Danish Imams Propose to End Cartoon Dispute

Update (7 February 2006): The Cartoon Hoax 


The Danish imams, who protested the publication of 12 Muhammad cartoons [see them all below] in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten last September, have announced that they want to end the dispute. For four months the imams and their radical Muslim organizations have unsuccesfully demanded government censorship. However, despite immense pressure (also from international organizations such as the UN and the EU) the Danish government refused to call the newspaper to account.

Last week a couple of Norwegian papers decided to publish the cartoons in support of the Danish paper while in Denmark moderate Muslims, encouraged by the government’s refusal to be intimidated by the radicals, have distanced themselves from the imams. The latter announced on Friday that they no longer demand apologies from Jyllands-Posten for the publication. Instead they said they just want two things: a guarantee from the Danish authorities that Muslims can freely practice their religion without being “provoked and discriminated.” And a declaration from Jyllands-Posten that the cartoons were not published with the intention of mocking the Muslim faith. “We want Jyllands-Posten to show respect for the Muslims. This can happen with an apology, but it can also happen in some other way. We will leave it to Jyllands-Posten to come up with some ideas,” said Ahmed Akkari, spokesman of the Muslim organizations. “We want respect for Muhammad restored and we want him to be described as the man he really was in history, and that he gets the respect he deserves,” Akkari stressed that Muslim organizations are still deeply opposed to the publication of the cartoons.

The Muslim organizations and Jyllands-Posten met last week to discuss the matter. “It was a good and constructive meeting. We agreed that we need to find a solution,” said Carsten Juste, editor of Jyllands-Posten. Juste stressed that the meeting was one step in a reconciliation process which the Muslim organizations and the newspaper began in December.

Some sceptics wonder whether the demands of the imams have changed fundamentally. They still insist that Jyllands-Posten admit that publishing the cartoons was wrong and make amends for it. The sceptics argue that the paper should not settle for a compromise on freedom of expression by justifying itself. Others wonder why the radical Muslims appear to be softening their demand and seem so eager to make a deal. Perhaps the decision of Norwegian papers such as Magazinet to support Jyllands-Posten by publishing the cartoons has made the radicals reconsider. Perhaps they fear a domino effect. Some Swedish papers are considering publishing the cartoons as well. If the Swedish government subsequently follows the position of the Danish and Norwegian governments, refusing to interfere and limit freedom of expression, the position of the radical Danish Muslims, who are looking for international support, will only weaken.

According to a poll taken this week among 1,047 people in Denmark 57% of the Danes support Jyllands-Posten’s decision to publish the cartoons, while 31% disagrees. Young people and men are more likely to support the decision. Almost two out of every three males and 61% of people aged between 18 and 25 years of age did so.

Meanwhile an international organization of Muslim intellectuals has threatened to mobilize “millions of Muslims all over the World” to boycott Danish and Norwegian products unless the Danish and Norwegian government condemn the publication of the cartoons, which is called an “attack on the Muslims of the World and on the Prophet.” In Saudi Arabia people are receiving e-mails and sms messages urging them to boycott Danish products “until Denmark offers an official apology.” The Organization of the Islamic Conference protested last week’s publication of the cartoons in the Norwegian paper Magazinet. The Iranian embassy in Oslo said that freedom of expression cannot justify publishing the cartoons. However, Finn Jarle Sæle, the editor of the Norwegian Christian newspaper Norge I DAG, announced that his paper is also considering publishing the cartoons. He called upon other Norwegian editors to do the same. Sæle says that so far many of them have only written editorials supporting freedom of expression but have not dared to publish the cartoons themselves.

Asked if wider publication will not lead to unnecessary confrontations between Christians and Muslims Sæle said the intention was not to provoke just for the sake of provoking, but rather to confront radical Islam in Norway. Perhaps it is necessary to provoke in order to do that, he said. Sæle wants the Norwegian imams to publicly oppose the death threats that have been sent to Magazinet’s editor Vebjørn Selbekk. According to Sæle these threats are not just directed against Magazinet. They affect the entire Norwegian media, not just one editor who dared to stand up for freedom of expression.


More on the Danish cartoon case which The Brussels Journal has been covering from the beginning: Click here (see links at end of article)

Re Islam Beheaded!

Thank You! * hugs Codyomega* Mange Tak! Tackar dig! Pilamaya ye!

You have spoken the truth, though many will not thank you for it!

Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!

Re: Islamic Position On Suicide Bombings

Save the Surahs we are not interested in reading them! Simply take the bastards to court in Sharia law and get the mullahs and imams to do something about it. If they cannot then prosecute them to the fullest extent of the secular law! But you people will not because you believe so terrribly completely in Shahada!

Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!

to beliver

I think you really love your ex husband and this is why you hate Muslims. Please don’t hate us we haven’t done anything to you ok? We dint force you to marry him. Why do you keep going about your in-laws? So what if he was an imam doesn’t make him perfect plus I am beginning to doubt everything you say because I see you full of hate and very irrational .I hope you stop calling decent people like my sister nermin a COW because calling other people names as such specially when nermin is not even talking to you , it shows how wicked you are. Hmm now I think you wil add me in your black list too?? And now you will call me names too  doesn’t bother me ,you and your brother amyscout can bad mouth us Muslims as much as you like thank you and amyscout both of you are really perfect example of a TRUE WESTERNER . please carry on my dearest new beliver 
May Allaah guide you and may you get ride of the devil inside you ameen

To he who think his religion is perfect

No I do not love my ex and if I was a man I would cook and eat his heart islaam! Yes she is a cow. A stupid one for she keeps on and on without saying anything. As for you doubting me, it is always doubt when YOU people are not protrayed as great shades of beneficient
works, and your religion is not. And I suppose that the fact that I am here to serve as a reminder that YOU people are not PERFECT and are not sacred and that you do not uphold trust, justice or peace if wicked as well. I will be here to remind people that it is not as you tell it, portrayed as perfect. It is not Perfect and neither are you. As for blacklisting you, that would have to mean that I gave a damn about you or even cared. Neither of which I do. nor do I care about Makamnaya I did not attack because you never said anything to make me desire to. protrayed as perfect.

And I will go on and tell as many as I can..to remind people. As long as I can raise doubt about your actions I will. But I do not need to lie, unfortunately these things are all the truth, and that is the most terrible part of what I have to say. Your sisters Lilly and the Lady of Shalott decry and deny the Armenian Genocide (Christians) and yet stand stalwart that they lived in great peace in Turkey. A lie! Your sister, Makamnaya ( I call her that because there are other things to call her, but skunks like to push their belief with strong scent..as she does!)
She is a cow, re chews on her cud and hears nothing, never bothering to look up from her grazing, lon genough to see what she just answered to or heard, and certainly never reads. She chews and regurgitates the same message over and over. Yet feels herself done wrong when other finally grow impatient with her ostrich like attitiude. Or she spouts nonsenical bilge and garbage without a thought in her brain, like a cow. If she acts as a dumb animal, I am certainly obliged to treat her as one. She recounts the wrong century, the wrong passage, the wrong anything. sometimes she does not even read what she recounts and she is most certainly not writing it all, because she has trouble elucidating even teh simplest of comments. So I have not idea which skunk is writing for her.
Armyscout is not my brotehr unless you can count him as one who does not believe in your bullshit and says so even though it is most acutely and painfully crudely at times. But I think he is frustrated that you will not listen, so he has egiven up on you and makes his points his way. So be it! I believe in Free Speech I will not tell him, how to say it! IN that case Yes, I proudly welcome him as my brother. Now as for my being wicked, I am only wicked I notice when I do not kiss muslim ass and kowtow and say everything you all would like and want me to say. So here it is:

All muslims lie!
You lie as you are a muslim!
YOu speak of peace, of hypocrisy and of injustice against you!
You perpetrate everything you say is being done to you!
You swear that you decry and disavow yoursevlves from the violence!
BUt you believe in Shahada!
You swear you are just and preserver of women right!
Oh you lie, for you do just the opposite!
You are either cowards and you fear the violent muslims, or you agree with
them in secret and wish not to make this known!
You label as vile, wicked, lying, hypocritical and mean any who do not agree with you..knowing full well you are just such things!
You are no better than Haj al Amin, the late Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.. you will hold that as a complement.. but he was a lying, thieving, hypocritical, evil man who had delusions of grandeur and sought out the destruction and genocide of a group of people!

I will never be silent, I will always speak about the terrible things muslims do, about the lies they tell and the injustices they perpetrate as well as the perversions they propogate! If you wish me silent, then go out there and throw down the violent ones, reform and clean house, stop teh trafficking of women, make the Saudis truly stop the slavery trade ( please do not think anyone believes that bullshit about it ending in saudi arabia back in 1963); start passin out the stockpiled food to the refugees, bring the fundamentalist regimes into line and see to it all are being given a decent education. Stop spreading and teaching hatred. (as ye sow, so shall ye reap!). Stop acting as if your way is the only way out there..it is not and you are not the way and the light!

Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
May Fenris take you all!

women 4

Ecclesiastes 25:22 "Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and
through her we all die." (from the Catholics Bible) Women in the
Bible are considered evil !!!.
Ecclesiasticus 22:3 "....and the birth of ANY daughter is a loss"
(From the New Jerusalem Bible. It's a Roman Catholics Bible); Roman Catholics today form more than 75% of the Christians population throughout the world. Why should the Bible give stupid generalizing statements like that about ALL women?

Re: women 4 & Islam

Why in hell do the muslims proscribe female circumcision, and do it on children? Are you afraid when she grows up she might enjoy sexual relations with her husband? Do you really believe cutting it out of her while holding her down, sometimes with razors or glass will achieve a sense of joy and delight or teach her shame and disgust! Do not lie and say it is not done, I have seen 5 young girls die from thh consequences of it COW!

I know what Bible it comes from Makamnaya!

Women in the Quran
O Prophet! When ye (men) put away women....--65:1
2: The Cow

1. It's OK to have sex with your wives on the night of the fast. 2:187

2. Menstruation is a sickness. Don't have sex with menstruating women. 2:222

3. Have sex with your women whenever and as often as you like. 2:223

4. Women have rights that are similar to men, but men are "a degree above them." 2:228

5. A woman is worth one-half a man. 2:282

4: The Women

5. Marry of the women two, or three, or four. 4:3

6. Males are to inherit twice that of females. 4:11

7. Lewd women are to be confined to their houses until death. 4:15 (honor killings..the man dewcides what is lewd!)

8. You may not forcibly inherit women, unless they flagrantly lewd. 4:19

9. Instructions for exchanging wives 4:20

10. You can't have married women, unless they are captives. 4:24

11. Men are in charge of women, because Allah made men to be better than women. Refuse to have sex with women from whom you fear rebellion, and scourge them. 4:34

12. Don't pray if you are drunk, dirty, or have touched a woman lately. 4:43

13. Women are feeble and are unable to devise a plan. 4:98

14. They invoke in his (Allah's) stead only females. 4:117

15. A man cannot treat his wives fairly. 4:129

16. "Unto the male is the equivalent share of two females." 4:176

5: The Table Spread

When it's time to pray and you have just used the toilet or touched a woman, be sure to wash up. If you can't find any water, just rub some dirt on yourself. 5:6

11: Hud

Lot offers his daughters to a mob of angel rapers. 11:78

15: Al-Hijr

Lot offers his daughters to a mob of angel rapers. 15:71

22: The Pilgrimage

When the doom of Allah comes, pregnant women will suffer miscarriages, nursing mothers with forget their babies. 22:1-2

23: The Believers

You don't have to be modest around your wives or your slave girls "that your right hand possess." 23:6
24: Light

If you accuse an honorable women of adultery, be sure to bring four witness. Otherwise you will receive 80 lashes. 24:4

A husband can accuse his wife of adultery with only one witness. 24:6

Believing women must lower their gaze and be modest, cover themselves with veils, and not reveal themselves except to their husbands, relatives, children, and slaves. 24:31
33: The Clans

If Muhammad's wives are good, Allah will give them "an immense reward." 33:28-29

The wives of Muhammad will be punished double for lewdness. (And that is easy for Allah.) 33:30

The wives of Muhammad are not like other women. They must not leave their houses. 33:32-33

When Allah or Muhammad decide that a man and a woman should marry, they must marry. 33:36

Allah gave Zeyd to Muhammad in marriage. This was so that all Muslims would know that it's OK to marry your adopted son's ex-wife. 33:37

Allah says it is lawful for Muhammad to marry any women he wants. 33:50-51

If men must speak to Muhammad's wives they must speak from behind a curtain. And no one must ever marry one of his wives. 33:53

But it's OK for Muhammad's wives to talk with certain people. 33:55

Women must cover themselves when in public. 33:59
37: Those Who Set the Ranks

Those who "did wrong" will go to hell, and their wives will go to hell with them (no matter how they behaved). 37:22-23

But the single-minded slaves of Allah will enjoy a Garden filled with lovely-eyed virgins. 37:40-48
38: Sad

Female companions await those who enter the Gardens of Eden on the Day of Reckoning. 38:52
44: Smoke

Allah will reward faithful Muslims after they die with "fair ones with wide, lovely eyes." 44:54
52: The Mount

Allah will reward those in the Garden with beautiful wives with wide, lovely eyes. 52:20
53: The Star

Those who disbelieve in the afterlife give female names to angels. 53:27
55: The Beneficent

Allah will give those in the Garden women of modest gaze whom neither man nor jinn have touched before them. 55:56

Allah will reward believing men with "fair ones" (beautiful women) in heaven. 55:71-72
56: The Event

Those in the Garden will be attended by immortal youths with wide, lovely eyes. 56:17-23

Allah made virgins to be lovers and friends to those on his right hand. 56:36-37
64: Mutual Disillusion

Your wives and children are your enemies. They are to you only a temptation. 64:14-15
65: Divorce

Instructions for divorcing your wives. 65:1-6
66: Banning

Muhammad's wives need to be careful. If they criticize their husband, Allah will replace them with better ones. 66:5

The wives of 66:Noah and 66:Lot (who were both righteous) betrayed their husbands and are now in the Fire. 66:10
70: The Ascending Stairways

Doom is about to fall on all disbelievers. Only worshippers (Muslims) and those who preserve their chastity (except with their wives and slave girls) will be spared from "the fires of hell" that are "eagar to roast." 70:1-30

You don't have to be chaste around your wives or your slave girls. 70:29-30
111: Palm Fibre

Abu Lahab will die and be plunged in flaming Fire. His wife will have on her neck a halter of palm fiber. 111:1-5

Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!

women in bible and torah

"Woman has the poison of an asp, the malice of a dragon" (St.
St. Tertullian, while he was talking to his 'best beloved sisters'
in the faith, he said, "Do you not know that you are each an Eve?
The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives in this age: the
guilt must of necessity live too. You are the Devil's gateway: You
are the unsealer of the forbidden tree: You are the first deserter
of the divine law: You are she who persuaded him whom the devil
wasn't valiant enough to attack. You destroyed so easily God's
image, man." Once again, St. Augustine wrote to a friend, "What is
the difference whether it is in a wife or a mother, it is still Eve
the temptress that we must beware of in any woman." Centuries later, St. Thomas Aquinas still considered women as defective, "As regards the individual nature, woman is defective and misbegotten, for the active force in the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex; while the production of woman comes from a defect in the active force or from some material indisposition, or even from some external influence." (all these quotations can be found in Karen Armstrong's book, The Gospel According to Woman, London: Elm Tree Books, 1986, pp. 52-62. See
also Nancy van Vuuren, The Subversion of Women as Practiced by
Churches, Witch-Hunters, and Other Sexists Philadelphia: Westminster
Press pp.28-30.)
Orthodox Jewish men in their daily morning prayer recite "Blessed be God King of the universe that Thou has not made me a woman." The women, on the other hand, thank God every morning for "making me
according to Thy will" (Thena Kendath, "Memories of an Orthodox
youth" in Susannah Heschel, ed. On being a Jewish Feminist, New
York: Schocken Books, 1983, pp. 96-97)
According to the Jewish Talmud, "women are exempt from the study of
the Torah." In the first century C.E., Rabbi Eliezer said: "If any
man teaches his daughter Torah it is as though he taught her
lechery" (Leonard J. Swidler, Women in Judaism: the Status of Women
in Formative Judaism, Metuchen, N.J: Scarecrow Press, 1976, pp. 83-93)

women in christianity3

according to the Old Testament, a childless widow must
marry her husband's brother, even if he is already married and
regardless of her consent, so that she might bear a child from him
(Deuteronomy 25:5).
According to Numbers 27:1-11, widows and sisters don't inherit at
all. Daughters can inherit only if their deceased father had no

According to the laws

According to Numbers 27:1-11, widows and sisters don't inherit at
all. Daughters can inherit only if their deceased father had no

According to the laws of England, they can. These laws are being constantly updated in the light of new knowledge and social change.

Bob Doney

Bob she is quoting Judaical

Bob she is quoting Judaical scriptural law as being the law of the land for all christians in all christian lands.

*sighs* She has not learned a thing!
Nor will she ever!

Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!

That is not Christianity ! That is Judaica Scriptural Law, Makam

That is not Christianity ! That is Judaica Scriptural Law, Makamnaya (Nermin)! Do you ever really read the things that you post or does someone find them for you and Emeda30? Are you just totally ignorant or are you just plain damn stupid?

*sighs* Makamnaya, This is a section in the Old testament of the Bible . It is the 4th book of the Pentateuch. This comes from not the New Testament!
You are now quoting Judaic scriptural law!

Christians though they pay great service to teh Old Testament are by nature in service to the New Testament ......also
known as the "Good News" It is from the New Testament that Christianity stands.

What law you have just quoted is set down for Jews, who hold the Pentateuch, the Midrash Rabbah, and the Torah ..holy!
Christian do not remove their right shoes and hold them out to their brothers wife, after she has become a widow. Such things are held among the Jewish faith. Now who is the Idiot!

Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!

women in christianity2

What the canonized saints of Christianity said about women:
"Woman is a daughter of falsehood, a sentinel of Hell, the enemy of
peace; through her Adam lost paradise" (St. John Demascene)
"Woman is the instrument which the devil uses to gain possession of our souls" (St. Cyprian)
"Woman is the fountain of the arm of the devil, her voice is the
hissing of the serpent" (St. Anthony)

women in christianity1

Leviticus 12:2-5, if a woman gives birth to a baby boy, then she
becomes unclean for 7 days. But if she gives birth to a baby girl,
then she becomes unclean for 14 days. This verse is another proof
that women in the Bible are disliked to be born !.

Re Muslim Boycott

Who cares!

Once again it is 1.28 billion muslims

I am buying Danish.. all I needed to do was toss out all the middle eastern groceries I still had.. I had a great deal of room after that. Filled it to the brim with Danish products..Thanks!

Yummy Danish Food!

Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!

Very Good

The Middle East is stuck in a cultural time warp. It seems they still think that it's 1100ad.
Yes I would agree that it is in the millions verses the lies of a billion. Forced religion or the cult that islame falls under does not count.

Very Good

The Middle East is stuck in a cultural time warp. It seems they still think that it's 1100ad.
Yes I would agree that it is in the millions verses the lies of a billion. Forced religion or the cult that islame falls under does not count.

Was Not Osama Framed?

 I heard it was the jews and the cia. Were not all the jews home from work that day?

Wasn't that what the Islamists said?

It's a different story every week with you guys, isn't it?

Did not Osama produce 9/11,

Did not Osama produce 9/11, did not the Taliban support Osama, and did not the "martyrs" of 9/11 die for Islam? Did not Muhammad produce Islam and establish the second greatest deed in Islam, the Jihad of violence in Allah's cause?
Now, I think of the cartoon in which the Muslim women can only see thru the opening in their burkas, but in which Muhammad, the artist's symbol for Islam, can't see at all!
You are calling me an idiot for acknowledging what I see because you want me to deny that what I see is true, so you use insult. You don't want others to see a connection of terrorists and Islam, yet Osama Bin Laden, Zawahiri,, and their ilk periodically reinforce that connection through their video and audio tapes of threats and by the examples of violent demonstrations that the world has been witnessing. They are not assumptions or unfounded conclusions.
However, it also has been written for the likes of Jews4Jesus (whose name appears to be another Muslim deception) if they are smart enough to understand: There is none so blind as those who WILL not see.
There is no record in the Koran of Muhammad's ever preaching God's love. Compare Islam’s second greatest deed, according to Muhammad, as stated above, to Jesus’ second greatest commandment, which is to love your neighbor as yourself. (To julienrel: The reason that one cannot compare pedophile priests to Jesus is that Jesus taught that whoever causes a child to sin faces damnation; therefore, pedophile priests are in defiance of Jesus’ teaching, not in accordance with it. Such is not the case concerning Muhammad and terrorists.) Muhammad taught by example, command, and precept that his disciples could and should kill in Allah's name to force people to submit to Islam. The Hadith speaks of those who convert to Islam "by compulsion or for fear of being killed." That is terrorism. It is not absurd to conclude that Muhammad set the example for today's Muslim terrorists
So, you are mistaken to think that there is no link between Muhammad and terrorists. Surely the terrorists think there is, and they think they are the truest Muslims. Perhaps they are. I have given you two examples from Muslim literature. I used Muslim references because they are more precise doctrinally than a dictionary. (Eventually, you will find terrorism and Islam connected by definition in the dictionary under the term “Islamist.” Language is ever-changing and takes time to catch up with current events.)
I hope this argument is rational enough for you.

this isint cool

well I was hoping to get an interesting discussion but this has turned in a place for moronic, undereducated racists to lash out their ignorance on others. peace out

That is odd.. One Syrian

That is odd.. One Syrian bimbo married to a Yemenite old coot and born in Saudi Arabia! Yepp, sounds Arabian to me...dim bulb!

Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!

I completely agree

I completely agree, it would be like saying Jesus is the reason for preists raping children and that it properly represented all christian countries. It is an absurd conclusion. Please people, I in no way agree that the cartoons were out of line but PLEASE use rational arguments. Keep your racial comments to yourself. As for saying Islam is evil, read my previous arguments on extremists residing everywhere. if we made assumptions like that all the time, we would be saying that every country is a murduring country. Heck, lets go down your path of logic "some americans have said racial coments, so all americans are racists. Some americans kill other people, all americans are murdurers" It makes no sens so take this kind of arguments and keep them to yourself.

Muhammad with a bomb on his head

If the cartoon of Muhammad with a bomb on his head inaccurately represents Islam, how does one explain Osama Bin Laden, the Afghani Taliban, and 9/11? If the latter has nothing to do with the former, could someone explain that to me? Because that is something the cartoon implied, to my mind, and I thought it rather clever and to the point.


Blukat? Is that a joke or im misreading?

How does one explain Osama, Taliban and 9/11? Terrorist. Who ever makes a DIRECT link between Terrorists and Islam is an idiot (those people are extremists and dont represent in any way the muslim world)...seems to me these days that if you go in a dictorionary and check what the meanning of terrorist means you wont find islam mentionned in it.

Also, the prophet has no link what so ever with anything related to terrorism. And since there is no link there, then why did they portray him? Because he is the prophet of Islam? Thats just plain stupid (no link no, reason no, excuse).


Blukat? Is that a joke or im misreading?

How does one explain Osama, Taliban and 9/11? Terrorist. Who ever makes the link between Terrorists and Islam is an idiot...seems to me these days that if you go in a dictorionary and check what the meanning of terrorist means you wont find islam mentionned in it.

Also, the prophet has no link what so ever with anything related to terrorism. And since there is no link there, then why did they portray him? Because he is the prophet of Islam? Thats just plain stupid (no link no, reason no, excuse).

Holocaust Reply

Thank you...finally a mentally stable person responding on these forums. I agree with julienrl.

Also, as the world is right now, the last thing we need is provocations from Europe. Cant you see that bush has already stirred enough shit in Iraq and that the Palesinian Goverement is just asking for an excuse to suicide bomb the shit out of the jews? AND WHAT ABOUT THAT POOR ARIEL SHARON...HES GOT ENOUGH PROBLEMS AS IT IS.

I see your point

the issue is that a country has norms, agreed, but islam is a nation not a country. this means it is not politicaly bound. There are islamic people in all countries where norms differ, so how do you decide whos norm should be respected- the countries or islam's? and if you pick islam beware, this means you agree that every nation is entitled to imposing their norms on the country in wich they reside.


Holocaust cartoons, good idea or bad idea? honestly, i think its a fantastic idea. People being offended by the cartoon have decided to pick the most controversial topic they could find, now it depends on how people decide to react to this. If people react properly and take it easy(as they have ben asking muslums to do) muslums now have NOTHING to say agains the people who made the caricatures of mohamed. If people do react strongly, it might be the wakeup call they needed. Hopefully this will help it all end peacefully.


I highly support the Iranian journal that decided to put a contest for depecting the best Holocaust cartoon. Why? well cause of freedom of expression of course!

Have you ever heard of the expression: "too much of something is like not enough?" Apparently NOT

To all you idiots

Isnt it obvious? The Brussel's Journel was in bad need of attention so they came up with the most retarded idea they could think of. "Hey guys! lets draw pictures of the prophet Mohammed!" A cartoon or caricature is a way of expression...as long as it stays within bounds of reason and reality. Ive seen pictures of politions being insulted and all but since when was the muslim prophet considered a terrorist? Ive seen some idiot caricaturists say things like: "hey...up to this day i didnt even know we werent allowed to draw thing like that"...well you know what? Up to now, I didnt know that gasoline ignites fire! FUCKIN IDIOTS...isnt it obvious that the relationship of europe with the middle east is already delicate enough? But NOOO you just have to be tards and put your hands in the fire dont you? And btw, JEWS FOR JESUS CAUSE WE KNOW THAT YESHUA LOVED US AND WE LOVED HIM...

folow up

please note that in my previous post my opinion is not the important part, it is only a personal comment.. what we truly have to keep in mind is a purely objective point of view otherwise the chaos will never end. As far as religious extremists go, please keepin mind that christians have done as bad-if not worse- then any other religion. Extremists exist in any and every group, wether it is a religious group or a nationalist, there are always people who go too far, even environmentalists.

To Patriot!

Sssshhhh Patriot! They are a couple I think! * tiptoes back out and shuts off the lights!*

They met here in our little blog..how romantic.. maybe she will finally get some.. and so will he!

Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!

hahaha...too funny

"Often wondered this. You pray facing Mecca three times a day. Do you take into account the curvature of the earth? If not, you're praying to outer space. So you kind of have to look down, point and aim in quite a few places. You'd have to be good at geometry, I suppose. However, if the rule is facing the horizion, different then. If you're on the opposite side of the globe, any way you face is good. You know, this is an untapped market. A Muslim GPS, flip it on, always tells you which direction to pray. You could make millions! Those of you that missed out on manufacturing Danish flags should jump on this bandwagon for sure."

Hahahahahaha........ sheesh, pick me up off the floor...

Funniest thing I've ever read.

"ALLAH'U-AKBAR!" God is great....

It never ceases to amaze me that while Muslims kill,
they chant "ALLAH'U-AKBAR!" God is great....

while they fall about burning flags and bombing the life out of people
they chant "ALLAH'U-AKBAR!" God is great....

while they wait 3 months to react to cartoons and most have probably not even seen them themselves,
they chant "ALLAH'U-AKBAR!" God is great....

while they curse the west for not understanding them... "poor little old unaccepted me" sniff sniff,
they chant "ALLAH'U-AKBAR!" God is great....

while they threaten nations worldwide with their upcoming dominance through violence and terror
they chant "ALLAH'U-AKBAR!" God is great....

Please explain - where did killing, threats, terror, burning, bombing... and God... fit in the same sentence? Am I missing something here?

You guys sure live in the Old Testament...oh that's right, that's wrong too: "ALLAH'U-AKBAR!" God is great....

Ever heard of grace?

Obviously, Islam is not perfect...

"wat is even more upsetting is dat Muslims dint do 9/11"

Just out of curiosity, who do you think did 9/11?

I am wondering if the first requirement of Islam for Muslims is ignorance.


To sart, I am a atheist, meaning im not trying to promote or disprove a religion. Secondly,I am not a racist, nor do I have any prejudice(or I try not to) I find these things dispicable, and I am not trying to promote a "race" or an other.

There are a fiew things at stake here, so pleas bear with me as I enumerate them(meaning dont jump to a conclusion on the first sentence!) To make this easy, I will analyse it like I do in the Ethics class I give, but in a verry shortened version(our actual evalution of this took way too long). Also, there is no questions, people who go crazy and kill others are WAY out of line, there is no need to analyse this, they are the ones who are wrong so I will not discuss them further.

values at stake
-free speech for the public
-respect to other religions
-imposing your own religion's values on others

Quality of live/ quality of enviornement
-respectfull environement towards your values -> in this case for both parties

Now, from a social ethic's point of view.
-first off, for a social ethic's partisan, a moral act is one that help to the cohesion, perpetuity and growth of the soceity in question.
-in this view, it is only for your OWN soceity, it is NOT a universal point of view
-Eastern countries-> Freedom is at the root of these countries. in the 1800's with the french revolution, monarchy is abolished and the 3 main virtues are replaced, they are now based on freedom. In this case, people want to be free to speak and not have other religion's values inposed on them
-Western point of view-> the soceity is based more on theocrasy, meaning for the upholding of thsi soceity in question, it is better for the values of respect of their religion be imposed on others.

Now from a deontologic point of view(Kant's ethic(very contreversial, who cares jsut go with it please))
-in this case, only the intention is important NOT the consequences.
Eastern->Here we can not tell what the intentions were precicely, but ods are that they were to prove a point, this act in its own is ammoral, not immoral not is it moral. it is neutral. Wanting to prove a point IS universal, people do want to do want to express themselves, this is something that is wishfull
Westerns->here the intention is to have the religion's value be upheld(not to depict mohamed). That in itsself as an intention is not to censor anyone, it is only to uphold your values, it is thus not moral or immoral, once again we are faced with somethign amoral.
-both-Both parties are acting on ammoral stances, they are both acting purely on will, NOT by duty as a human being(a whole other topic, religion is not involved, religion is part of will not duty)

Now as seen above, the two major ethic branchs both come to teh same conclusion: both have their reason and both are fairly equal. We will move on to emotional ethics

-in this case, we need to be impartial, the impartial observer is the base of emotional ethics, this person must show empathy, sympathy and in some cases, solisitude. I will do my best to be a impartial bystander for this analysis.

main feelings involved: muslims feel that they have ben violated, easterners feel that their freedom is being compromised.

Now for those waiting for an answer, I am terribly sorry but I have none, altho I do hope that this will help you put all of this in a different perspective and stop your racial, irrational, religious bickoring. This is NOT about A religion, this is about fundemental respect. Learn to get along, otherwise this sensless violence will never end, and we will keep living in this shitwhole we call our planet. The point of this was simply to help untangle the issue, help map out the question at stake.

Now all this was from a impartial stance. my opinion: chill out! there will always be people who do things you dont like, rather then try and controll them and make them folow your values, just turn your back on them. Shun them if you must, but just forget it! GROW UP! As a psychologist, I see children that resolve conflict beter then this!

To julienrl

Thank u soo much for ur input n wisely done advise
I agree with u the Muslims should of ignored those idiotic pics which had nothing to do with the blessed prophet or his family n yet boycott the Danish protect for a while n close their embassies to teach them a lesson but as far as burning thr embassies or threatening Europe with 9/11 is fully dumb n wat is even more upsetting is dat Muslims dint do 9/11 so Muslims shouldn’t associate themselves with such , not al dans r for those pics being published so Muslims shouldn’t over react.
If anyone should be boycotted by the Muslim world for good, than it should be Israel n USA
Yes the Muslim world is over reacting over this stupid dumb pics which has nothing to do with our beloved prophet n its not even worth giving all these attention or getting so upset n hafted n puffed abt al the Muslims needed to do is boycott dans n close their embassies dats all. After all how can Muslims expect respect from a nation dat has lost respect for themselves longggg time ago , so my dear Muslim brethren don’t ask respect from those who don’t even respect themselves so lets chil n don’t give em any attention they rnt worthed.
Thanx again for ur input n advise u seem to be a decent non Muslim European n I wish thr were more like u cuz seeing the texts from amyscout43 n anonymous n few others in this website it seems most r ful of hate n ignorance but u seem to be reasonably good 
May Allaah guide us all to wat is best ameen

Running out of Virgens

Lets face it. The "Stop Stop, we're running out of virgins" cartoon is really funny. 40 virgens per suicide bomber was just too abmitious a pace it looks like.

You wacky Arabs just need to pop open a couple of beers and chill a bit.


PS Frank is not my real name, and I don't really live in Miami. For all you fireboming towelhead extremists who might be hunting me down!

Stop Stop, We're running out of virgins!

I'm Catholic. And I cringe when I see off color cartoons about Jesus or the Pope. And that's where it ends. You see I'm smart enough to realize the whole world is not Catholic, and that some people are even (gasp) athiests.

So I cringe, and turn the page.

Anyway - the Cartoon titled "Stop Stop we're running out of virgens" is just damn funny. My golden rule is - if you're gonna offend someone, at least make them laugh.

The muslim firebombers need to pop open a couple of beers and chill a little.

Okay folks, calm down...It's a CARTOON, not a constitution

All religions get made fun of "now and again". A Cartoon "drawing" is not a reason to boycot any countries goods, or services. Now if there were 525,000 copies dropped from planes as propaganda...guess what?..it would still be a Caracature, a simple cartoon. freedom of speech, and artistic licence, you know??. Maybe we should find and chastise Blondies husband dagwood for sleeping on the couch all day. I saw these cartoons in question(bad art work). Comon people...Cartoons don't kill> Guns and bombs kill. We all have differences...I personally think the American citizen has all but lost every liberty and right we ever fought for. The patriot act is an excuse to harrass the american taxpayer. Uh sorry, getting off track from the Globally important cartoon subject...and why not. IT's a JOKE..
Stop the posting, this subject is as old as dirt. Still want a job as an artist? draw me a cartoon of the planet being blown apart from a rogue asteroid..I hope mt.fuji won't explode over it :-)

Old as dirt?

If the cartoon was as old as dirt, there wouldn't be suicide groups lined up to take the cause, and they're still lining up. Read the news. Check out New Believer's posts. Very interesting. You step on a Muslim ant, it's cause for a global war. Do you even realize how much they hate us in the middle east? These fanatics will eventually get short range nukes or chemical weapons. From that point, the war will be short range, but the fanatics don't care, even if the afterlife has run out of virgins. By the way, perhaps there's a reason they're virgins. Hmmmm. Could be a living hell. Can you imagine living with 72 of them? Drives me mad to even think about it. Allah Peanut Butter Sanwitches! BTW- if it was as old as dirt- wouldn't be any interest- start your own blog about global warming or something. I'm more concerned with how the radical Muslims want to create an end to the world.