Danish Imams Propose to End Cartoon Dispute
From the desk of Hjörtur J. Guðmundsson on Sun, 2006-01-22 21:31
Update (7 February 2006): The Cartoon Hoax
The Danish imams, who protested the publication of 12 Muhammad cartoons [see them all below] in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten last September, have announced that they want to end the dispute. For four months the imams and their radical Muslim organizations have unsuccesfully demanded government censorship. However, despite immense pressure (also from international organizations such as the UN and the EU) the Danish government refused to call the newspaper to account.
Last week a couple of Norwegian papers decided to publish the cartoons in support of the Danish paper while in Denmark moderate Muslims, encouraged by the government’s refusal to be intimidated by the radicals, have distanced themselves from the imams. The latter announced on Friday that they no longer demand apologies from Jyllands-Posten for the publication. Instead they said they just want two things: a guarantee from the Danish authorities that Muslims can freely practice their religion without being “provoked and discriminated.” And a declaration from Jyllands-Posten that the cartoons were not published with the intention of mocking the Muslim faith. “We want Jyllands-Posten to show respect for the Muslims. This can happen with an apology, but it can also happen in some other way. We will leave it to Jyllands-Posten to come up with some ideas,” said Ahmed Akkari, spokesman of the Muslim organizations. “We want respect for Muhammad restored and we want him to be described as the man he really was in history, and that he gets the respect he deserves,” Akkari stressed that Muslim organizations are still deeply opposed to the publication of the cartoons.
The Muslim organizations and Jyllands-Posten met last week to discuss the matter. “It was a good and constructive meeting. We agreed that we need to find a solution,” said Carsten Juste, editor of Jyllands-Posten. Juste stressed that the meeting was one step in a reconciliation process which the Muslim organizations and the newspaper began in December.
Some sceptics wonder whether the demands of the imams have changed fundamentally. They still insist that Jyllands-Posten admit that publishing the cartoons was wrong and make amends for it. The sceptics argue that the paper should not settle for a compromise on freedom of expression by justifying itself. Others wonder why the radical Muslims appear to be softening their demand and seem so eager to make a deal. Perhaps the decision of Norwegian papers such as Magazinet to support Jyllands-Posten by publishing the cartoons has made the radicals reconsider. Perhaps they fear a domino effect. Some Swedish papers are considering publishing the cartoons as well. If the Swedish government subsequently follows the position of the Danish and Norwegian governments, refusing to interfere and limit freedom of expression, the position of the radical Danish Muslims, who are looking for international support, will only weaken.
According to a poll taken this week among 1,047 people in Denmark 57% of the Danes support Jyllands-Posten’s decision to publish the cartoons, while 31% disagrees. Young people and men are more likely to support the decision. Almost two out of every three males and 61% of people aged between 18 and 25 years of age did so.
Meanwhile an international organization of Muslim intellectuals has threatened to mobilize “millions of Muslims all over the World” to boycott Danish and Norwegian products unless the Danish and Norwegian government condemn the publication of the cartoons, which is called an “attack on the Muslims of the World and on the Prophet.” In Saudi Arabia people are receiving e-mails and sms messages urging them to boycott Danish products “until Denmark offers an official apology.” The Organization of the Islamic Conference protested last week’s publication of the cartoons in the Norwegian paper Magazinet. The Iranian embassy in Oslo said that freedom of expression cannot justify publishing the cartoons. However, Finn Jarle Sæle, the editor of the Norwegian Christian newspaper Norge I DAG, announced that his paper is also considering publishing the cartoons. He called upon other Norwegian editors to do the same. Sæle says that so far many of them have only written editorials supporting freedom of expression but have not dared to publish the cartoons themselves.
Asked if wider publication will not lead to unnecessary confrontations between Christians and Muslims Sæle said the intention was not to provoke just for the sake of provoking, but rather to confront radical Islam in Norway. Perhaps it is necessary to provoke in order to do that, he said. Sæle wants the Norwegian imams to publicly oppose the death threats that have been sent to Magazinet’s editor Vebjørn Selbekk. According to Sæle these threats are not just directed against Magazinet. They affect the entire Norwegian media, not just one editor who dared to stand up for freedom of expression.
More on the Danish cartoon case which The Brussels Journal has been covering from the beginning: Click here (see links at end of article)
Submitted by blukat on Sat, 2006-02-11 19:45.
Not Kabalah, but Kabah.
That's to A New Believer
Submitted by blukat on Sat, 2006-02-11 19:36.
Thanks. I appreciate your very good information.
Who is Allah?
Submitted by blukat on Sat, 2006-02-11 18:30.
The word Allah is an Arabic word meaning "the god." It is a pre-Islamic name: Allah was one of the pre-Islamic pagan deities of Mecca. Allah is not the God of the Jews and the Christians. Like the worship of Ba-aL, the worship of Allah was an astral religion involving worship of the sun, the moon, and the stars. In ancient Arabia, Allah was the personal name for the moon god. The symbol of the moon good was the crescent moon.
Muhammad was from the Quraysh tribe, which was especially devoted to Allah and his three daughters (Muhammad tried to include them into Islam through the Satanic Verses, which, when people objected, he announced that his god "abrogated" that revelation).
Arabs can be traced to non-Abrahamic origins. There is no record that Abraham ever went to Mecca. Muhammad took the Jewish story he had heard from passing travellers and transferred it to Mecca, thus setting up the idea that Arabs were the descendants of Ishmael, which is nothing more than a vanity.
The historical evidence is clear that Muhammad adopted the pagan religious rite of a pilgrimmage to Mecca to worship at the Kabalah for the sake of providing Meccan merchants with a tremendous amount of money.
Muslims will say that this is not true, but they cannot prove otherwise. I have presented historical facts which can be found by researching the matter of Allah.
Allah is a false god of Arabia; thus, Islam is a false religion.
that is why islam is fast growing
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-11 18:06.
My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level."
Michael H. Hart, THE 100: A RANKING OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSONS IN HISTORY, New York: Hart Publishing Company, Inc., 1978, p. 33.
Submitted by A New Believer on Sat, 2006-02-11 18:49.
You do not rule the world! hell you barely rock the world! What you do, do is run your fat mouths hollering, gesiticulating and carrying on as if you are possessed by demons themselves. I think all muslims are really demons in disguise. And now you are a few muslims short of that because in Pakistan this morning, Sunnis and Shi'ias blew each other each screaming about the other being heretical buttheads! And you are peaceful, peace loving. You cannot even discuss the 12th Imam calmly with each other!
Listen Westerners This is what they are looking for! This is what they wish to happen. Why in the name of Hell do you think the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, was walking around kissing Adolf Hitler's bum! He wanted this, so he could proclaim himself as the MADHI! Perhaps the Presient of Iran has delusions of grandeur, maybe he wants it. Maybe Saddam wanted it! The point is they will not be happy until THEY bring about
Armaggedon! They live for it, strice for it., Every muslim child is taught to pray for the opportunity to be a Shahid. They are taught to die in Shahada is the best thing that can happen. There are fundamentalists Christians that pray for the second coming but they do not want to go out there and push the button for the bomb! THESE ASSHOLES DO!
After all, the Prophet Muhammad himself warned Muslims that “the last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.” This tradition is repeated, with small variations, numerous times in the Hadith. ): “A reliable Hadith [tradition] says: ‘The Jews will fight you, but you will be set to rule over them.’ What could be more beautiful than this tradition? ‘The Jews will fight you’ — that is, the Jews have begun to fight us. ‘You will be set to rule over them’ — Who will set the Muslim to rule over the Jew? Allah . . . Until the Jew hides behind the rock and the tree. But the rock and tree will say: ‘“Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, a Jew hides behind me, come and kill him.” Except for the Gharqad tree, which is the tree of the Jews.’ We believe in this Hadith. We are convinced also that this Hadith heralds the spread of Islam and its rule over all the land.”
Madhi declared: “We are convinced of the [future] victory of Allah; we believe that one of these days, we will enter Jerusalem as conquerors, enter Jaffa as conquerors, enter Haifa as conquerors, enter Ramle and Lod as conquerors, the [villages of] Hirbiya and Dir Jerjis and all of Palestine as conquerors, as Allah has decreed . . . Anyone who does not attain martyrdom in these days should wake in the middle of the night and say: ‘My God, why have you deprived me of martyrdom for your sake? For the martyr lives next to Allah’ . . . Our enemies suffer now more than we do. Why? Because we are convinced that our dead go to Paradise, while the dead of the Jews go to Hell, to a cruel fate. So we stand firm and steadfast, in obedience to Allah.”
The preach ultimate worldwide supremacy of Islam, in accordance with the supreme goal of all jihads: “Oh beloved, look to the East of the earth, find Japan and the ocean; look to the West of the earth, find [some] country and the ocean. Be assured that these will be owned by the Muslim nation, as the Hadith says . . . ‘from the ocean to the ocean.’ . . . Oh Allah, accept our martyrs in the highest heavens . . . Oh Allah, show the Jews a black day . . . Oh Allah, annihilate the Jews and their supporters . . . Oh Allah, raise the flag of Jihad across the land.”
For someone who believes all this, the only prospect for peace is the death of Israel. Jihad has poisoned the prospect of peace.
that Islam and jihad represent “the only way to liberation, there is no doubt in
"Even the goal of the conflict for Palestinians has been obscured by jihad ideology. On Palestinian Authority television in June 2002, two eleven-year-old girls who had been thoroughly indoctrinated by the warriors of jihad even went so far as to exclaim that they would prefer death by suicide bombing to justice and peace for the Palestinian people. One was asked by the show’s host, “What is better, peace and full rights for the Palestinian people, or Shahada [martyrdom]?” She replied readily: “Shahada. I will achieve my rights after becoming a Shahida [martyr].” Her companion added: “Of course Shahada is a good thing. We don’t want this world, we want the Afterlife. We benefit not from this life, but from the Afterlife . . . The children of Palestine have accepted the concept that this is Shahada, and that death by Shahada is very good. Every Palestinian child aged, say 12, says ‘Oh Lord, I would like to become a Shahid.’”
READ THIS PEOPLE!!! THEY BELIEVE THIS! UNDERSTAND IT! NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHY THEY DO NOT LIKE ME..NERMIN, BASHAR, ONENOSON, PEACE........BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT THEY WANT! This is the main agenda!Better get ready! This is a wake up call. The Danish Imam Abu Laban, he wants this! Abu Jahjah, he wants this. The President of Iran wants this! True muslims that say they do not..are LYING to YOU! LYING!
"Identification of the Prophesied Imam Mahdi
The Holy Prophet Muhammad(SAW) has prophesied about several events that will occur just before the advent of the day of judgment. Among these, Rasulullah(SAW) has foretold the advent of one of his descendants, Al Mahdi (the guided one), which will materialize when the believers are severely oppressed in every corner of the world. He will fight the oppressors, unite the Muslims, bring peace and justice to the world, rule over the Arabs, and lead a prayer in Mekkah at which Isa(pbuh) (Jesus) will be present.
Throughtout the history of Islam, a few individuals -- driven either by the desperate state of Muslims in their community or a selfish pursuit of power and prestige -- laid claim to being Mahdi and found a following among the uninformed masses who were looking for salvation from the heavens. For some of these individuals (like Bab of Iran or Mirza Ghulam of India) the claim to being Mahdi was just a stepping stone to the development of heretic sects which broke away from the fold of Islam. Thus, it is at least prudent to visit the facts of this prophecy and avoid falling pray to false claimants that will appear from time to time.
As Muslims, we should remember that the prophecy about Mahdi is one that will come to pass. This prophecy, however, does not absolve the Muslim ummah from its duty to strive in the cause of Allah(SWT), oppose injustice, and seek peace and betterment of human condition. Centuries have passes from the time of the holy Prophet(SAW) and there is a good possibility that many more will expire before the advent of Al Mahdi. Muslims who are negligent in their duty hoping for a savior are committing a grave mistake and are not following the divine decrees ordained in Quran or taught by Rasulullah(SAW). "
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
iranian president
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-11 18:05.
the newly elected iranian president is teh most suitable type of leader to deal with you.silence , patience and politness proved their total failure with arrogant people like u
The Iranian President is a
Submitted by A New Believer on Sat, 2006-02-11 18:54.
The Iranian President is an Islamofascist with a hidden agenda just like you Nermin!
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
to this who mock our praying
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-11 18:01.
yes we are praying not like u .. we worship our god who created u and that is why you are so malicious because it is quite teasing to you to see all those Muslims from morocco in the west to Indonesia in the east to even Muslims in France and Britain have the same word about their religion an d their prophet.
you are wondering how is that as u left and abandoned all religions long time ago and u want all people become like u.
also you hate our prophet because deep in your heart you are malicious how this man who died 1417 years ago still has this great effect and influence in the heart of his people.
you know that no man ever created on earth could and will never have this influence and that is why you are teased and malicious
Praying- by Nerim?
Submitted by Lode Runner on Sat, 2006-02-11 23:18.
Often wondered this. You pray facing Mecca three times a day. Do you take into account the curvature of the earth? If not, you're praying to outer space. So you kind of have to look down, point and aim in quite a few places. You'd have to be good at geometry, I suppose. However, if the rule is facing the horizion, different then. If you're on the opposite side of the globe, any way you face is good. You know, this is an untapped market. A Muslim GPS, flip it on, always tells you which direction to pray. You could make millions! Those of you that missed out on manufacturing Danish flags should jump on this bandwagon for sure.
To Lode Re: Praying
Submitted by A New Believer on Sun, 2006-02-12 00:44.
"It is five times Lode before she has a baby cow and implodes or explodes! Ssssheesh! You know how she gets, it that time again!"
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
To a new believer- joke
Submitted by Lode Runner on Sun, 2006-02-12 01:14.
OK- It's been heavy here- I'm American, but background mainly Danish swear to God (not allah). This 1's 4 u believer-
Thor, God of Thunder walks into a whorehouse. He proclaims, "MADAM, GIVE ME YOUR MIGHTIEST FEMALE MORTAL!" She says, "Oh, that would be Bernice- upstairs, second door on the left." Thor, God of Thunder walks upstairs, enters the room. 20 minutes later, the heavens part, thunder and lightning reign down. In the morning Thor thinks, "This is indeed a mighty female mortal! I shall take her to Vahalla and introduce her to Odin, and she will become my mortal bride"! He shakes her awake, waves his hammer Mjolnir in the air and announces, "Dear lady, I am THOR!". She says, "YOU'RE THOR? I'M THO THOR I CAN HARDLY PITH"! Now us folks of Scandenavian ancesty can take a joke. So these 2 Muslims walk into a bar. You'd think the second one would have seen it, but it was his wife! He forgot to cut out the holes for her eyes in her outfit!
I feel very Thor now! Praise Odin!
To Lode! hehehehehehehe!
Submitted by A New Believer on Sun, 2006-02-12 01:54.
*wiping my eyes from the tears and trying to rise from the floor from whence I had fallen* Oh that hurt!
That was good I did not know anyone knew Thorjokes! * huge smiles*
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
yes we are praying
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-11 17:59.
yes we are praying not lik eu .. we worship our god who created u and taht is why you are so malicious because it is quite teasing to you to see all those muslims from moracco in the west to indonesia in the east to even muslims in france and britain have the same word about their religion an dtheir prophet.
you are wondering how is that as u left and abandoned all religions long time ago and u want all people becoem like u.
aslo you hate our prophet because deep in your heart you are malicous how this man who died 1417 years ago still has this great effect and influence in the heart of his people.
you know taht no man ever created onearth could an dwill never have this influence and taht is why you are teased and malicious
Yes we are prayin?
Submitted by Lode Runner on Sat, 2006-02-11 23:42.
Nermin, if we are so malicious, why is it that the radical Muslims seek to destroy the world and accelerate global annihilation? Where are the Christion and Jewish suicide bombers? You know what? The Arab countries that had oil and became filty rich, Saudi Arabia, had the opportunity to create a great society. They chose not to, NONE of them did. The few hoarded the oil money from the west and left their population poor. What's even funnier, is that the poor people blame the western countries pouring money into these countries! Their leaders could have embraced socialism or capitalism. Both systems have their faults, but they sure beat how the multi billionaires treat their "peasants" in Saudia Arabia. And the west gets blamed for what the rich Muslims do with the money. Why does the west get blamed? Because we're not Muslim! Besides being intolerant, for the most part (globally), the Muslims don't even know who their real opressers are in the Muslim world. They seem to thrive on ignorance and anger. They seem to despise reality and embrace religion. A very dangerous mixture.
Nermin go lick yourself,
Submitted by A New Believer on Sat, 2006-02-11 18:52.
Nermin go lick yourself, you are getting tiresome and you are not even making sense anymore!
Odinbe Praised! Baldur Save Us!
to taht who posted how islam is fast growing
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-11 17:53.
you also Mr idiot to clearly show your total ignorance doubt the muslim number which is 1.5 billion.
donot u know Mr fool that indonesia which is an islamic country is 200 millions .
dont u fool know taht malysia whcih is also an islamic country is 140 millions.
donot u kno wtaht even china has 20 millions muslims.
donot u know taht egypt is 75 millions Mr fools.
do u know anything about the muslims population in india which are considered as the largest community in the world ..
do u think that u talk to fools like u
Submitted by A New Believer on Sat, 2006-02-11 18:45.
Clean the chickenshit out of your ears Nermin! Honestly Nermin! The only fool here is you. First of all we were discussing the rate of muslims in Germany, and the respective size to the population there, you dim brained cow.
60% of the world's population lives in the continent of Asia.
(India and China account for the majority of the Asian population mass and so there we have that)
Asia 3,866,437,804
Africa 873,742,214
Europe 729,389,373
North America 508,915,797
South America 366,803,836
Oceania (incl. Australia) 32,352,618
Antarctica no permanent population
Pay attention cow there will be a quiz later!
There are approximately 225 inhabited countries and territories in the world. About half the world's people live in the first six largest countries listed below.
China 1,306,313,812
India 1,080,264,388
United States 295,734,134
Indonesia 241,973,879
Brazil 186,112,794
Pakistan 162,419,946
Bangladesh 144,319,628
Russia 143,420,309
Nigeria 128,765,768
Japan 127,417,244
You still awake Cow!
Major Religions of the World
Christian 2,106,962,000
Roman Catholics 1,105,808,000
Independents 416,541,000
Protestants 369,848,000
Orthodox 218,427,000
Anglicans 78,745,000
Muslims 1,283,424,000
Hindus 851,291,000
Chinese Universists 402,065,000
Buddhists 375,440,000
Sikhs 24,989,000
Jews 14,990,000
Paying Atention Cow!
Major Roman Catholic Countries of the World
(% of population)1
Country Roman Catholic (%)
Argentina 92% (about 20% practicing)
Austria 74
Belgium 75
Belize 50
Bolivia 95
Brazil 80 (nominally)
Burundi 62
Chile 89
Colombia 90
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 50
Costa Rica 76
Croatia 88
Cuba 85 (nominally)
Dominican Republic 95
East Timor 90
Ecuador 95
El Salvador 83
France 83-88
Guadeloupe 95
Guam 85
Haiti 80 (half of population
practices Voodoo)
Honduras 97
Hungary 68
Ireland 92
Italy - primarily Roman Catholic
Lithuania - primarily Roman Catholic
Luxembourg 87
Malta 98
Martinique 85
Mexico 89 (nominally)
New Caledonia 60
Nicaragua 85
Panama 85
Paraguay 90
Peru 90
Philippines 83
Poland 95 (about 75% practicing)
Portugal 94
Puerto Rico 85
Reunion 86
Rwanda 57
Slovakia 60
Slovenia 71
Spain 94
Uruguay 66 (nominally)
Venezuela 96 (nominally)
You do not rule the West.. Hell You do not even rule Asia! The Chinese do not allow your bullshit! And if you want to see some extreme brutality carry that shit into India again! You obviously have no clue about Partition when they divided between Indian and Pakistan. And then the Bangaldeshi seceded years later from Western Pakistan. Tell you what start some shit with a Hindu and see what he will do for you! They are not kidding. They will rip the unborn child from your womb and smash that head against the walls. Muslims that could not make it to the borders, their corpses rotted along side the roads. Everytime they heard of atrocities coming from Hindus and other fleeing into India, just sparked the violence even more.
There you go Bessie!
Major Muslim Countries of the World
(% of population)1
Country Muslim (%)
Afghanistan 99
Albania 70
Algeria 99
Azerbaijan 93.4
Bahrain 100
Bangladesh 83
Brunei 67
Burkina Faso 50
Chad 51
Comoros 98
Djibouti 94
Egypt 94
Gambia, The 90
Gaza Strip 98.7
Guinea 85
Indonesia 88
Iran 98
Iraq 97
Jordan 92
Kuwait 85
Kyrgyzstan 75
Lebanon 60
Libya 97
Maldives Sunni Muslim
Mali 90
Mauritania 100
Mayotte 97
Morocco 98.7
Niger 80
Nigeria 50
Oman 75
Pakistan 97
Qatar 95
Saudi Arabia 100
Senegal 94
Sierra Leone 60
Somalia Sunni Muslim
Sudan 70
Syria 90
Tajikistan 90
Tunisia 98
Turkey 99.8
Turkmenistan 89
United Arab Emirates 96
Uzbekistan 88
West Bank 75
Yemen Muslim
You do not rule the world! hell you barely rock the world! What you do, do is run yor fat mouths hollering, gesiticulating and carrying on as if you are possessed by demons themselves. I think all muslims are really demons in disguise. And now you are a few muslims short of that because in Palkistan this morning, Sunnis and Shi'ias blew each other each screaming about the other being heretical buttheads! And you are peaceful, peace loving. You cannot even discuss the 12th Imam calmly with each other!
Listen Westerners This is what they are looking for! This is what they wish to happen. Why in the name of Hell do you think the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, was walking around kissing Adolf Hitler's bum! He wanted this, so he could proclaim himself as the MADHI! Perhaps the Presient of Iran has delusions of grandeur, maybe he wants it. Maybe Saddam wanted it! The point is they will not be happy until THEY bring about
Armaggedon! They live for it, strice for it., Every muslim child is taught to pray for the opportunity to be a Shahid. They are taught to die in Shahada is the best thing that can happen. There are fundamentalists Christians that pray for the second coming but they do not want to go out there and push the button for the bomb! THESE ASSHOLES DO!
"Even the goal of the conflict for Palestinians has been obscured by jihad ideology. On Palestinian Authority television in June 2002, two eleven-year-old girls who had been thoroughly indoctrinated by the warriors of jihad even went so far as to exclaim that they would prefer death by suicide bombing to justice and peace for the Palestinian people. One was asked by the show’s host, “What is better, peace and full rights for the Palestinian people, or Shahada [martyrdom]?” She replied readily: “Shahada. I will achieve my rights after becoming a Shahida [martyr].” Her companion added: “Of course Shahada is a good thing. We don’t want this world, we want the Afterlife. We benefit not from this life, but from the Afterlife . . . The children of Palestine have accepted the concept that this is Shahada, and that death by Shahada is very good. Every Palestinian child aged, say 12, says ‘Oh Lord, I would like to become a Shahid.’”
READ THIS PEOPLE!!! THEY BELIEVE THIS! UNDERSTAND IT! NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHY THEY DO NOT LIKE ME..NERMIN, BASHAR, ONENOSON, PEACE........BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT THEY WANT! This is the main agenda!Better get ready! This is a wake up call. The Danish Imam Abu Laban, he wants this! Abu Jahjah, he wants this. The President of Iran wants this! True muslims that say they do not..are LYING to YOU! LYING!
"Identification of the Prophesied Imam Mahdi
The Holy Prophet Muhammad(SAW) has prophesied about several events that will occur just before the advent of the day of judgment. Among these, Rasulullah(SAW) has foretold the advent of one of his descendants, Al Mahdi (the guided one), which will materialize when the believers are severely oppressed in every corner of the world. He will fight the oppressors, unite the Muslims, bring peace and justice to the world, rule over the Arabs, and lead a prayer in Mekkah at which Isa(pbuh) (Jesus) will be present.
Throughtout the history of Islam, a few individuals -- driven either by the desperate state of Muslims in their community or a selfish pursuit of power and prestige -- laid claim to being Mahdi and found a following among the uninformed masses who were looking for salvation from the heavens. For some of these individuals (like Bab of Iran or Mirza Ghulam of India) the claim to being Mahdi was just a stepping stone to the development of heretic sects which broke away from the fold of Islam. Thus, it is at least prudent to visit the facts of this prophecy and avoid falling pray to false claimants that will appear from time to time.
As Muslims, we should remember that the prophecy about Mahdi is one that will come to pass. This prophecy, however, does not absolve the Muslim ummah from its duty to strive in the cause of Allah(SWT), oppose injustice, and seek peace and betterment of human condition. Centuries have passes from the time of the holy Prophet(SAW) and there is a good possibility that many more will expire before the advent of Al Mahdi. Muslims who are negligent in their duty hoping for a savior are committing a grave mistake and are not following the divine decrees ordained in Quran or taught by Rasulullah(SAW). "
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
Carrying shit into India
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sat, 2006-02-11 20:48.
And if you want to see some extreme brutality carry that shit into India again!
12% of India's population is Muslim.
Bob Doney
Bob, I know that but the Hindus still rule the muslims tthere
Submitted by A New Believer on Sun, 2006-02-12 00:47.
I know that Bob I was speaking of Partition, when India and Pakistan separated, and muslims in India do not act up too much because the Hindu troops would love to roll in, just like they bust Sikh heads.
Odin Be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
Very good information.
Submitted by blukat on Sat, 2006-02-11 19:33.
I appreciate it.
islam is fast growing
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-11 17:48.
islam is most fast growing in the world through those wise people who happened to find their true way in this life.
islam is fast growing through intellectuals, university stuffs and thinkers not among people like u.
go and search for what is written by godie in newsyork times Mr fool.
go and search the net and see who is the author of what u will find ..then come back an dlet see what your reply
to watch their photos.
How Islam became the fastest growing religion:
Submitted by blukat on Sat, 2006-02-11 17:11.
Once upon a time, a Muslim came to the US to live. The following year another Muslim came to live in the US. That was an increase of Islam by 100% over the previous year. Them it went to their heads.
A few years ago it was reported online that Islam had nearly a billion followers. Within a few months, Muslims reported that Islam had a billion followers. By the next year, Islam, Muslims said, had over a billion followers. By now, Muslims are claiming that Islam has a billion and a half followers.
A few years ago it was reported that the US had 3 million Muslims. A few months later, Muslims claimed 5 million followers in the US. Just before 9/11 it was up to 10 million followers. After 9/11, the US reported that it had about 3 million followers.
And that's another way Islam became the fastest growing religion. In a word: It's another lie.
islam is fast growing through those
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-11 17:43.
Muhammad Asad - Leopold Weiss
Statesman, Journalist, and Author
"I knew now, beyond any doubt, that it was a God-inspired book I was holding in my hand: for although it had been placed before man over thirteen centuries ago, it clearly anticipated something that could have become true only in this complicated, mechanized, phantom-ridden age of ours....
Knud Holmboe - Ali Ahmed
Journalist and Author
Overtaken by a painful crisis of identity and faith, he gave up writing and sought refuge in a French monastery.....but something must have struck a chord, for a year on, we find him emerging from his retreat with his early interest in Islam confirmed.
Rene Guénon - Abd al-Wahid Yahya
French Intellectual, Author and Critic
"Modern science in disavowing the principles [of traditional metaphysics and cosmology] and in refusing to attach itself to them, robs itself both of the highest guarantee and the surest direction it could have; there is no longer anything valid in it except knowledge of details, and as soon as it seeks to rise one degree higher, it becomes dubious and vacillating."
Frithjof Schuon
"Islam confronts what is immutable in God with what is permanent in man."
Wilfried Hofmann
German Social Scientist and Diplomat
"I began to see Islam with its own eyes, as the unadulterated, pristine belief in the one and only, the true God, Who does not beget, and was not begotten, Whom nothing and nobody resembles …
United Kingdom
Lord Headley Al-Farooq
Leading British peer, statesman and author.
"Islam and Christianity, as taught by Christ himself, are sister religions, only held apart by dogmas and technicalities which might very well be dispensed with...."
Hedley Churchward - Mahmoud Churchward
Artist Hedley Churchward became the first recorded British 'Guest of God'...
Charles Le Gai Eaton - Hassen Le Gai Eaton
Former British diplomat and Author
"I did not see how I could put one foot in front of the other unless I understood where I was going and why....All I knew was that I knew nothing - nothing, that is to say, of the slightest importance - and I was paralysed by my ignorance as though immobilised in a dense fog....."
Jemima Goldsmith - Haiqa Khan
"It would seem that a Western woman's happiness hinges largely upon her access to nightclubs, alcohol and revealing clothes; and the absence of such apparent freedom and luxuries in Islamic societies is seen as an infringement of her basic rights. However, as we all know, such superficialities have very little to do with true happiness....
Sir Archibald Hamilton
Statesman and Baronet
"There is no religion that is so maligned by the ignorant and the biased as is Islam; yet if people only knew, it is the religion of strong for the weak, the rich for the poor...
Yusuf Islam
Former Pop star Cat Stevens
"I realized that this was the true religion; religion not in the sense the West understands it, not the type for only your old age. In the West, whoever wishes to embrace a religion and make it his only way of life is deemed a fanatic. I was not a fanatic....
William Burchell Bashyr Pickard
Author, Poet and Novelist
"I purchased a copy of Savary's French translation of the Qur'an .... It was as if a ray of eternal truth shone down with blessedness upon me....
Marmaduke Pickthall
Translator of the Quran
Pickthall converted to Islam in 1917 and soon became a leader among the emerging group of British Muslims.
Peter Sanders - AbdulAdheem Sanders
For Peter Sanders, faith and photography have both been part of his spiritual development. It was his search to capture the essence of reality that led him to Islam and, with camera in hand, to the door of the Kaaba......
Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
Author of some forty books on Islam and other subjects. She gained her honours degree in Christian Theology at the University of Hull in 1963, and Post Graduate Teaching Certificate in 1964, with distinctions in theory and practice.....
Muhammad Ali - Cassius Clay
Boxer, Three times World Heavyweight Champion
"I have had many nice moments in my life. But the feelings I had while standing on Mount Arafat (just outside Makka, Saudi Arabia) on the day of the Hajj (the Muslim pilgrimage), was the most unique............"
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar - Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor
Basketball Player
Acknowledged by many players as the greatest basketball player of all time, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is one of the most visible Muslims in the American public arena.
Jeffrey Lang
Author and Professor of Mathematics
He was conquered by the Qur’an...“Painters can make the eyes of a portrait appear to be following you from one place to another, but which author can write a scripture that anticipates your daily vicissitudes?..
Colonel Donald S. Rockwell
Poet, Critic & Author
"The democracy of Islam has always appealed to me. Potentate and pauper have the same rights on the floor of the mosque, on their knees in humble worship. There are no rented pews nor special reserved seats...
Alexander Russell Webb
Former US Consul, Writer and Journalist
"Unless one feels his mental independence and determines to exercise it firmly; unless he divests himself completely of the prejudices acquired from those with whom he has been in constant intercourse all his life, and which cling to him more closely than the barnacles to the ship's bottom, his investigation will be of little real value to him...."
Michael Wolfe
Author and Journalist
"After twenty-five years as a writer in America, I wanted something to soften my cynicism. I was searching for new terms by which to see......."
Malcolm X - Malik el-Shabbaz
"My pilgrimage broadened my scope. It blessed me with a new insight. In two weeks in the Holy Land, I saw what I never had seen in thirty-nine years here in America. I saw all races, all colors, -- blue-eyed blonds to black-skinned Africans -- in true brotherhood! In unity! Living as one! Worshipping as one!"
Hamza Yusuf - Mark Hanson
Director-Zaytuna Institute
"As a westerner, the child of civil rights and anti-war activists, I embraced Islam not in abandonment of my core values, drawn almost entirely from the progressive tradition, but as an affirmation of them..."
The Panic of the Euro-Muslim
Submitted by Gordonz on Sat, 2006-02-11 15:16.
If "Islaam is the Answer" then I have a question:
Why Don't you Live in an Islamic country?
You see, we have this idea called "freedom" which we have fought and died for, generations before you folded up your tent and were allowed to come here, or paid some Macedonian truck driver to sneak you in, hiding in oranges and watermelons, or however you or your parents got here.
Again, if you do not like our culture here in Europe, you are free to leave! Can't you grasp that idea? You can go!
For what reason would you want to live in a place who's very cultural foundations you find so insulting and offensive?
And the threats... they just don't work. Nobody is going to threaten us with "a 911" and change western society.
The free people of Europe have survived much more than a "911" throughout their history... much, much more. Your threats are tiresome.
Blowing up trains, cafes, buses... that's just not going to do it. Twenty, fifty, a hundred "911"'s are not going to do it. All that is going to do is make us stop being so hospitable, and right now you are being shown much hospitality. Believe me.
You're over-reaction to this cartoon episode, right on the heels of the French adventure with their "youths" and the cliche London tube and bus bombings was a strategic error, a big time PR fiasco for the now old image of the "scary demanding Islaamic terrorist." You better tighten up your operations.
Technology, attitudes, people... they all change very quickly. It isn't 2001 anymore.
Well said, Gordonz
Submitted by Patriot on Sat, 2006-02-11 15:37.
Perhaps we should discuss when the hospitality runs out?
Whoooops to paraphrase the
Submitted by A New Believer on Sat, 2006-02-11 16:27.
Whoooops to paraphrase the words of Alex Trebeck on Jeopardy! " I think their time is up!"
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
appeasing islam
Submitted by Patriot on Sat, 2006-02-11 14:57.
Why? to keep the peace? for how long? we need to get away from this mindset. Did it help to appease Hitler? You tell these people how it will be and if they don't like it, they eat shit and swim back to mecca.
Whoa!,,,you sure. I think
Submitted by A New Believer on Sat, 2006-02-11 16:24.
Whoa!,,,you sure. I think they can float back as ballons with all the hot air they are spouting Patriot!
odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
It seems as though the air
Submitted by Patriot on Sat, 2006-02-11 16:33.
It seems as though the air has run out of our muslim penpals, perhaps they're praying.
Get your Prophet Mohammed T-Shirt from the USA!
Submitted by blukat on Sat, 2006-02-11 07:02.
Here's the link for orders:
For only $18.99...
Human Rights: Freedom of Religion=Freedom of Speech
Submitted by ignorantbyfaith on Sat, 2006-02-11 05:49.
This is a prime example of why we should not be in favor of nuclear research in the Middle East. Look how upset they got over a cartoon. Remember what are parents told me, “stick and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt us.” While I understand the actions of a few do not properly illustrate an accurate picture of the majority of Muslims, it is time other Muslims speak up against the few. Words from the western cultures are not being heard. Members within the Muslim culture must also speak up and out about human rights. This incident boils down to human rights. There is no right in rioting and causing harm and potential harm to other humans over words and a few pictures. While, I am no expert, I would assume Mohammed would not agree with violent actions over mere words. Freedom of Speech is identical to Freedom of Religion. Until Human Rights are respected in the Middle East, trust, respect, and understanding will never be given.
Muslims have learned a little lesson because of the cartoons!
Submitted by blukat on Fri, 2006-02-10 22:34.
If the cartoons are blasphemous, why aren't Muslims demonstrating against Osama and Al Qaeda whose activities inspired them? As long as Muslims protect such beasts, the cartoons speak the truth.
Muslims have lost the demonstrations war: No fatwahs, no Christian deaths, just instability in Muslim countries. They will choose suicide instead of incarceration--and they will most definitely be incarcerated for acting out their violent religious convictions. Here in the US, a man honor-killed his daughter at the urging of his "brothers" because she had an American boyfriend and an after-school job at MacDonald's. The old coot is in jail and there hasn't been another case like that since. The man cries that his tenn-aged daughter was trying to kill him--except that she had turned on a tape recorder just before her father attacked and killed her, and what went on proved him to be a liar.
You Muslims are right to be afraid that you will be locked up if you kill somebody--anybody, really, in free secular lands! So, we are making ourselves understood, after all.
Good for us from the West!
Re blukat
Submitted by Poul Nielsen on Fri, 2006-02-10 23:01.
The same is happening here in Denmark. Last year - a 19 year old women, got killed by her family, because she fall in love with some. It's was her brother - who perform the killing - at a train station. But it was her own family (father, mother, uncle - etc... - who had planned the killing.)
The only thing she did wrong - was to use her freedom ...
to armyscout 43
Submitted by syanek on Fri, 2006-02-10 19:40.
my recomendation to you to go and brush you teeth with crest paste and then rinse your mouth with the highest concetration of mouthwash to clean your mouth because your mouth smells as shit and poop,I think some one let you suck his penis after it was in your rectum.you are one of the guys who likes to fucked orally anally . I know your language so don't try to reply because we know your angry words I am so happy to make you angry to the point you smell shit ..
bye bye bussy and sissy boy
to this sick crazy rotten new beliver
Submitted by peace on Fri, 2006-02-10 15:50.
we all know now why this wise arabic muslim man left you.
his only mistake was making crazy rotten like u a wife.
eat your pig and try to find another pig to marry.
To Peace
Submitted by A New Believer on Fri, 2006-02-10 16:19.
"Submitted by peace on Fri, 2006-02-10 15:50.
we all know now why this wise arabic muslim man left you.
his only mistake was making crazy rotten like u a wife.
eat your pig and try to find another pig to marry."
No peace I was good to him..but he was not my first introduction to muslims, I married in spite of the fact he was a muslim. Odd everyone of them I have ever met. Has been duplicitious is one form or another. Forgot it is alright to lie to a non muslim. I divorced him, he did not divorce me. I divorced him because I came home and found him in "my bed" that I bought and paid for, "porking his SISTER"! You got that peace, that fine upstanding, godfearing wise arabic muslim male was slipping his genitals inside and out of his god fearing, peaceloving, modesty dressed in burqa, hijab and veil type sister like a demon possessed. And they were having a great time having sex wildly beneath the intricately beautiful 22 kt gold enclased in glass words of the bloody prophet you all keep nattering on about as it if was a religion unto itself. Once again I repeat I was never a muslim and never would have converted to be alongside of lying, hypocritical backstabbing, wrong thinking, backsliding, women defilers, cretins and just plain filth such as that.
Thank you and have a nice day.. bet you are no good also
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
Liar all muslims are liars! Peaceloving I think not!
Submitted by A New Believer on Fri, 2006-02-10 17:32.
All muslims are liars as far as I am concerned. Then they have their cheats, thieves, pedophiles, etc. Everyone is bad except muslims, I keep hearing this farcifal tale throughout this .. well they are all liars then. I have not met a peaceful muslim yet.
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
to this sick
Submitted by peace on Fri, 2006-02-10 18:40.
you are just a complicated psychologically disturbed woman.you arer hallucinating.
women like u come to arabic countries looking for any man. we see them in our resorts trying to seduce a waitar, driver or dish washing worker.any man and that is all.it is disgusting.
try to find for yourself a pig .
by the way alec baldwin is fine why you donot take him as god too...his reminds me of your rotten god
"to this sick Submitted by
Submitted by A New Believer on Fri, 2006-02-10 19:23.
"to this sick
Submitted by peace on Fri, 2006-02-10 18:40.
you are just a complicated psychologically disturbed woman.you arer hallucinating.
women like u come to arabic countries looking for any man. we see them in our resorts trying to seduce a waitar, driver or dish washing worker.any man and that is all.it is disgusting.
try to find for yourself a pig .
by the way alec baldwin is fine why you donot take him as god too...his reminds me of your rotten god"
hahahahahahahahahahaha *wipes my eyes while laughing!*
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! Did you think that all up by yourself or did someone help you with the words. I am betting that someone helped you with the words.
Peace I did not go to the arabic countries looking for him, "he tracked ME" across europe and USA. As a matter of fact, when one of you camel jockey's needs a "green card" or "identity papers", you usually turn up on some girls doorstep sooner or later, as easily as a bird shitting on a car windshield. Now as to complicated psychologically disturbed, that would be your fellow muslim, a really sick twisted individual. Oh that is right, you people never own up to committing any sort of despicable sins: incest, rape, murder, adultery, homosexuality ( did you think in the west it happens only.. in the Middle East their grandamothers find some poor girl to marry them off to), pedophilia...you push all that under the rug and call it...sickness that happens only in the west! Oh you people behave like that you, just get rid of the victims. By the way..I was the one with the job, and he was a bum, probably the same way that you are. Amazing all that money and he still lived off of me.. Well gigolos, playboys you all think you are Fahd! Why on earth would I want to meet Alec Baldwin dear Peace. Oh I see, you want me to introduce him to you so that you can date him..Hmm! no I do not know the man but I would never introduce him to a nancy boy like you! Will not dignify, a response on getting a man. You would not know one if you saw one. But I am sure they would smell you coming. You people are only angry because I know that your proclamations of peace, justice and the muslim way are full of camel manure. You are a group of "twisted sisters". As for my GODS, peace get it right ALL of them are GREAT, GOOD and PREFERABLE to anything that camel herding thief you so continously call upon all the time. I do not give a tray a rotten figs for mohammed and even less for your allaaah! So take your dress off, and that scraf, get a suit and go to work instead of laying around in a coffee shop all day long twirling beads in one hand and acting all high and mighty. Or go leave the other terrorists alone, take a bath, get out of the stinking fatigues, get a suit, get a job and start paying back your father and acting like a man for a change, instead of a spoiled arab male mamas boy brat. If you do all of that you will not have time to become a self-righjteous, overly indulgent piece of trash that you truly are.
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
Fenris & Loki, I give this piece of excrement to you!
to new believer
Submitted by IslaamIsPerfect on Sat, 2006-02-11 12:54.
To new believer
I wanted to let u know that in Islaam it’s the man’s responsibility to provide for his family n thus its his obligation not his wife’s n a woman in Islaam is entitled to her own money n she can do whatever she pleases with it , almost 15 centuries ago Islaam has given women the right to owe property of her own n do as she pleases with it , this right to this day most women in the west fight for , in the west women work n pay house bills n purchase groceries n stuff n help their husbands with it , yet in truly Islamic world a woman can do wat she likes n doesn’t have to pay a cent to her husband sorry to hear that ur ex was a bum n u were the provider , I always knew he (ur ex) wasn’t a practicing Muslim n now am sure of it , so dear u were married to the wrong guy that’s if wat u claiming is correct n thus conclusion if u truly knew abt Islaam u would know that ur money is urs n u don’t have to give him a cent.
Anyways as I said earlier Muslims rnt perfect n the bad Muslims r the ones who usually r very ignorant of Islaam or at least don’t implement this great religion in their lives
Take care may Allaah all mighty all wise guide us all ameen
to islam isperfect
Submitted by peace on Sat, 2006-02-11 17:35.
please donot waste your time with that sick crazy new believer baldin.
Shut Up Peace, you idiiot!
Submitted by A New Believer on Sat, 2006-02-11 18:03.
Shut Up Peace, you idiot! It does not change the facts! It was an A & b conversation C your way out of it!
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save us!
to new beliver
Submitted by IslaamIsPerfect on Sat, 2006-02-11 11:36.
New believer I was very happy reading ur response to me as I just logged on the net but reading ur response to peace got me thinking
U claim to know Islaam or have abit of knowledge of Islaam n other religions , n yet the way u have abused Islaam by calling us Muslims as worshippers of camel thief meaning Muhammad , it shows that if u truly had knowledge of Islaam u wouldn’t made such a comment as far as ur statement in regards sins: incest, rape, murder, adultery, homosexuality in muslim world is concerned than I agree with u , muslims rnt perefect n those who r iqnorant of Islaam or r secular yet by name muslims do practice those sins but u see at least in muslim world homosexuality isnt seen “normal” as its seen in the west same as adultry which is quit common in the west n seen as “normal” yet u wil have agree with me that muslim world dosnt go easy on adultrouse n so on n those sins r done by few n that too in secret unlike the west most commit adultry meaning having b friends n g friends b4 marrige aswell as homosexuality is openly welcomed n we even have gay parade here in australia a day dovotted to the gays n as far as pedaphiles r concerned im sure if they r found in muslim countries they be killed on the spot n yet in the west they r jailed only for few yrs the most , now lets talk abt Islaam , if u truly knew anything abt Islaam u would know how Islaam responses to such sins. Adultry of married couple is death , adulty of non married r lashes which in most cases is deadly , incent is death pedhopife is death all those crimes u mentioned b4 is death in Islaam , n if u truly had lived in a proper muslim country which was based on shariaa(Islaamic Law) u wouldn’t of seen much of those filth happening or even hearing abt it , cuz Islaam puts an end to it b4 it even raises as an issue. I don’t agree with peace for assuming things abt u , n defiantly I don’t agree with him/her name calling ur gods because Islaam teachese us to respect other ppl n their religiion n it to teaches not to bad mouth others gods so that they don’t bad mouth our God , eventough God is one regadless of wat we call Him, but it was sad to see u saying things abt prophet Muhammad and Allaah , u as an educated person shouldn’t just fire up like dat but rather be calm. Anyways thanx for ur response to me , I do respect u n ur belive as I said earlier to u is ur belive n to me is mine n Islaam dosnt need me or u its we in need of it so no harm done by u marrying or divorcing a muslim its ur busniess but pls don’t assume we all to be like him I hope u iqnore comments that upset like I am trying to do n pls don’t say that all muslims r not responsible men or r moma’s boys , I know many muslim men who r very responsible n independent n as far as being moma’s boy , Islaam teaches a great deal of respect for our beloved mothers n thus we all r moma’s boys in that aspect , not in the term that u have described. Thanx take care May Allaah guide us to the straight path ameen
to selective reader
Submitted by Dog of Flanders on Fri, 2006-02-10 14:40.
there's an anti-semitic cartoon on this story (scroll)
and some material offensive to catholics can be found here
Paul Belien
Submitted by Muslim on Fri, 2006-02-10 13:58.
Thank you for your kind response, Paul. How many Jewish or Christian cartoons has the Brussels Journal (BJ) published since it began? Just curious...
...but all Muslims aren't terrorists?
Submitted by Gordonz on Fri, 2006-02-10 13:15.
... is the cry regarding the lumping together of all of Islaam by the west as murderers. And it is true that not all Muslims are terrorists, but you never seem to understand why that wrong impression is so prevalent.
I believe its is because the "non-terrorist" majority Muslims never raise their voices in protest of the minority of terrorists. They are never condemed, except very broadly and diplomatically by singular moderate, political muslim leaders.
Where is the indignation at the video beheadings, kidnapping of women, and murder of people who "offend" Muslims, by the non-violent Muslim majority?
Western newspapers, at least in the US, routinely carry cartoons mocking and laughing at everything about Christianity and Christ. I'm sure this offends a great many Christians, especially the fundementalist christain, who is mocked most of all.
Being "offended" doesn't condone or excuse murder and violence in the west. You can make all the Jew/Holocaust cartoons you want, but you arre never going to make us feel your "anger" they way you think.
We don't get offended by sophomoric cartoons. Even when you invent primitive stories - like Jews who kill children for their blood - we just laugh at this. Your overreaction to the cartoon affair is showing your defensiveness, to quote the NY Times.
And your demonstrations in London with signs reading "Europe You Will Pay Your 911 Is On The Way" don't really scare people anymore. You can't intimidate people into silence by demanding and demanding, week after week.
Again, quoting the Times, while we don't share the rage that you want us to feel with your silly Hitler and Holocaust cartoons, we do understand your panic.
Submitted by Muslim on Fri, 2006-02-10 15:03.
Thanks for your perspectives. Here are my brief responses. I don't claim to speak in behalf of all Muslims since Muslims are not a homogenous group. I will especially not speak in behalf of Muslims who are violent, and verbally vulgar as unfortunately seen in this forum.
"... is the cry regarding the lumping together of all of Islaam by the west as murderers. And it is true that not all Muslims are terrorists, but you never seem to understand why that wrong impression is so prevalent."
Personally, I think I do understand why that wrong impression of all Muslims being terrorists prevails. I cannot and will not deny that there are extremists out there. I have written extensively against Wahhabis and Salafis (who call themselves "Sunnis") who do despicable acts in the name of Islam.
Religion can and has been used by many to express frustration received from other things. When, say, some guy named Tom goes home and screams at his wife, it doesn't de facto mean that it is his wife who is causing Tom's anger against her. Tom could've been yelled at that day by his boss at work, and then almost had an accident on his way back from home, and then slipped on the ice outside his door and hurt himself. And then, with these frustrations held within him from all these events, he used his wife as the perfect scapegoat to vent his frustrations out on. He just needed a spark or excuse, even if benign, to get him venting. People who judge Tom's behavior myopically will say that he hates his wife, or that his wife said something nasty to provoke him, or anything else within the narrow context of a "husband-wife" relationship. Those who judge Tom's behavior in context of all the events he went through that day will give a more accurate answer.
Relating this example to the Muslim response to the cartoons, looking at the issue solely as as clash between "Islam and free expression" is naive, simplistic, and myopic because it excludes other variables that have affected Muslims for decades, long before these cartoons were published. As a Muslim, I can tell you that it does not have to do with religion as much as it does about their social and political conditions, and as a response to the adverse policies of the "West" that they have had to live with for decades -- including supporting puppet dicatators who have oppressed their populations, be it Saddam Hussein of Iraq, or King Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia.
The point is that though cartoons of Prophet Muhammad are opposed by all Muslims, such violent reactions and harsh non-violent opposition by the Muslims originated from the Iraq war, the Middle Eastern conflict, Afghanistan war, Bosnia, Chechnya, and other major events. Drawing cartoons of Prophet, then, provided an open avenue to channel their frustrations through.
"I believe its is because the "non-terrorist" majority Muslims never raise their voices in protest of the minority of terrorists. They are never condemed, except very broadly and diplomatically by singular moderate, political muslim leaders.Where is the indignation at the video beheadings, kidnapping of women, and murder of people who "offend" Muslims, by the non-violent Muslim majority?"
I completely agree with you. The Muslim masses are not as active as they should be against minority fanatics. I think this is because of two reasons: (1) they are ignorant about their own religion, and (2) they are afraid of violent responses from fanatics against them. I have heard many Muslims say, "I don't support Osama bin Laden's actions", but they don't have enough knowledge of Islam to explain why. Unfortunately, such silence or general responses from the Muslims masses is taken advantage of by people who wish to denigrate them, either because of their own ignorance or because they have a known and planned anti-Muslim agenda. To any person who thinks a little, saying that the "majority of Muslims are silent to terrorist actions" (premise), "therefore they support terrorist actions" (conclusion) is a non-sequitur. Unfortunately many do not think critically enough to see this. It's more convenient to accept such non-sequiturs without investigation.
"Western newspapers, at least in the US, routinely carry cartoons mocking and laughing at everything about Christianity and Christ. I'm sure this offends a great many Christians, especially the fundementalist christain, who is mocked most of all."
I haven't seen cartoons of Christianity and Christ in US papers on a routine basis, though I regularly read cartoons in many different US papers. (I'm American and love reading cartoons). Their lack of response to such cartoons can be for a number of reasons, and not necessarily tolerance alone, as you seem to be implying.
"Being "offended" doesn't condone or excuse murder and violence in the west."
I completely agree. And neither should Western policies be condoned that harm Muslims, and non-Western non-Muslims.
"You can make all the Jew/Holocaust cartoons you want, but you arre never going to make us feel your "anger" they way you think. We don't get offended by sophomoric cartoons. Even when you invent primitive stories - like Jews who kill children for their blood - we just laugh at this."
You can't speak for everyone, but only for yourself. Extremist Christians can and have been upset for many reasons promoted by secular supporters. The difference is that it is not blasphemy in Christianity to draw Jesus, but it is blasphemy, or at least borders on it, to draw images of Prophe Muhammad. All things constant, it should be no surprise that Muslims would react more harshly to such images than Christians would.
"Your overreaction to the cartoon affair is showing your defensiveness, to quote the NY Times."
My overreaction? The overreaction of those who became violent is unjustified, but must nonetheless be seen within the correct context, in all fairness. I don't most of them are being "defensive" of their religion. Most are probably just venting from things that have nothing to do with Islam, but more with Western policies.
"And your demonstrations in London with signs reading "Europe You Will Pay Your 911 Is On The Way" don't really scare people anymore. You can't intimidate people into silence by demanding and demanding, week after week."
Such demonstrations that support 9/11 are unjustified. But so is generalizing against all Muslims for the actions of a few.
Our kind response
Submitted by Paul Belien on Fri, 2006-02-10 13:05.
Our kind response is that if it is necessary to inform our readers about a news story by showing these cartoons we will not hesitate to do so.
Submitted by Muslim on Fri, 2006-02-10 12:43.
To reps of Brussels Journal:
I'm curious if your online issue is willing to show cartoons of the Holocaust and or Jewish Rabbis. I'm only curious how the Editor/Staff of Brussels Journal would respond. I await your kind response.
To All Muslims
Submitted by Gordonz on Fri, 2006-02-10 12:25.
I contend that we are all atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do.
When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.