Global Warming Deniers as Bad as Sex Monsters

A quote from The Birmingham Post, 31 May 2008

The Bishop of Stafford has compared people who ignore the effects of climate change to the Austrian child sex monster Josef Fritzl. The Very Rev Gordon Mursell, claimed people who refuse to face the truth about global warming were as “guilty as” Fritzl of destroying the future of youngsters. […]

In a hard-hitting letter to parishioners, Bishop Mursell maintained those who refused to accept the climate change argument shared a “common philosophy of life” to Fritzl, who imprisoned his daughter in a cellar for 24 years during which he sexually abused her and fathered her seven children.

@ Oiznop

Churches in th UK are, according to my reliable source, free from tax so long as they are registered as a charity. The only time their income is treated as taxable is if the church sells a plot of land to a property developer and share in the profits. Clergy are liable to P.A.Y.E.


For further information see:


Hope that helps.

How ridiculous

First we were akin to Holocaust deniers, now we're depraved perverts...

Just when I thought things could get no worse...

Birds of a feather????

I can't help but wonder if this bloke is a good buddy of the Arch Bish of Canterbury. Ya know, The Most Holy "Need To Introduce Sharia into the main stream" Dr. Rowan Williams? What is with these so called christian leaders in the UK?  Is there something funky in the sacrifcial wine?

And since the Glo-BULL Warming farce is a political issue, will this statement have any bearing on this church's tax exempt status? (Are churches exempt form paying taxes in UK? Please someone enlighten me on this). 


Cocky Bishop

Global warming and climate change is all about politics. The topic of Global warming in true science circles is debatable, not factual. Climate change is natural-- the earth has been much warmer. The earth has been much colder. For a Bishop to place such an ugly comparison on parishioners who do not subscribe to global warming and climate change theory is obscene.


@ Misterios

Do not blame this bishop's "his god", and certainly even less God, for this particular bishop's particular silly statement.  Put the blame where it belongs, i.e. the bishop himself, and more specifically his secular fundamentalism, i.e. his belief-with-certainty (about matters that cannot possibly be known with certainty).

@ B. English

This bishop is entitled to be "caring about climate change", and does not have to resign from the church and plant trees because of that.  However, he is clearly not a "good" bishop, and comparing people holding different opinions with a sex monster is not charitable, besides being stupid.

@ Amsterdamsky

Calling contemporary Austrians "nazis" is stupid because it is 'false'.  It is also not charitable, which makes it morally suspect.  I have always suspected that the re-incarnation of Amsterdamsky, or Amsterdamsky-version II, was not 'real'.

Sciencey Church of Goreical

Ah, that hip pseudo science of the Goreical Church of Global Warming © & Climate Change TM. Funny how most of its believers lack formal science education, yet claim to be experts! They probably couldn't tell the difference between a bunsen burner and a beaker; even with hand held over each!

If the good Bishop truly cared about climate change, then please retire from the church and plant trees, or pursue some other useful endeavor to his pet cause. At least by not addressing parishioners, his verbal green house gas will diminish!

Oh, why doesn't he call his

Oh, why doesn't he call his god to solve the problem? Omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent as he is, creating the whole universe, solving global warming must be a walk in the park, not? So his omniwhatever god refuses to solve global warming, maybe his god is in denial? This means that his god is as guilty as Fritzl for destroying the future of youngsters.
Climate is not static, it is like everything in nature dynamic, a adaptation towards a dynamic equilibrium. To assume, expect or to want that nature is static is perverse and only possible if you're completely detached from nature. I think there is information enough on the internet to see that there is no catastrophic global warming but that some people are desperate to "prove" global warming, use yahoo, google... dont trust the mainstream media as your information source, they'll all tell you the same lies.