“The War is On”
From the desk of Hjörtur J. Guðmundsson on Fri, 2006-02-03 01:54

Yesterday (Thursday) Mullah Krekar, the alleged leader of the Islamist group Ansar al-Islam who has been living in Norway as a refugee since 1991, said that the publication of the Muhammad cartoons was a declaration of war. “The war has begun,” he told Norwegian journalists. Mr Krekar said Muslims in Norway are preparing to fight. “It does not matter if the governments of Norway and Denmark apologize, the war is on.”
Islamist organizations all over the world are issuing threats towards Europeans. The Islamist terrorist group Hizbollah announced that it is preparing suicide attacks in Denmark and Norway. A senior imam in Kuwait, Nazem al-Masbah, said that those who have published cartoons of Muhammad should be murdered. He also threatened all citizens of the countries where the twelve Danish cartoons [see them all here, halfway down the page] have been published with death.
It is important, however, to stress again that there are Muslims of great courage. While it is risky to publish the Muhammad cartoons in Europe, it is even riskier to do so in the Middle East. Yet the Jordanian independent tabloid al-Shihan published three of the twelve Muhammad cartoons yesterday. The editor of al-Shihan, Jihad al-Momani, said he decided to publish the cartoons to show what the issue was all about. In an editorial under the headline “Muslims of the world, be reasonable” he pointed out that Jyllands-Posten had apologized for offending Muslims. He deplored that few in the Islamic world seem to be willing to listen to this. “What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?” the editor asked.
The spokesman of the Jordanian government, however, said that the editor had done a great mistake by publishing the cartoons and announced that the government is considering suing the newspaper. Before the day was over the paper’s owners had sacked Mr Momani.
Peter Mandelson, the EU Trade Commissioner, has criticized those papers which publish or republish Muhammad cartoons. According to Mr Mandelson they are „throwing petrol onto the flames of the original issue and the original offence that was taken.” The Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak warned that the decision by newspapers to republish the cartoons could encourage terrorists. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said he is worried about the cartoon issue. His spokesman said that Mr Annan believes freedom of expression should always be used with respect for religion.
This is not, however, the opinion of the French interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy. He said that the reactions of extremist Muslims towards the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, which published the original cartoons, and towards Denmark are shocking. Mr Sarkozy praised the Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen for his determination and defense of freedom of expression. “Freedom of expression is not an issue for negotiation and I see no reason to give one religion a special treatment,” Mr Sarkozy said.
Meanwhile the Muhammad cartoons have been published in a number of newspapers in various European countries. The BBC broadcast them in the news so that its audience would understand what the fuss is all about. The French newspaper Le Monde published its own cartoon of Muhammad [see it here] on yesterday’s front page. On Wednesday the editor of the French daily France Soir, Jacques Lefranc, was fired because he had republished the Muhammad cartoons. Journalists at France Soir defended Mr Lefranc’s decision yesterday by publishing a front page and an editorial defending freedom of speech. In Tunesia and Morocco, however, the sale of France Soir has been prohibited.
Yesterday morning armed Palestinians again surrounded the offices of the European Union in Gaza City, demanding its closure and an apology for the cartoons within 24 hours. They threatened attacks on all Danes, Norwegians and Frenchmen in Palestine. “We suggest that all offices and embassies of the three countries will be closed, otherwise we will not hesitate to eliminate them,” their statement said. Norway at once closed its consulate on the West Bank for the public, but has not yet decided to withdraw its staff. On Thursday evening Palestinian gunmen also entered a number of hotels to threaten foreigners. Many Europeans are leaving Palestine before the Cartoon War really starts.
Such silliness!
Submitted by Wyndham Lewis on Mon, 2006-02-06 02:32.
Bashar. Read your Koran. Isa (PBUH) will meet you on the last day. Be angry with the West, but be careful what you say about God's favourite. Patriot: keep it clean. Why bait the man. He obviously enjoys it.
I have to agree with something American Liberal wrote a few pages back. The sort of silliness in the paper today makes it really hard to be a tolerant liberal. Five years ago, most Canadians were liberals and wished the Islamic world well. They were inclined to accept the assertions that Islam was a religion of peace. That isn't the case now. Keep pushing it, and you might find that if the Americans can't win the war in Iraq with their own power, that they'll get some reinforcements, and not only in Iraq. We're in Afghanistan now. Who can say if this shit keeps up for much longer, or gets worse. A Canadian liberal right now is someone who just wishes the Islamic world would slink back into its cave and leave us and ours alone. He tends to believe that, mistaken as the invasion of 2003 might have been, that the current occupation is richly deserved and that the Bushites and Al Qaeda deserve one another. 'Ours' is still defined to include those native Muslims who don't subscribe to silliness. If they do, they can get back on the plane that brought them. A foreign policy conservative is inclined to agree with the advice of the 80s rock group, the forgotten rebels: bomb the boats; feed the fish. Force the troll back into his cave. Guess which way opinion is tending . . .
News Blackout Rumored in Denmark
Submitted by foreign devil on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:27.
The American Thinker is reporting there is a news blackout on the 'intifada' in Denmark. Is that true? Here's the link to the first article at the online magazine "The American Thinker" (an excellent moderate right-wing online publication):
No, I don't think that's
Submitted by Slim shady on Sat, 2006-02-04 20:32.
No, I don't think that's true. Riots, right now? No. But there's a bomb alarm at Roskilde Train Station.
Our Embassies burn, while we apologies....
Submitted by Asti on Sat, 2006-02-04 18:56.
I am deeply offended by those muslims that chooses to live in our free western societies, and use the right of free speach to physically threaten those societies that granted them refuge when they could not return to their own, often muslim countries, because of fear for their lives.
Surly, those muslims should be best placed to understand the need for free speach without fear and be its fiercest defenders.
However that does not seem to be the case and my personal preferrence would be to send those people who threaten us while living amidst us, straight back to where they came from. Surly that would make them value the rights they currently enjoy.
But, of course, we respect his right of free speach, even while they diss ours. But as a westernsociety aren't we going a little far, when we let those, whom we granted asylum, actively threaten us and our way of life.
After all the liberalism, the west needs to finds some way of defending our ideals against the increasingly violent followers of the "religion of peace", while not totally alienating those moderate muslims that live peacefully among us.
However, I find it a disgrace when newspapers are forced to apologize for satire, while I see the Danish and Swedish embassies burn in Damascus, without the police doing anything about it!!!
WHen are these countries/ organisation/ individuals gonna apologies for their violence and threats of violence against us???
Well put
Submitted by Slim shady on Sat, 2006-02-04 19:10.
Well put, Asti. I agree completely with what you're saying.
Thank you from a Dane.
The war is not only hasn't
Submitted by American Liberal on Sat, 2006-02-04 18:09.
The war is not only hasn't just started it's been on:
hey guys
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 17:03.
i have to make some living send some money to our brotherhood muslims in europpe to keep their action please keep sending your comments whne i am back respond all inshalla
see you all my non muslim friends
Bashar and other idiots read carefully
Submitted by Patriot on Sat, 2006-02-04 15:57.
After 9/11 all bets were called off. Obviously your part of the world is incapable of policing itself so the big bad ugly Americans have to come over there and kick your ass a little bit. If you would loosen your turbin you would realize the rest of the world is using you like a whore for oil. Have a nice day shithead.
hey shity shot whos jesus is been fuck up big time
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 16:18.
patriota de mierda that means shit head patriot are you counting your havely losses in irak??????????? how many soldiers are duying for no reason an a bad way tell that to bushy bush to go out of this lost war....the turbins there is kicking some american patriot and getting a wipe on their marines stupid ass from these whores turbins keep couting asshole the marines deathtoll
but they are stinky dummy patriot like you
with big dear jesus fuck up up his ass on the cross
to bashar
Submitted by Al3xander on Sat, 2006-02-04 16:52.
A couple of day ago you muslim where telling us to respect all prophets. W cannot mak drawing of them. And now I am wondering, wasn't Jesus one of your prophets? Didn't you tell us. Doesn't that mean you just f****d up and commited a grave sin by writing that? May I now laugh at the fact that you will not have 72 virgins in heaven, because you will NEVER get there? (you don't have to answer that last question, I will laugh as much as I want)
And now don't start telling me to go and read the quran and to study islam, if I am wrong, please correct me.
hey alexander teh great
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 16:58.
yeahh sure 72 virgin and river under our feet...and burning hell for you...i never told that i should respect and muslim that por muslim this i am expressing my point of view that your fucked up jesus is a big lie and the worst prophet came to die for you to sin asshole what a fusking dummy religion....that whore jesus of you that is freedom of speech int that like the dan they can make fun and i can say what i want...
Hey Bashy
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sat, 2006-02-04 16:25.
Hey, Bashy babe! I can tell it's one of your postings just from the title. Is that spooky or what?
Bob Doney
you can not even spell my name well
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 16:31.
the name is bashar ......maybe the west can not read persian name...
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sat, 2006-02-04 17:06.
the name is bashar ......maybe the west can not read persian name...
Bashar! I thought we were friends. You called me Boby Bo, so I called you Bashy Babe!
Please forgive me. From now on I shall call you Bashar, and be more polite.
I'm glad you use a proper name anyway. I don't like it when people call themselves Anonymous1038554 or whatever. I realise that some people can't use their real names, because they may be using their boss's computer, or might get arrested by the secret police in their country.
Bob Doney
to Mr bob
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 17:22.
you say fine words Mr Bob .may you represent the polite English man .i was glad yesterday to hear jack staw Condemning the cartoons and thank British journals because It didn't get involved in that awful issues of publishing those cartoons……
But you said The defeat of extremism is almost certainly dependent on economic growth and prosperity.
But this is not everything ..because osama ben inherited 340 millions dollars and went to fight the russians .then you know the rest of eth story .also those who made londn bombs were britsh Muslims second or third generation.
Whenever there tyranny ,unfairness and double standsrd .you will find agression and violance and never peace.
And if we have the democrasy you and uSA calim to make us prctice.we as Muslims willelecet our leader according to religious basis.exactly as iranians and palastinias did
We will elect the muslim leader who have pride not the one who only care for his own chair.
Perhaps the Persian doesnt
Submitted by Brigands on Sat, 2006-02-04 16:41.
Perhaps the Persian doesnt understand what the Westerner means.
sure we do undstand you see we are writing in english
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 16:49.
maybe west should learn some persico
Submitted by Patriot on Sat, 2006-02-04 16:56.
Bashy, you wouldn't know what to do with a virgin if she was naked and willing sitting on your lap, your little toothpick penus couldn't handle it.
hey amigo patriota patriot
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 17:01.
about my penis ask your mom she will tel you how is my penis...i did her for you some time ago in the name of islam....she is a convert but you do not know...ask her
I think Bashy.......
Submitted by Patriot on Sat, 2006-02-04 16:48.
has a heroin problem
no marines soldiers in irak has that problem
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 16:53.
they can not even win that oil war becuase they are on drugs...like the american society
heroin is not allowed in islam
and guys please keep posting your comenets i have to make some living when i return i honor most of your comments
Egyptian Ferry Sinking
Submitted by Alex Ingram on Sat, 2006-02-04 15:54.
Good example of a funny joke,,,,BUT one that could be precieved as offensive.
"If the Ferry had been full of Jews,,,,they could have gotten out and walked"
It refers of course, to the Biblical account of Moses, parting the Red Sea, and the Jews escape from Egypt, by walking across the Red Sea.
The joke is NOT intended to make fun of the people who drowned,,or to cause pain to the families of those who have lost loved ones at sea. In fact I offer up prayers even now that some of the people on the ferry might get rescued.
If this joke has the potiential to hurt feeling,,,then why write it? To make a point. There are Muslims out there who would read the joke, and want to commit murder and terrorism because they feel offended or because they feel bad for the people who have died. I feel bad for the people who have died, but the difference is that no matter how I feel. I don't plan on killing somebody for it.
It has been reported that the Vessels Captain, fled the sinking ship without offering aid to the passengers. To me,,,to the law,,,,this is a criminal act,,,one which deserves punishment in prison. Most Muslims would be madder, and more in favor of murder, of an individual who makes a joke, (because they feel it was an insult to their Muslem brothers),,,than to be mad at, or punish the Captain.
Truth be known,,,,you don't know the religion of ANY of the passengers,,,or the Capt. Muslim readers,,,,couldn't this all be a case of Insha-Allah,,,the will of Allah,,,that these people drowned? I noticed very few Arabs upset when a school teacher locked the doors of classrooms containing little Muslem girls,,,while letting the little boys outside, when the school caught fire. No one minded the fire fighters standing there watching the little girls screaming thru the barred windows to be let out. Why couldn't they be let out? Why did they have to remain locked inside a burning school? What was their crime? . Oh no crime,,,they simply didn't have time to put on a head scarf. They would have been outside,,in the school yard,,,WITH BOYS!,,,without their head scarfs. That would be against Allah,,,,so They had to suffer a death in flames,,,,,,Insha Allah,,,,Gods will,,,their parents can have more kids. That is the belief of Arabs in Saudi Arabia. (This happened in 2002). Is it true most Muslems have no respect for life? NO. But it is true that MANY Muslems have little respect for life. I trust my life to a Muslim doctor,,,and have been trusting him now for over 8 years. It isn't the religion,,,it is the individual. That my friends,,,is my point. I'm sorry if I offended anyone,,,,in my passion to make a point,,,,in truth.
dear alex ingram
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 16:45.
west always pick on muslims you do not see other fate (first advise change your muslim doctor he might go bezzok on you one day remember all muslims do not respct lief???)
let us go mr ingram the jew fate the ortodox one women has no right they have to leave the room when they have their period after that they have to wash in a big pool man there do not even accept her if she do not bath in that pool flushy way....she can not choose her mate they choose that for her..she put veil on her had were long dreses and walk behind her husband her duty is the kids and the kitchen tell me isnt that barbaric in western standard woman right they faught war in lebenon they were fighting terorist why allow a masssacre of 4000 thousand inocent children woman older man palestinian called the sabra and chatila camps massacre they even making a trial in brussel agianst sharoon there...look that in google search engin....the indian women there is opreseesd badly she is been kicked by the husband if she get hima daughter...search that also......widen your mind in every believe and nation there is bad and good do not generalize...becuase you push me to agree with the jew that all europpean wass guilty whenADOLD HITLER made their life hell.....and yes every europpena was guilty maybe not killing jew but helping oppressing jew even the american for one point stoped giving the jew visa to entre the us knowing what was happening with them
make more rresearch you will be hating the indian and by the way the chinese they treat woman so bad that uptill know they allowed comcubien wife check that on the net....
and teh japanese also the giesha read abotu the giesha
The Nature of Humor
Submitted by Alex Ingram on Sat, 2006-02-04 15:31.
When you look at humor, jokes or cartoons, you find that generally, all of it hindges on a stereotype. If you didn't exaggerate, or poke fun at a stereotype, then there would be little funny. Does this mean that all humor is hatefull. Certainly not. Most people who make jokes do it for laughter. Laughter, and amusement, are not intrinsicly evil. Getting people to laugh at others, or even to laugh at themselfs, is a wonderfull thing. There are however some people with no sense of humor at all. Those people find any humor directed at them offensive. Most Muslims have no problems laughing at others, but want to burn down the world if you make a joke about them. Trying to make a joke without mentioning a characters sex, or religion, or nationality, or "hair color" (in America they make jokes about blonds being dumb) would be almost impossible. There IS humor thats cruel and hatefull, and humor thats funny. Unfortunately the scale is very subjective. What the Muslims need to consider, is that there is a difference between saying a joke ,,,and killing a person. There is a difference between drawing a cartoon, and murder. Perhalps if they understood that, then people wouldn't make fun of them and of Muhammad. Remember the Muslim reporter who said of the Miss Universe contestants, that they were so pretty, that if Muhammad were alive today, perhalps he would wish to take one out on a date? The Muslims rioted, and killed a couple of hundred other Muslims because of some ink printed on a page. HOW SMART IS THAT? The Koran says to take the life of an innocent person......is as if you had killed all mankind. Talk about DISRESPECT to God/Allah ,,disrespect to Muhammad,,,disrespect to human life. To advocate war,,,murder,, and the slaughter of innocent people thru acts of terrorism,,because of some PRECIEVED offense? That isn't stupid. It is INSANE! People of ANY faith,,or of no faith,,,who murder (or plan to murder) because they feel that they are insulted,,or because they have a case of hurt feelings, or because they wish to protest the actions of a government, ARE TERRORISTS. Terrorists, should be caught and executed BEFORE they harm others.
Did I mention that I support the DEATH PENALTY,,,,for suicide bombers? (Lighten up folks,,,It's a JOKE)
The Nature of Humor
Submitted by Alex Ingram on Sat, 2006-02-04 15:30.
When you look at humor, jokes or cartoons, you find that generally, all of it hindges on a stereotype. If you didn't exaggerate, or poke fun at a stereotype, then there would be little funny. Does this mean that all humor is hatefull. Certainly not. Most people who make jokes do it for laughter. Laughter, and amusement, are not intrinsicly evil. Getting people to laugh at others, or even to laugh at themselfs, is a wonderfull thing. There are however some people with no sense of humor at all. Those people find any humor directed at them offensive. Most Muslims have no problems laughing at others, but want to burn down the world if you make a joke about them. Trying to make a joke without mentioning a characters sex, or religion, or nationality, or "hair color" (in America they make jokes about blonds being dumb) would be almost impossible. There IS humor thats cruel and hatefull, and humor thats funny. Unfortunately the scale is very subjective. What the Muslims need to consider, is that there is a difference between saying a joke ,,,and killing a person. There is a difference between drawing a cartoon, and murder. Perhalps if they understood that, then people wouldn't make fun of them and of Muhammad. Remember the Muslim reporter who said of the Miss Universe contestants, that they were so pretty, that if Muhammad were alive today, perhalps he would wish to take one out on a date? The Muslims rioted, and killed a couple of hundred other Muslims because of some ink printed on a page. HOW SMART IS THAT? The Koran says to take the life of an innocent person......is as if you had killed all mankind. Talk about DISRESPECT to God/Allah ,,disrespect to Muhammad,,,disrespect to human life. To advocate war,,,murder,, and the slaughter of innocent people thru acts of terrorism,,because of some PRECIEVED offense? That isn't stupid. It is INSANE! People of ANY faith,,or of no faith,,,who murder (or plan to murder) because they feel that they are insulted,,or because they have a case of hurt feelings, or because they wish to protest the actions of a government, ARE TERRORISTS. Terrorists, should be caught and executed BEFORE they harm others.
Did I mention that I support the DEATH PENALTY,,,,for suicide bombers? (Lighten up folks,,,It's a JOKE)
Bashar the sultan of foulmouth
Submitted by American Liberal on Sat, 2006-02-04 15:18.
Hey Bashar I bet you can't express your self without swearing because you are uneducated and angry. Sorry you life has been so bad. One way or another you will get what you reap in this life or the next. I laugh at ignorant people like yourself because all you can do is rant and swear. BTW I'm anti Bush and anti KKK but you are no better than either one of them. Your hate will consume you and people like yourself. BTW the US gets a majority of it's oil from Canada and only 12% from the nomad lands of the Middle East. So keep your dam oil and your Theocracies.
from the sultan to the asshole liberal kkk amrican
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 15:29.
i am still waiting for the hydrogen bomb yesterday you wass with bush and today you are against be carfull from homelandsecurity they do not tackle you becuase you are saying bad thinks about bush...and yes i will keep my oil and let the europpean get their oirl from teh canadian...i never swear but you can not even accept my opinion isnt so freedom of speech...
faked freedom of press in europe
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 12:41.
Uk after princess Diana death, they outrage on the media an d the press and wanted to make laws which save the personal life of celebrities and royal family members ..
In france recently prince albert f monaco sued paris match mazasien for publishing a true story about his secret son and he won the case and the magazine apologized in its front page in the same place where it published the same true story about him before .not only this but the magazine will pay him money as compensation(The prince successfully sued Paris Match for invasion of privacy, and last week the magazine was fined €50,000 in damages, plus costs) Q.f.the guardian. …
For whoever want to get assured see this link:
so there is no absolute freedom of speech as you all claim….
So can anyone tell me where is the freedom of speech here..is not
France is present in
Europe tooo or is it transferred and we donot know..
Again double standard measures and genuine hate and arrogance toward anything which is related to islam and muslims..
Can any one reply to me
Submitted by American Liberal on Sat, 2006-02-04 15:29.
We have a name for people like you in the USA, they are called consiracy theorist. You have no basis or data to back up your assertions. Can you answer this, why aren't Muslims in America rioting? Because they fled countries like Iraq, Syria and Iran and know what it is to live under a facist theocracies. The press at times is biast but it is still free.
In my opinion if the muslims in europe do not appreciate their treatment in the press or by the government YOU ARE FREE TO MOVE BACK TO YOUR HOMELAND!
Submitted by American Liberal on Sat, 2006-02-04 15:29.
We have a name for people like you in the USA, they are called consiracy theorist. You have no basis or data to back up your assertions. Can you answer this, why aren't Muslims in America rioting? Because they fled countries like Iraq, Syria and Iran and know what it is to live under a facist theocracies. The press at times is biast but it is still free.
In my opinion if the muslims in europe do not appreciate their treatment in the press or by the government YOU ARE FREE TO MOVE BACK TO YOUR HOMELAND!
Submitted by American Liberal on Sat, 2006-02-04 15:28.
We have a name for people like you in the USA, they are called consiracy theorist. You have no basis or data to back up your assertions. Can you answer this, why aren't Muslims in America rioting? Because they fled countries like Iraq, Syria and Iran and know what it is to live under a facist theocracies. The press at times is biast but it is still free.
In my opinion if the muslims in europe do not appreciate their treatment in the press or by the government YOU ARE FREE TO MOVE BACK TO YOUR HOMELAND!
Submitted by American Liberal on Sat, 2006-02-04 15:28.
We have a name for people like you in the USA, they are called consiracy theorist. You have no basis or data to back up your assertions. Can you answer this, why aren't Muslims in America rioting? Because they fled countries like Iraq, Syria and Iran and know what it is to live under a facist theocracies. The press at times is biast but it is still free.
In my opinion if the muslims in europe do not appreciate their treatment in the press or by the government YOU ARE FREE TO MOVE BACK TO YOUR HOMELAND!
Submitted by American Liberal on Sat, 2006-02-04 15:27.
We have a name for people like you in the USA, they are called consiracy theorist. You have no basis or data to back up your assertions. Can you answer this, why aren't Muslims in America rioting? Because they fled countries like Iraq, Syria and Iran and know what it is to live under a facist theocracies. The press at times is biast but it is still free.
In my opinion if the muslims in europe do not appreciate their treatment in the press or by the government YOU ARE FREE TO MOVE BACK TO YOUR HOMELAND!
Submitted by Brigands on Sat, 2006-02-04 14:49.
Who claimed there was absolute Freedom of Speech? I doubt anyone did that.
What they did claim is that there IS A freedom of Speech and that at its best it should be as absolute as possible.
For instance take Belgium:
- Freedom of speech is protected in article 19 of the constitution; however there are restrictions: A) Article 12: Law indicates what is crime; crimes commited under freedom of speech can lead to repression; B) Article 26: In 'open air' FoS can be preventively be ended for 'public safety' reasons through 'policelaws'. Those are the two main elements.
- The same is for 'Freedom of Press' (Art 25 IIRC) whereby press is not journalism but the right to print letters on a piece of paper or to write them on a screen. They have the same limitations as article 19.
- Additionally the Consitution protects the privacy of people (Article 22).
There is a fundamental difference between your example & the Cartoon war.
The above means that invading privacy in order to get a story is illegal by law. Antisemitism and racism is also forbidden by law. But this is not racism; perhaps blasphemy but again there needs to be a law to make it illegal. And in Belgium if it does not concern Racism; it is a matter of the highest civil court which includes a jury.
In our society the prophet Muhammed is nobody; nor is it forbidden to depict people through cartoons. That is what it does; it depicts a person...not a religion.
Beside that the Muslim outrage is going way out of line and its plain hypocrite.
Islamic people give us cr*p for this. Do we give you a sh*tload of cr*p for these?
Additionally...what gives you more right to depict Muhammed ?
Real person?
Submitted by JustinOK on Sat, 2006-02-04 12:32.
I keep reading the comment, " mocking a real prophet of of god is wrong" excuse me but isn't the "Prophets" exsitence a matter of perspective, in my eyes and i'm sure in the eyes of billions the cartoon was representing a fictious religous icon, and nothing more. Cause I sure as hell don't believe in any muhammad crap
prince diana and albert an d freedom of press
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 12:22.
Uk after princess Diana death, they outrage on the media an d the press and wanted to make laws which save the personal life of celebrities and royal family members ..
In france recently prince albert f monaco sued paris match mazasien for publishing a true story about his secret son and he won the case and the magazine apologized in its front page in the same place where it published the same true story about him before .not only this but the magazine will pay him money as compensation(The prince successfully sued Paris Match for invasion of privacy, and last week the magazine was fined €50,000 in damages, plus costs) Q.f.the guardian. …
For whoever want to get assured see this link:
so there is no absolute freedom of speech as you all claim….
So can anyone tell me where is the freedom of speech here..is not
France is present in
Europe tooo or is it transferred and we donot know..
Again double standard measures and genuine hate and arrogance toward anything which is related to islam and muslims..
Can any one reply to me
To nermin re: prince diana...
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sun, 2006-02-05 00:48.
Sure nermin, I am not afreaid to reply to you.
It's all about the type of response relative to the offense.
The Religion of PEACE uses VIOLENCE when insulted. Does that not seem like a contradiction to you?
I remember something from Jesus, another prophet highly respected by Islam, that said something about "turning the other cheek". How do you explain how two prophets from Allah could have two significantly different messages?
Bottom Line:
We non-Muslims may get offended and boycott or burn flags or whatever but we do NOT kill because of being offended.
The Muslim protests and threats of suicide bombers/death threats are now nicely demonstrating where the cartoonist's idea of showing Mohammed with a bomb on his head originated from. I don't believe mankind had bombs back in the 7th century!
Or how would you explain where the cartoonist's could ever have gotten this idea?
When Muslims put the Prophet on a pedestal, they are engaging in idolatry. The point of monotheism is to worship one God, not one of God's emissaries. Which is why humility requires people of faith to mock themselves - and each other - every once in a while. The difference between Muslims and non-Muslims is that when Muslims are offended, THEY THREATEN TO KILL!
Please explain the Islamic philosophy of reacting with violence to personal insult. Even when Mohammed has been insulted.
By the way, is it an insult to respectfully depict Allah (PBUH) in a picture? Or how about Mohammed in a respectful a way?
I am sure the Quran must thoroughly explain the answers to these very important questions. So please feel free to give details.
As an honorable Muslim that I know you must be, I am sure you will answer my questions.
Thank you!
Submitted by Bob Doney on Sat, 2006-02-04 12:44.
Can any one reply to me
You seem to be using a very small font, Nermin. I can't read your postings without changing my screen resolution.
Bob Doney
burning th e danish flag
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 12:21.
You are now complaining from burning your flag and say it is a symbol of a nation…are you kidding .what about mocking a human being who is a great prophet respected an d loved and cherished by 1.5 billion muslims..where is the freedom of opinion….the flag which is apiece of cloth burned by ex president Clinton who burned his own flag as to express his anger from Vietnam war …you are arrogant double standard suffering from superiority complex .
Reply to Bashir re: conversation with american liberal
Submitted by Dana Iloff on Sat, 2006-02-04 11:09.
First, invading Iraq was a very bad idea. It is true that the American People were lied to. Obviously Sadam Hussain did not have any WMD's and it is very unlikly he had any ties to those responsible for 9/11. Bush invaded simply because he did not like Hussain and because he could.
Consider, US Forces conquered Iraq in a matter of hours. Do not mistake America's current difficulties with the occupation, with America's ability of defeating any military force in the Middle East. American Liberal is correct, we don't have to send our Army, our ICBM's would do the job very nicely.
Second, recent events have proven that American Security and Intellegence personel are very willing to make life very difficult on the Iraqi people. The only thing preventing this from getting out of had, is the ignination of Americans like myself and that of our European Allies. Many Americans opening oppose President Bush handling of Iraq and Middle Eastern affairs in general. Remember that there was mass protests in Europe and America in opposition to the war in Iraq.
Now consider. If the Islamic world decides to go to war with Europe over an offensive cartoon (which I would point out was published in a Western Country and the the middle east), how long do you think it will take to solidify hatred of Isam in both Europe and America? How long for the voices of reason and moderation to be drowned out in screams for revenge?
Finally, holding oil back from Europe is madness on two levels. First, the economies of the middle east will colapse. Second, the middle east could not hope to withstand the combined forces of the European Union, the United States and the Russian Federation.
Oh and by the way, if your going to use English profanity, please note that a little bit goes a long way. You really havn't got the swing of it.
Can't muslims take a joke???
Submitted by Another American on Sat, 2006-02-04 09:18.
This whole thing is over a CARTOON!
Do we REALLY need to go to war over a CARTOON! Offensive Cartoon aparently, but killing people? Let's have a valid reason to kill each other. I can't think of a valid reason to, but we should have one before anyone gets killed.
By the way, I get all my oil from Canada, eh!
Oh, and if you really want to call that other American names... call him a "hippy" or mix it up with "Left-wing pansy American Pinko Commie Hippy shit head". Mixing "KKK" with "Liberal" are seldom mentioned in the same sentance in the US. I'm doing this all in the purpose of multi-cultural exchange by the way.
Be nice, or I'll break out the "Yo' mama" jokes.
P.S. I'm going to buy some Legos...
foul mouth bashar
Submitted by American Liberal on Sat, 2006-02-04 07:21.
A couple of things Bashar, first does you religion condone such language or your attempt at foul language? Secondly the US was wrong in attacking Iraq. Actually Saddam had the right idea keeping radicals like you in jail and hopefully he washed you mouth out with soap as well. 3rdly With one push of a button Bush (and he just might) could wipe out your entire race, do you know what a hydrogen bomb is? What morons like you do is help unite the conservative movement in the US , now Canada and Europe and validate everything they say about radicalism in the middle east. BTW why don't you post in your native tongue because you english sucks. And go swear somewhere else in the name of allah. Is that how you speak in your mosque? Your language is as filthy as your hygene habits.
oh please don't give Bush
Submitted by Dana Iloff on Sat, 2006-02-04 10:43.
oh please don't give Bush any ideas.
isnt freedom of speech hahahahhah
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 07:43.
anoying my english and my word yessss did came to you bush that big assholelike you is not wining the irak war each day a lot of losses dicky dick you see how it hirt freedom of speech remember that ohh yeahhhh a muslim is speaking now is radicals speaking but bill maher can say anything on tv nothing happens bush could not even help these poor african american in the hurrican catarina treat them like second citizen ship but if ot was in you home town stupid whitich stupid kkk asshole raciste you will see him lifting up the dead people this is your reality freedom of speach hydrogen bomo up your ass and bush.....win the iraki war you see you could keep up the heat of respecting my opinion you see how is anoying beeing radicales go wash your bush ass with your tongue....and kiss your hidrogene bomb by the way radical
your name should be a white kkk liberal american
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 07:46.
forgot to ad this coment...my english suck
We have a freedom of expression
Submitted by American Liberal on Sat, 2006-02-04 05:02.
Sorry but I'm glad the Dutch will not apologize. I would like to sift through the Arab World's media and see how many times the Jews were ridiculed, or Americans. The American flag has been burned in government sponcered demostations countless times, yet Americans did not riot or demand an apology. We (the West) have a freedom of expression, it is a inalienable right and we should not bow to any theocracies.
“The war has begun,”
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sat, 2006-02-04 04:59.
“The war has begun,”
What war ("the war") is he talking about? Sounds to me like this war was anticipated by the muslims.
1.3 billion muslims vs 5 billion non-muslim freedom fighters.
1.3 billions true believres against vs 5 billion assholes HIV
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 05:10.
1.3 billions true believers free deseasea muslim vs 5 billions assholes HIV freak society junky drug addict like you shot head
The Religion of Intolerance
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sat, 2006-02-04 04:37.
"simply tolerance said: Islam is no better, no worse than any other religion, but like any other religion, it deserves to be tolerated."
Islam will be tolerated by the west when it tolerates us and our freedom of speech. Islam has repeatedly demonstrated itself to be "the religion of intolerance" and as such this is the reaction of the west to this "very noble" behaviour of this religion!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!
Public denial of the
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 11:25.
Public denial of the Holocaust is a criminal offence in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Switzerland, and is punishable by fines and jail sentences.
Europe has no right to talk about free speech. Has no one considered that it was white Judeo-Christian guilt over the holohoax and the past treatment of subhumans that was a factor in the pristine racially virgin lands of Northern Europe becoming infested with this animated garbage from the third world?
The only country in Europe that has an above replacement birthrate is Albania, which is also the only predominantly Islamic country in Europe, so after the whole of Europe has been forcibly converted to Islam, our birthrates will rise accordingly, indeed the fact that Muslims have to marry their first or second cousins would maintain the purity of our blood and ensure the survival of our Nations and Aryan Race.
To Anonymous & "Public denuial of the",
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sat, 2006-02-04 04:50.
"so after the whole of Europe has been forcibly converted to Islam, our birthrates will rise accordingly"
So are you saying that the goal of Islam is to take over the world?
simply tolerance
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 11:12.
Is the arab community's reaction really such a surprise for the europeans?!
Over the past couple of months (and even years), the relashionship between the silamic world and the western world has grown more and more ambiguous, especailly after the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. with tensions currently at their peak, whether or not the Danish newspaper was defending the acclaimed western value of freedom of speach, I wonder: was it REALLY necessary? It is all nice and well to want to go against what we here in the west regard as one big terrorist invasion, but I sincerely doubt that by proceding in this manner, a solid ground for communication can ever be created.
There is absolutely no excuse for terrorism, but at the same time, we cannot use values which we consider making us a better society at the detriment of other society's beliefs.
I believe, the current state between the western world and the islamic world does not suggest that one is stuck in the middle ages, and that the others have reached utopia. It strongly suggests that, as ever throughout human history, people are defending what they consider their innate rights. And muslim are defending the very basis of their society, which is the silamic religion and it's prohpet. I cannot understand why we, in the West, should judge them for their miscontent, if we are ourselves outraged by anything or anyone subtly suggestion an insult to our western values.
I think it is time to put things into perspective, and stop looking at it in an exagerated manner. Islam is no better, no worse than any other religion, but like any other religion, it deserves to be tolerated.
The Religion of Intolerance
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sat, 2006-02-04 04:41.
"simply tolerance said: Islam is no better, no worse than any other religion, but like any other religion, it deserves to be tolerated."
Islam will be tolerated by the west when it tolerates us and our freedom of speech. Islam has repeatedly demonstrated itself to be "the religion of intolerance" and as such this is the reaction of the west to this "very noble" behaviour of this religion!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!
well if thye threat us to dead yes there is a difernce
Submitted by halleluya on Sat, 2006-02-04 02:17.
islam mullah or imans called for kill europeans
that isnt tolerate ,islam is a evil religion
no other religion call to kill anyone.
thats the big diference.
you can disagree but when you threat the life
of someone ,then is a big issue.
they want to make us all muslim
by threatining us.
i think this is the end for islam in europe
send back that mullah from norway to middle east
Submitted by halleluya on Sat, 2006-02-04 02:23.
that mullah show the most ungrateful actitude
for norwegian people that help him and acept him to live in norway.
please norwagians expulse those people from your country.
he doesnt deserve to live there.
Where can I buy a Danish flag badge to wear?
Submitted by araglin (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 10:41.
I think all Europeans who don't want to end up living in the fascist theocracy that the EU is preparing for them should immediately demonstrate their solidarity with Denmark and the Danes, by prominently wearing a badge of the Danish flag. The Danes saved their entire Jewish community from the Nazis, and when the stormtroopers marched into town, citizens, including the king himself, came out into the street wearing yellow stars in a show of protest and solidarity. Now it's time to show them the same respect they showed when they saw people being persecuted for no reason except intolerance. I live in Finland, where no one seems interested in this issue (there are relatively few Muslims here, and the few that do live here have made it clear they are not interested in causing trouble), and I would like to know if anyone could tell me where I could obtain or purchase such a badge?
I too am a Dane now!
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 05:26.
Danish flag - we are all danes!!
Submitted by Ole Hansen, A dane (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 10:53.
You can buy danish flags and danish flag t-hirts on ebay. You can also by danish football fan caps. I wiking helm with danish flag on ebay.
These imams are simply dangerous
Submitted by Gorm on Fri, 2006-02-03 09:23.
These imams are simply dangerous for our democracy – they demand that we here in the west adapt to their medieval culture and not the other way around.
Check out this video http://www.foxnews.com/
“Video: Cartoon Furore”
Boykot islamic countries when they boycut Europe.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 10:50.
The islamic countries want to boycat goods from all countries who show the cartoons: Denmark, Norway, Germany, France .......
I wonder what the sheiks are doing. Are they boycutting Ferrari, Mercedes and BMW and start driving KIA or Toyota ?? I wonder !
It will be good if they also boycot blonde eorupean women, and stops buying european women for their Harems.
We can boycot them,:
1. Do not go on Holiday in Egypt, Jordan, Dubai , Abu Bahrain , Indonesia, Marokko and Tunis. Israel offer the same climatic conditions.
2. Do not use airlines from islamic countries.
3. Do not buy oil from these country. Buy it from Norway, Denmark, Russia, USA or UK
4. And the hard one: Stop giving charity to islamic counrties ( for instance Indonesia)
5. Boykot islamic shops in your neighbourhood
We are living in a free world.
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 05:23.
Try holding back the oil!
Submitted by American Liberal on Sat, 2006-02-04 05:31.
Ok hold back your oil, because they are a 150,000 Americans in Iraq and I'm sure Israel, India, the EU and Russia wouldn't mind "PAYING A VISIT" to some of the Middle eastern countries i.e. Iran and Syria. Be careful what you wish for it might come true.
american liberal shit head
Submitted by bashar on Sat, 2006-02-04 05:54.
win the iraki war first asshole befor saying they will invade another contry speacilly isreal lost the war since the intifada begins do you think the isrealy ara ta peace they have th einside battle...that is very dangerous they are fighting people who do not have anythink to loose the palestinian froin the way they treat them back like second citizen class....win your war it is just a matter of time you will see the damage is doing iraque to your soldiers like why they do not show you the damages each day 3 to 4 soldiers is duying each day or each two days count these issues matters for americans it is just a mmater of time .....
win the war first...and then keep conquering
stop selling oil to these white europpean fuckers freezthem let them seel their cheese to the chines....will buy it?????????
This is the muslims agenda, very scary.
Submitted by Bry (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 06:08.
Now is really and truly the time to stand united agains the muslims everywhere. This is their agenda:
A militant alien culture is
Submitted by Mark (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 04:25.
A militant alien culture is demanding to impose its values on Western society at large. Preparing to do so by force of arms if necessary. Draw the line now. Stand firm. If Muslims desire to live in the West its they, not the West, that must change. The mullah says "the war is on" with or without an apology. Remind Mullah Krekar the Muslins were vanguished at the Gates if Vienna in 1683. History will be repeated.
Freedom of expression
Submitted by Theo van Gogh (not verified) on Fri, 2006-02-03 05:11.
Cartoon War? Here is some ammo...
What next?
Submitted by von Schlichtningen on Fri, 2006-02-03 02:34.
I have been wondering what options do the Muslims have in this conflict? An invasion is out, I believe.
Is there any chance they could turn off the oil?
I have some musings here:
to von Schlichtningen
Submitted by nermin on Fri, 2006-02-03 11:32.
no ,muslims are not invadors like you...you are the pioneers in that field , you cannot live without occupying ,invading or at least s most european countries support USA,thehead of the gang in any war it launch.....but donot blame us for boycotting.it is the least thing .isnot it.
if america punish others buy preventing its citizens fro dealing or selling tothose punished ...why you blame us for not buying from you and gving you our money....i wonder from your irrational way of thinking...you cannot getrid from the superiority complex of the white man yet...
Superiority Complex?
Submitted by DirtyDeuce22 on Sat, 2006-02-04 11:35.
Are you frigging kidding me? The whole basis of Islam is that anyone who is not a believer in Islam, is an infidel and deserves to die. You can tell me all you want that the Islamic Faith encourages peace, but the fact remains that only Muslims are committing acts of terror in the name of their religion. You don't see Buddhist Suicide Bombers going to a shopping mall to kill 1,000 Hindus? And you certainly don't see Christians killing other people in the name of Jesus. Maybe it’s because we know that if we kill any other human being in the name of Jesus, God will not reward us with 72 virgins. BTW-only a total IDIOT, MORON, AUTOMATANT, CLOSED-MINDED, FOOL can be concvinced that he will received 72 virgins if he straps on a make-shift bomb and goes to kill a schoolbus full of Jews!! Or maybe we are smart enough not to let any stupid anti-Christian remarks affect our faith. It shows how flimsy your faith of Islam really is if you let anyone, esp. a non-Muslim journalist offend you!! Idiots…u deserve to be conquered!!
to DirtyDeuce22
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 12:12.
Do you think that you are speaking to fools ..you say Christians have never fight for the jesus,,,what the crusade war for mr…was not it under the cross supported an encouraged by the church or what …did not they cover their greediness by saying that they want to free Christ grave from infidel and in their way they burnt the green an d killed the Muslims and jews in their ways..
The church itself apologized recently for a group of its evil deed why you are arrogant to admit.
what about peal harbor suicide attack by the Japanese against America…what about committing suicide by Japanese as a belief….why the jews eradicate Palestinians ..why they want to destroy Muslims holy mosque elaksa…want not because they want to make a holy temple instead.. the temple that was destroyed 70 years after the absence of the chrism as a punishment from god for what they did with him..
It I sonly your Christian western cultures that secreted people like mosolini and neron an dhitler.
These you call suicidal bombing are only recent .they stared in occupied Palestine in the last 20 years to defend their land as mayor of London himself says..
And those 19 individuals of 11/9 are not supported by any country or religious authority and condemned by all Islamic countries as what they did is individual actions not like your planned strategic attacks against our countries.
You must be ashamed for Mixing things up .which indicate total ignorance..
Absolutely!!!!! It is and
Submitted by britmikh on Sat, 2006-02-04 11:52.
Absolutely!!!!! It is and always has been a religion based on barbarity, Peacefull religion my arse! I remember when 9/11 happened and Pallestinian women and kids were jusmping up and down and praising Allah that a whole load of innocent people had just been slaughtered. They do this while recieving western money to pay thier salaries and put food in thier mouths....hypocrits and back stabbers, Muslims listen up, your crappy, dirty religion stinks!! I used to be a moderate but after this latest tyrade of abuse and intimidation over a silly cartoon has really brought it home to me, there is no hope for them and no point in trying to reach out, because whatever you give them, they still want more and hate us anyway.
to britmikh from nermin
Submitted by nermin on Sat, 2006-02-04 12:20.
you are mr fool .Those Palestinians women and kids you see on TV celebrating was not of 11/9 but it was an old scene from archive of Palestinians celebrating return to gaza..and some media discovered the whole charade.
but even if it was true, no one could blame them ..have ever the Americans authority condemned any of eth massacres committed against them while the American president break his week end to condemned killing of one Israeli..
noone could blame them for hating the country which support the isralei with apatch an df16 to kill them ..are not those who are killed by American weapons are innocent kids and women too or those are not human like you…
anyway , ,no wonder for people like you with black bloody history and for those Americans who eradicate red Indians to do the same.
But wake up Mr, the Palestinians are not the red Indians
again double standards measures.
Big bad infidel coming to get ya!
Submitted by Brigands on Sat, 2006-02-04 10:11.
We're the boogymen...so you better watch out. We infidel dogs; we band of Crusaders...we cannot live without invading wastelands. Keep bathing yourself into your 'Peacefull' Islamic religion and do make an attempt to buy & read Paul Fregosi's book 'Jihad' (in the West).
If there are any infidel dogs that have been invading & slaughtering in masses it were Jihadi's.
Where did you health come from in the past: plunder & trade .Selling it at high cost to Europe; which eventually led europe to sail the world in an attempt to find better prices and cut you out of the deal. You can talk all you want; but that doesnt allow you to threaten people and attack buildings/people. You lot doesnt get it; you talk of a tolerant Islam but the way you react to those cartoons is a far cry away from anything what nearly resembles tolerance.
To nermin re: "to von Schlichningen",
Submitted by mtk2006 on Sat, 2006-02-04 04:54.
"no ,muslims are not invadors like you"
Like muslims, we only fight in self defense.
Submitted by American Liberal on Sat, 2006-02-04 05:21.
Well if youre not invaders then move back to the middle east and practice and see what the freedom of expression means in Iran,Syria or under the Taliban. I was sympathtic towards the Muslim plight until this garbage (rioting in France, England and the EU) It's amazing because American muslims aren't rioting, ask any Chaldean what they think about Muslims values.
No more oil?
Submitted by truth serum on Fri, 2006-02-03 03:05.
von Schlichtningen:
I don't think they will turn off the oil. The money is much to important to them. Saudi Princes have become a slave to their luxuries.
In Bush's State of the Union address he has finally said that America is going to pursue alternatives to oil for our energy needs. The Saudi's didn't waist any time calling him and saying something to the effect of, "Hey, wait a minute here...what about us?"
But as I am a believer of never saying never...get your bicycle tuned up just in case.
Where is a woman comic when you need her?
Submitted by DavidE on Fri, 2006-02-03 02:26.
Ms. Rebman, wherever you are? Find this guy and pick him up again? And give him a full body slam!!!