Dispatch from the Eurabian Front: Italy, Flanders, the Netherlands, France, Britain

A newly arrived Moroccan immigrant in the Italian village of Valaperta di Casatenovo, near Lecco, could not stand the statue of the Virgin Mary in a niche opposite the house which had been assigned to him. The immigrant’s Muslim faith forbids the depiction of humans. Every morning the poor man was confronted with the statue of the Madonna – an intolerable affront to his deeply-felt religious convictions. Consequently, yesterday morning the immigrant filled up the niche with concrete. Two elderly ladies were able to save the statue of the Holy Virgin, but two statues of little angels surrounding the Madonna were walled in by the zealous Moroccan.

The Madonna of Valaperta di Casatenovo had been in the niche since the 1850s. The statue was a popular place where the villagers came to pray. One wonders why the Italians do not do this sensitive immigrant a favour and send him back to Morocco or to a place where he will not be offended by statues of the Virgin Mary. Saudi Arabia, for instance.


Badia Miri, a municipal civil servant and a Socialist trade union representative in Antwerp, Flanders, is angry because she is not allowed to wear a headscarf when working behind a desk serving citizens. The city council, which adheres to principles of “religious neutrality,” forbids civil servants who come into direct contact with the public to wear religious symbols, such as headscarves for Muslims or crosses for Christians.

Ms Miri, who is a Moroccan immigrant, demands that the city authorities assure her that Christmas trees will also be banned from municipal offices and that employees no longer get (free) chocolate eggs at Easter. “If the city council is really concerned about neutrality, then Christmas trees and Easter eggs should be banned as well,” she says.

One wonders why Ms Miri immigrated to Flanders and not to countries where she would not be disturbed by Christmas trees and chocolate Easter eggs. Saudi Arabia, for instance.

The Netherlands

The trade unions of the Dutch police are demanding that the country’s various police departments not only allow staff to celebrate Christian holidays, but also holidays of non-Christian religions, such as the Islamic Eid festival. “We are a multicultural department and integration is a very important topic. We have to be loyal to our non-indigenous colleagues,” Bert Verdijk of the Amsterdam Police Trade Union APV says. “We live in a pluriform society and have to respect other faiths,” Hans Burg of the The Hague Police Trade Union PVH says.

According to Verdijk the traditional holidays – Christmas, Easter, Whitsunday – date from a time when the Dutch population was predominantly Christian. “But this situation has changed fundamentally. I think the number of Catholics and Protestants has decreased enormously.”


Last Sunday, France’s far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, while vacationing in Morocco, gave an interview to La Gazette du Maroc. According to Le Pen it is “absurd that those who deny Iran the right to develop nuclear energy have nuclear weapons themselves. This is unbelievable. This attitude of contempt for and dominance of other peoples is unacceptable.”

Le Pen warned that an “armed conflict with Iran will lead to the Third World War.” He said he “understands” Morocco and explained that he had opposed the independence of Algeria in 1962 and defended “l’Algérie française” because “I hoped that the young Algerian Muslims would be the spokesmen of the French flag in the Arab and Muslim world.” Commenting on the French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Le Pen said: “He is an Atlanticist, a Zionist and a Europeanist – all things which I am not.” During last Spring’s French presidential election campaign, which was won by Sarkozy, Le Pen began to court France’s Muslim immigrants.


Click here.

Re: Mosques #2

"I find mosques offensive".

And I find Cathedrals beautiful...

Quote:"First we shape our buildings,and then our buildings shape us".

(Winston Churchill).

our buildings shape us

"First we shape our buildings, and then our buildings shape us".

Where I live, the architecture keeps getting uglier.
I'll be in a sorry shape at the end of my life.

ask Jane Fonda

"I'll be in a sorry shape at the end of my life."

Luckily there are professions like architects and plastic surgeons.

Easy to understand, EU had

Easy to understand, EU had been pouring money all over arab states bordering Mediterranean. They just want their part of the deal.

This Kadhafi heir is a joke but our leaders are a joke of a joke.

Eurabia bandwagon frenzy reaches Benghazi

A partnership with the European Union has always been the dream.

If you don't wish to take my word for it,here's a man who should know.Furthermore,listen to what he was prepared to do to achieve it.




Great interview which deserves to be listened to a few times to appreciate all the glaring internal inconsistencies therein. 

Re: Mosques

"I find mosques offensive".


Well,you know what they say,"the offensive is the safest defense in war".

Re: Eurabia bandwaggon

Paul Belien:"Is anyone interested in becoming our correspondent in Italy or Greece?"


I vote for Yitzhak.He could commute between both countries in his anti-anti Eurabia bandwagon,pulled along by his one-trick pony.

I would add a third reason.

I would add a third reason.

Chinese rioting Milan or africans rioting in Thessaloniki are not about to send us back to VIIth Century.

Others are.

Eurabia bandwagon

Here we go again Eurabia bandwagon just couldn’t STOP deflecting attention from real immigration issues. I don’t believe it’s surprising for anyone in Italy what Moroccan immigrants are all about. Italians are perfectly aware what they are facing from Moroccans and popularity of Lega di Nord just proves that.

Why Mr. Belien never reported about Chinese immigrants Rioting in Milan (10 Police officers were injured) Or Africans immigrants Rioting in Thessaloniki?

Two reasons

Why Mr Belien never reported about...
because (1) I have only a limited amount of time. I do this website in my spare time and have many other things to do; and because (2) I was not aware of the Milan and Thessaloniki riots. Is anyone interested in becoming our correspondent in Italy or Greece?

In Response to 'Dispatches from the Eurabian Front'

Italy: "A newly arrived Moroccan immigrant in the Italian village of Valaperta di Casatenovo, near Lecco, could not stand the statue of the Virgin Mary in a niche opposite the house which had been assigned to him...Consequently, yesterday morning the immigrant filled up the niche with concrete...The statue was a popular place where the villagers came to pray."


It surprises me that no Italians physically resisted this assault on religious worship. Clearly some strapping and patriotic lads must provide this Moroccan with an orientation to the rights and liberties enjoyed by Italian citizens, especially the healthcare system.

Flanders: "Badia Miri, a municipal civil servant and trade union representative in Antwerp, Flanders, is angry because she is not allowed to wear a headscarf when working behind a desk serving citizens...Miri, who is a Moroccan immigrant, demands that the city authorities assure her that Christmas trees will also be banned from municipal offices and that employees no longer get (free) chocolate eggs at Easter."


If Ms. Miri truly intends to achieve full equality between Muslim immigrants and indigenous Europeans, then perhaps she should submit herself to a group of Flemish punks for group sex, because the wave of swarmings, muggings and rapings committed by Muslims is of greater import to me than headscarves, Easter eggs or Christmas trees.


Why am I not surprised that she is employed by a trade union and the government?


The Netherlands: "The trade unions of the Dutch police are demanding that the country’s various police departments not only allow staff to celebrate Christian holidays, but also holidays of non-Christian religions, such as the Islamic Eid festival."


Brilliant! If every holiday on the planet becomes a statutory one, work might as well cease. Secondly, a Muslim policeman or policewoman is a contradiction in term.


France: "According to Le Pen it is 'absurd that those who deny Iran the right to develop nuclear energy have nuclear weapons themselves. This is unbelievable. This attitude of contempt for and dominance of other peoples is unacceptable.' Le Pen warned that an 'armed conflict with Iran will lead to the Third World War.' He said he 'understands' Morocco and explained that he had opposed the independence of Algeria in 1962 and defended 'l’Algérie française' because 'I hoped that the young Algerian Muslims would be the spokesmen of the French flag in the Arab and Muslim world.' Commenting on the French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Le Pen said: 'He is an Atlanticist, a Zionist and a Europeanist – all things which I am not.' "


Le Pen is a joke. He is a disgrace and a traitor to European nationalism. Despite his relative success and increasing prominence in French politics, Le Pen has convinced himself that winning the ethnic French or White vote is an impossibility and that he must court the non-White Muslim vote. Unfortunately for an opportunist and careerist such as Le Pen, this strategy is doomed to fail.

immigrant’s Muslim faith forbids the depiction of humans

If we do not allow negative comments on religion, or anything else, we will not know what hate is festering in the dark. Freedom of speech lets light into the ugly places that man keeps hidden. If we do not know what our neighbor thinks or believes, we have no way protect all that we hold dear. "FREEDOM".

Dispatch from the Eurabia front:: A further irony

I see that link didn't work...


"Christmas is on its way to the Gulf Emirate of Dubai in the form of 1,500 CHRISTMAS TREES being sent from (Bradford) Yorkshire,in the north of England".

FYI:Bradford has one of the largest Muslim populations in the UK !!! 

Response to Dispatch from the Eurabian front


"Every morning the poor man was confronted with the statue of the Madonna -an intolerable afront to his deeply-felt religious convictions...

Question: Does this Moroccan Muslim feel more deeply about his religion than the prophet of Islam himself?

The reason I ask this question is because there is at least one Hadith which relates a touching story in which Mohammed retrieves and saves from destruction a statue of the Virgin Mary which Mohammed found in the Kaba.


"Ms Miri,who is a Moroccan immigrant,demands that the city authorities assure her that Christmas trees will also be banned..."


So,a Moroccan Muslim immigrant living in Christian Flanders DEMANDS the banning of Christmas trees.But if this were to happen,a Flemish Christian vacationing in Muslim Dubai at Christmastime would find what?

"Christmas is big in Dubai...and many Muslims in this tolerant Emirate enjoy the Christian festival..."

exerpted from: "Christmas is on its way to Dubai".
