“The History of Nations Is Ending...”

Philippe Cayla, a former French civil servant, is president of EuroNews, the multilingual and pan-European television news channel subsidized by the European Union. In an op-ed article in Le Monde (January 1) he speaks of the need for the peoples of Europe to be better informed about Europe, and he makes some sweeping declarations about sovereignty:

Why speak of Europe? Because the history of nations is ending and the history of Europe has hardly begun. National, economic, commercial and financial sovereignty, as well as military sovereignty, no matter what the nations may say, are finished. These renunciations are definitive, irreversible and so much the better.
The youth of Europe do not know, do not want to know, national borders. They travel without a passport, with one currency, using a convenient esperanto - English. They settle down in each other's lands, as in a Spanish inn. Europe is their playground, that is obvious.

Note: A Spanish inn refers to a place where people of all nationalities and beliefs congregate.

But what is lacking in this unity is a consciousness. A consciousness that is self-examining, that makes plans, that is enterprising, that dares. Of course, there is an embryo of this in Brussels, in this miraculously multicultural place where everyone's intelligence is devoted to Europe. On the Right and on the Left, whatever their political stripe, people of good will meet there, unite, and try to advance the European consciousness.
But Brussels is a ghetto, attacked on all sides: by nations, by national political classes, and above all by the national media. In fact, the national media want nothing to do with Europe. Europe threatens them in their intellectual comfort and in their prestige. It interferes with the idea they have of their daily task: to comfort each people with the preconceived notion that its country is the greatest, the most beautiful, the strongest, the most friendly. The others? They are, if not enemies, at least rivals, adversaries, threats.
Coverage of European affairs by the national media is insufficient. It only represents about 5 - 10% of televised news, no more and sometimes even less that the coverage of American news by the same media, and less than the coverage of European affairs by certain non-European media.
This limited information does not permit a true understanding of the important issues that dominate the societies of our neighboring countries. It covers, at best, their current basic political situation: elections, spectacular events, very rarely their social and economic evolution, and even less the ideological stakes linked to regionalism, to religions, to immigration, to civil rights or to ecology....
Each citizen of Europe is over-informed about what is happening in his own country, in his garden, in his eternal nation, and under-informed about what is happening to his European neighbor next door. All the more reason why he cannot grasp the why and wherefore of the decisions made in Brussels that are always the fruit of a laborious compromise between the various priorities of each EU member.
Yes, there is a general agreement amongst communication professionals that Europe does not attract television viewers. But what are they offered? Images of leaders at meetings, handshakes, entrance doors that slam shut, doors that close... All with an obscure editorial content. And yet here is a paradox: nothing is secret in Brussels. Dossiers, negotiations, perspectives, everything is open to the public and to professionals. But this glass house is only too transparent: it lacks flesh, for now it only attracts light. The media couldn't care less about exposés ex cathedra, they want images. Images that speak to the peoples: EU figures who are accessible, human, warm, who speak their language.

He then cites two events: the inauguration of Airbus A 380 and the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. At both ceremonies, EU representatives were present but did not speak.

If they don't see them, if they don't hear them, how can the peoples of Europe accord the leaders of the European Union this media-generated aura which has become, whether one likes it or not, indispensable, not only for public recognition, but for the necessary identification by the citizens of Europe with these leaders? Without European leaders who are clearly known and recognized as the premier personalities of Europe, there is no way to create a European consciousness, there is no feeling, no pro-European empathy, no new European enthusiasm. [élan].
May French diplomacy be the pioneer in this domain, and stir up the battle-lines on the occasion of the upcoming French presidency of Europe. The media will take care of the rest.


I was not able to find a lot of information about Philippe Cayla. Possibly he should get more media coverage too. This bio (in German) says he is an énarque who worked for various French ministries, the French aviation company Matra and French public television.
He seems to be something of a liar when he says that there are no secrets in Brussels, unless he means that everything is out in the open, once it has been secretly decided upon in private committees.

Back to democracy: how about regaining media-pluralism?

In order to realize Zen Master's suggestions to regain our freedom (posted elsewhere), we may also want to start at least one free mass-media channel that gives equal, i.e democratic chances to all opinions within Europe, which would actually, for a change, would take care of the real news in Europe.
Maybe such a channel could actually give some useful advice to the bold wanderers in Europe: if you arrive to France only with your convenient English-"esperanto" and without a perfect command of the French language, you should be glad if you stay alive the next day, let alone to integrate into their society.

Maybe a truth-telling channel could cool down everyone's EUphoria (or drunkenness with power?) and somehow the EU leaders would answer this simple question:
How can they get beyond this contradiction: On one hand with the "grand" idea of a mixed culture within the integrated EU-playground, on the other hand the most EUphoric Shark(ozy) is implementing a strictly racist-based immigration policy on the French playground.

So once again, dear EUphorics and EU-leaders, how is it possible to explain this without bumping into at least ONE gigantic lie:
The restless non-French European youth, with one passport and one currency, who do not want to see any borders in Europe will ever pass a DNA-based border around France? Or if they somehow pass them, how can they play on the French "playground" without facing the danger of becoming the easiest target of Shark(ozy)'s, the EU's upcoming president' xenophobic and ethnic conflict-fueling policy?

"Without European leaders who are clearly known and recognized as the premier personalities of Europe, there is no way to create a European consciousness, there is no feeling, no pro-European empathy, no new European enthusiasm. [élan].
May French diplomacy be the pioneer in this domain, and stir up the battle-lines on the occasion of the upcoming French presidency of Europe. The media will take care of the rest.

Or should we read this as the answer to the above question? Does this mean that the time has come and Shark(ozy) is finally willing to reveal his true liberal face and in the name of the sacred pro-European empathy he is now enthusiastically ready to turn against the French nation?

The EU "playground" of the youth leading to an early grave

If the current EU integration (Lisbon) process would continue as it is, it will only trigger a hostile overreaction in the angry form of "nationalism" in each country. To suppress the desperate self-defense in the member states, the new EU will have to (and will be more than willing to) introduce an unimaginable number of measures, incentives and/or central regulations, including literally forcing companies to employ a certain number of immigrants from the other EU countries. (in a stricter form than the US anti-discrimination laws)

These EU measures may involve, for example, the following alternatives:
1) It may come as a shocking surprise to the French people when they will have to face that what will be realized will be the exact opposite of the immigration policy promised by Sarkozy at the French presidential elections.
2) Some countries, including France, may be treated as privileged, as those who will be exceptions to these obligatory rules of positive discrimination of foreigners, others however will have to suffer the overpowering presence of the incoming foreign youth, who will literally replace the current pillars of the receiving societies. Large segments of societies will therefore stay without their well-deserved pensions and will stay without healthcare. Belgium will be one of these underprivileged countries.

Even at the current level of EU integration - as we can see - the idea of mixing different cultures within Europe does not work in practice, exactly because of the different historical and cultural background, the different levels and different kinds of skills. The EU integration process -as it is forced by the EU elite - is similar to dismantling families, forcing the children to leave their homes and join communes, in the meantime forcing people to father and sacrifice their future for the children of unknown families, who have been raised with unknown values and unknown motives.

The majority of the youngest generations, who are supposed to be the pillars of this new European "melting pot", due to their young age will-even with the best academic background- lack the necessary life experience, moral strength, human skills and insights even to deal with a single-cultural environment, let alone to deal with a highly complex environment requiring unique flexibility, cooperation, solidarity and tolerance, such as the new EU hardly melting pot would require.

It is known fact that this new Europe will be arranged in such manner that everyone will be considered "uncompetitive" and a "burden of society" beyond the age of mid 30 and 40. If the current young generations will take over leadership in a multicultural Europe, this will naturally imply the elimination of the existing leading generations in the receiving countries, whose many years of invaluable experience will remain a surplus. When they retire - as the projections of the EU reform-strategies show- they will remain without social security, healthcare and pension. However, after the youngest "competitive" generations pass the age of 40, or even earlier, they will be replaced by the succeeding youngest generations leaving the preceding ones without social care.

Because, as a result of the upcoming inhuman EU reforms, the current young generations will not have so much time to establish themselves as their fathers have, the overemphasis of the EU on the "competitiveness" of the youth will actually lead to the fastest extermination of exactly those young generations that are now the main target of the EU-integration seduction.

"The youth of Europe do not know, do not want to know, national borders. They travel without a passport, with one currency, using a convenient esperanto - English. They settle down in each other's lands, as in a Spanish inn. Europe is their playground, that is obvious."

So this playground will not be so much fun after all. The overall long-term consequence is that such a Europe of 21 century will lead to - among many other adverse effects - a much shorter average lifetime than it is today.

This however is not a coincidence. If we carefully read the signs of the times and discover the pattern in the projections of the EU strategies, the motives behind constructing such non-functional integration of Europe is to trigger a genocide via a domino effect passed onto several European generations of many nations.It seems that the EU's intent is to get rid of many millions (preferably billions) of people within a relatively short time, because - as the world rulers believe - the reason of the global warming is the Earth's overpopulation, and they want to reduce the size of humankind in order to slow down the global warming process.

The History of Nations Is NOT Ending

False: "National, economic, commercial and financial sovereignty, as well as military sovereignty, no matter what the nations may say, are finished. These renunciations are definitive, irreversible and so much the better."

Even though the optimal solution is unlikely to be an exact reversal of the integration process, it is still possible to terminate the EU integration process and find an entirely new way to rebuild the lost democracies. After many decades of its existence (and social-economical destruction, even the most solid form of a dictatorship, the totalitarian Soviet Union could be disintegrated. The EU integration process may not be exactly reversible either; yet a new process may replace it, via finding new forms of democratization, in which - at the minimum- each country should step back from the Lisbon treaty and should regain financial and economical freedom via the (re)establishment of their national currencies. It is only a matter of determination and full devotion to the real democratic values and national independence. It may not be easily realized, but it is still possible. (Although the longer we wait the more severe losses this democracy-saving new process would require.)

If the truth would be known

False: "Each citizen of Europe is over-informed about what is happening in his own country, in his garden"

Truth: The mainstream media only cover a biased information also in domestic EU matters. In Hungary, in the first country to ratify the Lisbon Treaty, the ratification itself was performed without any debate whatsoever by the parliament, even without the party's mentioning their intent to do so, and all political parties and the entire media are still perfectly silent about the meaning and relevance of the issue.

False: "and under-informed about what is happening to his European neighbor next door"

Truth: everyone is entirely uninformed about what is happening to his European neighbor. (For example, the mainstream media does not even mention the social-political-economical destruction caused by the EU reforms in Hungary)
Reasons: if the peoples of Europe would know the truth about the consequences of the EU reforms, the entire EU would be rejected everywhere. If they would know how the neighbors' real feelings are about foreigners, everyone would stay at home and start protesting today against the Lisbon process.

The history of nations ending?

It reminds me of that song liberals like to sing at at any given event: 'Imagine' by John Lennon.
'Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do..blah,blah,blah.'
I could do without ever hearing that song again. Although it would make be an excellent choice for an EU national anthem. Think about it; no religion, nothing to live or die for, etc. Just an eternal secular/socialist EUtopiua. However, it won't last forever. In a generation or two it will all come crshing down like the house of cards that it is.

The anti EU virus

<cite>In fact, the national media want nothing to do with Europe. Europe
threatens them in their intellectual comfort and in their prestige. It
interferes with the idea they have of their daily task: to comfort each
people with the preconceived notion that its country is the greatest,
the most beautiful, the strongest, the most friendly. The others? They
are, if not enemies, at least rivals, adversaries, threats.</cite>

That's exactly what's going on since years and is the main factor of the EU's progressing like an Echternach procession.

<cite>Each citizen of Europe is over-informed about what is happening in
his own country, in his garden, in his eternal nation, and
under-informed about what is happening to his European neighbor next
door. All the more reason why he cannot grasp the why and wherefore of
the decisions made in Brussels that are always the fruit of a laborious
compromise between the various priorities of each EU member.</cite>

That's again correctly stated. We've the same experience in Belgium were one community ignores the other and the citizens can only rely on the media who regularly poke clichés for better sales.


"The youth of Europe do not know, do not want to know, national borders. They travel without a passport, with one currency, using a convenient esperanto - English. They settle down in each other's lands, as in a Spanish inn. Europe is their playground, that is obvious."

This sounds just like the Muslim hoardes to Europe's South and Southeast.. except Europe is not their playground, it's their nursery.


"Why speak of Europe?

"Why speak of Europe? Because the history of nations is ending and the history of Europe has hardly begun. National, economic, commercial and financial sovereignty, as well as military sovereignty, no matter what the nations may say, are finished. These renunciations are definitive, irreversible and so much the better."

What is it with people being unable to distinguish STATE from NATION? Is France a nation? The United Kingdom? Spain? Belgium? Italy? Netherlands? Germany? I thought of them as States incorporating several 'nations'. Someone ought to tell him his rethoric sounds like a call for a European 'nation'. I'm starting to wonder if he smoked any wacky tabacci.