UN to Investigate Racism of Danish Cartoonists
From the desk of Paul Belien on Wed, 2005-12-07 20:46

Fjordman, the Norwegian blogger (how sorely his invaluable reports from Scandinavia will be missed when he quits blogging next week) reports that Louise Arbour, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, has expressed her concern over the 12 cartoons [see them here] depicting the prophet Muhammad which were published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten last September. Ms Arbour says that the UN experts on racism will deal with the matter.
The 56 member countries of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) are currently meeting in Mecca to discuss joint action against Denmark because the Danish government has refused to call Jyllands-Posten to account and restrict the freedom of the Danish press. According to Muslims it is blasphemy to depict the prophet and the paper should apologize for having done so. Eleven Muslim ambassadors to Copenhagen had asked the Danish Prime Minister to ensure that such an apology would be forthcoming.
In a message to the OIC, the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights states: “I understand your concerns and would like to emphasize that I regret any statement or act that could express a lack of respect for the religion of others.” In a complaint to the High Commissioner, the 56 Islamic governments asked Louise Arbour to raise the matter with the Danish government “to help contain this encroachment on Islam, so the situation will not get out of control.” Muslim radicals have threathened to murder the Danish cartoonists and take revenge with bloodshed in Denmark.
According to the director of the Danish Center for Human Rights, Morten Kjærum, “the concern of the High Commissioner reflects that the ban on discrimination is one of the most important and general within human rights law, because we know how disastrous it is when different groups are pitted against one another.”
Over the past three months this case has become a major international incident. Curiously enough, to our knowledge it has hardly been reported in the non-Danish mainstream media.
The original cartoons were
Submitted by patsanreal on Fri, 2009-05-08 06:49.
The original cartoons were published on September 30, 2005. Other European newspapers republished them in 2006 — also not for the purpose of provoking and insulting, but because, like the Jyllands-Posten, they believed that freedom of expression was under assault from extremists using violence and intimidation. They were showing solidarity with the Danish press by taking equal responsibility for the publication rather than engaging in self-defeating self-censorship. They believed they had a right to publish material critical of Islam, Muslims, and Muslim figures like Muhammad even if some find it offensive. erectile dysfunction generic cialis canadian rx
Spam on TBJ
Submitted by KO on Fri, 2009-05-08 11:47.
How does someone spam the comments section of a website? Does anyone actually buy Cialis as a result? Can our friends atTBJ automatically filter out pseudo-entries with commercial links?
We are not only muslims
Submitted by Widad muahammad (not verified) on Sun, 2006-01-29 21:23.
Hi everybody,
This affair about making fun of our prophet(Peace be upon him)is not a matter lightly taken nor would a similar cartoon drawn of the prophet Jesus or the prophet Moses Or the prophet Isaac or Ismail or Jacob(may Peace be upon them all)be taken lightly either........we are not only muslims we believe in all the three religions and hold in respect all of the prophets no difference between them in our eyes except fo the fact that the prophet Muhammad was the last prophet and we were ordered to obey Allah and the prophet,and we were ordered to believe in all the other prophets and love them and respect them .......
As for the young muslim immigrant who has drawn the Virgin Mary the mother of the prophet Jesus....that is a complete idiocy of him to do that and he will be punished for sure by Allah......and he has committed the worse thing for not respecting who Allah has ordered us to respect!!!
Civilization can not respect
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 00:29.
Civilization can not respect the acts of muslims. A prim example today "This morning armed Palestinians stormed the European Union office in Gaza City, threatening Danes and Norwegians and demanding that they leave. Two Norwegian aid workers are on their way out of the region."
Little do you know
Submitted by Anti-Idiot (not verified) on Tue, 2006-01-31 02:45.
"Civilization can not respect muslims"
I suggest you hit your local library and take out a book about Europe in the dark Ages and Islam!
Little do you know, it was Islam that contributed to your so called "western civilization" when you were in the dark.
Islam and actual practicing muslims are more civilized than the west. Islam is all about tolerance, respect and cleanliness. If any part of the world is uncivilized, it is the west. Just look at your part of the World- the world of adultry, prostitution, drugs, and violence. You call that civilization? Sounds more like a zoo to me. Before you point your dirty finger at muslims and Islam as a whole I suggest you take a good look around your surroundings, and get out of your little box and seek what is OUT, I am sure your ignorance will be caught by a surprise.
Anti-idiot. I think you have
Submitted by Fred (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 14:57.
I think you have hit the nail on the head. In the dark ages Islam was civilised and we were not. However, we have moved on whereas Islam has remained 1000 years behind the now civilised world. Also, if they are so tolerant and respectful, why all the fuss over some innocent, funny drawings? Why do they not allow bibles in Saudi? Why do they want to destroy all non-muslims?Why are they so against freedom of expression? And why do so many of them escape the tyranny of Islamic countries to live in the west?
I am not a racist and was
Submitted by Big Al (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 15:11.
I am not a racist and was brought up to be tolerant but I do agree with Fred.Who do these people think they are threatening people with death and blowing up newspapers. There is an old saying when in Rome do as the Romans do. If these people do not wish or desire to integrate into Western society then maybe they should consider going back to their own dark ages.Where are the problems in Europe, France car burning, UK bombs killing people, Madrid killings. No my tolerance is being stretched by their intolerance to my tolerance.
Here come the French!
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 15:18.
France Soir 1
France Soir 2
Die Welt
Thank you Big Al, my
Submitted by Pythagoras (not verified) on Wed, 2006-02-01 15:41.
Thank you Big Al, my sentiments exactly. I know many people who, years ago, were very liberal minded and would stand up for ethnic minorities, including muslims. However, over the years as the Islamic atrocities all over the world have worsened, my friends have been forced to change their attitudes towards Islam and its followers. Muslims prove, almost daily, that they have no tolerance towards anything that they do not agree with. They do not respect any other religions other than their own. Most importantly they do not even respect the lives of innocent women and children with their indescriminate suicide bombing. Now they cannot see the funny side of innocent caricatures.
My Apologies
Submitted by Wyndham Lewis on Mon, 2006-02-06 01:36.
I wish to apologise, as a Canadian, for Louise Arbour. She's an idiot. A disaster as a supreme court justice, we foisted her on the world, it seems. It appears to me she's a little unclear on her job, and what the organisation she works for is all about. With embassies going up in flames, countries being held responsible for cartoons, boycotts organised, and dire vengeance threatened against people and nations who had nothing to do with it, I find her reponse laughable. Aren't three of FDR's 'four freedoms' (foundation concept of the UN, Louise) under attack -- freedom of speech, freedom of (or from) religion, and freedom from fear? FDR felt that when the freedoms were under attack anywhere in the world, we are all under attack.
I'm Danish too, right now. I'll do my bit to make up for the Muslim boycott. Will make sure I buy blue cheese and pickled herring tomorrow. Can I have a passport?
In response to a previous comment [I suggest you hit your local library and take out a book about Europe in the dark Ages and Islam! Little do you know, it was Islam that contributed to your so called "western civilization" when you were in the dark.
Islam and actual practicing muslims are more civilized than the west. Islam is all about tolerance, respect and cleanliness. If any part of the world is uncivilized, it is the west. Just look at your part of the World- the world of adultry, prostitution, drugs, and violence. You call that civilization? Sounds more like a zoo to me. Before you point your dirty finger at muslims and Islam as a whole I suggest you take a good look around your surroundings, and get out of your little box and seek what is OUT, I am sure your ignorance will be caught by a surprise], I suggest that you read a newspaper carefully. Islam was, but Islam is. In the past thousand years, since Islam's salad days, you've succeeded in translating as many books written in foreign languages into Arabic as Spain alone does into Spanish every year. Exclusive of oil, the entire Arab bloc combined has the GNP of Finland -- that's right: Nokia kicks your ass. In any case, I'm sure that Islam knows all about adultery and prostitution (ask a Saudi prince). Hash and opium are imported into the god-forsaken West from the Islamic world, not the other way around. On violence, of course, you've got me. No violence in the dar-al-Islam. We had a murder in my little part of the dar-al-harb once . . . thirteen years ago. I think there was another before that . . . in 1881. And yes, you contributed to Western Civilisation -- Algebra and kabobs I believe.
My Apologies
Submitted by Wyndham Lewis on Mon, 2006-02-06 01:35.
I wish to apologise, as a Canadian, for Louise Arbour. She's an idiot. A disaster as a supreme court justice, we foisted her on the world, it seems. It appears to me she's a little unclear on her job, and what the organisation she works for is all about. With embassies going up in flames, countries being held responsible for cartoons, boycotts organised, and dire vengeance threatened against people and nations who had nothing to do with it, I find her reponse laughable. Aren't three of FDR's 'four freedoms' (foundation concept of the UN, Louise) under attack -- freedom of speech, freedom of (or from) religion, and freedom from fear? FDR felt that when the freedoms were under attack anywhere in the world, we are all under attack.
I'm Danish too, right now. I'll do my bit to make up for the Muslim boycott. Will make sure I buy blue cheese and pickled herring tomorrow. Can I have a passport?
In response to a previous comment [I suggest you hit your local library and take out a book about Europe in the dark Ages and Islam! Little do you know, it was Islam that contributed to your so called "western civilization" when you were in the dark.
Islam and actual practicing muslims are more civilized than the west. Islam is all about tolerance, respect and cleanliness. If any part of the world is uncivilized, it is the west. Just look at your part of the World- the world of adultry, prostitution, drugs, and violence. You call that civilization? Sounds more like a zoo to me. Before you point your dirty finger at muslims and Islam as a whole I suggest you take a good look around your surroundings, and get out of your little box and seek what is OUT, I am sure your ignorance will be caught by a surprise], I suggest that you read a newspaper carefully. Islam was, but Islam is. In the past thousand years, since Islam's salad days, you've succeeded in translating as many books written in foreign languages into Arabic as Spain alone does into Spanish every year. Exclusive of oil, the entire Arab bloc combined has the GNP of Finland -- that's right: Nokia kicks your ass. In any case, I'm sure that Islam knows all about adultery and prostitution (ask a Saudi prince). Hash and opium are imported into the god-forsaken West from the Islamic world, not the other way around. On violence, of course, you've got me. No violence in the dar-al-Islam. We had a murder in my little part of the dar-al-harb once . . . thirteen years ago. I think there was another before that . . . in 1881. And yes, you contributed to Western Civilisation -- Algebra and kabobs I believe.
Freedom to lie?!
Submitted by Devout Muslim (not verified) on Sat, 2006-01-28 09:44.
Does freedom of speech include the freedom to lie?!
Ms. Arbour
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 2005-12-11 06:21.
Does anyone think Ms Arbour will find any irony in such request coming from Islamists? Now you know why the UN must NEVER have control of the net or any other sharp instrument. They do not play well with others
And when is she going to
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 2005-12-09 04:17.
And when is she going to investigate:
1) the fact that you can be arrested for holding a Christian prayer service in Saudi Arabia?
2) the fact that you can't walk into any bookstore in Saudi Arabia and buy a Bible?
Does Ms. Arbour truly "regret any statement or act that could express a lack of respect for the religion of others"? If so, where has she been all these years? Does she really think a cartoon warrants a UN response and someone being denied access to freedom of worship does not?
When are you Europeans going
Submitted by Jonny (not verified) on Fri, 2005-12-09 01:05.
When are you Europeans going to wake up?
Ask The Prophet
Submitted by Laurence Simon (not verified) on Thu, 2005-12-08 22:13.
Strange. I'm up to 54 "Ask The Prophets" and I have yet to be investigated by the United Nations.
UN people don't last long in Texas. We tend to slow-cook them and then feed them to the livestock.