosin (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 13:00.
perhaps you 4gotten that the jews that lives in ur country makes ur country worth living. The jews made ur economy what they are today inshort they control the world economy, be it in europe or America and that dirty Arab country of yours. gets your fact right if not for jews arabs will only know Camels nothing but camels and its shits
to nasty jew 2
Submitted by nermin on Thu, 2006-02-02 13:42.
The jews made ur economy what they are today inshort they control the world economy, be it in europe or America .
that i swhy hitler was so keen to burn as much from you as he could and taht is why you were living like rats in europe hiding in closed cantoons and allays and that is why shakspaer depicts you well as teh greedy , malicious usury in his play merchant of venice 200 years ago.
You cant just help to know
Submitted by Tosin (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 13:53.
You cant just help to know that you are a jew ...you are from a jew blood ..if not for abraham that slept that egyptian slave the arab race would have not ben created. You are from the Jews if you dont know and God cursed you all by saying to ismail that his hand will be on people and that peoples hand will inturn be on them...Thats the reason why you muslim world can and will never win over isreal cos they are ur boss. Today what hitler did is a sorry action cried out by Germans if not for America I am sure you all gonna be dead by now coz Hitler believes in only blonds with blue or green eyes... so nermin or whatever ur name is Go eat a fat Pig and get a life
to tosin
Submitted by IslaamIsPerfect on Sat, 2006-02-04 14:41.
hmm how evil indeed u r to call the father of all the prophets Abraham may peace n the blessings be upon him , claiming that he slept with an Egyptian slave?? so r u saying the father of Isaac whose descendent u claim to be was an adulterer?? if so than u r the children of adulterer right?? n since u got abit of brain to see that Arabs n Jews r same blood than why hate us soo much?? truly Allaah indeed knows his creation n he knows u guys better than u knowing urself n indeed jews like u deserve to be cursed in both worlds n im sure hitler had seen the evil u Jews carry with u , may Allaah guide u poor soul ameen
to Tosin
Submitted by nermin on Thu, 2006-02-02 14:06.
i dont eat pig mr jew for your knowledage only....and at thened israel willnever win the arabs and you know that....th eeurppean found it a solution to get rid of you and in thesame time control the arabic region . you are just puppet and mutual interest . you know very well that there will be a big battle between muslims and jews called hermagdon and you know very well who will win .if you donot ask your rabbis....
how nasty you talk about the great prophet abraham.you say slet with an egyption slave ..is that th eonly language you know to speak about your ancestor .....anyway you can ask why abraham married that egyption woman....to giv ehim the som he craved most an dgod blessed that son but in your corrupted book you say abrahm abandoned his eldest beloved son which are all lies and shit as you are used to be
To Nermin
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 14:22.
Thats exactly what am saying you guys are looser and for sure I will wait and see how israel deals with you bunches of camels..why God then asked for tthe other son Issac to be sacrifised if if so much love that useless Ismail....you can get the rethym even in ur so book of story you recorgnize jesus that tells you where the truth is and the book that has it. You all gullible ...mohammed is just a mere trader that made himself a hero...you guys are doomed to die ..i know that you dont eat pig ...but I willsurely feed your kinds with it when we are done wiv you bastards. read your koran very good its all filled with lies. so soon you all forgot about 7 day war of all arabs against one country israel but lost what a shame ....Egypt, Jordan made peace and lebanon was under israel for ages...If not for the europeans israel would have colonized you all coz it will take israel just few day to over run you camels. Sick bastards. Thats why the 1st sexual experience of age 14 of an arab boy is witha goat or sheep ...proove me wrong and i will surel give you facts
to nasty jew
Submitted by nermin on Thu, 2006-02-02 13:38.
what are the number of those jews who make life easier for arabs...you always beat the hand that help you..you were burned in europe when you didnot find any land to host you but our islamic countries thisis always your attitude .go and hit your head in the crying wall....you the killer of christ as christians says. hitler has done well by cleaning the world from people like you
nermin rhymes with vermin. A
Submitted by Dunkie (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 13:57.
nermin rhymes with vermin.
A Jew, a Christian and the prophet Mohammed walk in to a bar..........
Why ?
Submitted by M R (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 23:22.
I am Egyptian .. Mouslim ..
After all this shit I have only one question.. Why ?
Why to take a religion subject as a fun material ?? .. why to make ppl hate each other ?
I really don't have an answer .. but really danish goods now stay on store shelves till they expire !!!
My point of view .. it was really a very stupid move from this newspaper ..
Submitted by antimuhammed on Wed, 2006-02-15 12:56.
Technical issues?
Submitted by Anonymous11 (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 23:42.
Sorry to go off topic, but am I the only who's experiencing slowdowns and who's having difficulties posting?
Technical problems
Submitted by Bob Doney on Thu, 2006-02-02 01:56.
am I the only who's experiencing slowdowns and who's having difficulties posting?
Have a look at the site stats - "External counters" in the right hand column. The site has had half as many visitors today as it did in the whole of January!!
Time to get a bigger server, Mr Belien!!!!
Bob Doney
To Nermin
Submitted by Anonymous11 (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 23:58.
Nermin, for some reason I can't post part 2 of my answer. (And believe me I've tried).
I'll give it a go again tomorrow.
Part 2 to Nermin
Submitted by Anonymous11 (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 23:51.
"you donot know anything about us.."
I find it ironic that you presume to know what I don't know. Quite a trick.
"we are arabs are passionate people and have hot blood and half of our population are young people who already have lots of emotions and hot blood…"
I can appreciate that, but I wonder if you think that excuses young (and armed) Middle Easteners who burn the Danish flag and yell stuff like: "Oh, muslim! Crush the Danes' heads!"?
Or the death threats made against the cartoonist, Scandinavians in Palestine or the bomb threats against Jylland Posten? (I'm sorry if these questions seem offensive, but I'd like to clear that up.)
"I read that a 6 years old Saudi boy said to his mother that he will not eat his breakfast if she gave him Danish cheese or butter"
That's nice, but somehow I don't think he did that of his own volition.But let's not dwell on it.
"Finally donot you agree with me that certain issues are better to avoid than to provoke ..noone gain from this cartoons issues and if you are wise you see that the wo;ld is already fulminating and no need for more…"
I believe needless provocations should be avoided, but
I also believe that people should be free to express their opinions without fear of retribution.
"we believe in Christ and you too but we donot depict him but you do..so there is a huge difference.."
I agree, which is why I believe that you should be free NOT to draw your prophets as per your religion just as we should be free to draw ours...
To conserve room, I'll skip all of your rhetoric questions and carefully selected examples and jump right to the crux of the matter:
"come and e see before you speak"
Having been to a country does not afford anyone a particular, intellectual authority. It is quite possible to render a qualified opinion about something you have never seen. For instance, I have never seen the pyramids, and yet I remain convinced they exist.
Moreover, I'm confident that you have never spent a significant amount of time in Denmark and obviously you don't think that precludes you from debating matters involving that country.
It's a two way streak, Nermin.
PS: Nermin, could you please add a few indentations and some separate paragraphs. It's extremely hard to read such an uninterrupted block of text. Thanks.
"ok can you tell me why is islam is growing ?.
can u tell me why churches are deserted?
looking forwards clear answers"
So you tacitly concede that I'm right and immediately change the subject.
That's cool, we can do that:
I believe Islam is growing because of the lax immigration policies of many western countries, because of soaring birthrates in developing countries, because of what happens to apostates, meaning that extremely few people convert from Islam.
Another major contribituting factor to Islam's RELATIVE growth is that atheism is on the march in the already secularized societies of the West, while others still seek spiritual - though often Christian - fulfillment outside organized religion.
Reply to Anonymous11
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 14:11.
It is obvious in your writing style that your intelligence is above average. It is a pleasure to read Nermin's and your responses. Keep up the good work.
I've lived in several countries. Christian and muslim. Democracy and freedom of speech, although may sound straightforward and global concepts, they actually are not. These two have been stretched, used, and abused in the context of human rights, predominantly by the (western) developed countries, and their citizens who have the blinders on. Democracy, just as the communism was meant to be, a great concept for the western world, no doubt in my mind. The recent understanding of democracy is a bit different from total participation, and the ruling power of the majority while not squashing the minority rights. In fact, democracy requires the majority to protect the minority rights. I am not saying that Danish etc. governments are not protecting everyone's rights equally.
It is obvious that the developed countries in the west have been enjoying extremely high level of wealth, mainly due to the capitals gained from the 20th century resource exploitations of the undeveloped countries. (Example ref: Jacobs, M. 1991: The Green Economy. pp. 36-37). I would like you to be aware that the current wealthy status of most European countries are due to the transfer of funds from underdeveloped world, those funds and capital that allowed the Europeans to create "peaceful!" and "democratic!" settings. No, the current wealth of Europe is not due to the good things that the Europeans achieved. It is mostly due to the exploitation. If you look at the current and recent history, you can see the examples of such set-ups, and subsequent declines and the failures. I am afraid, as long as the Europeans are under such illusions of possessing great democracies etc,the current status will not be sustainable.
It is also interesting to see (first hand, by being in most of such countries) that the third world is also aware of this exploitation scheme, and the recent global resentments, in local and regional scales, are the end results of such increasing awareness.
Some European countries are progressive but at the same time selectively fair, very opportunistic, and exploitationist (if such a word exist!).
World is unique. People are different. Respect and tolerance are the most important principals for a peaceful and progressive world where we can all share and enjoy its resources. Making fun at things, whether you think is a birth-right given by "freedom of speech!", mocking with issues that are holly to billions of people, is a sign of total ignorance and complete lack of respect. I support any writer's right to express his/her opinion, but I also hold the right to condemn the level of ignorance that this so-called writer and the publisher to carry on with such a line of publishing. It is a complete and unnecessary stupidity, due to absurd ignorance, and lack of respect.
Look at all these postings full of hatred in this webpage. Like Arabs are stu... and all. Is this intelligent, or necessary? Who benefits from arguing like that? The same mentality with quite a bit of racist angle, as the publisher followed. It is a shame really.
Your thoughts?...
Current wealth
Submitted by Bob Doney on Thu, 2006-02-02 22:48.
No, the current wealth of Europe is not due to the good things that the Europeans achieved. It is mostly due to the exploitation.
An interesting thought. Can you explain then what happened after 1945, when Europe's wealth was almost completely exhausted by having fought two world wars. Yet within 20 years most countries in Europe were once again wealthy. Interestingly enough in the 30 years or so since then most of the other countries of the world have also achieved unprecedented levels of prosperity. How did they do this if they were being exploited by the wicked Europeans?
Could it be that Western inventiveness in science, technologies, markets, organisation, governance and law gave benefits both to Western countries and any others that chose to adopt them? I'm sorry, but the evidence just doesn't support your "it's all down to exploitation" theory.
Bob Doney
Two way street
Submitted by Bob Doney on Thu, 2006-02-02 22:34.
It is a pleasure to read Nermin's and your responses. ...
Look at all these postings full of hatred in this webpage. Like Arabs are stu... and all. Is this intelligent, or necessary? Who benefits from arguing like that? The same mentality with quite a bit of racist angle
Have you particularly enjoyed Nermin's anti-Semitic rants, and Nermin's claim that I am like Hitler, want to burn Jews, and have a black heart - all apparently carried in my genes?
Tolerance needs to be a two-way street if it is to work.
Bob Doney
Response Two Way Street!
Submitted by A New Believer on Sun, 2006-02-05 05:42.
Bob! Oh my Gods!
You say that Nermin is tolerant!
Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! I never knew that!
I thought it was all the manical ravings of a lunatic madman. Praise Odin! You
have shown me the light.
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
sorry who is baldur
Submitted by bashar on Sun, 2006-02-05 05:45.
and odin
to new beliver
Submitted by IslaamIsPerfect on Sun, 2006-02-05 13:58.
thanx for sharing info abt ur religion , i like learning abt diff religions, never knew such a religion existed interesting
thanxx n yes u don’t have to be a Muslim , Islam is not forced upon ppl but rather ppl r giving a free choice to accept or reject Islam but as a sincere person as u seem to be , why not look in to Islam n learn this religion too , its always good to now wats there n if u r interested in how Muslims think n why they think in certain way than look in to Islam
take care may Allaah guide u ameen
Response to ISISPerfect
Submitted by A New Believer on Sun, 2006-02-05 15:15.
Hahaha! how nice!
Sorry, no thank you for the kind invitation. I was married to a muslim arab, lived in syria.. He had two imams for relatives, a few generals in his family and a sister in the secret police there. And I took my degree in comparative religions. I know all there is needed for me to know about Islam. That is why I am an Odinist! I prefer the good old days before all these new fanciful religions began erupting.
Odine be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
May Odin's Eye spread wisdom!
to new beliver
Submitted by IslaamIsPerfect on Thu, 2006-02-09 12:11.
hi n u welcome as i said b4 Islaam is no compulsion i hope i made dat clear n to u is ur religion to me is mine:) as far as u being married to a Muslim in Syria or him having imams in his family or u living in Syria or having ur degree makes no difference , by marrying a Muslim doesn’t mean u know Islaam cuz juat like most christains n jews most Muslims dont practice their faith as they should n most arab men r iqnorant of Islaam specially as far as women's right in Islaam is concerned , and also having degree makes no diffrence i too have studied other religions but i wont go arround calling al others fake even tough my faith in Islaam is unshakable alhamdulillaah ( all praises be un to Allaah the lord n the creator of this vast universe)
n by the sound of it , u must of been married to a bad Muslim or the least someone who had no idea as to how to treat a woman according to Islaamic teaching else u wont be divorced...
anyways if u r happy by being wat u r than be it so ,"to u is ur religion to mine is mine" nevertheless i will ask Allaah(God) to guide us all to the truth ameen
To IslaamisPerfect
Submitted by A New Believer on Thu, 2006-02-09 15:10.
I have no quarrel with you and you are right, there are a lot of muslims who do not practice as they should. Having the degree does not make me perfect either, but then it leaves me with a complete understanding of what it should be. My library is filled with books. Roman Catholic, Bhuddist, Hindu, Islamic, Zoroastriasn, My own dear religion, variosu tomes of the different Prostestant groups.. etc..etc.. So I study and I like that as well. People that treat me nicely I treat the same. May your religion give you peace, may you have what you need to make life good for you! I never said your religion was fake, but I am sick and tired fo people of your religion acting as if everything they say and do is perfect and leaves no room for anyone else. I also think that threatening to kill someone because you do not agree with what they say think or do is reprehensible, ignorant, childish and inane. When someone is nasty with me I can be nasty back. When someone is nice to me I can be nice as well. He and his family were soomething esle Islaam ..something else entirely. But then many times I thought the whole neighborhhood and city were insane.
I know how you feel, I get raptures when I read the Eddas and my faith is unshakeable also. So peace at least between you and I and I wish you much joy and happiness in life!
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
The Aesir give you blessing!
Answer from Anon11 to Anonymous
Submitted by Anonymous11 (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 16:41.
"It is obvious in your writing style that your intelligence is above average. It is a pleasure to read Nermin's and your responses. Keep up the good work."
Hey, thanks a lot! Right back at you.
"It is obvious that the developed countries in the west have been enjoying extremely high level of wealth, mainly due to the capitals gained from the 20th century resource exploitations of the undeveloped countries."
Untrue, and I seriously doubt you could find any reputable historian or economist to back up that claim. You could always try to dig up a Communist historian who'd reaffirm your belief in "the exploitation" of the masses. Now, bear in mind I'm not approving the colonialism or imperialism of old.
There are three major reasons for the undeniable success of the West:
1. Geography: We lucked out and got domesticated animals at an early stage, a forgiving climate,and the benefit of being influened by Middle Eastern, Asian and African cultures. I'm not too proud to admit that.
2.Capitalism! The importance of this cannot be over-emphasized! Corruption, nepotism and oppression could have easily undermined the benefits of geography.
3. Christianity (though not all researchers include this): Not because God dotes on his followers but, because Christianity contains the components needed for a free society to flourish. Most other religions are static and resistant to change, some even reactionary. Muhammed for instance stated that "My generation, then the next, then the next...."
If you compare the Bible to the Qu'uaran (if I'm spelling it wrong, please correct me),
you will find that the Bible is not a chohesive whole, but rather an anthology of texts written by humans, which are by definition imperfect. On the other hand Muslims regard the authenticity of the Qu'aran to be above all doubt and reproach.
The separation of church and state promoted by Christianity is another huge part of the West's success as well as its inherent compatibility with capitalism.
""peaceful!" and "democratic!" settings."
What's with the quotation marks? Even if your premise, unlike mine, is that the wealth of the West is entirely based upon exploitation, surely you must concede that Western societies are indeed "peaceful" and "democratic", particularly if you start comparing them to other nations.
"Some European countries are progressive but at the same time selectively fair, very opportunistic, and exploitationist (if such a word exist!)."
I'm going to need examples. Do you have any idea how much relief and aid developing countries receive from the West? In addition, there are plans in the works for MAJOR debt cancellation?
Hell, the Palestinian economy is entirely dependent upon support from the EU. Why the Arabic countries are not the ones lifting this burden I don't know...
"I support any writer's right to express his/her opinion, but I also hold the right to condemn the level of ignorance that this so-called writer and the publisher to carry on with such a line of publishing."
Excellent! That's what freedom of expression is all about: The free exchange of ideas.
Jyllands-Posten were entitled to publish those cartoons and YOU are free to demonstrate and call them disrespecful fools for doing it. If people voice their outrage peacefully no one will bat an eye.
"Respect and tolerance are the most important principals for a peaceful and progressive world where we can all share and enjoy its resources"
I think everyone can agree about the crucial importance of those principles. I certainly can.
"It is a complete and unnecessary stupidity, due to absurd ignorance, and lack of respect."
Are you aware of the context in which the cartoons were commisioned?
I'll be happy to play "Devil's advocate" and explain it to you if you have not...
"Look at all these postings full of hatred in this webpage. Like Arabs are stu... and all. Is this intelligent, or necessary? Who benefits from arguing like that?"
To be fair, there are asshats on both sides, including Muslims.
Neither of these groups contribute to a meaningful dialogue, e.g. "Muhammed was a pedophile", "Lol, arabs r teh suxors" or "Crush the heads of the Danes!", or "Hay, guys. less go burn the danish flag!"
As for whom it benefits, the answer is clear: No one!
PS: I really appreciate being able to have a clam and collected conversation about this without it escalating into a flame war. Thank you.
PPS: I'm having massive problems posting (probably due to the server load) so it may be awhile before I can get back to you.
From Anon11 to Anonymous
Submitted by Anonymous11 (not verified) on Thu, 2006-02-02 16:11.
"It is obvious in your writing style that your intelligence is above average. It is a pleasure to read Nermin's and your responses. Keep up the good work."
Hey, thanks a lot! Right back at you.
"It is obvious that the developed countries in the west have been enjoying extremely high level of wealth, mainly due to the capitals gained from the 20th century resource exploitations of the undeveloped countries."
Untrue, and I seriously doubt you could find any reputable historian or economist to back up that claim. You could always try to dig up a Communist historian who'd reaffirm your belief in "the exploitation" of the masses. Now, bear in mind I'm not approving the colonialism or imperialism of old.
There are three major reasons for the undeniable success of the West:
1. Geography: We lucked out and got domesticated animals at an early stage, a forgiving climate,and the benefit of being influened by Middle Eastern, Asian and African cultures. I'm not too proud to admit that.
2.Capitalism! The importance of this cannot be over-emphasized! Corruption, nepotism and oppression could have easily undermined the benefits of geography.
3. Christianity (though not all researchers include this): Not because God dotes on his followers but, because Christianity contains the components needed for a free society to flourish. Most other religions are static and resistant to change, some even reactionary. Muhammed for instance stated that "My generation, then the next, then the next...."
If you compare the Bible to the Qu'uaran (if I'm spelling it wrong, please correct me),
you will find that the Bible is not a chohesive whole, but rather an anthology of texts written by humans, which are by definition imperfect. On the other hand Muslims regard the authenticity of the Qu'aran to be above all doubt and reproach.
The separation of church and state promoted by Christianity is another huge part of the West's success as well as its inherent compatibility with capitalism.
""peaceful!" and "democratic!" settings."
What's with the quotation marks? Even if your premise, unlike mine, is that the wealth of the West is entirely based upon exploitation, surely you must concede that Western societies are indeed "peaceful" and "democratic", particularly if you start comparing them to other nations.
"Some European countries are progressive but at the same time selectively fair, very opportunistic, and exploitationist (if such a word exist!)."
I'm going to need examples. Do you have any idea how much relief and aid developing countries receive from the West? In addition, there are plans in the works for MAJOR debt cancellation?
Hell, the Palestinian economy is entirely dependent upon support from the EU. Why the Arabic countries are not the ones lifting this burden I don't know...
"I support any writer's right to express his/her opinion, but I also hold the right to condemn the level of ignorance that this so-called writer and the publisher to carry on with such a line of publishing."
Excellent! That's what freedom of expression is all about: The free exchange of ideas.
Jyllands-Posten were entitled to publish those cartoons and YOU are free to demonstrate and call them disrespecful fools for doing it. If people voice their outrage peacefully no one will bat an eye.
"Respect and tolerance are the most important principals for a peaceful and progressive world where we can all share and enjoy its resources"
I think everyone can agree about the crucial importance of those principles. I certainly can.
"It is a complete and unnecessary stupidity, due to absurd ignorance, and lack of respect."
Are you aware of the context in which the cartoons were commisioned?
I'll be happy to play "Devil's advocate" and explain it to you if you have not...
"Look at all these postings full of hatred in this webpage. Like Arabs are stu... and all. Is this intelligent, or necessary? Who benefits from arguing like that?"
To be fair, there are asshats on both sides, including Muslims.
Neither of these groups contribute to a meaningful dialogue, e.g. "Muhammed was a pedophile", "Lol, arabs r teh suxors" or "Crush the heads of the Danes!", or "Hay, guys. less go burn the danish flag!"
As for whom it benefits, the answer is clear: No one!
PS: I really appreciate being able to have a calm and collected conversation about this without it escalating into a flame war. Thank you.
Mohammad Cartoons
Submitted by Sam (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 21:30.
It is amazing that few cartoons created such a huge havoc and perhaps boodshed in the Moslem world! It tells you how vulnarable this religion is.... Being a Moslem with deep sceptisizm I just support such cartoons as Moslems need to know what Islam really stands for rather than what the Mullas are preaching. Moslems need to be exposed to literature that is currently banned in the Moslem world and now the move is to bann it outside the Moslem countries. I appeal to the Western media to publishes literature about the truth of Islam and Mohammed, as this is the only rout for Moslems to read the truth...
This religion needs to wake up and undergo major facelift, otherwise it is doomed to vanish since it is propagating Jihadists. These are anxious to kill as many innocent people in order to have sex with virgins !!
Danish Imans propose ...
Submitted by bernhard reck (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 20:20.
Gratulation zu Ihren Artikeln über dieses Thema. Wir haben Ihren Beitrag auf unserer Website verlinkt: www.hausamblender.com
Prophet Muhammad - Cartoon
Submitted by The Sword of Allah (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 20:39.
As a Muslim myself, I find these cartoons offensive, and it just goes to show that although the West claims they are not at war with Islam, they tend to contradict themselves through their actions. What people need to understand is that there is a difference between "freedom of speech" and preaching hatred and offending over 1.6 Billion people.
However, that being said, the West can create all the propoganda it likes against Islam and our beloved Prophet Muhammad, the leader of all prophets and mankind, one day they will see the TRUTH, by then it will be too late for them to change their ways....
No matter what the West and it's allies plot against Islam, Allah is always plotting against them, and Allah's plots cannot be foiled. The religion of Islam continues to grow at a remarkable pace, and it is now the largest religion in the world.
Habib-Allah, Rasoul-Allah, Imaam Al-Mursaleen!
Re: prophet Muhammed - Cartoon
Submitted by Anonymous11 (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 22:36.
"What people need to understand is that there is a difference between "freedom of speech" and preaching hatred and offending over 1.6 Billion people."
Who's preching hatred? Frankly, I think those cartoons are extremely benign, though I'm not denying that Muslims were, in fact, offended. But ALL religions are subject to satire and, yes, in some cases ridicule, but why should yours be exempt?
As for your distinction between freedom of speech and giving offense, you're partly wrong.
Freedom of speech ENSURES that you can voice your criticism of others, even your state, your religion or the religion of others. It is an integral privilege that, sadly, is rarely seen in the Middle East.
But since you're partly wrong you're also partly right:
Freedom of expression is rarely absolute, in that most states have minor restrictions in place - usually to prevent defamation. You can't walk into a crowded theater and yell "Fire! either for that matter.
In Denmark, for example, racist statements and blasphemy are outlawed, but the Danish DA - for lack of a better word - did not find that any laws had been broken. So what's the problem?
"and it is now the largest religion in the world."
Actually, Christianity remains the largest religion even though Islam IS growing.
And no, to the best of my knowledge we in the West are not plotting against Islam though it saddens me greatly to hear that Allah is plotting against us.
Could you tell me what that last exclamation means by the way? (I know what "Allah'uakbar" means...)
to Anonymous from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Wed, 2006-02-01 22:45.
ok can you tell me why is islam is growing ?.
can u tell me why churches are deserted?
looking forwards clear answers