The Way of the Dodo

A quote from Arnaud de Borchgrave at UPI, 10 April 2007

Islamic activists in Europe have taken a leaf out of the old Communist guidebook for the “long march through the institutions.” In Antwerp, for example, the City Council has been infiltrated by Islamist fundamentalists – Belgian citizens, of course – who keep pushing the envelope with impunity. […] Quicksand is the only common ground between Western values and militant Muslim fundamentalism. […] Zero tolerance for intolerance has gone the way of the Dodo. Now, misguided tolerance has spawned liberal opinions that categorize Muslim honor killings as manslaughter, not murder. Some Islamic experts in German universities are already asking whether Sharia law, or Islamic law, is gradually infecting German law.

[…] German city skylines are sprouting minarets, and irate citizens in several cities have petitioned for a halt to the muezzins’ 5 a.m. call to prayers, which wakes up the neighborhood an hour before citizens normally get up to go to work. But judges decreed that since church bells are legal, the muezzins’ wailing chants are too.

In Reply to Imhough1

Not to sound deterministic, but its conclusions are still valid today and for every human community, including Indigenous peoples.

European "Justice"

"Now, misguided tolerance has spawned liberal opinions that categorize Muslim honor killings as manslaughter, not murder"

Does it matter?  They will be back on the streets in two years either way.

Raspail's Camp of the Saints"

I assume everyone on this site is familiar with this book from 1970, a fictional account which predicts how European civilization is unilaterally morally disarmed and is lost to a horde of starving Indian refugees. It was highly politically incorrect at the time, and was unofficially "banned" in many places (meaning book sellers refused to carry it, libraries to stock it, etc).

When I read it about 15 years ago for the first time, I found it interesting, some parts disturbing, some parts funny. Worthwhile in any case.

I tried to read it again recently, but could not. It is too painful to read. It could have been torn out of today's headlines.

In Reply to Valknot

Valknot: "The ones with the backbone to defend their territory have been demonised and persecuted for decades. Who on this list would defend skinheads and white nationalists?"


Firstly, the vast majority of those opposed to the demographic changes afflicting Europe are not "skinheads," nor do they have to be to be prepared to physically defend their nation and state. Secondly, while skinheads may be the only ones currently prepared to physically confront the Islamization and "Browning" of Europe (interrelated but different processes), skinheads are equally liable to wreak havoc on their fellow brethren e.g. vandalism, theft, loitering, mischief, assault etc. Thirdly, White Nationalism is largely a phenomenon confined to White communities outside of Europe (e.g. North America and Australasia), where affinities are more racialized and less attached to ethnic nationalism. Though Europeans may make common cause against non-Europeans and Muslims in particular, they remain English, Scotch, Irish, Welsh, French, German, Swedish, Polish, Russian, etc.


Valknot: "But what's the difference between a skinhead and a Jew?."


This question is non-sensical, although I am sure Israel has its share of relatively unemployed, frustrated and crime-prone young men, conscription notwithstanding.


Valknot: "...Only the level of violence inflicted on others."


A non-sensical response. Again you attempt to draw a comparison between a class of people and a people themselves.

Valknot: "God bless the skinheads. Give them government funding and positive discrimination, to compensate for decades of racist prejudice against them."


Though disgruntled young men and White supremacists (incl. extreme elements of White nationalists and preservationists) would be useful in the event of armed struggle between Europeans and non-Europeans in Europe, and would be the shock troops of any campaign of ethno-racial cleansing, these could not be assimilated into a peacetime society once hostilities ended. Thus, "skinheads" are merely cannon fodder that must be expended carefully such that their energies are channelled by cooler heads in a military and apolitical fashion.


Also, what "decades of racist prejudice" have skinheads faced? From Jews? From non-Whites in Europe? Skinheads emerged from the British lower class during Great Britain's economic malaise which preceeded its deindustrialization; only later did shaved heads become a White supremacist statement.

Those with a backbone

The ones with the backbone to defend their territory have been demonised and persecuted for decades. Who on this list would defend skinheads and white nationalists? But what's the difference between a skinhead and a Jew?. Only the level of violence inflicted on others.
God bless the skinheads. Give them government funding and positive discrimination, to compensate for decades of racist prejudice against them.

The ones with the backbone

The ones with the backbone to defend their territory have been demonised and persecuted for decades. Who on this list would defend skinheads and white nationalists? But what's the difference between a skinhead and a Jew?. Only the level of violence inflicted on others.
God bless the skinheads. Give them government funding and positive discrimination, to compensate for decades of racist prejudice against them.

The Only Extremists in Western Europe are Germans

Within the span of less than 30 years, Germany transformed from a proud, martial and assertive society to one that was supremacist, and finally to an ashamed and pacific one. Whatever happened to Muslims assimilating into German culture? Last I checked the Germans were the majority. If a muezzin woke me up before I had to arise for work (in my own country), he would wish he had not. What a nuissance! Silence the church bells if necessary.

Death Wish

At what point in history did whites decide that self preservation was no longer important? Are we really that pathetic?

Natural selection

The laws of natural selection have already decreed the ultimate winner of this battle, whether in 20 years, or in 200.  In the end, only reproduction counts.

Things will never go back to where they were. The hordes cannot be kept at the gate forever by a dwindling number of aging guardians.  Islam is not going away, but Christianity and the white race are (in Europe, anyway).


The only question is whether it will be a "European" Islam that accepts some or all of the basic freedoms and the rule of law that we all take for granted, or whether Europe is ultimately heading for a Pakistan type of society, where a thin veneer of  modernity and civlity hides primitive thinking and brutal suppression.

Right now, at least, the latter is seeming more likely, as Islam shows not a hint of moderation, while the disintegration and uncivilization of European society is likely to occur at an accelerating rate once it has begun.



> But judges decreed that since church bells are legal, the muezzins’ wailing chants are too.

Well, that's the thing you see. If you no longer believe in Christianity, or even that it has, historically and culturally, a higher importance in European culture, how can you judge one religion over another? You can't. Everything's the same. Tear down Notre Dame and build a mosque already. If you don't defend your own culture, don't expect others to do it for you.