Are the French Hostile to Change? If So, They’ll Vote Sego

A quote from Gideon Rachman on his blog, 23 April 2007

I watched the first round of voting on Sunday night with a group of Sarkozy supporters in a bar in a city their candidate has described as “one of the greatest French cities” – otherwise known as London. There are now so many French people living in Britain (the rough estimate is 300,000) that Mr Sarkozy made a campaign stop in London in January. Then he portrayed his audience as exiles, driven overseas by France’s economic inertia. But in his speech on Sunday, his message was much less radical. There was some shaking of heads among his London supporters, as their man embraced much of the language of the left – promising to “protect” French workers from “unfair competition” from overseas.

Ms Royal, meanwhile, is making her own move to co-opt her rival’s favourite themes. [...] This rush for the centre ground in the final two weeks of the campaign may blur the choice. Ìt is certainly possible that a President Sarkozy would disappoint economic liberals, [...] In recent polls some 70 per cent of French people have said that they think their country is in decline. But successive attempts at economic reform have foundered on public hostility to the specific changes that might arrest that decline. Meanwhile, unemployment remains stubbornly high, the national debt mounts and everybody waits for the next round of social unrest in the suburbs.

Mr Sarkozy argues that: “The risk isn’t change. The risk is to refuse to change.” The election will turn on whether the voters trust him to deliver that change.


1) How interesting!   A manifest America-hater, like Iqbal, is very adept at parroting endless vacuous 'charges' against the USA, but cannot entertain any counter-arguments about any of these charges.  The eternal problem of 'cognitive dissonance' among fundamentalists (both of the religious and of the nonreligious variety).  But, when it comes to bringing 'democracy' to Pakistan, who does he turn to?  Who does he want to make the effort ("pressure") to remove the presumed obstacle, i.e. the army of the second largest muslim country in the world.......?  Who does he expect to do again the heavy lifting?   The UN, the EU, China.....? No, of course not.  It is of course again the duty of.....the Great Satan himself.      As if the Pakistani army were the sole - or even the major  - real obstacle to democracy in Pakistan, instead of the 'cultures' of Pashtuns, Sindhi, Baluchis, etc.... 


2) Even more pathetic is his latest parroting of the naive-left notion that "the Profet cannot compete with consumerism".   He is certainly right that numerous muslims want to emigrate to America and the EU for "economic opportunities", and not for "christian culture", nor for democracy and individual freedoms.  Yet one doesn't see them emigrate to East Asia, for instance, were there are also great economic opportunities. 

The reality of course is that there is no correlation between wealth and tolerance.   Indeed, empirical observation shows the opposite.   The most recent spate of jihadism of the last quarter century or so, did NOT originate in poor isolated Indonesian islands or economically backward villages in Arabia or the Indian subcontinent.  On the contrary, it is the direct result of  great 'wealth' deriving from natural resources (oil and gas) in the Middle East.  And the most dangerous planners and executioners of jihadism are to be found among those presumed "opportunity-seeking" muslims in the west and among the 'elites' in the muslim world itself.


3) Consumerism, by itself, is not generally going to turn Chinese and muslims into 'democrats'.  And rich totalitarians are much more dangerous than poor ones. European history has demonstrated that clearly enough.      

reply to oiznop

  1. -oiznop:"but the pacifist Chirac policies of the last kabillion years of his joke of a presidency have ruined France"

and Bush's warmongering policies have economically benefitted the US, right ? At least 200 billions down the toilet, 3000+ dead american soldiers, all of that is just fine, right ?

It was Chirac's socialism and the socialism of the previous presidents combined with their insane immigration policy that have ruined France and I shouldn't have to tell you that Bush and the top Republicans (just like the top Democrats, funny eh?) also have an insane suicidal immigration policy of open borders that not only will demographically destroy the nation but enables all kinds of would be terrorists to enter the country through Mexico.

  1. -oiznop:"And his comment about Iraq. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong again. Iraq has been a terrorist harbor for years. We went in there because there was a profound almost bipartisan feeling that Saddam was a major threat to the U.S. interests in the region."

as if a 'bipartisan feeling' was a good reason to invade a foreign country, waste at least 200 billions and thousands of american lives. Nevermind what you read in the Weakly Standard, Iraq wasn't a 'terrorist harbor', there was no Al-Qaeda haven there. The only terrorists Saddam helped were maybe the palestinian ones by giving rewards to the families of suicide bombers. And do I really have to remind you that the official reason to invade Iraq were those non existant WMDs or did you just conveniently forgot about them ?

  1. -oiznop:"if neo-conserviatism, an ideology that allows all people the freedom to flourish without the intrusiveness of more and more governement oppressiveness and policies/ bureaucracies doesn't work"

huh ? how's the kool-aid Oiznop ? "without the intrusiveness of more and more governement oppressiveness and policies/ bureaucracies doesn't work", what planet are you living on ? the more the US government invades the world to bring so-called democracy the more it will have to clamp down on its own population and stifle democracy and freedom at home. Read some of Jim Bovard's books and articles, you seem to have no idea what's going on in america.

And I'm not even talking about the use of force to keep a heterogeneous country together with all those mexicans taking over the south west and having these ideas of secession and the latino gangs replacing black gangs and committing even more crimes which will lead to a call for more police and more state surveillance, and all those illegals getting into public schools and receiving subsidies from american workers or getting free medical care in hospitals or importing all kinds of exotic diseases that were eradicated a century ago, all of that because the federal government that is supposed to protect the nation has not done anything to shut down the southern border and deport the mexicans (unlike Eisenhower who did it in the 1950s) and this inaction has been deliberate.

The more problems the more the need for a state to "fix" those problems and that's exactly what's going on in the US on a national scale and things are getting worse year after year and that's because the level of awareness of the dumbed down flagwaving AmericanIdol watching american people is almost at zero. Instead of bashing european leftists you should spend your time fighting the so-called conservatives and the media that are destroying your country.

reply to iqbal pt.3

  1. -Sam Iqbal:"The simple test of how Muslims are perfectly compatible with western secular society is the fact that they have lived in western societies for centuries, and up until recently, no history of violence."

it's all a question of proportion. As Le Pen often says when muslims were only half a million in France there was one mosque and that's all they needed but as they grew in numbers and as the french people lost its national soul, as they became leftists, ethnomasochists and relativists the foreigners began asking for more and became more brazen. Nobody has respect for the weak and that's especially true in arab/muslim cultures.

This is what we are witnessing in France : the ethnic and cultural demise of the majority in favor of the fast growing arab and african minority. The weakness of the former gave way to the strength of the latter to the point where they openly spit in the faces of whites and they don't react for fear of being "racists". I can read regularly stories of gang rapes, gratuitous murders in schools (one white child was recently beaten to death by two african kids and the media did all they could to suppress the ethnic angle of the story going as far as to rule this murder as being accidental before the inquiry was even over), of cars being burned (more than 45,000 cars were set on fire in 05 but the leftist media buried this figure) and all sorts of ethnic crime on independent french blogs. The race war doesn't stop for even for a day or two but the media as usual keeps the cover on all of this, pretending that France is OK and that there are only a few incidents here and there.

  1. -Sam Iqbal:"It is people like you who forget to mention that the VAST MAJORITY of French Muslims are integrated and make a valuable contribution to French society."

those who work and keep quiet nevertheless vote for the socialists and they always vote against the nationalists, just like muslims and non-european immigrants of all kinds do in all other white countries, so no they don't make a valuable contribution to French society in any way. And besides they were imported (in the 1960s and 70s) as a ploy by the big corporations to reduce the salaries of the french workers.

  1. -Sam Iqbal:"Young French immigrant culture mimics US African-American /Hispanic gang culture. Don’t believe me? Check out the clothes, the hairstyles, the rap music, the obsession with hip-hop and breakdancing, the cars they drive, the attitudes of some of the kids. Why is this you may ask? To a large extent, this is almost certainly due to the similar socio-economic hardships experienced by groups in the French population."

here we go, the socioeconomic hardship mantra. Come on, how many dumb masochistic decultured whites are wearing the same stupid clothes and the same blingbling as blacks, in Europe as in the US ? "the cars they drive", yeah they drive cars that the average french can't afford to buy ! oh the poor oppressed immigrants - they're so poor that they waste the little money they have on stupid worthless symbolic material possessions. They have adopted this dumb inculture of immediate gratification, flashy clothes and gloryfication of criminals not because they're poor but to distance themselves from the majority, to feel good about their status of outsiders involved in a cultural and ethnic war against whites.

and by the way, one researcher quoted in an article in The Guardian, concluded that the self-esteem of blacks has nothing to do with their socio-economic status :

Black teens score high in self-esteem,,4025363-102285,00.html

--> In an article in the US journal Psychological Bulletin, an African-American psychologist shows that whatever the effects of racism, poor self-esteem is not one of them. Except for the very young and very rich, blacks have higher self-esteem than their white counterparts, she demonstrates, and have had for years.

reply to iqbal pt.2

  1. -Sam Iqbal:"imagine what the press would have said if he'd lost control and presided over riots for three whole weeks!"

imagine why the french press didn't attack him as much as they should have. The media did what they could to cover up lots of things during the riots because they thought that if they showed too much and told too many truths the Front National would benefit. The only people who were injured during the riots were the policemen and they were ordered by Sarkozy not to respond to 'provocation', that is to absorb the blows, the bricks, the molotov cocktails and the bullets and not even try to arrest the assailants.

  1. -Sam Iqbal:"Sarko's objectives concern himself and the lobbies that are financing his massive ego trip into orbit. Shit, the Israelis have already released postage stamps with this guys face on it!"

true ...but how does that make Royal a better candidate ? The only difference I see if that she wants to appease the arabs by giving them the money she will suck out of french workers' pockets. With a name like yours I understand you favor the policies and candidates that benefit the ethnic interests of your cultural/ethnic group or that go against the ethnic interests of whites but neither Royal nor Sarkozy is good for France. The only one that was worth voting for was Le Pen.

  1. -Sam Iqbal:"In fact he's only ever done this - EVER! Then scmoozing big business to avail of State contracts."

I've got news for you: the french socialists do the same when they're in power. And even when they're not in power. The so-called right gives them gifts, i.e. giving a former Communist Party member some job here, replacing an independent minded troublemaker by a Socialist Party member there. The Socialist Party and the UMP, the so-called left and the so-called right, have been working hand in hand together for 30 years trying to keep outsiders and nationalists out of power while enriching themselves and destroying the country.

  1. -Sam Iqbal:"Her problem is that France has become as shallow as everywhere else - you are no longer judged on your record, but on whether you are a flashy media performer and speaker instead."

come on, do you speak french ? Have you actually heard a speech by Royal ? She's totally shallow and sometimes one has to wonder if she's not a bit retarded. The other night on TV she tried to play Mother Theresa or Jesus or whatever with a handicapped guy by telling him (paraphrasing) "oh my poor fellow, I'm with you, don't worry the Socialist Party will do something for you and all the handicapped of France". She's a dumb shallow cardboard leftist

reply to iqbal pt.1

  1. -Sam Iqbal:"If he calls them 'racaille' in public (in English 'scum'), who knows what he calls them in private?"

this 'racaille' thing is a myth : an arab woman during the riots asked him "What are you going to do to stop the scumbags ?!" to which he responded "don't worry I'll take care of the scumbags" but the first part of the "incident" was erased from the collective memory by the media.

  1. -Sam Iqbal:"But what they truly despise is the European Union."

wrong. US presidents since Eisenhower have been in favor of a united Europe, a Europe where the laws and political decisions would be centralized so that they would only have to corrupt the EU center of decision to be able to push Europe in the direction they wish or to neutralize all of it without having to apply pressure on individual countries. The US government is for centralization everywhere and against national sovereignty especially when it comes to big countries like France. The opposition between the EU and the US is an opposition between two control freaks. Both of them have to be defeated

  1. -Sam Iqbal:"because of the EU's sane and humane social and environmental priorities."

wrong. Economic socialism makes the middle class poor while the rich and the investors go elsewhere and moreover the EU isn't doing anything to stop the masses of immigrants from african and the middle east from coming in and getting their social security cheques paid for by the european workers who are continually squeezed by taxes of all sorts. The EU and the national governments who are anti-nationalists are in effect dragging down the standard of living of european peoples, just like the US government by allowing mass immigration/invasion from Mexico and elsewhere is impoverishing the american middle class.

  1. -Sam Iqbal:"its uncompromising separation of Church and State"

ethnomasochism now being the almost official european religion I object to this conclusion of yours.

  1. -Sam Iqbal:"They cannot abide its shrewd and sensible regulation of capitalist enterprises while not diminishing the power of the free market."

yeah like the restaurants tax that a country like France doesn't even have the legal power to modify. I guess the more those big bad capitalist restaurateurs are unhappy and regulated the better european societies are, right ?

  1. -Sam Iqbal:"They utterly despise the EU's embrace of a binding international criminal legal code."

the EU's push for an international criminal court is an image thing mostly. For example Germany participated in the bombing of Serbia in 1999 yet its leaders aren't going to be tried in some criminal court. wrong again

  1. -Sam Iqbal:"A vote for Royal is a vote for France and the EU."

for the EU yes, but for France ? I don't know on which planet you're living but Royal is all for dissolving France into the EU and for importing more millions of immigrants and distribute what's left of the collective wealth of France. She, like all leftists, wants to destroy her own nation. She, like all leftists, HATE nationalists a 1000x more than capitalists. They would rather vote for a completely corrupt "ex-commie" ex-Mandela/ANC activist turned "conservative" piece of garbage named Jacques Chirac than for a sincere nationalist like Le Pen who unlike all the other candidates would preserve France's sovereignty and protect the french nation from unlimited immigration combined with socialism.

Sarkozy is a phony

The leftist media built up this phony duel between two so-called opponents but the difference between these two is a difference of image and essentially nothing else. Let me remind all of you who think Sarkozy is a 'rightwinger' what he stands for (if he stands for something at all, one can't tell for sure because he changes his political shirt to fit the audience he speaks on front of):

  • -he's in favor of using public funds to build mosques
  • -he created a governmental organization called the Muslim religious Council or something like that to court the so-called non-radical muslims
  • -he has given amnesty to more illegal aliens this previous year than the year before
  • -he removed the double penalty (double peine) which means that immigrants who commit crimes on french soil cannot be deported like they used to be
  • -he's in favor of affirmative action (= discrimination against the native french)
  • -he's against the private ownership of firearms (he told a guy that was burglarized twice that owning guns to protect himself and his family was dangerous)
  • -he wants to weaken France's sovereignty by integrating it even more into the EU.
  • -Sarkozy's party is planning a 1984-style internet surveillance law that would force all internet service providers and website owners and blog owners to keep a detailed record of all of their logs and of who posted what comments.
  • this man is no more a conservative or a nationalist or no less a leftwinger than Royal but he projects the image of being some kind of rightwinger because the media transformed him into a big tough homme-de-la-Droite hated by the extreme left. Why did they do that ? To prevent the Front National from becoming more popular, the only authentic nationalist party that stands for:

    -national sovereignty and national identity

    -economic freedom for the average man and for small and medium businesses

    -intellectual freedom for everyone

    [btw how many of BJ readers speak french ? Belien does but even if he's honest he doesn't read the right websites that's for sure]


    Sam Iqbal: "However, let’s go back to the 1980s in Britain (admittedly, I was a small child back then) but even I can remember the after-shocks of long-term unemployment, the riots, the burning cars, the crime waves, the burgeoning drug market, gun-crime, the sink estates, the destruction of local government, the widening income gap, the erosion of community spirit, the insecurity, the rise of the 'McJob' and the tidal wave of snarling selfishness that swept over British culture."

    Some of us can "go back" to the 1970s (and, say this quietly, much much earlier), when a combination of incompetent governments, complacent management and bullying unions made the UK the "sick man of Europe", and a laughing-stock with other European countries. As the late, great Bob Monkhouse said, "They're not laughing now".

    And I'm afraid in the burning-cars league, the Brits have always been outclassed by the Americans, the French and many others.

    I notice you adduce the so-called "Unicef report" to bash the UK and the USA. It wasn't a Unicef report. It was a report written by one man with, shall we say, a bit of an agenda. It was based on many completely fatuous assumptions, and really not worth the paper it was copiously printed on.

    Did you catch the "rabid Zio-con" Ziauddin Sardar's excellent documentary on Channel 4 this week, about the battle between Pakistan's army and the mullahs? Just because there is a lot of prejudiced anti-Muslim smoke it doesn't mean there isn't any real fire underlying it.


    RE: Bob Doney

    Good morning Bob,

    'Did you catch the "rabid Zio-con" Ziauddin Sardar's excellent documentary on Channel 4 this week, about the battle between Pakistan's army and the mullahs? Just because there is a lot of prejudiced anti-Muslim smoke it doesn't mean there isn't any real fire underlying it.'

    Yes I did and I agree with you 100%. The Pakistani army should smash the mullahs and close down the madrassas for good. My hope for Pakistan is that India's economic success spurs the Pakistanis on to emulate them. However, the army is not going to go away. If anything, a possibility could be US pressure to follow Turkeys secular republic model where the army overseea and enforces a secular constitution. The last thing Pakistanis need is some illetrate mullah's spouting rubbish about some bronze age and middle age 'politicians'.

    Also, the world's most potent ideology was, is, and for the forseeable future is modern consumerism, not Islam. 1.3 billion Chinese aren't aiming to be white, they want the consumer luxuries they see in the media, or at least, freedom from privation. The same applies for the Indian middle class, Oceania, Latin America etc. The numerous Arab young who want to emigrate to America and the EU aren't doing so because of its Christian culture or cable TV or Jihadi tendencies, but for the economic opportunities they cannot achieve in their homelands. I cannot see how the Prophet M can compete with modern technological consumerism. There is a far higher chance of people turning to religious radicalism if they are denied the opportunities to prosper, even if there is a large component of self-inflicted denial when education isn't valued as highly as in the consumerist East Asian Confucian societies.


    @ Oiznop


    1) In case you might think that 'Iqbal' is a European leftie, think again.  A careful reading of his latest rant reveals all the hallmarks of the committed perverse self-hating follower of the American radical-left (or far-left).  He clearly is incapable of making distinctions among conservatism's different schools.  While he is obviously horrified by the neocons' foreign policy, even though these are 'former' lefties with a do-gooder mentality of wanting to improve the world, fight 'poverty' and all of that, one wonders if he is even aware that neocons are pretty much to the 'left' of traditional conservatives in terms of social and economic policies.   But, as we know, he is good at listing 'charges' - not analysing nor explaining them - and parroting media mantras.   


    2) One point we disagree on is China.  While I share your hope that China will go "full-fledged democratic before the end of the century", I do not see any evidence of that.  Nor do I think is such a belief supported by the lessons of recent history of the past two hundred years or so.  While democracies generally are better capable of producing wealth than autocracies and totalitarian systems, economic wealth does not in and of itself lead to 'democracy' (which requires cultural change).   And wealthy totalitarians are much more dangerous than poor ones. 

    Hi MarcF....

    1. Sammy's rant, you can't deny, did sound very Marxist in it's dialouge, with an extreme anti-American tinge to it, so you could have fooled me. His support of Segolene Royale, tells me this. Does he feel she is a moderate? Like Chirac supposedly was? And his accustions about Sarkozy being a Bush lap dog also kind of gives away the persona that a return to nationalism is a bad thing. And his comment about Iraq. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong again. Iraq has been a terrorist harbor for years. We went in there because there was a profound almost bipartisan feeling that Saddam was a major threat to the U.S. interests in the region. (although now you have the defeatist Democrats here in the U.S. denying they had anything to do with going to war which is a blatant lie). What Sammy does not seem to recall are all of the illegal oil for food dealings Chirac had with Saddam via the United Nations, another body of international corruption. They were in bed with each other from the get go. Sorry Marc, I am not so sure I believe that our friend Sammy is a middle of the road guy with a diatribe like that.

    2. As for China, my personal belief is that they don't want to mess anything up right now, especially now that they have the Olympic Games next year. You know they are going to love the profits from that. You are correct, Red China remains Red, but is show signs of a more capitalistic element, and they appear to really like it. Much more needs to be done. If China can realize the error of it's old dog Maoist ways, it could be a new day for them. Maybe I am dreaming. Maybe all of that money they are profiting from will feed the Communist bulldog. And of course our wonderful 42nd President with his shady dealing with them certainly didn't help. But all I am saying is I see Radical Islam as more of a threat to freedom and liberty, than I do Red China at this point. 20 years ago, I would have probably not felt that way, but that was then.

    Well alrighty then......

    ....Sammy, your tirade is truly that of the prototypical brainwashed angry leftist, who consistantly believes that the political left is for the downtrotten, minorities, the oppressed, and the working class.  That is a major league crock that dates back to the depression. You are the prototypical liberal who believes that anything anyone says against your view is racist and divisive, when in fact it is the policies of the left that create the racism, divisiveness and bitter feeling among the world's people. Now then, with that being said, and without  dissecting your Marxist rant piece by piece, I ask you, if neo-conserviatism, an ideology that allows all people the freedom to flourish without the intrusiveness of more and more governement oppressiveness and policies/ bureaucracies doesn't work, what is your soloution? Of course, vote for Ms. Royale Socialist, so we can get more government cheese at the expense of those who work to earn their money. So we can subsidize the poor oppressed muslims who take the welfare and spit in the face of their host nation by not intergrating and not abiding by the laws of the land, and who have some who plot to destroy via the means of terrorism. So we can turn yet another EU lap dog nation into a nanny state that will continue to decline due to these leftist policies. Sammy, I really feel sorry for you. Again, you are the prototypical angry something for nothing leftist who can't see the forrest before the trees.  It is this thinking that will bring down France, and if we let it happen here, the USA.  China and India will have nothing to do with it. They are tasting capitalism, and they like it!  In fact, I would not be surprised if China goes full fledged democracy before the end of this century.  That may be a streatch on my part, but it could happen.  Oh, and one other thing, the EU does NOT run the world. Much to your dismay I am sure. That will never happen. So any international "code of conduct" they come up with is irrelevant as far as this American is concerned. 

    Hey Sammy!....

    Hate to tell ya (because it sounds like you have been living in a cave), but the pacifist Chirac policies of the last kabillion years of his joke of a presidency have ruined France, and has made them the butt of jokes here in the USA.  Nicholas Sarkozy, and a little neo-conservatisim maybe just what the doctor ordered to turn France around. You are probably just to blinded by the numerous governemnt goodies that you're probably receiving (federally subsidised medicine and pensions perhaps? Can't privatize! That would make people go to work! GASP). Oh, by the by, USA 4% unemployment, France, what is it, 30% unempolyment? Looks like we dittoheads have the upper hand. Go ahead, vote for Ms. Royale Socialist. And watch as France sinks further into economic decline and into the hands of the ever growing radical muslim population. Then we will see who will be sorry. Then we will see who comes running to the dittoheads to bail them out! 

    Very Truly Yours:

    A Bush Toadie....;-D...


    Re: Oiznop

    When Nicky-boy comes across the pond he heads straight for his favourite American destinations: places like the American Enterprise Institute or folks like the mail-order-college graduates who staff the Weekly Standard and the National Review. He fawns on them, they fawn on him. They ply him with the usual unearned privileges they so covet themselves - motorcades and banquets, flattery and freebies. They can't believe they've actually found a cheese-eating monkey who for once says all the things they want to hear. About stomping on the disadvantaged for instance (especially if they're Muslim), or opening up France's superb public services to privatisation. Or his ranting about renewing France's national identity, France for the French, blah-blah-blah. In fact, his neo-conservatism/faux nationalism is a good reason for my concern. Because while it may sound inspiring to you, what his fawning friends are thinking to themselves as they hear his chauvinistic drivel is: the more French France becomes, the less European it will be. And anything that weakens Europe is one of their sweetest dreams.

    As far as I can see, Sarko, a child of immigrants, is no more French - or less French - than the children of immigrants he demeans as second-class citizens - and as far as I can tell proposes to demote still further. If he calls them 'racaille' in public (in English 'scum'), who knows what he calls them in private? But here's the thing; the term 'scum' is a dead giveaway. It's the language of the America that Sarko identifies with, the America which routinely calls the poor, weak and different 'scum', the America of people you wouldn't have heard of, like Glenn Beck, Michael Savage and Sean Hannity, organisms who make that tired old bigot Le Pen look like a wimpy tree-hugging peacenik. It's the America of murderous ethnic prejudice towards the 1.4 billion plus Semitic peoples who profess the faith of Islam. It's an America you only get the faintest whiff off from your rather polite news-casts, a nation of unregulated greed and metastasizing class privilege, of vicious institutional racism, fraudulent elections, predatory attacks on democratic and constitutional principles, of wholesale looting of the public treasury and the universal remedy of brute force....
    What you also may not know is how gleefully American neo-fascists natter among themselves about the possibility of having a trusted Quisling in the Elysee Palace. They cannot wait for the 'renewed' nationalism Nick promotes and the privatisation he espouses. (There's more than one way Sarko brings Vichy to mind). He will be the means to destroy and humble the France that's stuck in their craw for so long. But at the same time he's a collaborator - a fifth column if you like - in a much larger war.

    Sarko's American pals hate France for a complex stew of reasons - not the least because the French turned out to be 1000% right about Iraq. But what they truly despise is the European Union. China and India will be threats to American supremacy some day; the EU is a threat right here and now. Not just as a financial behemoth whose international financial clout is in the same league as that of the US, but also - and far more damagingly - because of the EU's sane and humane social and environmental priorities. You neo-cons despise its insistence on fundamental human rights like cradle-to-grave healthcare and creche-through-university/college education, the right to adequate food, shelter, income and work, the absolute prohibition of capital punishment, its uncompromising separation of Church and State. They cannot abide its shrewd and sensible regulation of capitalist enterprises while not diminishing the power of the free market. They utterly despise the EU's embrace of a binding international criminal legal code. (Unsurprising given that our current leaders can plausibly be accused of crimes against humanity). ...
    Believe us the toxic cocktail of racism and unregulated greed unleashed by the American neo-fascists does not work. You have tried the hate-driven policies that go by the absurd name of neo-conservatism - which is neither new nor conservative - for the better part of two decades in Congress - and for a disastrous six years in the White House. They've brought only conflict, misery and classism in the US, perpetual war - with the attendant war-crimes - and dishonour abroad. It won't work in France either. France will not be brought together by this blustering, posturing would-be Little Corporal, this dwarf standing on the shoulders of dwarves.

    A vote for Royal is a vote for France and the EU.

    To Sam Igbal

    Sam Iqbal, one could comment a lot on the neat little propaganda piece you have written, but I will comment only on one item. You say:” As far as I can see, Sarko, a child of immigrants, is no more French - or less French - than the children of immigrants he demeans as second-class citizens” Well, if you do not see the difference between immigrants like Sarkozie's parents were and today’s new immigrants (mostly Muslims) then your reasoning capacity is gone, and only accommodating justifications of your anti-American anti-Israeli (and who knows what else anti-)views have left. I guess that is soothing to your emotions.
    Immigrants used to come to work, to create wealth, to seek opportunities and create them. People like that used to came to build a new life in the fabric of the hosting country with a resolve to overcome any difficulties, and not to change the identity of that country. I can see that Sarcozies parents, as millions of others, were such immigrants Now, these Muslim immigrants do not simply come to work and create (which they barely do) but to impose their identity on the host country, they bring their backward crude primitive ways and demand us to respect them. Our ancestors went through this crap already in the Middle Ages, and paid in blood for that dearly. So these people not exactly immigrants, they are invaders and they know that and cheer that in their harts (for now, and may be soon - in the open ).

    Reply to Oiznop; Marc & Hi Tech # 1

    In Reply to Marc; Oiznop; Hi-Tec

    Good morning chaps. You raise some interesting, but ultimately unsatisfying points.

    Before I make a few points, some questions;

    If the US and UK system is so good, why are the UK and US children worst off among 22 developed nations?

    Americans and British place earning vast sums of money above the welfare and happiness of their families and their children. I would advise the French not to go down this route, ever. A vote for Sarkozy will inevitably lead to this.

    Another question; If the neo-liberal economy is so good, why have Poland and Slovakia double digit unemployment?

    The point I was trying to make earlier on was that with Sarkozy in power, France will be dangerously divided. His antagonistic and provacative stance towards French youth and immigrants will divide the country like never before. Picture Sarko’s France, closure of the manufacturing sector, thousands of sacked workers, millions without health coverage, destruction of public infrastructure and entire communities due to corporate welfare and privatisation, decline of small businesses, decline of the middle classes with jobs outsourced to cheap substandard foreign labour, more homeless, a huge increase in the gap between rich and poor, opening up the domestic market to yet more cheap junk circulating around the global market (dubbed Hollywood movie and wine tonight, anyone?) and so on.
    However, let’s go back to the 1980s in Britain (admittedly, I was a small child back then) but even I can remember the after-shocks of long-term unemployment, the riots, the burning cars, the crime waves, the burgeoning drug market, gun-crime, the sink estates, the destruction of local government, the widening income gap, the erosion of community spirit, the insecurity, the rise of the 'McJob' and the tidal wave of snarling selfishness that swept over British culture.
    One likely scenario is that the social unrest experienced in 1980s Britain would occur in France tenfold and the French will not stand for it; they'll be out in the streets faster than you can whistle the first bar of 'La Marseillaise' and the whole thing will be thrown into reverse after the next election. What may be likely is that Sarko is not stupid enough to be unaware of that, so he will probably soft-pedal in any case, and economically, nothing much will change. The other concern is that by towing the Zio-Con foreign policy line; Sarko will follow Bush & Blair(Brown) into yet more ME misadventures in Iran. The last thing France needs is pouring billions into needless wars and seeing hundred of young French males coming home in body bags.

    However, you neo-liberal zealots ARE quite stupid, and quite willing to sacrifice France's already very shaky social justice on the altar of the global 'free' market to line the pockets of US conglomerates. In that case, another huge crack will appear in the dam of social democratic Europe, putting even more pressure on the rest and further delaying the chance of European unity. This would be a major step towards a neo-liberal Europe, which would put around 25% of its 330 million population into unemployment and insecure low-paid employment, expanding the underclass and their banlieus and massively increasing crime and imprisonment rates. National cultures and their political heritages would be crushed by mass mediated consumer culture, political resistance would falter and the plutocracy would consolidate its power. USA Mk II, in other words.

    Oiznop; Marc & Hi-Tech #2

    Sarkozy is nothing more than a careerist, who has done everything that he thought he needed to do to reach the Presidency, including shafting everybody that has stood in his way. Except that if he gets there, he will have nobody else to blame. Prepare for some serious scapegoating, especially of the banlieues and "immigrants" ... before the marches and blockades start.
    In addition, he was Interior Minister when the riots raged in Paris for three weeks. OK riots can (and do) happen everywhere, but to lose control for three weeks! The first duty of government is to maintain law and order. Charles Clarke got sacked because his department failed to deport some foreign criminals after they had finished their sentences (they posed the same danger as British criminals who are released after completing their sentences) - imagine what the press would have said if he'd lost control and presided over riots for three whole weeks! They certainly wouldn't be recommending him for leadership that's for sure.
    Everything Sarko says has been orchestrated via US style studying. He is a shameless populist. If you believe he feels for France's economic pains, then why did he leave the Finance Ministry?
    Answer: He RAN AWAY from the Finance Ministry - because it's a shit job for anyone with any bigger personal ambitions. Like Bush he doesn't care about the economy - that labour shit is boring for billionaires - particularly when you can just do your business in China or India. Sarko's objectives concern himself and the lobbies that are financing his massive ego trip into orbit. Shit, the Israelis have already released postage stamps with this guys face on it! He talks like an experienced business man and reforming the awful anti-business state, etc... But if you look at his life, you see that he has amassed great wealth from shmoozing his way through state paid jobs. In fact he's only ever done this - EVER! Then scmoozing big business to avail of State contracts.
    Royale’s record in the ministries is much much better - there is no evidence of any major mistakes at all. She's probably the more effective (and efficient) administrator.
    Her problem is that France has become as shallow as everywhere else - you are no longer judged on your record, but on whether you are a flashy media performer and speaker instead. But one can't live on speeches.
    In any case, who becomes President is only half the story. We still have to wait for the elections in June to find out if it is government by cohabitation - something that could stymie reform whoever wins. If it is to be cohabitation, I think the better President will be the less divisive of the candidates - in my view, that's Royal.

    This isn't to say that there are no problems in France, there are. This isn't to say that France couldn't try out somethings that have worked in the US or UK but the idea that France is highly flawed especially when placed next to an idealised version of the UK or the US is unfair and silly. France needs to change but so does the UK or the US. No country is perfect and France really isn't that bad.

    Re: Oiznop, Marc & Hi-Tech #3

    France does not have 30% unemployment but 8.5%, probably on par with the UK, where Neo-Labour is notorious for manipulating all sorts of crime and economic statistics.

    Also, accusing the Democrats of lying is a bit hypocritical considering the whole Iraq war was based on one big fat shitty Zio-Con lie after another. To believe anything different shows that you have no grasp of reality and are indeed brainwashed by the Zio-Con bullshit that is spoon fed to the plebs every day in the US. Oh, by the way, here’s the latest one:
    Can’t be bothered to read it? Well let me summarise:
    “Ms Lynch was injured badly when her convoy was ambushed in Iraq on March 23, 2003, the third day of the war. The Pentagon said initially that she was shot after emerging from her vehicle, guns blazing, before being abducted. It later emerged that she was injured in the ambush and was incapable of fighting. She was taken to an Iraqi hospital by Iraqi troops and owes her life to Iraqi doctors, who even tried to return her to American troops….”

    “Kevin Tillman, in angry and emotional testimony, accused army officials of destroying his brother’s uniform, equipment and notebook, falsifying witness statements and rewriting the field hospital report in order to concoct an “inspirational” story that his brother had died leading a charge against enemy fighters. For five weeks after his brother’s death the Pentagon and the White House told that story, Mr Tillman said, including at his memorial service.
    He said that his brother’s death came soon after the dual rebellions in Najaf and Fallujah, the call-up of more troops to Iraq, and White House knowledge that the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal was about to break.
    “Revealing that Pat’s death was fratricide [friendly fire] would have been yet another political disaster during a month already swollen with political disasters . . . so the facts needed to be suppressed,”

    I will not continue with the tedious exercise of exposing Zio-con crap because, quite frankly, I could write a whole damn book series on this stuff. Anyway, your “Oil for food” whinge is typical of neo-cons who desperately try to avert people from reality; the death and destruction of millions of ordinary lives.

    RE@ Oiznop; Marc; Hi- Tech #4

    Re: French Muslims and the whole Zionist/neo-con funded Eurabia myth.
    Read this and educate yourself:
    The simple test of how Muslims are perfectly compatible with western secular society is the fact that they have lived in western societies for centuries, and up until recently, no history of violence. Muslims have been living and working in the US, France, UK etc since before the founding of the republic with no problems. They continue to do so. They vote, run for elections, write for newspapers, work in the entertainment industry, have their own businesses, etc. They obey the law, practice their faith in private and just go about their ordinary lives with no intention of changing the fabric of the society they live in.
    If there was such an innate conflict between being a Muslim and living in the West then none of this would be true. Muslims have also been living and working in the UK for centuries -- as have Christians, Hindus, Jews, and so on. Most of them have few problems going on about their daily lives living and working in a secular western country.
    It's the ignorant hate-filled bigots who insist on inventing this myth that these people--solely by virtue of their religion--are incapable of living out their lives as any ordinary person does. It is people like you who forget to mention that the VAST MAJORITY of French Muslims are integrated and make a valuable contribution to French society.
    Your simplistic xenophobic take on “the Muslims” is amply summed up by the following paragraph taken from the link above:
    “Muslim immigrants to France hardly came from a single cultural background--Algerians might form a plurality, but Moroccans, Tunisians, Turks, and Senegalese (among other national groups) formed large and significant populations in the influx……between relatively Francized Algerians and urbanized Tunisians and rural conservative Moroccans, and between relatively Europeanized and relatively traditional classes and subpopulations, shouldn’t be underestimated by any means. Broadening the focus to include West Africans and Turks certainly doesn’t simplify things…”

    Also, I would like to point out that there is no Jihad or Intifada in the Banlieues. This is another Zionist funded myth designed by AIPAC troublemakers to invoke US/EU & Israeli solidarity. Have a look around the suburbs. Young French immigrant culture mimics US African-American /Hispanic gang culture. Don’t believe me? Check out the clothes, the hairstyles, the rap music, the obsession with hip-hop and breakdancing, the cars they drive, the attitudes of some of the kids. Why is this you may ask? To a large extent, this is almost certainly due to the similar socio-economic hardships experienced by groups in the French population. Like African-Americans in the United States, French immigrant youth understand the issues and struggles the music contains.
    Read more here “The Globalisation of Hip Hop Culture”

    Lastly, I’m surprised the BJ hasn’t commented on this:

    Let me summarise: There were 498 incidents in eleven EU countries last year labelled as "terrorist attacks." The Basque separatist group ETA did best (136 terrorist attacks) and was responsible for the only deadly attack, killing two in Madrid. The remaining 497 fortunately cost no human lives.

    How about the Islamic terrorists then? Considering the perpetual warnings in our daily papers and from the Zio-Cons, the findings in the Europol report is, to say the least, surprising. The truth is that Islamists only carried out one out of the 498 terrorist attacks in the European Union in 2006. Don't believe me? Read the above report.

    But the truth doesn't matter does it when it can't fit your rabid xenophobic Zionist agenda.

    Re: Sarko

    Sarkozy? He makes me chuckle. The man is another neocon dual citizen Bush toadie and France better get ready to have her pensions and medicine privatised and her sons off to silly Israel first wars.
    I can't believe that the French fall for this dittohead line the way they do in the USA. Oh well. They'll be sorry.