No Jokes, Please, We’re Multicultural

A quote from The Daily Telegraph, 15 January 2008

A police officer has been forced into resigning after he gave a Muslim colleague a pack of bacon and a bottle of wine as a joke present during a Christmas Day party. [...] Even though the Muslim officer did not complain and thought the present funny, senior officers in the Bedfordshire force were not amused. [...]

Bedfordshire Police said: “Although this matter was intended as a joke between officers, Bedfordshire Police takes seriously its obligations as an organisation which not only serves, but employs, a diverse range of staff from the county's wide mix of backgrounds. Behaviour of this nature is not tolerated by Bedfordshire Police and after the incident was brought to the attention of senior managers, the officer concerned chose to resign with immediate effect. His decision is welcomed by the force.”

A quote from The Daily Telegraph, 16 January 2008

A former presenter of [the BBC television series] One Man and His Dog has won £2,000 in compensation after being wrongly arrested on suspicion of stirring up racial hatred.

Robin Page was arrested after making an allegedly racist remark at a country fair in 2002. [...] His opening remark was: “If you are a black, vegetarian, Muslim, asylum-seeking, one-legged lesbian lorry driver, I want the same rights as you.” No one present expressed any concerns at the time but a letter of complaint was later received by police, and another person wrote to say he disagreed with the remarks made.

He was arrested the next month, and a further five months later was contacted at his farm in Cambridgeshire and asked by two officers from Gloucestershire to attend an interview at a police station. At the station he declined to answer questions without a lawyer and was arrested. He was put in a cell and told that he would have to stay overnight if he wished to wait for his solicitor, but after 40 minutes agreed to be interviewed without legal representation.

Mr Page said: “I was told I had committed a ‘hate crime’, interviewed under caution and given police bail.” [...] Mr Page was also astonished to discover that his name was put on a “Homo-phobic Incidents Register”.

He also took exception to an internal email from the arresting officer – after requesting a change of bail renewal date to allow him to go on a journalistic trip to Kenya, the sergeant wrote: “Let’s hope he gets eaten by a crocodile.”

Cost of Political Correctness

Isn't it evident to everyone that Political Correctness is fatal to us all? This is the suppression of the truth in favor of a lie. It prevents us from speaking the truth and makes it impossible to deal honestly with the facts.


The example in this story ought to have us all laughing loudly, but I doubt that anyone is laughing at all. We know that it is all too real. Why do we permit this to happen to us? It is entirely self-inflicted! We can stop this any time we say we will not permit it to continue. All we have to do is to have the will and the courage to stand up to it and refuse to go along.


There were too key words, "will and courage" and I think that they tell most of the story. These two elements seem to be lacking in most people today. Why is this? Are we so unconcerned with the truth that we no longer care? Do we think it is more comfortable to put up with the constraints of PC than to endure the criticism of the PC thought police? Are we willing to give away our freedom so cheaply? If this is true, then we really do not deserve freedom, because freedom is a costly thing, never cheap. We seem to have totally lost sight of this. It was given to us, bought and paid for by previous generations, and the price tag was removed before the gift was given to us. We never realized what it cost, and now we are not even willing to pay the maintenance fee! We do not deserve it, and there are those quite willing to take it from us quickly.

What, no re-education camp required?

Apology accepted wasn't good enough in the British Nanny State where PC rules with an iron fist. Besides his job loss, I'm surprised the offending cop wasn't sentenced to a re-education camp. 

Wake up Brits, and smell the roses. Another decade of this Orwellian garbage and Brown's scientists will have found a way to monitor your inner most thoughts.


A lack of a sense of humor is a sign of mental illness.


"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” – Thomas Paine

No joy in Islam

It was Khomeini who said "There's no joy in Islam. It is very serious." Absolutely true - but why imitate him?

@ HenrikRClausen

Ever read the green "book" by Khomeini? Lots and lots of crazy laughter. I had it in the early years of his "reign" but cannot find it anymore.
Everything you ever need to know is in there!!!
Like what to do if you happened to be seduced by a donkey or a goat, Khomeini had the answers!!!