Rise of Paganism: The Counterfeit Rites

The last significant revival of classical paganism in Hellenic lands came in the reign of Julian the Apostate. Now, it seems that there’s another underway. The South African Mail & Guardian reports that thousands of devotees of the Greek gods of antiquity are gathering in Athens to ape the half-remembered rites of millenia past. Unlike the prior revival, this one is not driven by any meaningful numbers of Hellenes, but by foreigners, most of whom hail from the secular West.

There’s a sad irony in this: even as the modern West loses its grip on the faith that created and sustained it, its people still feel the need to turn to something to sustain the basic needs of the soul. Through most of the 20th century, the alternative was politics; in the 21st, if anything, it’s a base paganism of the self. For a few, that means a fitful grasping for the dead predecessors of the Christian world. There’s no defensible basis, even by the elastic demands of faith, for this recourse: even the haze of historical forgetting and the claim of definitive revelation are denied the new adherents. But with the demise of orthodoxy in Western societies, we see popular observers, who in earlier times might know better, conflate the dumb reflexes of infantile superstition with legitimate faith. Note, for example, the clueless Duncan Black and the hapless Digby assert, without apparent embarrassment, the compulsion to respect the public dignity of astrology. This is where secular leftism leads.

In the place of the authentic trappings of authentic faith, the new pagans must mimic the rites of a belief that is often demonstrably fake at best, and horribly consequential at worst. How long, for example, are the new Hellenic pagans going to refrain from re-creating the human sacrifice of Mycanaean times or the Dionysian rites? For all the ennobling mythos of Greek paganism, there’s a reason it was so readily abandoned for an alternative perceived as altogether more sensible, loving, and humane.

The Orthodox hierarchy of Greece is upset about the pagan gathering, as well it might be. “What their worshippers symbolise, and clearly want, is a return to the monstrous dark delusions of the past,” says Father Eustathios Kollas in the story. True enough. But it’s not within the power of Greek Orthodox Christianity to bring sanity to the West. Only the West can do that. Until it does, it will send forth increasing numbers of its own to worship dead gods of antiquity and stone.

censorship and the double standard #2

@ Paul Kruger

I agree with your comments.  Mr. Trevino's contempt for "chrypto-nazis" and "antisemites" is laudable and deserves immitation, but his calls for arbitrary censureship are equally contemptible.    

@ Joshua Trevino

I support and share your "moral compulsion" to "actively shun" chryptonazis and antisemites in PRIVATE LIFE.  However,  you have no 'moral right' to attempt to narrow the access of others to information and opinions, simply because you (and I) find them reprehensible.  While the TBJ is clearly a private initiative (and I certainly don't question the legalistic 'property rights' of its creator), it operates in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.  It's great attraction is that it 'serves up' interesting (and often 'onorthodox') articles which provide an excellent focus for potentially-interesting debates.   Any attempt to narrow debate and to introduce arbitrary censureship would surely lead to a devaluation of the TBJ-'product', and this website would quickly revert to an 'amen-choir' of likeminded people.    

On the Dutch side of TBJ one can currently find an interesting article by Koenraad Elst on the intellectual dishonesty of those who criticise the intolerance of islam while at the same time accepting laws that violate freedom of political speech.  While we are not concerned here with 'the law', the 'moral point' of intellectual honesty (or dishonesty) remains the same in any public discussion (including on a private forum or website).  

Hi crawdad

Actually, I mostly agree with you. Many young people who adopt paganism (Wicca, mostly, thanks to movies like The Craft or TV shows like, Charmed and Buffy) have no real understanding of what it is about. They buy a $5 pentagram necklace on eBay, dye their hair purple, and then threaten school-mates with “curses.”


If you think Cafeteria Christians are bad, imagine how I feel watching the News around Halloween when they interview “a real pagan Goddess-Priestess, Lady TwinkleElf DragonLance.” Ug.


However, the thing you need to understand about these people is that they don’t last long in the pagan community. They may wonder in full of wonder and amusement, probably thinking that they are going to get all these ‘cool powers’ and a cosmic license to do whatever they want. “Ha! Take that mom and dad!” But when they realize that real paganism is about Faith, honoring the Divine, finding inner and outer balance, and actual work… they dry up and leave, looking for the next “shocking thing.”


Unfortunately there is an ever-replenishing crop of these people, and they fuel a pitifully money-driven economy of pseudo-Occult books and feel-good “New Age” hoopla. Sadly, these “fluff bunnies” (as they are known in the pagan community) get the most medial coverage. People like, well, myself, don’t seek the cameras. We probably don’t look any different any different than you do. I could be your next-door neighbor, your kid’s school teacher, your doctor, the harpist at your sisters wedding… you’d never know. I would not want you to know. My beliefs are mine, they are private, but that does not mean I enjoy reading gross misconceptions of them online.

From the pagan...

Mr. Trevino


I don’t require you to respect my faith. I require you to respect me as a human being, as I must respect you. Without this simple offering from one person to another, our world has no hope. You’ve made it abundantly clear that you have zero respect for any faith but your own. As I mentioned in an earlier message, I expected as much.


I don’t have to defend my faith to you – it is far beyond your ability to harm. What spurned my ire was the disrespect in your tone, your insults, and your intolerant attitude. These things, above all else, harm our society and the world that we all must share. Perhaps one day you will be able to walk a path of peace, or you may carry your personal Crusade to the grave. Either way, you will have to do it alone.


I require you to respect me as a human being....

I recommend differentiating between your self, which has inherent dignity, and your choices, which do not.

Censorship and the double standard

Mr.Trevino tries to ridicule neo-paganism and admits his intentions to do so. Alas, so far he only has ridiculed himself and his lousy education which enables unbalanced articles as above.

Mr.Trevino feels morally and intellectually well found to rally against a spiritual return to Europe's roots.
If the man doesn't know Homer from a homerun, this leaves only himself to be ridiculed.

The moment someone steps up and returns the favor, i.e. ridiculing Judeo-Christianity, he starts yelling for censorship. Apparantly it is okay to bad-mouth the neo-Hellenic cults, but calling a spade a space vis-à-vis his syncretic ex-Middle Eastern Judeo-christian creed, it becomes too much for his self-aborbed persona.

So far we have seen no noteworthy rebutals. Only a fraudulent attack by erecting strawmen. This may pacify and please people like Trevino. Good for him, but his cries for banning "crypto-Nazi" and "antisemitic" opinions so far have merely demonstrated his inablility to cope with Reason. One could say, in the true Church-doctrine he professes...

The fact remains that the foremost danger to Europe's cultural and biological entity doesn't come from a handful of modern-day-Apollonians.

@Paul: if surely doesn't need any explanation that my personal respect for president Paul Kruger isn't motivated religiously not theocratically. The man was a product of his time and culture, i.e. Dutch-Calvinist Protestantism. It would be all too easy to view historical items through a modern day lense. That would be the same as say...portraying neo-Pagans as holding human sacrifices near Delphi.

Human sacrifices

I do not think Josh's warning that neo-paganism will lead to human sacrifices is far-fetched. The previous neo-pagan revival (that of Heinrich Himmler and his ilk) did, indeed, lead to human sacrifices.

Some Jews blame Christianity for Nazi anti-Semitism, but the Nazis loathed Christianity because Jesus was a Jew. Some pagan contributors in this comment section make it quite clear that they loath Christians for exactly the same reason. I do not delete these comments because I think it is important to realize this.  

Human sacrifices - revisited

If Mr.Trevino's article expresses a true concern for a possible return to human sacrifices in the 21th Century, then I share his concern deeply.

However, as someone with a broad knowledge of the European pagan movements, I have yet to see the first group calling for a return to Aztec-style sacrifices. Maybe Mr.Trevino, in his endless knowledge and insight, will elaborate further with a proof hereof.

Furthermore, if one is truly concerned of a return to European bloodshed and sacrifices, then centuries of Christian-inspired European fratricidal wars among our folk, centuries of Christian genocidal politics (e.g. the witch trials against nursing helps), the relentless killing and molesting of heretics, etc etc, comes to my mind. I hope, Mr.Trevino is equally concerned.

@Paul: I don't think the IIIrd Reich was Pagan enterprise at all, but rather well-rooted and deeply enbedded in a Christian tradition, from the days of the 3O Years' War right to the Second World War: a relentless war on European mankind.

The Holocaust was a prime example of Christian theology, that still is the opinion of Jewish groups like the ADL, B'nai B'rith, JWC, ZWL,... Why should they be wrong?

Like prof.Richard Cohen from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte says: "The Holocaust is a Christian Issue" where he points to the sole Christian responsability.
Who dares to differ?

@Paul bis: Yes, you are correct. Most European pagans decry the non-European character of Christianity, just like they equally decry the non-European character of Islam. A good deal of people here at TBJ share this feeling.

Human sacrifice etc.

You claim to be "someone with a broad knowledge of the European pagan movements" yet you refer to "Aztec-style sacrifices."
Is that racism, a clumsy attempt to dodge the issue, or raw ignorance of the bloody past of the ancient Pagan rites of Europe?
As for Cohen's essay, you apparently didn't read it. He states right up front that Christian complicity in the Holcaust was in the category of a sin of omission. Tragic, regrettable, and hopefully never to be repeated. Most of that essay is simply trash, though.
Yes, most Nazis were in fact Christians. They were led into heinous acts by an inherently corrupt national leadership however.
The Nazis' core leadership were worshippers of Wotan. Hitler and his upper leadership felt (as some here seem to as well) that Europe needed to shed Christianity and return to a more "European" paganism. You really wish to ally with that sort of thought?

@marcfrans re censorshiip:
you seem to be portraying BrJo as a rabid censor-mill. Perhaps you missed the point where Mr. Belian said that he intentionally leaves UP most outrageous or offensive posts because he feels it needful that folks see those words to understand how some others think, yet must reserve the right to ban or remove when legal liability issues arise. Seems pretty rational and damned generous, to me.

@bearboi: enjoyed and appreciated your last... I hope to put up a real reply later. Maybe we can raise the level of this thread a mite.
Religion as separate from faith as separate from culture...

On "Kruger."

The historical Paul Kruger was a great man. He was a hidebound man, a man of his era, and a man thoroughly shaped by his Dutch Calvinism: but he was a patriot and a Christian to the uttermost.

The ersatz "Paul Kruger" on this thread -- well, I invite all present to follow the relevant links to his webpage. You are dealing with a Jew-hating crypto-Nazi, folks. Be aware of this, and treat him accordingly.


What if mohammed was not an arab?

Closed Minds, Cold Hearts

I deeply resent it when non-pagans attempt to lecture me on what Paganism is and isn't. I’m sure you feel likewise about your own faith. My knowledge of Christianity comes from my mother, who taught Sunday school for over 20 years, the decade I spent in Catholic school, and my good friend of 8 years who is a Christian Priest. When volunteering at his Church we often talk about religion – so many of the core beliefs we share are similar.


How many Pagans do you know? In fact, prior to ranting about this single article, how much thought have you invested in learning about paganism? My guess; about as much as you have invested in learning about Buddhism. You probably have superficial knowledge (learned from likeminded Christians) that provides you with enough information to be rude, judgmental and confrontational… but without an ounce of true understanding.


In my personal experience, people who feel driven to “disprove” other people’s faith are actually very unsure of their own. That’s the Persian flaw of the absolutist-mentalities.

Closed Minds, Cold Hearts<>black pots, kettles

I'm amused by your arrogance in assuming that anyone critical of your chosen delusion is obviously speaking from ignorance.
Personally, I've been around that block sufficient to understand that adherents of these "alternate paths" (to be overgenerous, IMHO) pursue them almost universally out of childish and petulant miscomprehension of the faiths of their upbringing, or a rebellious desire to "shock the squares" by flamboyantly shirking the restraints of normalcy.
FWIW, most Americans who self-identify as Buddhists have absolutely zero comprehension of what Buddhism actually is.
These alternate faiths have all the legitimacy of a knighthood conferred by a "lord" of the SCA at the local Renaissance Fair.
May as well declare yourself to be a Jedi - and yes, there are some who are actually trying to get Jedi-ism recognized.
Over the years I've slowly and reluctantly come to realize that it is better and more honest to recognize myself as a bad Catholic than a good neo-Anything.

To the "pagan" --

The following are irrelevant: what you like to hear, where your knowledge of Christianity comes from, and the lessons you've drawn from your personal experience. The first is pure self-indulgence, and the latter two have shown themselves false in this thread.

You choose to engage in the modern aping of imagined paganism: very well. The sane are under no compulsion to respect this per se.


@ Trevino

Certainly, paganism deserves "ridicule", so by all means engage in ridiculing it.  But, your recommendation for "ejection" (from a political forum), based on someone's opinions (not on behavior) deserves contempt from all 'democrats' (with a small d).  

By jolly, even though this is a 'belgian' website, you don't seem to have heard of the famous "cordon sanitaire" which has ensured that a majority right-of-center Flemish people are being governed by naive-leftish policies in Belgium.  Censureship, banning, ejection......they are the actions of intolerant minds.     

Censorship and intolerance

As The Brussels Journal is a private initiative we are free to censor, ban, eject from our pages and political forum whoever we please (as we have banned some people in the past). This has nothing to do with intolerance, as everyone is free to set up their own websites.
Governments, on the other hand, may not censor, ban, eject people because of their opinions. Europeans often seem inclined to give the state more rights than individuals, while the opposite should be the case. We live in totalitarian regimes that meddle in people's private lives and impose opinions. Under Belgian law we can as editors be held responsible for all comments posted here - which is utterly ridiculous.

@Paul Kruger: you use as your alias the name of a man who was a Christian and would have had no patience with neo-paganism.

censureship and intolerance, a response

@ Paul Belien

For the sake of clarity, allow me to express points of agreement and of (potential)disagreement with you.

1) We agree on the following:

-- Governments should in principle not be allowed to "censor, ban, eject, etc..". We both know that in fact most of them do, including recent Belgian governments.

-- You may indeed have a 'legalistic' right to "censor etc..." your excellent "private initiative" (TBJ).

2) Perhaps, we may disagree about the following:

-- If you were to exercise your legalistic right to censure your private initiative BECAUSE of dislike of certain opinions, then it would surely have something to do with "intolerance".

3) I agree that you live, to some extent, under semi-totalitarian legislation in Belgium today. May I suggest that - whenever you exercise your censureship - you explain the reason, i.e. whether it is out of fear for the potential legal consequences of some "ridiculous" Belgian legislation, or whether it is based on personal dislike of a particular opinion.

My response to Mr. Trevino's outrageous suggestion had nothing to do with 'legalisms'. I like to know what the nature is of the 'company' that I keep, and whether it is worth keeping it.

If the eschewing of anti-Semites....

....by private persons in private fora is an "outrageous suggestion," then I fear we have no common ground on this point. The moral compulsion to actively shun a crypto-Nazi strikes me as self-evident; I cannot pretend to understand those who do not feel the same.

Reply - Ridicule.

“you self-identify as pagan,”

And you, sir, self-identify as Christian… yet your disrespect and prejudice of another’s faith reveals how very Un-Christian you can be. I know many Christians who would be horrified to read what you wrote in regard to a faith-group that you clearly have very little understanding of. Some may even go so far as to denounce the validity of your self-proclaimed Christian-status. Thus is the nature of paradox.

“…and are a participant in a demonstrably half-baked and mostly-contrived modern revival of an imagined dead faith.”

Sticks and stones. Paganism is not one religion – it is an umbrella term for many diverse (non-Abrahamic) paths; all of which descend from historically evident religions. Religions don’t die, Mr. Trevino. When thousands of people gather to honor their Deities, you better believe that the religion is alive and well -- in whatever incarnation it has adopted. Just imagine how many incarnations Christianity has been through over the centuries!

As it stands modern Christianity is a deeply splintered and divided religion, with each denomination claiming to be the one true way. Consider how this might look to an outsider! Well, when it comes to paganism, that is what you are, sir: an Outsider.

But all of this is rather moot, isn’t it? Clearly we won’t see eye-to-eye on this subject. It boils down to Freedom of Religion. Believe what you want, and I will continue to do likewise. The difference being that I will not spit on what you hold sacred via Blog entries.

More ridicule.

....your disrespect and prejudice of another’s faith reveals how very Un-Christian you can be.

You're hardly in a position to pronounce anything "Christian" or not. In any case, your apparent belief that Christianity demands a thoroughgoing respect for all other faiths is evidence of your own ignorance on the subject. To the contrary.

Paganism is not one religion – it is an umbrella term for many diverse (non-Abrahamic) paths; all of which descend from historically evident religions.

What utter nonsense. Charlotte Allen did the legwork in demolishing this myth; I don't need to.

Religions don’t die, Mr. Trevino.

Simone Weil would disagree: and she would be right to. I would only add that some gods were never alive.

Just imagine how many incarnations Christianity has been through over the centuries!

Orthodox Christianity (by which I do not mean the Orthodox Church per se) has been remarkably consistent through the ages. That we can even speak of orthodox Christianity ought to be evidence enough of that. Islam, Judaism, et al., may claim the same distinction. "Paganism"? Hardly.

It boils down to Freedom of Religion.

Wrong. No one is attacking this principle here. Nor does that principle immunize one from entirely just critique -- and ridicule.

As a side note, I strongly recommend ejecting the anti-Semite here from TBJ's fora.


The comments are indicative of the demise of Western civilization, which once used to be based on Judeo-Christian principles and is now under assault from paganists, islamists and anti-religious secularists. The latter have a common enemy, which is the Judeo-Christian core of Europe. It is clear where the Brussels Journal stands.


People can believe whatever they want to believe in as long as their belief allows others to believe whatever they want to believe in.

Disrespectful and Biased

Clearly Mr. Trevino has not heard of, or does not care about, “Freedom of Religion.” At least, with no more respect or seriousness than the Greek Government has – a government that still outlaws preaching non-Greek Orthodox faiths!


Mr. Trevino’s poorly spelled diatribe (the word is, “mycenaean” not, “mycanaean”) was nothing more than an intellectually-masturbatory rant against an expression of faith that he clearly understands nothing about. At times like these I must remind myself that this is a Blog and not an actual form of respective journalism.


Regardless, I take offence (as I suspect any person of faith would) at my spiritual beliefs being made the subject of public ridicule by an ill-educated and blatantly biased individual.


As a Pagan (although not of the Hellenic denomination) I take my beliefs and faith very seriously. Agree or disagree as you will, it really does not bother me as long as we still have “Freedom of Religion” in this country. Clearly this is a freedom that superiority-minded people like Mr. Trevino would rather see disrespected and weakened, but it is one I hold quite dear to my heart. Coincidently, so does my best friend of 8 years, who happens to be a Christian Priest.


I’ll just have to console myself with the knowledge that it is people like my friend who form the bedrock of Christianity… and not ranting bigots like Mr. Trevino!


Regardless, I take offence....at my spiritual beliefs being made the subject of public ridicule....

Let's be clear on the nature of your "spiritual beliefs": you self-identify as pagan, and are a participant in a demonstrably half-baked and mostly-contrived modern revival of an imagined dead faith. This self-identity leads you into defending the dignity, such as it is, of poseurs who worship....Zeus.

That's ridiculous. In every sense.


Mr.Trevino lives and writes with eye shutters on.
Here he tries ineffetively to ridicule paganism and especially its Hellenic modern adaption by linking it to...Zeus.

How daring! Someone who worships a dead Jew on a stick should better refrain from trying to ridicule others with a richer spiritual and cultural heritage.

"1000 Years of Carnage & Barbarity in the name of Christ"

800K Belgians have left the Kingdom

I read it in the local paper here in South Carolina. It is 8% of the population. It takes about 2 marloufs to replace each one of them, do the math. I left in 1971.

The American Bill of Rights is an almost verbatim translation of the Joyeuse Entrée ( Joyful Entry ), few literati know that, and Paul Belien came close to mention it in his article on Vlaaderen.

Nobody's perfect, my neighbor here is an Antwerpenaar and he didn't know it either.

All have a nice day,


There's a reason pride is numbered among the Deadly Sins.

Good article.
The reader comments are very disheartening, though.
The rise in various flavors of Neo-Paganism have NOTHING to do with spirituality beyond illustrating that humans have a need that cannot be met be atheism or substituted with celebrity worship.
The need for community, if nothing else, is there - but in their antisocial pride they must only allow themselves to associate with those who also agree to throw off "conventional" religion.
The growth of such "micro-orthodoxies" is symptomatic of the breakdown of cultural unity.


Orwell said the best sect lovers eg trots, stalin, NSPA, etc tend to also have started out as the most devout east:western:orthodox:born agains etc...

jump frm ship to ship like rats or swine

each time claiming to have seen the light

and forgetting all sins from past.

eg: "BUT that was then, this is..."


They're not really serious

They're not really serious about emulating ancient Greek rites unless the female acolytes of Dionysius tear apart a male or a king sacrfices his daughter to Poiseidon to start a succesful war.

Until then it's no more interesting then watching middle-aged Druids face the wrong direction during the Summer Solstice.

Not what you think

The rise of "once-dead" pagan faiths has nothing to do with human sacrifice or counterfeit rites. It has nothing to do with "the secular West", either, because if somebody actually did their research, one would notice that extreme Christian Conservatism is becoming the popular stance for politicians and policy-makers around here. The hatred and bigotry that these "God loving" people show to dissenting voices betrays their own faith. THAT is a more likely cause for one to pick up the old bones and stones of the faiths that came before that Savior which so many in the "Secular West" claim to love and yet spew so much hate and indifferance. I do realize that they are not truly Christian, but also saying that the neo-Hellenists are foolish or fantasy-stricken is not a "Christian" thing to do, either. For one reason or another, people who have "turned away from Christianity" have found their spiritual calling. And no mortal man can rightly say they are wrong, if the calling indeed improves their spiritual lives moreso than the faith they claimed before it, a belief that the late Pope John Paul II stood by.
Indeed, instead of trying to denounce someone else's faith, a better thing to do would be to try to understand why they believe what they do, or at least do honest, unbiased research about the other faith before supplying such a false and far-reaching article.

....saying that the

....saying that the neo-Hellenists are foolish or fantasy-stricken is not a "Christian" thing to do, either.

To the contrary: it is entirely in keeping with the demands of Christian orthodoxy -- to say nothing of Christian history.

Indeed, instead of trying to denounce someone else's faith, a better thing to do would be to try to understand why they believe what they do....

These are not mutually exclusive. I prefer to do both.

Funny !


It looks harmless.

Those Greeks priests should enter in the Belgian governement, they seem to have the intellectual level for. By the way, lots of christians still glorificate winter solstice through christmas ! Catholics try to take it over by moving the birth of Jesus a 24th december but it's still the shortest day of the year.

And i agree with  Kruger and Doney's comments.

Secular leftism

"This is where secular leftism leads."

No it isn't. It's where superstition and unreason lead. Some of the Greeks of the fifth century BC may have been the first to start the long fight against superstition and unreason, but there is still an awful long way to go.

Bob Doney

Pace Doney --

"This is where secular leftism leads." No it isn't. It's where superstition and unreason lead.

The difference escapes me.

Monstrous Dark Ages

What their worshippers symbolise, and clearly want, is a return to the monstrous dark delusions of the past,” says Father Eustathios Kollas.

How naive of the man. How naive of Trevino. Christianity plunged into the Dark Ages, halted science and progress during the Middle Ages and in the 21th Century its universalistic creed has opened the gates to mass immigration.
Indeed, if the West is to be saved it has to shed the autodestructive masochistic creed that hails from the Middle Eastern desert.

Only a folk-based return to Europe's profound roots will save the continent and its biological-cultural foundations.

Monstrous Dark Ages?

Christianity plunged into the Dark Ages, halted science and progress during the Middle Ages. Did it?

You might have a look at e.g. How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization by Thomas E. Woods, Jr., Ph.D..

The creation of the university, the commitment to reason and rational argument, and the overall spirit of inquiry that characterized medieval intellectual life amounted to "a gift from the Latin Middle Ages to the modern world…though it is a gift that may never be acknowledged. Perhaps it will always retain the status it has had for the past four centuries as the best-kept secret of Western civilization."

To say that the Church played a positive role in the development of science has now become absolutely mainstream, even if this new consensus has not yet managed to trickle down to the general public, says dr. Woods.

Monstrous Dark Ages, is it?

FYI: Dr. Woods is the author of i.a. the NYT bestseller The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, too.

Stockholm Syndrome

What we see here is the fallacity of mainstream conservatism. It was christianity which got us into this mess, and it won't be chistianity which will get us out of it.

This very unbalanced piece reflects a mere Stockholm Syndrome, where the captive turns to his masters, unable to cope freely with a free world or Reason and starts begging for eye blinders.

Thanks for the book tips.
Might I suggest some alternative titles:
'Jesus', by Bart Ehrman.
"C.S. Lewis once noted that nowhere do the Gospels say, "Jesus laughed." He's probably laughing now, if he's got access to Bart Ehrman's Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium. The title doesn't even hint at the yuks that Ehrman's prose delivers, but from its very first page, Jesus will tickle your funny bone and stimulate your brain".

I wonder whether the writer of this lousy piece has some grasp of reality at all. His insults at me reflect his emotionally unbalanced trip.
Futhermore I wonder what the words 'Age of Reason' by Thomas Paine would mean to him?
A mere victim of the Index Librorum?

It seems to me that the Hellenic pagans had a much more stable society and outlook on life and humanity. Only a poor education would reveal such a loathing of Aristotle's culture.

We ask us ourselves whether the real problems of our times lie within a small group of Hellenic pagans, with a history much older and richer than the Middle Eastern semi-nomadic crypto-Jews?
Some cry for a return to theocracy, others for a return to Europe's cultural roots. Let the reader decide.

Paganism and Christianity

Not Christianity but the rejection of the truths it teaches got us into this mess. Think how pagan Greece treated slaves and womes before you judge. The Christian gospel teaches hearts must be changes to change anything. The solutions to Europe's problems are not merely political and will not come from humanism or new age pagan folly.

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No age is so dark....

....as that which the anti-Christian, Jew-hating crypto-Nazis wish to plunge us into. Looking at "Paul Kruger's" website, I feel safe in pronouncing him a man worthy of every measure of obscurity -- to say nothing of a man possessing a wretched grasp of history.