Obama Will Lose

A quote from Spengler in The Asia Times, 3 September 2008

Senator Barack Obama's acceptance speech last week seemed vastly different from the stands of [Denver]’s Invesco Stadium than it did to the 40 million who saw it on television. Melancholy hung like think smog over the reserved seats where I sat with Democratic Party staffers. The crowd, of course, cheered mechanically at the tag lines, flourished placards, and even rose for the obligatory wave around the stadium. But its mood was sour. The air carried the acrid smell of defeat, and the crowd took shallow breaths. [...]

On television, Obama's spectacle might have looked like The Ten Commandments, but inside the stadium it felt like Night of the Living Dead. [...] McCain doesn't have a tenth of Obama's synaptic fire-power, but he is a nasty old sailor who knows when to come about for a broadside. Given Obama's defensive, even wimpy selection of a running-mate, McCain's choice was obvious. He picked the available candidate most like himself: a maverick with impeccable reform credentials, a risk-seeking commercial fisherwoman and huntress married to a marathon snowmobile racer who carries a steelworkers union card. The Democratic order of battle was to tie McCain to the Bush administration and attack McCain by attacking Bush. With Palin on the ticket, McCain has re-emerged as the maverick he really is. [...]

McCain has certified his authenticity for the voters. He's now the outsider, the reformer, the maverick, the war hero running next to the Alaskan amazon with a union steelworker spouse. Obama, who styled himself an agent of change, took his image for granted, and attempted to ensure himself victory by doing the cautious thing. He is trapped in a losing position, and there is nothing he can do to get out of it.

The media is destroying Palin

It's really shocking to see the viciousness. It may backfire on them, but the way the Dems have coordinated the msg with all their media outlets, from the big networks to the blogosphere to even gossip magazines like US owned by Obama people, to trash her, is a very impressive propaganda drive.

It begs the question, though, with all this media might at Obama's beck and call, why isn't he up more?

Foolish predictions

It's always unwise for a journalist--or anyone else, for that matter--to make preductions about an election in a two-party system.  By the way, Obama's numbers went up only slightly from his convention.  Since the Palin announcement, they have gone up higher.  (I say this as someone who thinks Governor Palin rocks.)


Every time an Obama bumper sticker gets stuck to the ass of a dented trashed car, it never fails to be driven by a eco-bio-global-socialist-liberal-democrat on food stamps and welfare. Mostly, it is these same folks that make money "under the table" and milk the system for all the freebies they can get. They also like to sit around and worship gods and goddesses, beat their drums with a monotonous tone and pretend they are highly intelligent "elder light beings".

A vote for Palin is a vote for McCain

Most American vice-presidents have had little real power, and I imagine this trend will hold up under a McCain presidency.


Forget what the spin doctors will have you believe. McCain is the one who is running for president. Not Palin. It's a sign of just how unpopular he is with conservatives that so much attention is being focused on his running mate.