European Parliaments Silences Our Collaborator: So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbyeee

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbyeee. Ladies and gentlemen, I am sad to announce that from henceforth my contributions shall be consigned to the dustbins of history. I say this with a heavy heart, but it is the case. And this is why.

Last week I was summoned by my Secretary General and informed that a formal complaint had been made about my posting on this blog. My activities were found to be in contravention of the Staff Code of Conduct

In particular I was in breach of Article 12 and 17. That is

"Article 12
An official shall refrain from any action or behaviour which might reflect adversely upon his position.
1. Subject to Article 15, an official wishing to engage in an outside activity, whether paid or unpaid, or to carry out any assignment outside the Communities, shall first obtain the permission of the Appointing Authority. Permission shall be refused only if the activity or assignment in question is such as to interfere with the performance of the official's duties or is incompatible with the interests of the institution.
Article 17
1. An official shall refrain from any unauthorised disclosure of information received in the line of duty, unless that information has already been made public or is accessible to the public.
2. An official shall continue to be bound by this obligation after leaving the service.

The problem was at the beginning of the month I had posted a piece about some gender language absurdity (please note that the staff regulations talk about his. I had included the name of the author and she had requested that I remove the name. This I did, as she pointed out that she had been phoned by a couple of journalists and was, as an official unable to talk to them.
Notwithstanding me removing her name, somebody made an official complaint about this blog to the powers that be. The Secretary General of the Parliament, Harald Rømer then wrote to my group pointing out my clear breach of the staff rules. I had, it said posted article upon England Expects, a website that is "ironique et eurosceptique". (One wonders which was the worse transgression, the scepticism or the fact that I laugh at them?).
The upshot is that I have a formal warning and, if I continue to blog then 'sanctions' may be applied. Given that the sanctions amount to upwards of a four month docking of wages, I really cannot afford to continue.
Now I do not say that I am not in breach of the staff regulations, I am. But it is odd when one considers that I employed to be the Press officer of the UK delegation to the Ind/Dem Group, which is the UK Independence Party. My job is to bring the institutions into disrepute, which I am doing, well if I am any good I should be doing.
The rules come with guidelines

The above provision establishes the general obligation as regards circumspection whereby officials and other servants, while remaining free to express their opinions as the fundamental principles of human rights and citizens' rights allow them to do, must observe a degree of moderation and conduct themselves at all times with a due sense of proportion and propriety.
3. Any failure to observe the obligation as regards circumspection is assessed according to the nature and level of the duties performed and the circumstances, for it is more incumbent on the most senior officials and other servants to show self-control in what they say and write, as well as in their attitudes.

The point being that their interpretation as to my lack of circumspection is key.

disrepute # 3

@ pvdh

In this context of the EUROPEAN parliament trying to silence someone who is on its payroll, I guess the BRITISH expression "PINCH of salt" would be appropriate. 

However, Americans would never employ the word "pinch" in this way.  They use the expression "GRAIN of salt" to suggest a sceptical attitude. It has something to do with the year 1647, but I don't know what exactly.   And, the Dutch/Flemish also talk about "een greintje zout" (of korreltje zout).  Presumably, there is a link with the origins of 'European' settlement in North America, and specifically with the journey of the early settlers.   


"My job is to bring the institutions into disrepute"

I guess that's a typical Anglo-Saxon thing. In a world of lobbying and constant legal action it makes sense of course, but it still sounds very rude and dishonest. I couldn’t imagine any continental European describe his job in these words. We would rather say “My job is to report in a critical way about the institutions” which leaves an opening for positive comment if positive things are done. Or is it my limited knowledge of the English language that creates a wrong perception?  

For me it tells a lot about how I need to reed mister harvey's comments. "With a large spoon of salt. " (Does that expression exist in English?)

The EU is the problem

What does it take to get Europeans to figure out the fascist direction that Brussles is moving?  Without free speech and a state that vigorously honors it you can't sustain a democracy.  The only salvation for Europe is dissolving the EU as it exists now and reducing it to a trading agreement. 


Here's hoping that the Brits past Labour will vote NO when they get a chance.  Hopefully it will be the start of dismantling of Brussels' fascism. 


Go for it #2

@ Elaib Harvey


I, too, wish you every success in that endeavour. Good luck.


(Meanwhile, you might consider getting yourself a 'username' and continue to post comments  anonymously)   ;-)

Go for it!

You should apply for permission and pursue as many appeals as you can if you are denied, ultimately suing for infringement of your human rights. See regarding the non-ideological strategy for compelling wayward governments to obey the people and respect the rule of law. Good luck!


I don't get it - do they really object to blogging as such, blogging about politics, or only that their dirty little gender neutral secrets leak out from time to time?

@ Elaib Harvey

That's why Flanders has to leave the EU, there is no future in the EU for freedom loving people, only for shackled cattle.
Sorry for your predicament but it should be much wider spread that the EU doesn't want freedom.

Good luck in the future.

Freedom of speech or freedom of writing ?

Any private company would have acted this way long before. Eurosceptics, if they've the slightest sense of dignity, should not aim to work and get paid by an organization for which they do nothing but undermining activities.

Elaib Harvey, will he be silenced????

So we see our freedom of speech going down the toilet.
They will continue to silence one at a time, till none will dare to write, speak up against those that we may learn to fear. We will not be able to speak against our own, much less some other people or governments.
G-d Help Us.

bad english

Your English was anyway so unreadable - for non native English speakers anyway, and I don't think you ever realised how local(non global) your English sounds - that we don't loose much by loosing your articles. We do loose a lot by loosing you as a protester protesting along this media channel the internet.

There are however protesters who are prepared to loose their lives for their ideals - let be their money. I understand this is not given to everybody - like to me, or for that matter, to you.

A compassionate critic.