Their Own Fault

A quote from the Oslo Police 2007 Rape Report, as quoted by Islam in Europe, 15 May 2008

A: But listen now, Norwegian girls complain that foreign boys do this and that, but the reason there are so many rapes is that Norwegian girls go around almost completely naked! That's like saying "come here and fuck me", you understand?

Q: You're saying that Norwegian girls are asking to be raped?

A: Not exactly asking, but when then go out almost completely naked and get completely drunk in Frogner park or go to a party together with some friend, and then they complain about being raped? It's their fault, says the 26 year old from Somalia.

Q: But even if they go around lightly dressed and get drunk then they're certainly not asking to be raped?

A: No, but many of the foreigners aren't used to this where they come from. They're not accustomed that girls go dressed as they want, then maybe they interpret this a bit wrong, you understand?

See also:

Raped in Oslo, 13 December 2006

re: question

@ kappert


Put your questions in verse, and you'd be a serious rival to William McGonagall.

An Obvious Reason to Keep Muzlims Out

This all points to a most excellent reason for not bringing into Norwegian society people who do not understand it. They do not understand the way Western societies operate, the freedoms we have, the personal restraints that are expected of every individual in order to make our society work. They have no place in such a society because they are accustomed to behaving as animals. The see something they want and they go get it without any regard for the rules of society. This may be accepted in the muzlim world, but it is not accepted in the West.


Self restraint is a foreign concept to muzlims. They know nothing of it, and they do not accept the idea. For this reason alone, they cannot be accepted within Western societies where this is an essential element of the social system. Boot them out, and keep them OUT!

Herr Fritzl

"They have no place in such a society because they are accustomed to behaving as animals."


Is it lack of moral of the Norwegian girls or
excess of hormons in the male brain?
or Is it lack of moral in the male brain or
excess of hormons in the Norwegian girls?