Let’s Put This in the European Constitution
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Wed, 2007-08-15 11:13
A quote from the Saudi Constitution
Article 41
Residents of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall abide by its laws and shall observe the values of Saudi society and respect its traditions and feelings.
Re: Disband the EU
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Wed, 2007-08-15 13:11.
"i can't imagine Poland allowing any freedoms currently enjoyed in Holland".
And I can't imagine any proud,decent God fearing Pole wanting to have anything to do with Holland and its so-called freedoms so "How about we just disband the EU,because the EU can only be an economic union not a political one".
Sounds good...
Submitted by david_z on Wed, 2007-08-15 13:00.
I might like to truncate the article after the word "laws".
Only individuals can have "values" or "feelings," and as long as a society is comprised of non-homogeneous individuals, the rest of the article is nonsense; it ultimately boils down to unbridled power, either of a majoritarian nature - or more likely - of an aristocratic nature.
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How about we just disband the EU?
Submitted by Amsterdamsky on Wed, 2007-08-15 12:42.
How about we just disband the EU? I can't imagine Poland allowing any freedoms currently enjoyed in Holland. The EU can only be an economic union not a political one.
Deja-viewed all over again #2
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Wed, 2007-08-15 12:23.
Weird gets weirder! In a recent post at the BJ, I quoted the same article 41 of the Saudi Constitution.This time I'd like to quote from The Bahrain Constitution (2002).See: [Preamble] Forward to the Constitution;here:
If we MUST have a Eurabian Constitution,then let us at least adopt this:
In order to achieve this goal,it is essential that we listen and look to the whole of the human heritage in both East and West,adapting THAT WHICH WE CONSIDER TO BE BENEFICIAL AND SUITABLE AND CONSISTENT WITH OUR RELIGION,VALUES AND TRADITIONS AND IS APPROPPRIATE TO OUR CIRCUMSTANCES...
[emphasis added].
By the way,there is another reason why I have chosen Bahrain as the example.Like Europe,Bahrain also stands threatened with extinction.See: