Are You Ashamed That Your Country Is Falling To Pieces?

A quote from Nigel Farage in the plenary session of the European Parliament, 31 May 2006:

I find it a bit rich for the prime minister of Belgium to come along here and tell 24 other nation states what they should do. I say that, because perhaps he ought to look a little bit more in his own backyard. The most recent opinion poll in Belgium,  or should I say in Flanders, shows that 51% of people there favour independence from the Belgian state. The Vlaams Belang is now the biggest political party in Flanders. Is it, Mister Verhofstadt, that you're so embarrassed and ashamed that your own country is falling to pieces, that you've come along here to encourage the rest of us to self-destruct as well? I'm not sure. Although I suppose there was at least a certain honesty about your speech, because you are an unashamed Euro-nationalist. You couldn't give a damn what ordinary people think, you couldn't give a damn about the referendum results in France and in the Netherlands last year. [...] What part of the word "NO" don't you understand?

Verhofstadt's speech at the European Parliament (3)

Until this moment I could easily understand, in particular the British, plea to make Turkey a member of the EU. Because if Turkey will become a member of the Union, this artificial superstate will destroy itself automaticaly. But when, as Mr Verhofstadt wants, the European Union will enlarge, not only in territory but also in competences, than its time fur us, Europeans, to move to the Free West. I hope that after Mr Verhofstadt's speech (which was loudly approved by the European Union, in particular... the socialists!!!) there will be some member states who will now open their eyes and see the imminent danger of this Euro-Soviet-Islam-Union, and take the necessary measures. Measures such as retiring from the European Union (and become member of the European Free Trade Association instead).


Verhofstadt's speech at the European Parliament (2)

Whether or not the UK Independence Party is a "racist" party; the intervention of Mr Farage after Verhofstadt's speech yesterday is completely right: Mr Verhofstadt wants to create a Soviet-look-a-like monster, with its centralist government, its lack of democracy and its lack of national sovereignity of Europe's nations. Maybe Mr Verhofstadt can propose to convert the stars which now form the European flag into reaping-hooks and hammers? And the blue background can be changed into red of course...

Verhofstadt's speech at the European Parliament (1)

Because I wasn't present at the European Parliament when Mr Verhofstadt explained his point of views of the "New Europe" I had to read the text of his speech, which can be found at Please allow me to quote some things he said:

  "What I wish to make clear at the outset of my speech, is that the future of the Union must not be thought of in terms of "either…or." Either "enlargement" or "deepening." Either Turkey or the constitution. The direction of history is unequivocal."



I tend to agree with the sentiment expressed in your statement, but Mr Vuylsteke did NOT stick the racist label on the Vlaams Belang party in Belgium.  From the context it should be clear that he applied it to the Independence Party in Britain.   However, you are probably right to assume that he would have no compunction about sticking it on the VB party too.

In moslem countries it is common for populists, reactionaries and other nondemocrats, to charge their opponents with being "nonislamic" or "anti-islamic".  This is their ultimate 'ruse' to hide their dearth of valid arguments.  The charge of "racism" performs the same function in Europe today among self-declared (but pseudo) democrats.    "Racism" has become the Eurabian equivalent of "anti-islamic" in Arabia.   Eurabia is becoming real as can be seen from the growing similarity in certain cultural behavior patterns between Europe and Arabia.

a poll? One of the best and

a poll? One of the best and most precise polling systems in Flanders with a populus of 10.000 (representing an adult population of 4.5 million) fielded the following results: 51% in favor; 40% against; 9% undecided on the question of Flemish Independance. Whilst Verhofstadt is pushing the EU-boat forward towards a federalist state despite two nays on the constitution and his own country 'collapsing'...what makes him thus credible?

The rats are abandoning ship & heading to the EU for survival.

Verhofstadt = Eurabia

The term 'racist' has been applied to the Vlaams Belang once again. This party is anti crime, anti immigration, therefore the Eurofacists label it racist and try to scare people and make them think they are racists if they support Vlaams Belang. The people have spoken in the polls, but the elitist politicians in Brussels will keep trying to discredit the rising popularity of the party. Every time Brussels issues one of their dhimmi decrees from their lofty perches, that is one more vote for Vlaams Belang.   


Secession is consequential liberalism. So what has the liberal
Verhofstadt become then? If he is consequent in his idiosyncrasy, he
should preach for a world government instead.


Well, I don't think that Lady Thatcher was facing a situation where Britain's biggest political party was campaigning for splitting the country in two...

Non sequitur

I find it a bit rich that the co-founder of a fringe party recently described by the Tory leader as "a bunch of ... fruitcakes and loonies and closet racists mostly" has the gall to lecture anyone really. :)

But seriously: what does a poll in Belgium have to do with Verhofstadt's vision for Europe?

At the time of Margaret Thatcher's Bruges Speech she was seriously under fire domestically. Did that make her vision of Europe any less valid c.q. interesting c.q. relevant a view?