Sarkozy: Irish Don’t Count, Poles and Czechs Will Be Punished If They Don’t Behave

A quote from Bruno Waterfield at his Telegraph blog, 2 July 2008
Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France, held a strictly off-the-record lunch briefing for international Brussels-based correspondents on Tuesday at the Elysée. The Daily Telegraph was not invited, in fact deliberately excluded. […] But despite the best efforts of the Quai d'Orsay's diplomats, I am able to reveal on-the-record, as a blog exclusive, Mr Sarkozy's more relevant comments.
The French strategy during their six month EU Presidency, which began on July 1, is to isolate Ireland after last month's referendum rejection of the Lisbon European Union Treaty.

With the Irish people in quarantine, the other 26 EU countries will press ahead with ratifying the Treaty – 19 have done so. […] The Irish do not count. […] The Irish either will be asked to vote again, in a rerun of Ireland's second referendum on the Nice Treaty in 2002 – or Ireland's people will be bypassed. "If the perspective of a second vote in Ireland has been raised it is because it has happened before," said Mr Sarkozy. […]

Mr Sarkozy made it clear he was deeply unimpressed with Polish President Lech Kaczynski's refusal to sign off a "pointless" Treaty after it had been ratified in his country's parliament. […] The French President warned the Czechs that they would pay a price if Prague continues to grumble about ratifying the Treaty.

"I don't even blame them,

"I don't even blame them, democracy must be simply crushed! Otherwise the left will always find its way to power, according to Lenin maxim "Once seized power we never give up".

I agree that the Marxist Liberal concept of democracy must, most certainly, be crushed.

There is one way to defeat the Marxist Liberal grip on the European Union and that is through the cabal of Left Liberal liars, deviants and perverts presently running the show, being charged with treason, sedition AND subversion.

If individual indigenous peoples of all 27 nations that currently comprise the European Union would agree to return Hard Right administrations at every election while there is still time, together they could end the twisted reign of terror of the Marxist Liberal brigade once and for all.

Following the latter's defeat, all involved would automatically be subject to arrest for treason, sedition and subversion.

People are always ignorant.

People are always ignorant. Till Brussels officially proclaim the new pan-European state, they will argue that "we are still independent". I don't even blame them, democracy must be simply crushed! Otherwise the left will always find its way to power, according to Lenin maxim  "Once seized power   we never give up".


I’ve re-read it. I’ve concluded that my understanding of the wider context of the article is correct and that my original comments stand.

Both of these countries have regained their sovereignty only to voluntarily cede it to a supra-national body that is totalitarian in nature and anti-democratic in practice. They have merely substituted one totalitarian master for another. From the USSR to EU. What is wrong with independence? Furthermore, as they joined the EU when it was already abundantly clear where it was headed, they cannot even claim ignorance - hence my suggestion it may be stupidity.

Noisy protests against specific pieces of EU legislation, governance or policy may impress bystanders such as yourself who have a limited grasp of the workings of the EU, but those with a greater understanding of the nature of the beast comprehend the futility of such gestures. Poland and the Czech Republic will be forced to fully ratify the Lisbon Treaty as will Ireland. Once you are in the EU you no longer have sovereignty over your own affairs. They will be bullied into compliance. Their protests are meaningless.  [By the way, even if the Lisbon Treaty is not ratified, all the legislation contained in it will be imposed piecemeal by QMV. The result will be the same.]

I’ve no doubt that many Czechs and Poles are now sorry that they joined. Others are no doubt happy to have sold their national soul for a handful of Euros. Either way it is too late. The are in it. They are enslaved once more. They are no longer a free people. Same situation as before just a different master. If they do not enjoy slavery why did they join in the first place?


Your points are well taken, but, maybe with the Irish vote the cracks will widen. If the Brits, and I think they will as Labour is on its last legs there, get their chance at a referrendum vote, I think they'll vote no in big numbers.

Eventually Brussels will overplay its fascist agenda and I still have hope that there are enough Europeans, especially the Irish and Brits and Eastern Europeans, that will work to dismantle the EU down to simply an open markets agreement.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire...

...go the Czechs and the Poles.

Despite having lived under the yoke of communism for decades, these particularly stupid people, on gaining their independence, couldn't give it away again quick enough. Are the Czechs and the Poles natural born slaves?

To paraphrase Wilde: "to lose your freedom once may be regarded as a misfortune. To lose it twice looks like carelessness."



Your reading comprehension skills are zero. How about re-reading the article and then commenting on the Poles and Czechs.

Sarkozy dreams Napoleon's

Sarkozy dreams Napoleon's dream - a united Europe, with himself as benevolent tyrant.

Don't forget he signed an underhanded treaty with the 'meditteranean countries', by which he means to include the islamic world in the Eurabian  empire..

Sarkozy, France's Napoleon

Sarkozy, France's Napoleon remake, does seem rather dedicated to establishing his personal EUDSSR, doesn't he? I still wonder why ...