Death Penalty in Europe: Only for Enemies of the State

A quote from Helga Zepp-LaRouche in Executive Intelligence Review, 7 April 2008
Professor Schachtschneider pointed out that it [the European Union reform treaty, a.k.a. the Lisbon Treaty] also reintroduces the death penalty in Europe, which I think is very important, in light of the fact that, especially Italy was trying to abandon the death penalty through the United Nations, forever. And this is not in the treaty, but in a footnote, because with the European Union reform treaty, we accept also the European Union Charter, which says that there is no death penalty, and then it has a footnote, which says, “except in the case of war, riots, upheaval” – then the death penalty is possible. Schachtschneider points to the fact that this is an outrage, because they put it in a footnote of a footnote, and you have to read it, like really like a super-expert to find out!


So why wasn't this "footnote" invoked during the riots in the banileues?

Death penality

I note that it has been retained for political offences, even as vague as "unrest" (having a sleepless night?) but not for serial killers or child murderers. I wonder why?


When Sulla invaded Rome with his troops, he proscribed his enemies.  The streets ran red with blood. 

A footnote is a mutter under the breath.

"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” – Thomas Paine

Good laugh

"which says that there is no death penalty, and then it has a footnote, which says, “except in the case of war, riots, upheaval” – then the death penalty is possible"


I got a good laugh from that.

Death Penalty

The "gentlemen" are preparing themselves.
I hope nobody thinks this is a typing error.