No Christmas Please, We’re British

A quote from The Sunday Telegraph, 2 December 2007

Only one in five [British primary] schools are planning to perform a traditional nativity play this year. They are now outnumbered by schools that say they will be either putting on a non-religious play, such as Scrooge or Snow White, or giving no performance at all. [...]

Several of the schools surveyed said the nativity tableau was no longer a feature because the intake was ethnically mixed and staff had to be aware of “not offending anyone”.

A spokesman for a school in Barking, east London, where half of the intake is white British, said: “We are not putting on a play; instead we are having a talk about a Czech winter play. We don’t feel the need to have the nativity. We are an ethnically diverse school and want to learn about other cultures.”

Merry Christmahanakwamadan! (NOT)...

A quote from the 'Pro Cynic':


"Merry Christmas and the peace,joy and warmth of the holiday season to everyone.Except for criminals,for whom the only warmth should be the fires of hell.And enviro-nazis,who probably hate everything warm anyway.And idiots,who are detrimental to society,particularly in large groups.

That's me.Mr Sensitivity.Always bringing people together".


A very Merry Christmas to one and all.



Cultural Battles Indeed

marcfrans: ...I would emphasize the distinctive cultural behavior patterns of "Britishness" rather than the then-prevailing dominant skin color.


Clearly the demographic makeup has changed in the United Kingdom since the influx of non-White Commonwealth immigrants in the 1950s and 1960s, irrespective of politicial or socio-cultural changes.


marcfrans: After all, Thomas More fought for freedom of conscience, i.e. freedom of speech, many centuries ago.   


Au contraire. More fought for Catholicism in England, and against Protestantism; Lutheranism in particular. He was personally responsible for the burnings of at least forty Lutherans and took personal pleasure in more than one of these executions. Moreover, he valued social unity and order over individual liberties such as the freedoms of conscience or speech.


Though his trial and execution are the stuff of legend, he is no more a bastion of contemporary liberalism than the Hobbes' Leviathan.


marcfrans: You want to start fighting these terrible INTERNAL cultural battles all over again?


Those were largely religious in nature, and to a lesser extent national. Given the contemporary tensions between Islam, Prostestantism, Catholicism, agnosticism, atheism, Hinduism and Sikhism in the United Kingdom, "want" has nothing to do with it.


@ Doney

I think that you have written a very good last paragraph. 

Another point. Perhaps, you exaggerate a bit.  I think that the Kapitein could certainly claim that Britain was "in a meaningful sense" a (largely) "white society", although I would emphasize the distinctive cultural behavior patterns of "Britishness" rather than the then-prevailing dominant skin color.  Today, 2 generations beyond de-colonisation, there are a lot of distinctively non-British behavior patterns commonly to be found in Britain.  Also, while Britain WAS indeed the hub of a global empire, it does not follow that most Brits "were used (for centuries) to live among other races".  Those who served 'Her Majesty's Government' in the colonies were always a small minority, and they did not tend to 'mingle' with the natives (unlike the French!).  Genuine British settlers abroad were only to be found in significant numbers in the 'empty' colonies (Canada, Australia...).  South Africa was the big exception (I am sure there were a few smaller ones as well), and we all know what is going to happen to the descendants of those British settlers. They are not going to live in a free society with 'rule of law' as opposed to 'rule of men'.   

In short, I do NOT think that you can compare (in terms of potential impact and consequences on the receiving culture) the arrival of 'outsiders' in a nondemocratic culture with the arrival of outsiders in a democratic culture.   But, only time will tell.  We have several centuries of British colonial history to make observations in the first case, whereas it would be much harder to make definitive statements about the impact of outsiders on Britain's culture on the basis of the past few decades (following decolonisation).  Plus if we start adding the impact of 'continentals', following Britain's EU entry, then the outlook for Britain's democracy begins to look truly frightening....After all, Thomas More fought for freedom of conscience, i.e. freedom of speech, many centuries ago.   You want to start fighting these terrible INTERNAL cultural battles all over again?  


Cultural battles


"You want to start fighting these terrible INTERNAL cultural battles all over again?"

Not much time tonight, but interesting thoughts which I hope I can come back to soon. In the meantime, I don't think those cultural battles were ever really resolved. We still have a monarchy on top of a VERY hierarchical society, and New Labour just seems to have adjoined itself to the existing Alphas.

The Common Man in England particularly has still not found a way to make his (and her) voice heard. Unfinished business, which to my way of thinking can only be resolved in the context of England being a truly independent republic, freed from the shackles of an established church and the tentacles of the Evil Empire. Cromwell was on the right track, so it has to be back to the future.

In Reply to Bob Doney

Ah Bob, what would we do without your humorous take on the subjugation of your fair isles?


I see you using the term "oiks", and I assume that this comes from Roger Scruton's "oikophobe", no?


In any event, what is happening in the UK is happening across the West, and it is not as innocuous as you may think. The powers-that-be (socialists) are determined to socially re-engineer White societies such that fascism and national socialism are impossible to emerge and that welfare statism will never be challenged. Unfortunately, this requires undermining the indigenous population, whose values were in fact fertile ground for social policies and programmes and stood in opposition to Hitlerism (one -ism to many...).

Oiks and other animals

The online says the etymology of "oik" is c. 1920/25, and of uncertain origin. It certainly predates Scruton.

I know it's very difficult to generalise about such things, but I don't really recognise from my day-to-day experience your description as to what's happening to "White societies". In fact Britain has not been a "White society" in any meaningful sense for at least a couple of hundred years. As the hub of a global empire Brits have been used to living among other "races" for a very long time, and what has happened in the last 50 years is that the other "races" have returned the favour to come to live among the traditional Britons, together with of course - from about ten years ago - hundreds of thousands, nay, probably a million or two, miscellaneous Poles and other Europeans. Personally I don't see much of a problem with this, although I do wish I felt confident that our rulers had a bit more of a grip on the scale and speed of the immigrations.

I even think it's debatable whether our powers-that-be can truly be called "socialist". Surely a real socialist society wants among other things to own the means of production, and whilst that might be true to some extent in France or Italy, it most certainly isn't true in the UK. I had to smile at onecent's protestations about the socialism-free paradise he lives in - one nice counter example, the fact that the New Orleans levees are under the control of the Army Engineers - so where is the hand of private enterprise in that?

However, one thing I'm sure most of us can agree on - namely that the machinations of the Evil European Empire should be resisted at all costs by everyone in every possible way. I don't know if you would categorise the "colleagues" as socialists - personally I would see them as more like the fascists you say they exist to expunge. Perhaps we can agree to simply call them "totalitarians", as they clearly don't believe in responding to the expressed wishes of the people.

As regards loss of traditional values, I don't think it should be ignored that there is a fundamental difference in the ways that the average Yank and the average Brit looks at the world. There is a greater sense in the UK that fairness is important, whereas Americans appear to think that whether personal liberty fails or prospers is fundamentally more important. Of course all history narrates a tension between these, and this tension can in practice never be finally resolved in favour of one at the expense of the other. Both fairness and freedom are required for a civilised life.

white racial consciousness

Everybody knows that if all whites worldwide united in a kind of pan-white nationalism then we could very easily crush Islam.

Put it even more bluntly, we could literally exterminate every muslim alive and if we acted with sufficient speed and ruthlessness there is not a damn thing they or anyone else would or could do to stop us.

Of course I am not advocating this, if we did it we would truly be monsters worse than they.

At a certain point white people have to wake up and say to ourselves this self imposed restrained is not morality but just stupidity and cowardice.

Whites have group interests as white people per se!

Why do whites allow other groups to assert their interests even at the expense of our own all day long and let them get away with it? Because we are more moral and more civilized? No, just because we are more stupid.

Not Funny

Re: that Steyn article I posted.


Just wondering where this is all going to end.For example,with all those references to alcohol,traditional marriage and the work ethic,the colour brown,and that soon to be outlawed term "he-he-he"(?),how long will it be before they stop our children singing this little ditty?




Thanks for the Steyn piece... the man has a gift for making the reader laugh out loud despite the grim subject...

More on "offendedness" later...

Yah boo sucks.. but

Whilst some of the American contingent (it's not all Americans by any means) are spouting about doomed Britain/Europe being prepared for Sharia rule, something's quietly running as an undercurrent to their hubris.

Their Universities and public buildings are being fitted with footbaths, radical Muslim illegals gather at both the North and South borders - more remain encamped in friendly Latin countries, waiting.

Terrorists already within their territory train at approx. 60 remotely-located, privately-owned US camps and open sedition from the world's largest Muslim advocacy group, who seem free (and freely funded) to litigate against just about anyone who dares open their mouth against Islam; is tolerated. A man who can really only either be a Muslim or an Apostate is among the front-running Presidential candidates.

Why not stand with your European brothers and fight against the enemy together, instead of carping at us arrogantly from the sidelines, while you slowly suffer from the same creeping accommodation of the Allah cult, by those who would lead us?

And please don't respond with the patronising 'we're just concerned' line - these posts are beginning to look old.

Judeo-Christian Term

Term Judeo-Christian is just political term. Judaism and Christianity are two very different religions with different concepts. Christianity’s concept about G-D is not same as in Judaism….people trying to blend Judaism with Christianity are misleading……Christianity is unique in its own way…….

More BS...

From Yitzhak...

"Judaism and Christianity are two very different religions with different concepts"

And on another thread you invoke Mosaic Law in reference to the Christian admonition on "killing" v. "murder"???

You need to sit down and think before you write... egg does not look good on your face.

Warning ignored

Trust me , Bob Doney, we here in the US are light years behind the pathetic Blair Nanny State.

Our politicians have suffered their comeuppance regarding illegal immigration this year, they are now treading on shallow water regarding this issue. Pork barrel politics didn't make one out of ten of us Muslims entrenched on the dole like barnacles and hostile to our culture here. We aren't having our rights and individual culture subjugated to the elite in Brussels either.

Somehow I missed Brown throwing off his burqa and with indignant rage demanding the immediate return of the Brit teacher in the Sudan.

You poor souls are still subsidizing the rabid lefty shills at the BBC while their counterpart here, the NYT's, is finacially dying in a free market. Oh, and, if a thug enters your house tonight, can you defend yourself with a gun?

You really need to wake up and smell the roses. Britain is a pathetic mess diminished by lefty pc and multi-culti dogma.

Take cover!

Taker cover, fellow Brits! We're coming under attack from onecent's scatter-gun!!

Actually it's become a feature of Christmas in the UK that in the run-up to the BIG DAY one or more of our newspapers run pieces showing how the traditional Christmas is being undermined by "the PC brigade". It's become touchingly familiar - a bit like Santa's grottos in the stores or the five hundredth re-run of the Morecambe and Wise shows. Our modern Christmas wouldn't be the same without these familiar landmarks.

In spite of it all Christmas survives.

You might enjoy this thread in the Guardian comment section, where a Catholic journalist complains that she was asked to read a piece DECRYING THE WEST by "arch-atheist" Bertrand Russell at a Royal Commonwealth carol service, and when she offered to substitute her own thoughts the RCS refused to let her. You couldn't make it up.,,2220462,00.html

Warning: over-egged Telegraph Christmas pudding


Reality check required!!

The Telegraph "survey" was of 100 primary schools. Do you suppose that these one hundred schools were chosen using proper statistical techniques to pick a proper randomised population, or is it more likely that a couple of oiks on work experience were asked to phone round 100 schools picked out of the telephone book, "and be sure to phone a lot of inner city ones"? I know which scenario I'd plump for.

There are by the way about 18,000 primary schools in England alone, of which roughly a quarter are Church of England schools, and several hundred more Catholic ones (my quick search of the interweb didn't yield a reliable number for the Catholic ones).

And I love the idea that the UK has submitted to socialism and Islam, but somehow the "land of the free" has remained untainted by subsidy and surrender. No "pork barrel" in US politics then? You've gotta be joking...


Heres a thought

"We are an ethnically diverse school and want to learn about other cultures.”

Well shouldn't you start by learning about your own/domestic culture?


Defend Christendom. Defend Jewry. Oppose socialism in Europe.

I'll take a bite at that

How could the one of the bravest nations on earth have become a society of such pusilanimous, feckless creatures?

I can't figure the Brit sheeple of the Tony Blair era out myself.  Was their resolve in WWII an aberration? Better historians than myself can answer that one. I propose that the toxicity of socialism did the Brits in as it has done in every group that has ever embraced it.   You get your subsidies, you lose your integrity and soul to the state.

As we Westerners trash our heritage, Islam demands increasing adherence to its intolerant religious dogmas and we capitilate with every encounter. Pathetic, isn't it.

Before we can defeat Islam, we need to dismantle socialism across all Western culture.


You appear to have a healthy sense of humour.I may not always agree with you but I like you.

@ Atheling

You are most welcome...


As a fan of Mr Davila I think Rzecz' might wish to ponder on  this one before commenting further.


"To have a dialog with those who do not share our basic premises is nothing more than a stupid way to kill time".

Thanks, Atlanticist911...

"The incoherent interlocutor is more irritating than the hostile one."

Boy, ain't that the truth! ;)

And this one is particularly good:

"Violence is not necessary to destroy a civilization. Each civilization dies from indifference toward the unique values which created it."

God (The Judeo-Christian one) Help us ALL!!

What in HELL is wrong with all these people? How could the one of the bravest nations on earth have become a society of such pusilanimous, feckless creatures? Don't you give a toss about the  hideous future that you leave to your children?

After all that has happened and all that you witness on a daily basis in the UK and on the continent and after repeated warnings from the enemy regarding his plans for us all, you're are still feeding the  Churchillian crocodile.

Your parents spilled their blood to defeat the Nazi's and now you're caving in to another group who are arguably even worse. And they're already among you!

Why not just commit mass suicide now and avoid the rush later. Grape flavored Kool Aid anyone?


I wanted to comment this sad

I wanted to comment this sad topic posting one of brilliant aphorisms of Nicolas Gomez Davila but it appears that nobody yet translated him to English. What a shame!

God (The Judeo-Christian one)

I'm afraid that this god exist only in "theology of political correctness". ;)


"I'm afraid that this god exist only in "theology of political correctness". ;)"
I'm not so sure of the exitence of a Deity either but he is far more acceptable than the one for whom his followers want to subjugate the rest of the world.
"I wanted to comment this sad topic posting one of brilliant aphorisms of Nicolas Gomez Davila..."
Post it anyway. Many of us understand Spanish.

I have only Polish version

I have only Polish version and I don't understand Spanish. But I see that some of you found at least some good ones. I highly recommend, reading this is everything but boring.


GREAT idea.




As  I  mused further on the comments made by that idiot 'spokesman' at the school, I thought I might have hit upon  the perfect title for the UK edition  of your proposed book. Unfortunately, it turns out that somebody else  had thought of it first.


"One Stop Short of Barking" - by Atheling      


"[T]hey will be ...putting on a non-religious play,such as Scrooge...".


But why Scrooge?


Quote from wikipedia:


"Ebenezer Scrooge is the main character in Charles Dickens' 1843 novel,A Christmas Carol.He is a very cold-hearted,selfish man,who has no love for Christmas,children,or anything that even resembles happiness".


Ah! NOW I understand.


Re: Scrooge... One of these days I plan to write a little roman a clef of A Christmas Carol where Scrooge is an ACLU lawyer who is visited by the tormented spirit of Madelene Murray O'Hare...